Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?​

NOPE...please shoot yourself...we suck.
Call it "making fun of you" for creating this ill advised thread. There is this weird left wing idea that the US is the only nation that committed atrocities in the past, and its an impossible position to defend. That shit might sound nice in left wing circles, but it doesnt hold water in an actual debate with facts.

Of course the US is not the only country that has committed atrocities, but it is the only one consistently doing it world wide, now.
And that is because we the people who are supposed to be in charge and preventing abuses, are deliberately remaining ignorant and clueless.

Look at Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh was the hero of the country, for defeating the French and liberating the whole country.
Yet we ended up supporting Diem to conduct a military takeover, against the democratic peace accord between the Vietnamese and the French.
\we murdered over 3 million, and that was monstrous.

Look at Grenada.
We did not like Maurice Bishop and likely paid a general to assassinate him. But that was no reason at all for us to then invade, murder, and destroy.

Look at Panama.
It is perfectly legal for Noreiga to deal in drugs if he wants. The whole war on drugs in the US is insane, evil, and illegal. There is no way to make drugs illegal in a democratic republic.

Look at Desert Storm.
Saddam asked permission first from Ambassador Glasspie if he could punish Kuwait for stealing oil. And yet we murdered thousands of civilians on the Highway of Death, while Iraqis retreated under a white flag, negotiated truce.

Look at the invasion of Iraq.
Iraq was totally and completely innocent, and we illegally and deliberately attacked civilian infrastructure, murdering hundreds of thousands.


Its time we stop pretending, and admit the leadership in this country is corrupt and we have to stop letting them murder people.

. . . ah yes, but this begs the question, are Americans really in control of the government?

. . how much control do individual politicians have over the system, versus how much corruption, pay-offs, rip-offs, blackmail, and a generally dysfunctional legal system are at fault?

. . . how much of it is rooted in a corrupt international system that puts external pressure on it from the outside? . . .

I think the answers, and who we point fingers to blame, may not be as easy as anyone on this forum might think they could easily comprehend.

. . . it probably, at this late stage in history, has a lot more to do with, many complex factors than just "America," or "Americans."

If you believe that the post-WWII system, both the strategic security partnerships, and the international financial arrangements, were only to the benefit of the nation's people? I have some bad news for you. There are international oligarchs who probably benefited far more from this arrangement, and keep that system in place, more than does the citizenry of the USA.

. . . and as we have seen from the past year's propaganda, ad hoc changing of election laws, and electoral controversy. . . the Deep State has no intention of making any of those things any easier.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

Yes, be thankful for good ole American SOCIALISM.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
No nothing. I suggest you sell your belongings and move to Venezuela.
The US can be proud of some of the hand tools it produces. Some knives aren't bad either.
The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. We were the first country to be founded on the idea that all humans deserve to be free.

Even though we've fallen short of it in so, so many ways over the centuries, it's still a unique aspirational beacon that makes the whole human race better. No one can take that from us, no matter how many times we fuck it up.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Can you imagine a war between Germany, Britain or France today? Can you imagine a Stalinist/Maoist world It was no always so.
The problem we have is based upon the mistakes we make. And one of those mistakes is rewriting history to suit our agenda today.

The truth is the Founders were good snd bad. They did great things snd terrible things. But in context of the era utilizing the social norms of that time. The bad isn’t as bad as it would be if it was done today.

When Washington was elected the title was still under debate. Would he be called His Elective Majesty? The Exalted President? No. Washington took the title Mr. President. And the position would be known as President of the United States.

I think it was a good choice.

We can’t expect people to be perfect today. We can’t expect people to be perfect in history. But we have to view things in context of the era they were in.

The people who signed the Declaration of Independence were radicals. Traitors to the Crown that governed them.

Britain had just concluded the 7 years war. They had expended lives and treasure defeating the British and securing Ohio for the colonies.

Britain was broke. Snd they needed to raise taxes to pay for the war.

Now. It could be said the Colonists were ungrateful bastards for refusing a few cents to pay for a war that had protected them from French encirclement.

Would it be fair? Partially. It certainly would not be an outright lie.

We don’t mention that on Independence Day. It isn’t part of the history texts we all grew up with. But there is truth to it.

That is the thing about history. There are usually two sides. Or more. To every story. And it is possible that everyone is telling the truth from their point of view.

If you focus on one you will never know the whole story. If you ignore the others your understanding of the events will be little more than propaganda.

Our Ancestors did some bad things. They’ve done some bad things during my life. And I’ll go on record now as saying they will do bad things in the future.

Here I was fortunate. My Parents filled my head with philosophy and history as well as Religious teachings. One quote I have always been fond of. If it is not true do not say it. If it is not right. Do not do it.

Marcus Aurelius said that. He was a Roman Emperor. And the Romans were no angels.

I’ve said I am a Truth Whore. I’ll take truth from any source. I don’t care who says it or what else they’ve done.

That is why I find generally speaking that the Founders did a good job. I love to quote Ben Franklin and he was a womanizer who cheated on his wife. He was a player before the term was used.

You must view history in context. If you do then you’ll find generally speaking the heroes of history were generally doing what they thought was best.

Nobody is perfect. And expecting our historical figures to be perfect is unreasonable.

Nobody is perfect today. I have my failings too. And I pray that God will forgive my shortcomings.

All we can do is learn from the mistakes of history and try to avoid repeating them. To turn our backs on hatred. Hatred poisons the soul. Eating the person out from the inside until they are a hollow shell. Consumed by the hatred.
The treatment of European explorers and settlers by the Mongolian nomads was mixed. Some Asian Indian nomads literally managed to file rocks into tomahawks in which they assaulted European explorers and settlers in the most gruesome manner imaginable for no reason besides Europeans being seen as a threat. Some Mongolian nomads were friendly and helped the civilized folks make the New World safe, relatively speaking. Then France and other countries gave the savages firearms for various reasons and of course the civilized folks had to get serious if they were to survive and built a civilized society. It is grotesque the academic establishment controlled by an ethnic group hellbent on destroying the White race promotes the insane concept that savages could be integrated into society. The fact is Harvard University tried that in the early 1600's and like with Blacks and Browns today, only a few Mongolian nomads managed to pass a course.
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Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

America abolished Slavery….. something many nations throughout the globe continue to permit practice the of slavery yet have the audacity and gumption to hold US accountable to this day.
There is plenty to proud of this nation for. It has had its flaws, but this Constitutional Republic in which we live has an amazing ability to self-correct. We have a taken a desperate group of individuals, formed a nation and became a world power.

The founding fathers were human beings and products of their age, but they created a nation greater than themselves. It failed once, and then regrew into a stronger nation. We had our starts and fits. We are a nation composed of human beings for all that implies.

It is one reason I can’t stand these lies about election fraud. It goes to the heart of what this Country is about. Our elections and ability to choose our leaders is what has made this nation able to adapt to changing times.

Now our electoral system is under assault. We will overcome this assault on our nation not without fits and starts unfortunately.
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There are a lot of things that one could point out as things to proud of across this beautiful country and among it’s wonderful citizens, however what comes to the forefront for me is this. We just came through the worst crisis in our lifetimes, economic shutdowns, fear of disease, isolation from each other and the pain and suffering that it wrought upon so many people was just mind numbing.

Yet through it all, WE’RE STILL STANDING, my fellow citizens kept their chins up through all the hardships and remained hopeful that this was just a temporary set back and one day, it would be Morning in America again. That’s what do, we persevere and when all is said and done, we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move on secure in the knowledge that this county still offers us the hope for better tomorrows.

American always was, and always will be, a shining city on a hill” — Ronald Reagan
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