Is there ANYONE in DC who actually cares about spending?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Is there anyone in DC who cares about spending anymore besides Rand Paul?
Serious question

I see lots fake complaining but few who's votes match their rhetoric.

It seems that individual reelection>fiscal responsibility
We aren't spending......we are borrowing. No, no one cares. Even Rand has voted for it.
Is there anyone in DC who cares about spending anymore besides Rand Paul?
Serious question

I see lots fake complaining but few who's votes match their rhetoric.

It seems that individual reelection>fiscal responsibility


Why would there be?

They know they can spend as much as they like, add to the national debt like a sailor on leave and nobody will care.

The Dems are open and proud of their spending and their followers are happy they are doing it.

The Repubs lie about their desire to spend and they know their followers will keep on voting for them no matter what.

This is what happens under the Duopoly, there is no accountability.
We aren't spending......we are borrowing. No, no one cares. Even Rand has voted for it.

We are doing both. We are borrowing because we are spending too much.

If you go out and max-out your credit card, you are still spending.
Would you care if you had carte blanche when it came to spending money that wasn't yours?

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Would you care if you had carte blanche when it came to spending money that wasn't yours?

I have a customer RIGHT NOW that has offered me his credit cards to pay for "anything I need" while on his job.

There are responsible people out there. Just not in government apparently.
Would you care if you had carte blanche when it came to spending money that wasn't yours?

I have a customer RIGHT NOW that has offered me his credit cards to pay for "anything I need" while on his job.

There are responsible people out there. Just not in government apparently.

But you are smart enough to realize that if you went overboard it would reflect on you and hurt your business.

We have told the people in DC...spend as much as you want, we will not do a damn thing about it.
Would you care if you had carte blanche when it came to spending money that wasn't yours?

I have a customer RIGHT NOW that has offered me his credit cards to pay for "anything I need" while on his job.

There are responsible people out there. Just not in government apparently.

But you are smart enough to realize that if you went overboard it would reflect on you and hurt your business.

We have told the people in DC...spend as much as you want, we will not do a damn thing about it.
That, sadly, is accurate.
Would you care if you had carte blanche when it came to spending money that wasn't yours?

I have a customer RIGHT NOW that has offered me his credit cards to pay for "anything I need" while on his job.

There are responsible people out there. Just not in government apparently.

If this was the case we wouldn't have had to spend billions bailing out Wall Street or the auto manufacturers.
Would you care if you had carte blanche when it came to spending money that wasn't yours?

I have a customer RIGHT NOW that has offered me his credit cards to pay for "anything I need" while on his job.

There are responsible people out there. Just not in government apparently.

If this was the case we wouldn't have had to spend billions bailing out Wall Street or the auto manufacturers.
We didn't have to spend the money to bail them out. And imo we shouldn't have.
Would you care if you had carte blanche when it came to spending money that wasn't yours?

I have a customer RIGHT NOW that has offered me his credit cards to pay for "anything I need" while on his job.

There are responsible people out there. Just not in government apparently.

If this was the case we wouldn't have had to spend billions bailing out Wall Street or the auto manufacturers.
We didn't have to spend the money to bail them out. And imo we shouldn't have.

We didn't but the point is, they spent recklessly.
Give Trump a Republican Congress in his second term.
We need at least 55 Rep. Senators. The pressure will be put on Mitch to pull the pin on the nuclear option.

Democrats are holding up the real cuts that are needed. I'm talking real cuts, not just reductions in increases.
I believe we could cut most agencies 15% across the board, except for the military.
We also need to close some agencies completely.
Give Trump a Republican Congress in his second term.
We need at least 55 Rep. Senators. The pressure will be put on Mitch to pull the pin on the nuclear option.

Democrats are holding up the real cuts that are needed. I'm talking real cuts, not just reductions in increases.
I believe we could cut most agencies 15% across the board, except for the military.
We also need to close some agencies completely.

What cuts are they holding up? Cutting Social Security? Good luck with that. Why not run full out on that?
Nobody cares about spending, not just politicians. Though, politicians also play a role in this issue also.

Families Go Deep in Debt to Stay in the Middle Class

Politicians role in this.

Wages stalled but costs haven’t, so people increasingly rent or finance what their parents might have owned outright

Families Go Deep in Debt to Stay in the Middle Class

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