Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

The fact that you fake feelings whineholes can whine to your hearts content is a noble privilege to be proud of.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Hell yea the 45ACP is fun
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.
Landing on the moon was the last great thing we did.

Good point. From there the left started taking over and it's been downhill since

There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.
The Indians did not own the land as feelings fakers wrongly blubber about
Some one was there before them....and someone before that.
Native Americans also did not have a concept of land ownership; they believed it belonged to all as a gift from the Higher Power.
Liberals are simply knowledge absent and avoidant blubberers.
I keep forgetting how stupid minorities are to weaklings like you.
Like how they can't get ID to vote?
16 years old kids with little coordination experiences can obtain a drivers license style ID with great ease,
Suggestions that it’s a deliberate voting deterrent to have identification is ludicrous and of course alternate agenda driven
Be thankful we live in a country where we all can communicate on this board with out worry of government agents kicking down our door and dragging us away.

Yet. The xiden admin is working on that thorn their side right now.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

Go to some third world dictatorships, communist, socialist dumps and get back to us. You still live in a country where you're afforded opportunities to do anything you want. Why don't you go North Korea and start bashing their country out in the community square and see what happens.
Be thankful we live in a country where we all can communicate on this board with out worry of government agents kicking down our door and dragging us away.
Actually however government agents do exactly that every day. I know because they attempted that with me.
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.

That did happen, but to say that is descriptive of all Indians is ridiculous. They actually ran the gamut from violent to peaceful. And we sure didn't do much to inspire the peaceful ones
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
The finest porn in the history of the world !
My country right or wrong, We have made many mistakes and righted many wrongs. Our country now divided, my hope we can join together & make country more important than political party. Been to lots of different country's Beautiful places & nice people. but America is my home.
My country right or wrong, We have made many mistakes and righted many wrongs. Our country now divided, my hope we can join together & make country more important than political party. Been to lots of different country's Beautiful places & nice people. but America is my home.
Many Hatians feel the same. Too damn dumb to GTFO
I keep forgetting how stupid minorities are to weaklings like you.
Like how they can't get ID to vote?
16 years old kids with little coordination experiences can obtain a drivers license style ID with great ease,
Suggestions that it’s a deliberate voting deterrent to have identification is ludicrous and of course alternate agenda driven
16 year olds have great coordination. They don't have great judgement or attention.
Right now? No. Not really.

I can't honestly think of one thing to be proud of about america. I mean it has some good points and such, but actually pride? I have none because our society has fucked up everything to be proud of.

Sometimes I wish I had been born in Switzerland.

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