Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

I'm not assuming the worst about you. I'm reacting to your own words here. Maybe you shouldn't start shit with people till you get thicker skin.
Dude has only been here a couple days, yet he is putting all dissenters on ignore! I have a feeling his USMB experience isnt going to go so well. :laugh:
Only those like you who resort to logical fallacies
I supplied logic and facts, and you called it a "fit of rage". Ive yet to see a rebuttal of any kind to my OP response.
"Anyone who doesn't agree with me or says something that offended me deserves to be shit on" is a hell of a take. Also the position of people who can't debate worth shit.
Debate has actual rules to it. Personal attacks are a logical fallacy. You want to talk about debate? Do it right.

I still did not make this thread with the intention to debate. I asked a question. I did not make a statement expecting rebuttal and providing a counterargument. Neither am I interested in doing so for this thread. Especially not when 90% of you resort to ad homeinem.

You attacked us first, darlin.

This thread wasn't started as a debate. I've not seen you debate either, so...
Good lord you people are way too sensitive as fuck if that's all it took to get you throwing fits of rage.

My response was disdainful, not rage. Moron. If you're so fucking stupid that you can't add two plus two, then that's on you.
He is now going to put you on ignore. That is his solution to all dissent.
You misspelled "solution to verbal abuse". People can say things I don't necessarily agree with all they like. But when they make it personal, I'm under no obligation to stick around.
America is still a country where it is possible to educate yourself, work your ass off, and have a good possibility of creating the life of your dreams.

Unless you choose to be a whiny, worthless bitch who wastes all your time rioting and crying because everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter.
Good lord you people are way too sensitive as fuck if that's all it took to get you throwing fits of rage.

My response was disdainful, not rage. Moron. If you're so fucking stupid that you can't add two plus two, then that's on you.
He is now going to put you on ignore. That is his solution to all dissent.
You misspelled "solution to verbal abuse". People can say things I don't necessarily agree with all they like. But when they make it personal, I'm under no obligation to stick around.
If those are your rules for putting people on ignore, in about a week there wont be anyone left for you to talk to. Every thread gets "personal". Kick rocks if you cant handle it.
I supplied logic and facts, and you called it a "fit of rage". Ive yet to see a rebuttal of any kind to my OP response.
Again, I didn't make this thread to debate. So, no, you're not getting any rebuttal. Kiss that idea goodbye. This isn't a debate, it was meant to be a Q&A.
So far as "fit of rage", I don't remember if it was your post I quoted (if any) when I made that comment. But I was responding to those who were either cussing me out, committing ad hominem, telling me to leave, or angry at me for even asking the question. If you all into any of those categories, then, yes, I was refferring you to, too. If not, then I wasn't.
One of the many psycho things about the left wing bigots is that they enjoy all of the benefits of living in the country that they loath to the bitter depths of their souls.
That's because they're unhappy people. You could give them a brand new Cadillac and they'd gripe about the paint job.

A few years ago, I gave my friend my car when I got a newer one and she bitched and carried on about the taxes and what it was gonna cost to license it. So I took it back and sold it. have USA have Nature ...Flora and Fauna....that kind of thing

But in politics under the Commander in Thief YOU HAVE NOTHING
If those are your rules for putting people on ignore, in about a week there wont be anyone left for you to talk to. Every thread gets "personal". Kick rocks if you cant handle it.
No thanks, I'll use the ignore feature as much as I please and only the non-assholes shall remain. :cool:
One of the many psycho things about the left wing bigots is that they enjoy all of the benefits of living in the country that they loath to the bitter depths of their souls.
That's because they're unhappy people. You could give them a brand new Cadillac and they'd gripe about the paint job.

A few years ago, I gave my friend my car when I got a newer one and she bitched and carried on about the taxes and what it was gonna cost to license it. So I took it back and sold it.
Exactly. She probably thought she could get you to pay the taxes and license.
If those are your rules for putting people on ignore, in about a week there wont be anyone left for you to talk to. Every thread gets "personal". Kick rocks if you cant handle it.
No thanks, I'll use the ignore feature as much as I please and only the non-assholes shall remain. :cool:
...and that means you will live in your left wing bubble, which will make you woefully unprepared when you finally decide to have a factual debate with someone.
If those are your rules for putting people on ignore, in about a week there wont be anyone left for you to talk to. Every thread gets "personal". Kick rocks if you cant handle it.
No thanks, I'll use the ignore feature as much as I please and only the non-assholes shall remain. :cool:
...and that means you will live in your left wing bubble, which will make you woefully unprepared when you finally decide to have a factual debate with someone.
You're assuming everyone I put on ignore is right wing, or that the only people left will be left wing. That's not the case.

So that's an achievement the whole country can be proud of and advertise it internationally as an achievement at the time when the us is under scrutiny for never emerging from the wild west.
You're fucked in the head.
>asks question
>people take it personally even though it wasn't meant that way and shove all manner of verbal abuse my way
>"you started it!"

Like fuck I did. Stop making excuses for yourselves.
Dude, you have to stop worrying about that shit. If someone pisses you off, craft a good counter debate to make them look dumb. Complaining about insults isnt going to get you anywhere here. EVERYONE is insulting here.

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