Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?

16 year olds have great coordination. They don't have great judgement or attention.
Precisely why they shouldn't be voting.
They aren't.

He was referring to that we're one Democrat Senator away from them voting. You didn't know that? Seriously?
Don't worry, they won't.

Um ... because? You're saying Democrats wouldn't do something nutty like that?

Democrats have turned American schools into indoctrination camps. They can't wait to get them to vote. No age is too young
16 year olds have great coordination. They don't have great judgement or attention.
Precisely why they shouldn't be voting.
They aren't.

He was referring to that we're one Democrat Senator away from them voting. You didn't know that? Seriously?
Don't worry, they won't.

Um ... because? You're saying Democrats wouldn't do something nutty like that?
They'd like to, but it won't go through.
He was referring to that we're one Democrat Senator away from them voting. You didn't know that? Seriously?
We are one democrat away from a lotta things and IMHO none of them are good. Starting with the filibuster, once that's gone, I think we're fucked.
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16 year olds have great coordination. They don't have great judgement or attention.
Precisely why they shouldn't be voting.
They aren't.

He was referring to that we're one Democrat Senator away from them voting. You didn't know that? Seriously?
Don't worry, they won't.

Um ... because? You're saying Democrats wouldn't do something nutty like that?
They'd like to, but it won't go through.

No, but they are only Joe Manchin away from it going through

Is there anything to actually be proud of the USA for?​

Yes. Despite the wave of communists trying to overthrow the country evoking socialist, globalist mendacity, with the full weight of a corrupt and slanted legal system and media backing them, Donald Trump broke through the gridlock, got into office and has awoken a generation of millions of America-loving people in this country putting Americans first to fight for the Constitution, the Republic, and for a preservation of all that made the country great.
I've been around the world and personally witness dozens if them. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, new Zealand and Hawaii.
It's the gun culture which turns people if the place for permanent residency.
You gave no evidence that America is ranked by any standard as the best other than propaganda, military power and most prevalent of all, your opinion.
As I said, if it's what you say, they would all be here.
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.
War is hell.

That doesn't negate the fact that the US signed treaties and broke every one of them
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.
War is hell.

That doesn't negate the fact that the US signed treaties and broke every one of them
A fact not always talked about. A lot of tribes were sold out by there own leaders who signed the treaty took the wealth and moved to Europe. Left there tribes with nothing and confused.
There is plenty to be proud of .As for the native American and other ethnic groups how and why they were treated is debatable. Some confuse Hollywood's version of historic events with facts. Be proud of the Constitution that was founded by imperfect humans and the journey this country has been on to the present. It is a great adventure.
the treatment of Native Americans isn't debatable at all. The US has not honored a single treaty with any Native American tribe.

We need to stop denying the truth about the bad deeds of our government and accept responsibility for them so we can hopefully move on .
The indians didnt exactly earn honorable treatment. They slaughtered everyone around them, including other indians.
War is hell.

That doesn't negate the fact that the US signed treaties and broke every one of them
A fact not always talked about. A lot of tribes were sold out by there own leaders who signed the treaty took the wealth and moved to Europe. Left there tribes with nothing and confused.
what wealth?
Comparing the late 50's and early 60's to now I'm proud about how far we've come in area of civil rights, improvement to the environment, advancements made in science and medicine.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

Freedom and liberty here and in foreign countries...

World War 1,
World War 2
Defeating the democrats in the Civil War
Freeing the slaves after defeating the democrats in the Civil War
The Civil Rights movement
fighting communism around the world
being the first on the scene at just about any natural disaster around the world...
The US is the world's only superpower, meaning its better than every other shithole on the planet, that's enough to be proud of.
Genuine question. Seems the US has done a lot of bad stuff, from meddling unasked in foreign affairs to its treatment of indigenous peoples. (Even the very, very conservative curriculum that was used for history class when I was in school acknowledged that we treated native Americans horribly.)
I want to genuinely know, is there anything I can be proud of my country for this independence day? (I'm at least happy that we're not socialist or communist.)

My advice to you.

1. Stop worrying about the indians. THey are fine.

2. Being proud of everything else.
Lots of people lived through tough economic and social times in 50s and 60’s
Pretty much candy ass since then so Barry and media started inventing modern racial negativity

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