Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.
America has son e wonderful achievements. You don't become influential without success in many areas.
But there is so much more to do before self congratulations become common place. Try less hatred in politics and racism.
Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.
Those particular debate rules dont exist in the real world, but that doesnt mean there arent debates. All we do here is debate and insult each other. Its fun as fuck! :laugh:
Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.
Those particular debate rules dont exist in the real world, but that doesnt mean there arent debates. All we do here is debate and insult each other. Its fun as fuck! :laugh:
Not to me.

So that's an achievement the whole country can be proud of and advertise it internationally as an achievement at the time when the us is under scrutiny for never emerging from the wild west.
You're fucked in the head.
What are you saying?
Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.

I think you should wait till you've been here more than 12 minutes before you take your broad brush to a bunch of people here. A LOT of people here are smart, funny, engaging and can debate quite well when they choose to and when someone actually capable of debating shows up.

You're pretty snotty.

Go phfrt yourself.
Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.
Those particular debate rules dont exist in the real world, but that doesnt mean there arent debates. All we do here is debate and insult each other. Its fun as fuck! :laugh:
Not to me.
Then you should run away from this website immediately. You think this thread is bad? This is tame compared to most discussions.

At USMB the right bashes the left, and the left bashes the right. Its a requirement in our bylaws. :laugh:
America has son e wonderful achievements. You don't become influential without success in many areas.
But there is so much more to do before self congratulations become common place. Try less hatred in politics and racism.

Take your own advice. You need it.
Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.
Those particular debate rules dont exist in the real world, but that doesnt mean there arent debates. All we do here is debate and insult each other. Its fun as fuck! :laugh:
Not to me.
Then you should run away from this website immediately. You think this thread is bad? This is tame compared to most discussions.

At USMB the right bashes the left, and the left bashes the right. Its a requirement in our bylaws. :laugh:
I already intended to post this site very selectively. Maybe I'll stay, if I can manage to do that. Maybe I'll end up leaving, if I cannot. I've left other sites for similar reasons (being unable to avoid the parts that trigger my anxiety).
I just didn't think asking a simple question would bother people.
Call it "making fun of you" for creating this ill advised thread. There is this weird left wing idea that the US is the only nation that committed atrocities in the past, and its an impossible position to defend. That shit might sound nice in left wing circles, but it doesnt hold water in an actual debate with facts.

Of course the US is not the only country that has committed atrocities, but it is the only one consistently doing it world wide, now.
And that is because we the people who are supposed to be in charge and preventing abuses, are deliberately remaining ignorant and clueless.

Look at Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh was the hero of the country, for defeating the French and liberating the whole country.
Yet we ended up supporting Diem to conduct a military takeover, against the democratic peace accord between the Vietnamese and the French.
\we murdered over 3 million, and that was monstrous.

Look at Grenada.
We did not like Maurice Bishop and likely paid a general to assassinate him. But that was no reason at all for us to then invade, murder, and destroy.

Look at Panama.
It is perfectly legal for Noreiga to deal in drugs if he wants. The whole war on drugs in the US is insane, evil, and illegal. There is no way to make drugs illegal in a democratic republic.

Look at Desert Storm.
Saddam asked permission first from Ambassador Glasspie if he could punish Kuwait for stealing oil. And yet we murdered thousands of civilians on the Highway of Death, while Iraqis retreated under a white flag, negotiated truce.

Look at the invasion of Iraq.
Iraq was totally and completely innocent, and we illegally and deliberately attacked civilian infrastructure, murdering hundreds of thousands.


Its time we stop pretending, and admit the leadership in this country is corrupt and we have to stop letting them murder people.
Anyways. No. For real, I know I'm lucky to live here. That doesn't mean I don't think things couldn't still improve.
I literally only wanted to be reminded about the good about my country. I've been hearing nothing but criticism for a long time, it's hard to remember the good when you're surrounded by people screaming nothing but the bad.
They wouldn't all be wanting to come here, if it still wasn't the best place to be. :dunno:

Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.
Those particular debate rules dont exist in the real world, but that doesnt mean there arent debates. All we do here is debate and insult each other. Its fun as fuck! :laugh:
Not to me.
Then you should run away from this website immediately. You think this thread is bad? This is tame compared to most discussions.

At USMB the right bashes the left, and the left bashes the right. Its a requirement in our bylaws. :laugh:
I already intended to post this site very selectively. Maybe I'll stay, if I can manage to do that. Maybe I'll end up leaving, if I cannot. I've left other sites for similar reasons (being unable to avoid the parts that trigger my anxiety).
I just didn't think asking a simple question would bother people.
You didnt think asking "is there anything to actually be proud of about the US" would be insulting to people? Again, this left wing bubble of yours isnt working out so great for you. There are abut a million god damn things to be proud of, and virtually all the shit that we arent proud of happened LONG before any of us were born.
Also I used to debate, for realsies, in high school, 10 years ago. I'm familiar with the ins and outs of it, logical fallacies, and it taught me a lot. I avoid it online these days because 99% of people don't know how to have a civil one, nor do they know how to follow the rules of it.
I debated three years in High School and a year on a Big Ten debate squad. . . watch yourself n00b. . . . :heehee:

. . . with that said? Yes, most of the membership here would not be able to reason their way out of a paper bag.

Call it "making fun of you" for creating this ill advised thread. There is this weird left wing idea that the US is the only nation that committed atrocities in the past, and its an impossible position to defend. That shit might sound nice in left wing circles, but it doesnt hold water in an actual debate with facts.

Of course the US is not the only country that has committed atrocities, but it is the only one consistently doing it world wide, now.
And that is because we the people who are supposed to be in charge and preventing abuses, are deliberately remaining ignorant and clueless.

Look at Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh was the hero of the country, for defeating the French and liberating the whole country.
Yet we ended up supporting Diem to conduct a military takeover, against the democratic peace accord between the Vietnamese and the French.
\we murdered over 3 million, and that was monstrous.

Look at Grenada.
We did not like Maurice Bishop and likely paid a general to assassinate him. But that was no reason at all for us to then invade, murder, and destroy.

Look at Panama.
It is perfectly legal for Noreiga to deal in drugs if he wants. The whole war on drugs in the US is insane, evil, and illegal. There is no way to make drugs illegal in a democratic republic.

Look at Desert Storm.
Saddam asked permission first from Ambassador Glasspie if he could punish Kuwait for stealing oil. And yet we murdered thousands of civilians on the Highway of Death, while Iraqis retreated under a white flag, negotiated truce.

Look at the invasion of Iraq.
Iraq was totally and completely innocent, and we illegally and deliberately attacked civilian infrastructure, murdering hundreds of thousands.


Its time we stop pretending, and admit the leadership in this country is corrupt and we have to stop letting them murder people.
1 - Ho Chi Minh was a monster who murdered his own people. Placing the blame of every civilian death on the US is silly. Vietnam was a complicated issue that your post doesnt properly address.

2 - Got any proof for your assassination claim?

3 - We were wrong for stopping a country from illegally importing drugs into the US? :cuckoo:

4 - There werent any civilians on the Highway of death. They were all Iraqi soldiers who murdered and plundered, and then fled the nation of Kuwait with their loot. We should have killed every last one of them.

5 - Attacking "civilian infrastructure" is wrong now in a war? Power grids, bridges, etc? Bitch, please. In the old days we would have carpet bombed all their cities and saved ourselves a fuck ton of money in laser guided bombs designed to avoid civilian casualties.
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