Is there a way out? -Walter Williams


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
According to a recent Fox News poll, 73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, up 20 points from 2012. Americans sense that there's a lot going wrong in our nation, but most don't have a clue about the true nature of our problem. If they had a clue, most would have little stomach for what would be necessary to arrest our national decline. Let's look at it.

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"73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country" overwhelmingly because of the far right reactionaries and the TPM's unAmerican attempts to non-govern.
FOX, eh? Surprising that even FOX does not like Obama ... who'd-a-thunk-it?

Edit: I was wrong to bash the source.

I agree - disatification with all politicians, everywhere.
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According to a recent Fox News poll, 73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, up 20 points from 2012. Americans sense that there's a lot going wrong in our nation, but most don't have a clue about the true nature of our problem. If they had a clue, most would have little stomach for what would be necessary to arrest our national decline. Let's look at it.

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Make that 73% of Faux Snooze, the least trusted name in news. Seldom Fair and Very Unbalanced.

FixedLies polled FixedLies Consumers and got the result they wanted.
According to a recent Fox News poll, 73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, up 20 points from 2012. Americans sense that there's a lot going wrong in our nation, but most don't have a clue about the true nature of our problem. If they had a clue, most would have little stomach for what would be necessary to arrest our national decline. Let's look at it.

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I'll provide the link this time.

Make that 73% of Faux Snooze, the least trusted name in news. Seldom Fair and Very Unbalanced.

FixedLies polled FixedLies Consumers and got the result they wanted.

P-K-B and Dumbass Alert! :eek:
According to a recent Fox News poll, 73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, up 20 points from 2012. Americans sense that there's a lot going wrong in our nation, but most don't have a clue about the true nature of our problem. If they had a clue, most would have little stomach for what would be necessary to arrest our national decline. Let's look at it.

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Do not post entire articles and please provide links to your articles.
I'll provide the link this time.

Make that 73% of Faux Snooze, the least trusted name in news. Seldom Fair and Very Unbalanced.

FixedLies polled FixedLies Consumers and got the result they wanted.

Wow! that's some rebuttal of the article. Are you always so intellectual? lol
From the OP's link:

Let’s look at a few of these entitlements. More than 40 percent of federal spending is for entitlements for the elderly in the forms of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, housing and other assistance programs. The Office of Management and Budget calculates that total entitlement spending comes to about 62 percent of federal spending.
Military spending totals 19 percent of federal spending. By the way, putting those two figures into historical perspective demonstrates the success we’ve had becoming a handout nation.
In 1962, military expenditures were almost 50 percent of the federal budget, and entitlement spending was a mere 31 percent.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that entitlement spending will consume all federal tax revenue by 2048.

Everyone is ignoring that in 35 years, entitlement spending will take all of the tax revenue! Everyone is ignoring that except the much hated Tea Party "radicals"! Or should we say the Tea Party "Realists!"

We HAVE to cut back!
Entitlement spending needs to be reformed.

DoD needs to be radically slashed.

Tax loopholes need to be closed.

And parties need to stop trying to take government by coup d'état shut downs and debt ceiling crashes.

Reactionaries! You want to run government. Then win national elections.
According to a recent Fox News poll, 73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, up 20 points from 2012. Americans sense that there's a lot going wrong in our nation, but most don't have a clue about the true nature of our problem. If they had a clue, most would have little stomach for what would be necessary to arrest our national decline. Let's look at it.

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Do not post entire articles and please provide links to your articles.
I'll provide the link this time.

Make that 73% of Faux Snooze, the least trusted name in news. Seldom Fair and Very Unbalanced.

FixedLies polled FixedLies Consumers and got the result they wanted.

Would you dismiss a variety of polls about Obama's popularity just as stupidly and cavalierly?'s+popularity+slipping

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