Debate Now Is there a risk that Trump doesn't run in 2020, and instead Pence does?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I just get this feeling. Pence is very active, meeting with world leaders, he seems more active and involved than other VP's. I assumed at first this was because Trump just wants to focus on the economy, but I'm starting to wonder if he won't run in 2020.

If he doesn't, I think it would be a disaster for the GOP. In order to really gain that large voting base, you want to have a two term president. Eight years is a long time for the youth to buy into a party and their philosophy, 4 years reached half as many. I don't think Pence would be an "American First" guy, even if he ran on that, it wouldn't be convincing.

Thoughts on this being possible? And, what would it mean for the GOP?
Trump has already said he is running.

I don't see why he wouldn't. He appears to be having a grand time.
It may depend on this year's elections, but Pence would not be a shoo-in nominee unless Trump were to resign. On the other hand, there aren't many other strong GOP candidates out there. My greatest fear would be a Biden-Warren ticket that might hoodwink voters into believing they are "moderates."
The only way I see Trump not running in 2020 is if his health deteriorates significantly or possibly if something turns up in his business dealings that makes him unelectable.
It may depend on this year's elections, but Pence would not be a shoo-in nominee unless Trump were to resign. On the other hand, there aren't many other strong GOP candidates out there. My greatest fear would be a Biden-Warren ticket that might hoodwink voters into believing they are "moderates."

You first two sentences I agree with. A Biden Warren combo I don't agree with, I think that would be a boon for the Trump and the GOP.

The problem is that Trump is angering the competition. Primarily because he kept his promises, this is a big deal. As I said, if he can do away with NAFTA, protect industries and build a wall, he will get a 99% return vote from 2016, PLUS all the additional votes from a wide array of demographics.

The left were banking on the resistance from his party denying Trump his policies and it seemed like they were to succeed until Big Donors told them "you don't support Trump, we won't support you". Bang. All of a sudden everyone gets in line for tax cuts etc.

So, Trump keeping his promises has been gold. Again, he can't get the wall before the Mid terms, but he can deal with tariffs to return manufacturing, and, he has one more vital budget coming in before Nov. Key components of his success. Post Mid-term, get the wall, and it's game over in 2020.
You have more faith in the American electorate than I do. It was only by colossal miscalculation that the most corrupt major party nominee in American history was not elected President. Hillary could have bought the elections in the upper Midwest if she wasn't told that they were already locked up. The Dems won't make that mistake again.
Pence would never win, if that ever happened, imo... he's just too boring and really shows weakness by being a 'brown noser'.....

and truly, it is not policy that you all are following, you are following a 'man', a personality.... if his stance or policy goals change, so do yours.... it's like a game of Simon Says, only it's Donald Says, and you guys have shown yourselves to be really good at it...!

A Steve Bannon would have a better shot with you all, than a Pence....
Pence would never win, if that ever happened, imo... he's just too boring and really shows weakness by being a 'brown noser'.....

and truly, it is not policy that you all are following, you are following a 'man', a personality.... if his stance or policy goals change, so do yours.... it's like a game of Simon Says, only it's Donald Says, and you guys have shown yourselves to be really good at it...!

A Steve Bannon would have a better shot with you all, than a Pence....

In my case you could not be more wrong. I cannot stand Trump the person, his personality is abhorrent IMHO. I voted for him purely based on his policies over Hillary's, no other reason.

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