Is there anything in the democrat party that isn't a crisis?

I was recently kept out of a restaurant because I didn’t have a mask - all to walk the 15 feet from the entrance to the table. And here’s how stuoid these libe are: they didn’t have a disposable one to offer me, which I would have put on because I REALLY was in the mood for Mexican. Instead, they lost out on a paying customer, in a restaurant that was only 10% occupied.

Libs are such virtue-signaling idiots.

Oh wow, I'm sorry. You live in a REALLY liberal area. I'm in a fairly liberal area--kinda--in a purple state I guess, Michigan. But not like that.
Donald J Trump is a great fundraiser for Democrats

The other TRUMP Republicans are almost as good

But ONLY for Democrats, you realize. Which you are losing all the time. See: Hispanics. See: even Blacks.

You'll never admit it, but deep down you must realize it would have been better for you if Trump would have won again. Because now you have even lost the culture. I never thought I would live to see it, but I have.
But ONLY for Democrats, you realize. Which you are losing all the time. See: Hispanics. See: even Blacks.

You'll never admit it, but deep down you must realize it would have been better for you if Trump would have won again. Because now you have even lost the culture. I never thought I would live to see it, but I have.

Not really.

Here's how it's going to play out, because this is how it always plays out.

The Repukes will do well in the midterms, because they always do well in the midterms. Not necessarily because they got the most votes, but because when only 37% of people can name their congressman, it's easy to get some real nutbags in there.

Then you will do exactly what you did in 1995 and 2011... try to push a bunch of policies that are only popular with your base, that Biden will veto. You might even manage to shut down the government for a day or two, and that Granny who got really upset about a tranny will be more upset when she doesn't get her check.

When people realize Biden is all that stands between Americans and the crazy, Biden will be very popular.
Whole time Trump was a president there was a crisis
Now with the dems in power we've gone from crisis, to crisis, to crisis.
Trump's thing is that America is broken and only he can fix it. He's manipulative. Others are inclined to roll up their sleeves and do the work rather than politicize everything. Demagogue speeches and rallies may be an ego trip, but nothing else.
These crises are by design. The cult is destroying the country on purpose.

Notice how the wet sock puppet cult leader only stokes fear, he has no solutions.

This is all a feature, not a bug of the communist cult agenda.

It will get worse.
Sure. You had Trump to unify you and cover up the glaring craters in your party. But you elected Biden, a disaster. You run everything---another moving disaster.

I don't need to make a case for this; the case makes itself. Look at the polls. Listen to your own people

Hold on, looking out the window.

Nope. No zombies. I was worried for a second the way you are carrying on.

So we have 3.8% unemployment, a pretty healthy stock market, the job market is good enough were a lot of people feel comfortable looking for better jobs.

That we are worried about "culture" issue tells me that we are in pretty good shape. Culture issues are what you worry about when you don't have real problems.
Oh wow, I'm sorry. You live in a REALLY liberal area. I'm in a fairly liberal area--kinda--in a purple state I guess, Michigan. But not like that.
Yup. Ultra-liberal in the urban area, but red throughout the state.
Trump's thing is that America is broken and only he can fix it. He's manipulative. Others are inclined to roll up their sleeves and do the work rather than politicize everything. Demagogue speeches and rallies may be an ego trip, but nothing else.

5 million barrels a day increase til the globalist pulled out the plannedemic........We increased production here on his watch to the EXPORT OF RUSSIA....

Can't have that ............OIL IS EVIL...........must KILL IT .............RIGHT LEFTIST.
But ONLY for Democrats, you realize. Which you are losing all the time. See: Hispanics. See: even Blacks.

You'll never admit it, but deep down you must realize it would have been better for you if Trump would have won again. Because now you have even lost the culture. I never thought I would live to see it, but I have.
They’ll never admit it. Their arrogance goes hand in hand with their narcissism, and one of the key traits is that they can never admit they’re wrong. In fact, when someone else tells them they’re wrong, they fly into a narcissist rage and start healing verbal abuse on those who pointed out their error. There are countless examples of this on this forum.
They’ll never admit it. Their arrogance goes hand in hand with their narcissism, and one of the key traits is that they can never admit they’re wrong. In fact, when someone else tells them they’re wrong, they fly into a narcissist rage and start healing verbal abuse on those who pointed out their error. There are countless examples of this on this forum.

Yes. There are folks on this forum that would literally be lit up with radiation and STILL say Biden was a great president. As I said on another thread.
These crises are by design. The cult is destroying the country on purpose.

Notice how the wet sock puppet cult leader only stokes fear, he has no solutions.

This is all a feature, not a bug of the communist cult agenda.

It will get worse.
He just warned us the other day to expect a food shortage here. The WH had to quickly walk it back.

That’s all they have. That’s why you hear about the evil white racists who will “put blacks back in chains” (Biden quote) if Republicans win.

Every day I think I couldn’t possibly be any more disgusted with leftists, and then I wake up the next day.
Yup. Ultra-liberal in the urban area, but red throughout the state.

Ugh. That must be difficult. However, fwiw, I'm friends with a bunch of open school moms who from the beginning hated remote schools and masks for their kids. Almost all of them are in big liberal cities of course, many of them--most--ex-Democrats. Think Virginia but all over the nation. Many of them say they will never vote Dem again.
Ugh. That must be difficult. However, fwiw, I'm friends with a bunch of open school moms who from the beginning hated remote schools and masks for their kids. Almost all of them are in big liberal cities of course, many of them--most--ex-Democrats. Think Virginia but all over the nation. Many of them say they will never vote Dem again.
I wanted to write you a DM to tell you exactly where I live, but it’s not enabled. But EXACTLY like Virginia.
I got a fund raising letter from my lib Representative. On the card where you check how much you’re giving, the lead sentence was “I want to fight dangerous Republican extremists and wish to donate.…”

The sad thing is, here in Liberalville, they believe him. That’s how he got in in the first place - spreading fear about evil Republicans.
I usually send those back with a huge FUCK OFF in red letters across them.
But ONLY for Democrats, you realize. Which you are losing all the time. See: Hispanics. See: even Blacks.

You'll never admit it, but deep down you must realize it would have been better for you if Trump would have won again. Because now you have even lost the culture. I never thought I would live to see it, but I have.
Trump's rally in Commerce, Georgia was a dud.

5 million barrels a day increase til the globalist pulled out the plannedemic........We increased production here on his watch to the EXPORT OF RUSSIA....

Can't have that ............OIL IS EVIL...........must KILL IT .............RIGHT LEFTIST.
Yep. US oil production more than doubled during the Obama years because the ppb was high enough to justify investment. Do you actually think that COVID was a globalist plot? Seek help... You have raging paranoia.

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