Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

It's when we turned tribal that we lost our shit.
Your tribe went tribal first

How in the world can you so easily say something that so resembles the behavior of a child?

You're so freakin' sensitive. Holy shit, man up. For a change.
You used to be able to hide on the sidelines and avoid any personal responsibility for any policy that went wrong

But starting in 2016 you joined the left as a partisan democrat

Now you cant pretend to be uninvolved and above the fray anymore
Integrated world capitalism was not what the Founders were working with, though Jefferson was astute in knowing why theology should be separate from government: the protection-racketism of world theology (pope comes out of its box just after its puppet is installed in the White House) is the same scenario seen when hominids coming out of Africa formed groups.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Well apparently you have succumbed to the hate America message of the left.
WHat to be proud of?? Are you serious???
We are the most diverse nation on earth. No other country even comes close. Despite the avalanche of misinformation, race baiting and divisive message given to us daily by the media and leftist - in the real day to day world - we get along better as a group of people with the most varied race and religious/cultural backgrounds on earth.
We are the most charitable nation on earth. Again, no other nation even comes close.

I could go on for some time. Refuse to accept the self hating message from the left. America has been a brilliant experiment in the entire history of mankind. We have overcome so much, and improved the lives of the entire world through our example of individual freedom and opportunity.
But alas, that is changing. The self defeating message of the left, as well as globalism/corporatism is slowly eroding our way of life.
It's when we turned tribal that we lost our shit.
Your tribe went tribal first

How in the world can you so easily say something that so resembles the behavior of a child?

You're so freakin' sensitive. Holy shit, man up. For a change.
You used to be able to hide on the sidelines and avoid any personal responsibility for any policy that went wrong

But starting in 2016 you joined the left as a partisan democrat

Now you cant pretend to be uninvolved and above the fray anymore
More lies. Every time you post to me.

I wonder what you get out of that.
It isnt a good observation to call responses to your OP "fits of rage".
If they're cursing me out and calling me names instead of answering my question, what else am I supposed to call it?
Amazing how they're proud of so little they can't even list it.

It would be like someone asking "what songs do you like". Well, that list is too fucking long so im not going to make it.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Racism and treatment of indigenous people happen nearly every country. Canada and Australia are two that I can think of off the top that still treat them terribly.

Racism, bigotry, hate for those different from you is quite common in every nation. The US is a focal point and has been for a long time. The events in this country seem to make headlines across the world because everyone is interested in this country. Look at all the foreigners on this board sticking their noses into this countries business and they will tell you, what affects the US effects them.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Racism and treatment of indigenous people happen nearly every country. Canada and Australia are two that I can think of off the top that still treat them terribly.

Racism, bigotry, hate for those different from you is quite common in every nation. The US is a focal point and has been for a long time. The events in this country seem to make headlines across the world because everyone is interested in this country. Look at all the foreigners on this board sticking their noses into this countries business and they will tell you, what affects the US effects them.
Everyone in the world wants to come here and no one ever leaves. Even the people who bash the US constantly never leave. The US is without a doubt the greatest country on Earth.
Not everyone wants to come there or they would be there. It's not the gre a test country on earth but the politicians repeat it and you believe it.
The one thing that holds immigrants is the gun culture and violence and extreme racism. That is not the greatest country on earth sadly.
Not everyone wants to come there or they would be there. It's not the gre a test country on earth but the politicians repeat it and you believe it.
The one thing that holds immigrants is the gun culture and violence and extreme racism. That is not the greatest country on earth sadly.
Name a better country.
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
WE'RE rude?
I suppose it's because you don't feel able to list anything about the US of which you feel proud. At least I haven't seen anything to that end in this thread. Did I miss something?

If this country is as bad as you say...why do you remain?

Not one of you have answered that question.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Jazz and Baseball.
WE'RE rude?
I suppose it's because you don't feel able to list anything about the US of which you feel proud. At least I haven't seen anything to that end in this thread. Did I miss something?

If this country is as bad as you say...why do you remain?

Not one of you have answered that question.
Because he is a poor victim, or a stupid moron, his choice.

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