Is there a Biden Lies campaign like there was Trump?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Granted, Xiden rarely says anything that's measurable, so I can't imagine even PROG-facts can "evaluate" his speak for truthfulness. Compare and contrast to the former POTUS who spoke in measurables, and couldn't shut up.

With that said, strikes me on those occasions Biden does speak measurables, excluding things like "my VP will be a black woman, blah blah blah", he hasn't exactly been truthful, am I right?

So I'm wondering when PROGS bring back the "lies, lies, lies, all lies" business or perhaps they just needed an excuse that is no longer valid?
Awhile back the WaPo reported that Trump lied some 20,000 times, and have probably upped that number more recently. Well here's a newsflash, if you go by the same criteria for a lie that they used against Trump, my guess is that over his political career Biden has lied at least 2 or 3 times that number. Realizing that if Trump said the same thing 20 times, the WaPo counted it as 20 lies if they thought it might not be true. Whether it really was or not was beside the point, for them it was a lie even if it was just an opinion.
Awhile back the WaPo reported that Trump lied some 20,000 times, and have probably upped that number more recently. Well here's a newsflash, if you go by the same criteria for a lie that they used against Trump, my guess is that over his political career Biden has lied at least 2 or 3 times that number. Realizing that if Trump said the same thing 20 times, the WaPo counted it as 20 lies if they thought it might not be true. Whether it really was or not was beside the point, for them it was a lie even if it was just an opinion.

Those fraud checks I mean fact checks are dirty. Course they're run by PROGS to begin with. What they do is dress-up their stories for desirable outcome. For instance they'll ignore content & context where it makes them feel good.

Imagine if they tracked honest statements by all POTUS.............Trump would win in a landslide, he never shuts up and says what he thinks. Compare & contrast to Obama where every word is calculated, controlled & empty.

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