Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

Good lord you people are way too sensitive as fuck if that's all it took to get you throwing fits of rage.
^ This isnt a good rebuttal.
Not meant to be one, just an observation.
It isnt a good observation to call responses to your OP "fits of rage".
If they're cursing me out and calling me names instead of answering my question, what else am I supposed to call it?
Call it "making fun of you" for creating this ill advised thread. There is this weird left wing idea that the US is the only nation that committed atrocities in the past, and its an impossible position to defend. That shit might sound nice in left wing circles, but it doesnt hold water in an actual debate with facts.
No excuse for shitty behavior. Grow up.
If i look at your posts, am i not going to find any "shitty behavior" from you, or are you just a hypocrite who cant support his position in this debate, so now youre throwing a tantrum??
Didn't make this thread for debate. Was looking for genuine answers to a genuine question. How many fucking times do I have to explain this before you all shut the fuck up and just answer the fucking question.
^ "Fits of rage" :laugh:
Bye, asshole.
I'm seeing "shitty behavior"
Anyways. No. For real, I know I'm lucky to live here. That doesn't mean I don't think things couldn't still improve.
I literally only wanted to be reminded about the good about my country. I've been hearing nothing but criticism for a long time, it's hard to remember the good when you're surrounded by people screaming nothing but the bad.

I don't think she's a leftist either, but she damn sure is rude, intolerant and not proud of her country.

She's only acting like that because you guys were being rude to her and she was just asking a simple question. I know how she feels. I went through this exact same shit before. :rolleyes:
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
The natives were not gentle peaceful people. They were fearsome warriors who tortured enemies to death and ate their corpses. They kidnapped and killed women and children slitting the bellies of pregnant women and taking the scalps of the unborn children. Just not every time. Sometimes those women and children got adopted into the tribe.

It was a terrible war lasting years. The relationships between the natives and settlers was enormously complicated. The more technically advanced won. But the relationship changed us and gave us those characteristics that are uniquely American.

One thing is certain. Everything the communists tell you is a lie.
Good lord you people are way too sensitive as fuck if that's all it took to get you throwing fits of rage.
^ This isnt a good rebuttal.
Not meant to be one, just an observation.
It isnt a good observation to call responses to your OP "fits of rage".
If they're cursing me out and calling me names instead of answering my question, what else am I supposed to call it?
Call it "making fun of you" for creating this ill advised thread. There is this weird left wing idea that the US is the only nation that committed atrocities in the past, and its an impossible position to defend. That shit might sound nice in left wing circles, but it doesnt hold water in an actual debate with facts.
No excuse for shitty behavior. Grow up.
If i look at your posts, am i not going to find any "shitty behavior" from you, or are you just a hypocrite who cant support his position in this debate, so now youre throwing a tantrum??
Didn't make this thread for debate. Was looking for genuine answers to a genuine question. How many fucking times do I have to explain this before you all shut the fuck up and just answer the fucking question.
^ "Fits of rage" :laugh:
Bye, asshole.
You need to make better threads and take better positions, otherwise this will be the end result of all your threads. Again, your talking points may be awesome in your left wing circles, but most left wing ideas are full of holes.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

Millions trying to get here every year. Dozens dying every month in the endeavor so I think we're doing something right.

If you don't hightail your ignorant ass to Venezuela.

Is there still a Venezuela> Last time I heard, they shut off the lights and put "CLOSED" on the doors.

I don't think she's a leftist either, but she damn sure is rude, intolerant and not proud of her country.

She's only acting like that because you guys were being rude to her and she was just asking a simple question. I know how she feels. I went through this exact same shit before. :rolleyes:
Well, that is to be expected when you make a thread that literally says you arent sure there is anything to be proud of about the US. I know you democrats hate the US, but the rest of the country is still patriotic, so threads like this are insulting.
"Anyone who doesn't agree with me or says something that offended me deserves to be shit on" is a hell of a take. Also the position of people who can't debate worth shit.
Debate has actual rules to it. Personal attacks are a logical fallacy. You want to talk about debate? Do it right.

I still did not make this thread with the intention to debate. I asked a question. I did not make a statement expecting rebuttal and providing a counterargument. Neither am I interested in doing so for this thread. Especially not when 90% of you resort to ad homeinem.

I don't think she's a leftist either, but she damn sure is rude, intolerant and not proud of her country.

She's only acting like that because you guys were being rude to her and she was just asking a simple question. I know how she feels. I went through this exact same shit before. :rolleyes:

WE'RE rude?

Well, forgive the fuck out of us.

I was responding to her rude op and her rude responses after.

I ain't gonna bake her any fuckin cookies for that crap. Geez
Well, that is to be expected when you make a thread that literally says you arent sure there is anything to be proud of about the US. I know you democrats hate the US, but the rest of the country is still patriotic, so threads like this are insulting.

I'm not a democrat and I don't hate the US. I'm totally done with this conversation as well. :rolleyes: (Oh and I am patriotic and love my country but there is a lot of bad that happens in it as well and it's a good question to think about.)
Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.
deannalw Here.

Oh, you're right. That was a real acknowledgment of the people that answered our question minus assholio.

Not. Twas an insult at others, not honest back and forth with those that were polite to you.

That was opening shot for what you were looking for all along- a shit flinging contest.

Congratulations baybee- you got one.

Why do I need to have a "back and forth" with the polite people? Can't I just thank them for answering the question without needing to comment further? Can't I also thank them for not being assholes?

You'd argue with a fucking turnip.
Just tired of people assuming the worst about me. But I guess if you're bound and determined to see my motives the way you do, I can't stop you. Goodbye, we won't be interacting again.

I'm not assuming the worst about you. I'm reacting to your own words here. Maybe you shouldn't start shit with people till you get thicker skin.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Democrat lefties who never progressed past the commie indoctrination of the 1960’s are what I call leftovers.
The current generation of zombie sheep who parrot the propaganda of the leftovers are what I call retreads.
You have to be a moronic retread who takes his freedom for granted to have even considered your topic’s question.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)
Only A Mentally Ill SICK FUCK would have to ask such a question ........
Your ignorance of how mental illness works is showing.

I am mentally ill. I have generalized anxiety disorder and OCD, as well as trauma. None of these impact my ability to reason.

No matter, people like you who can only resort to insults and contribute nothing else to the conversation are not worth engaging. You're now on ignore, goodbye.
Ohhh, you are mentally weak, and we didnt coddle you, so you threw a fit. That explains it.
Thanks to those who didn't make asshole-ish assumptions about my political beliefs and motivations and just answered the damn question. Much appreciation.
deannalw Here.

Oh, you're right. That was a real acknowledgment of the people that answered our question minus assholio.

Not. Twas an insult at others, not honest back and forth with those that were polite to you.

That was opening shot for what you were looking for all along- a shit flinging contest.

Congratulations baybee- you got one.

Why do I need to have a "back and forth" with the polite people? Can't I just thank them for answering the question without needing to comment further? Can't I also thank them for not being assholes?

You'd argue with a fucking turnip.
Just tired of people assuming the worst about me. But I guess if you're bound and determined to see my motives the way you do, I can't stop you. Goodbye, we won't be interacting again.

I'm not assuming the worst about you. I'm reacting to your own words here. Maybe you shouldn't start shit with people till you get thicker skin.
Dude has only been here a couple days, yet he is putting all dissenters on ignore! I have a feeling his USMB experience isnt going to go so well. :laugh:
Good lord you people are way too sensitive as fuck if that's all it took to get you throwing fits of rage.
^ This isnt a good rebuttal.
Not meant to be one, just an observation.
It isnt a good observation to call responses to your OP "fits of rage".
If they're cursing me out and calling me names instead of answering my question, what else am I supposed to call it?
Call it "making fun of you" for creating this ill advised thread. There is this weird left wing idea that the US is the only nation that committed atrocities in the past, and its an impossible position to defend. That shit might sound nice in left wing circles, but it doesnt hold water in an actual debate with facts.
No excuse for shitty behavior. Grow up.
If i look at your posts, am i not going to find any "shitty behavior" from you, or are you just a hypocrite who cant support his position in this debate, so now youre throwing a tantrum??
Didn't make this thread for debate. Was looking for genuine answers to a genuine question. How many fucking times do I have to explain this before you all shut the fuck up and just answer the fucking question.

Nah. Not an honest question.

You brought the damn indians into it even!

But hey. Shut the fuck up and answer the fucking question is lots better!

I'm not assuming the worst about you. I'm reacting to your own words here. Maybe you shouldn't start shit with people till you get thicker skin.
Dude has only been here a couple days, yet he is putting all dissenters on ignore! I have a feeling his USMB experience isnt going to go so well. :laugh:
Only those like you who resort to logical fallacies
Even as bad as things are.........
Regardless of the lies the media keep promoting.........
Regardless of the bullshit spewing from the White House.......
Regardless of the marxists, commies, and fuktards..........

You still have freedom of speech.
You still have freedom to live your life unencumbered by full gov't control.
You still have the right to protect yourself against violence.
You still have the right to party hard, and puke your guts out the next day.
And you have the right to put pineapple on your pizza if you damn well want it.


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