Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

We're not living in poverty or starving and aren't constantly affected with diseases. (Most of us anyways)

Give it time, Biden is working on it.
There was a time when that statement would have just been seen as dark humor. Today, it's demonstrably true. Biden is a meat-puppet who carries out the orders of America's first Politburo. We have no idea who is really making the decisions, so, we have no way of demanding accountability. In fact, the statements coming from DC are in the open and they are sending a message to Republicans, or more specifically, to Trump supporters that they are ready to come for us. They've set up apps online for Americans to begin behaving like the old East German Stasi.

Online content can be used to target anyone they choose and they aren't going to be picky about the legality of their actions. The "Red Flag" laws that have popped up in the wake of mass shootings, casually remove 2A, 4A, and a couple of other fundamental rights without the citizen having any recourse or the ability to know who is making the accusations. There have been several incidents so far where officers show up, often very early in the AM, and demand entry. One guy in Maryland was awakened at 5 AM by armed officers at his door. Due to the hour and the banging on the door, he opened it with a gun in his hand as a precaution in case it was a home invasion. They EXECUTED HIM in his own living room.

Anyone who thinks that such measures are justified have already become slaves of DC. To be more accurate, they've become willing to make their political enemies, slaves to DC. Democrats lost an election to Trump that NO ONE thought could be lost and they proceeded to directly protest marches that included looting and destruction of public and private property and it went on for weeks. DC was especially hard hit. More people were hurt and far more damage done on Trump's Inauguration than the "assault on Democracy" on January 6th. They and their media whores conveniently overlook this because, like any spoiled, out-of-control child, they feel they are ENTITLED to do as they please while screaming "insurrection" when their opponents try it.

IF they help drag this country down and help the Marxists take firm control, they will soon enough learn the same lesson that millions of others around the world have learned. The revolution is always hungry. It always needs enemies to destroy and sooner or later, their turn will come.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

The USA is one of the first on the ground at any natural disaster, even if it is our enemy who was hit by an earthquake, typhoon or hurricane. Our naval forces provide quick response and great resources for humanitarian aid.

That is one thing you can be proud of.
There is some absolute crap in the previous page but this is undoubtedly true. America give the world leadership, which was very sadly missed for the last few years, US allies rejoiced at seeing US returning back to more normalcy even if there is still a threat there..

While EU & other first world countries do many great things, US offers the bold optimism of bigger ambition... It is the main difference between US and EU, Europe are just cynical and look at US almost naive. But the world is so much better for that bold approach and getting things done..
Now the US is known for stolen elections and a stuttering fucktard with a 1000-yard stare that seems to be shitting its pants in front of the cameras and needs flash cards to answer questions about Putin.

Most of my work is overseas and I NEVER tell anyone I'm an american..... I'll tell them I'm a Texan, if they need to know.
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.

That did happen, but to say that is descriptive of all Indians is ridiculous. They actually ran the gamut from violent to peaceful. And we sure didn't do much to inspire the peaceful ones
Were the settlers any different? They didnt form up war parties to hunt indians, they just grew crops and hunted for their families. The indians treated the settlers savagely for the most part, with some exceptions.

I have grown tired of the romanticized version of peaceful indians, while demonizing Americans. Our only crime was being culturally superior and winning the war. Yes, we were at war with indians and they lost. Tough shit.
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There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.
War is hell.

That doesn't negate the fact that the US signed treaties and broke every one of them
The indians got more than they deserved. If they had beaten the US, do you think they would be giving us land, our own special rules and a fat pay check from their non existent government every month? Where else have you seen another nation give a bunch of shit to people who lost a war against them? The US was far more fair than you give them credit for, broken treaties or not.
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There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.
War is hell.

That doesn't negate the fact that the US signed treaties and broke every one of them
A fact not always talked about. A lot of tribes were sold out by there own leaders who signed the treaty took the wealth and moved to Europe. Left there tribes with nothing and confused.
what wealth?
All the shit they plundered over the years? Gu8ns, silver, gold, etc.
I've been around the world and personally witness dozens if them. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, new Zealand and Hawaii.
It's the gun culture which turns people if the place for permanent residency.
You gave no evidence that America is ranked by any standard as the best other than propaganda, military power and most prevalent of all, your opinion.
As I said, if it's what you say, they would all be here.
Name the European nation that people want to immigrate to more than the US. Name a nation who has invented more world changing technology than the US. We are by far the most charitable nation on Earth as well. There is only one nation in the world that produces movies that the world wants to see, and the same goes for our clothing styles and music. Our culture has effected EVERYONE.

If an alien threat appeared, do you think the world is going to pin their hopes on "France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, new Zealand" to defeat them? No, they will be begging the US to figure something out. People like to talk shit about the US because we are on top, but the moment something goes wrong they beg for our help.

Grow up. Why do you think people want to stay away.
It's the guns and racism. No national health. Brazenly open corrupt politicians.
Republicans not wanting to accept democracy.

American likes to.think it is the world's policeman but China and Russia disagree.
The style of government isn't that popular we could export it and that's why intelligent Europeans etc won't buy it.

As for the movies, is that the best you've got. You're still living in the wild west days with your guns etc. Grow up.

Grow up. Why do you think people want to stay away.
It's the guns and racism. No national health. Brazenly open corrupt politicians.
Republicans not wanting to accept democracy.

American likes to.think it is the world's policeman but China and Russia disagree.
The style of government isn't that popular we could export it and that's why intelligent Europeans etc won't buy it.

As for the movies, is that the best you've got. You're still living in the wild west days with your guns etc. Grow up.
Stay away?! They are flooding our god damn borders with thousands of people every month. What world do you live in?

Grow up. Why do you think people want to stay away.
It's the guns and racism. No national health. Brazenly open corrupt politicians.
Republicans not wanting to accept democracy.

American likes to.think it is the world's policeman but China and Russia disagree.
The style of government isn't that popular we could export it and that's why intelligent Europeans etc won't buy it.

As for the movies, is that the best you've got. You're still living in the wild west days with your guns etc. Grow up.

I love how you tell everyone to grow up, yet your posts are among the most infantile out there.

You will never grow up, so how about you just leave. We have enough trolls here.
I've been around the world and personally witness dozens if them. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, new Zealand and Hawaii.
It's the gun culture which turns people if the place for permanent residency.
You gave no evidence that America is ranked by any standard as the best other than propaganda, military power and most prevalent of all, your opinion.
As I said, if it's what you say, they would all be here.
Name the European nation that people want to immigrate to more than the US. Name a nation who has invented more world changing technology than the US. We are by far the most charitable nation on Earth as well. There is only one nation in the world that produces movies that the world wants to see, and the same goes for our clothing styles and music. Our culture has effected EVERYONE.

If an alien threat appeared, do you think the world is going to pin their hopes on "France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, new Zealand" to defeat them? No, they will be begging the US to figure something out. People like to talk shit about the US because we are on top, but the moment something goes wrong they beg for our help.
The vast majority of us furriners do NOT slag on the US like DemoKKKrats do. I don't consider the US to be a "light on the hill" but it is far superior to nearly every other country on earth. Now that's a FACT, friend and ally.

OK; we think Biden is a joke. But at least he'll give us $ to try and be popular. lol

There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.

That did happen, but to say that is descriptive of all Indians is ridiculous. They actually ran the gamut from violent to peaceful. And we sure didn't do much to inspire the peaceful ones
Were the settlers any different? They didnt form up war parties to hunt indians, they just grew crops and hunted for their families. The indians treated the settlers savagely for the most part, with some exceptions.

I have grown tired of the romanticized version of peaceful indians, while demonizing Americans. Our only crime was being culturally superior and winning the war. Yes, we were at war with indians and they lost. Tough shit.

There were peaceful and violent on both sides. And I didn't demonize Americans. What you said wasn't historically accurate
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
You can be proud that you do not live in North Korea because there you would already be pinned to the floor and being eaten alive by ants

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