Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

If you are physically abusive or intimidating to a person, all you will accomplish is to make that person FEAR you. Is that the kind of relationship that anyone would want? Where your significant other is afraid of you? Afraid that if you get angry, you will hit him or her? And, if you are the victim, to try and counter that with violence of your own? Geesh, where does it end? Not anyplace good, I can tell you that much.

Not talking about relationships. Talking about having a vulva being some kind of magical protection against getting a well-deserved ass whooping. Women can be more annoying and stress-inducing than men to be certain. If one's going off all hysterical and throwing things, that she's a she isn't going to protect her from a man's well deserved wrath.

Wanna be equal, fine, but there are consequences. Treat you as my equal no problem, but gonna treat you like one of the boys and if you get uppity and it's justifiable (if not legally so) you're gonna get hit.

You dumbass! This isn't about your immature "boys versus girls" war! People die from this shit, and people like YOU are encouraging it!

Domestic Violence Facts

Ever asked whether the victim of deomstic violence was a complete tool and deserved their fate? Ask that first time every time. You're like the vocal blacks siding with some pos who got roughed up by police never bothering to inquire whether this was some animal you'd gladly shove off a cliff. Men don't side with all men, so why should women all women, or blacks all blacks? It doesn't make much sense.

If you notice and pay attention, I said "significant other" and I also used the pronouns "him or her."
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.
If you are physically abusive or intimidating to a person, all you will accomplish is to make that person FEAR you. Is that the kind of relationship that anyone would want? Where your significant other is afraid of you? Afraid that if you get angry, you will hit him or her? And, if you are the victim, to try and counter that with violence of your own? Geesh, where does it end? Not anyplace good, I can tell you that much.

Not talking about relationships. Talking about having a vulva being some kind of magical protection against getting a well-deserved ass whooping. Women can be more annoying and stress-inducing than men to be certain. If one's going off all hysterical and throwing things, that she's a she isn't going to protect her from a man's well deserved wrath.

Wanna be equal, fine, but there are consequences. Treat you as my equal no problem, but gonna treat you like one of the boys and if you get uppity and it's justifiable (if not legally so) you're gonna get hit.

I noticed that you said "not talking about relationships." Well, that is what the thread is about. Domestic violence, which means abuse of one or both partners. Of course, domestic violence can go both ways and both can participate in it too. We aren't talking about some stranger coming up and assaulting you on the street!!! :rolleyes-41: That is a completely DIFFERENT situation entirely.
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.
If you are physically abusive or intimidating to a person, all you will accomplish is to make that person FEAR you. Is that the kind of relationship that anyone would want? Where your significant other is afraid of you? Afraid that if you get angry, you will hit him or her? And, if you are the victim, to try and counter that with violence of your own? Geesh, where does it end? Not anyplace good, I can tell you that much.

Not talking about relationships. Talking about having a vulva being some kind of magical protection against getting a well-deserved ass whooping. Women can be more annoying and stress-inducing than men to be certain. If one's going off all hysterical and throwing things, that she's a she isn't going to protect her from a man's well deserved wrath.

Wanna be equal, fine, but there are consequences. Treat you as my equal no problem, but gonna treat you like one of the boys and if you get uppity and it's justifiable (if not legally so) you're gonna get hit.

I noticed that you said "not talking about relationships." Well, that is what the thread is about. Domestic violence, which means abuse of one or both partners. Of course, domestic violence can go both ways and both can participate in it too. We aren't talking about some stranger coming up and assaulting you on the street!!! :rolleyes-41: That is a completely DIFFERENT situation entirely.

How'd ya partially reply? Manually edit the code text?
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.

Title of this thread is asking whether it's ever appropriate to hit a woman. My answer's an unqualified 'yes.'
If you are physically abusive or intimidating to a person, all you will accomplish is to make that person FEAR you. Is that the kind of relationship that anyone would want? Where your significant other is afraid of you? Afraid that if you get angry, you will hit him or her? And, if you are the victim, to try and counter that with violence of your own? Geesh, where does it end? Not anyplace good, I can tell you that much.

Not talking about relationships. Talking about having a vulva being some kind of magical protection against getting a well-deserved ass whooping. Women can be more annoying and stress-inducing than men to be certain. If one's going off all hysterical and throwing things, that she's a she isn't going to protect her from a man's well deserved wrath.

Wanna be equal, fine, but there are consequences. Treat you as my equal no problem, but gonna treat you like one of the boys and if you get uppity and it's justifiable (if not legally so) you're gonna get hit.

I noticed that you said "not talking about relationships." Well, that is what the thread is about. Domestic violence, which means abuse of one or both partners. Of course, domestic violence can go both ways and both can participate in it too. We aren't talking about some stranger coming up and assaulting you on the street!!! :rolleyes-41: That is a completely DIFFERENT situation entirely.

How'd ya partially reply? Manually edit the code text?

I didn't. I quoted your entire post. I just wanted to address that one point in particular.
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.

Title of this thread is asking whether it's ever appropriate to hit a woman. My answer's an unqualified 'yes.'

Perhaps, but a healthy person would never let it escalate to that point. An independent and emotionally healthy person would leave LONG before that point.
If you are physically abusive or intimidating to a person, all you will accomplish is to make that person FEAR you. Is that the kind of relationship that anyone would want? Where your significant other is afraid of you? Afraid that if you get angry, you will hit him or her? And, if you are the victim, to try and counter that with violence of your own? Geesh, where does it end? Not anyplace good, I can tell you that much.

Not talking about relationships. Talking about having a vulva being some kind of magical protection against getting a well-deserved ass whooping. Women can be more annoying and stress-inducing than men to be certain. If one's going off all hysterical and throwing things, that she's a she isn't going to protect her from a man's well deserved wrath.

Wanna be equal, fine, but there are consequences. Treat you as my equal no problem, but gonna treat you like one of the boys and if you get uppity and it's justifiable (if not legally so) you're gonna get hit.

I noticed that you said "not talking about relationships." Well, that is what the thread is about. Domestic violence, which means abuse of one or both partners. Of course, domestic violence can go both ways and both can participate in it too. We aren't talking about some stranger coming up and assaulting you on the street!!! :rolleyes-41: That is a completely DIFFERENT situation entirely.

How'd ya partially reply? Manually edit the code text?

I didn't. I quoted your entire post. I just wanted to address that one point in particular.

Mean instead of the entire chain of replies to replie to replies which can amount to so many it scrunches up and they're all unreadable. I usually wind up just replying in an empty field due to overlong replie chains. Or manually type or cut n paste who/what I'm replying to.
Personally, I don't like that kind of drama, so I would leave at the first sign of "instability." Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, violent temper, etc., etc. All of those are big fat red flags, IMO. Of course, everyone has a temper and get angry sometimes, maybe even yell and cuss or something. The thing is, some people act out with violence. You know, if I meet someone, and they start talking about keying their ex's car or something along those lines, I would usually avoid much if any contact with that person in the future. Lol. :D
If you are physically abusive or intimidating to a person, all you will accomplish is to make that person FEAR you. Is that the kind of relationship that anyone would want? Where your significant other is afraid of you? Afraid that if you get angry, you will hit him or her? And, if you are the victim, to try and counter that with violence of your own? Geesh, where does it end? Not anyplace good, I can tell you that much.

Not talking about relationships. Talking about having a vulva being some kind of magical protection against getting a well-deserved ass whooping. Women can be more annoying and stress-inducing than men to be certain. If one's going off all hysterical and throwing things, that she's a she isn't going to protect her from a man's well deserved wrath.

Wanna be equal, fine, but there are consequences. Treat you as my equal no problem, but gonna treat you like one of the boys and if you get uppity and it's justifiable (if not legally so) you're gonna get hit.

I noticed that you said "not talking about relationships." Well, that is what the thread is about. Domestic violence, which means abuse of one or both partners. Of course, domestic violence can go both ways and both can participate in it too. We aren't talking about some stranger coming up and assaulting you on the street!!! :rolleyes-41: That is a completely DIFFERENT situation entirely.

How'd ya partially reply? Manually edit the code text?

I didn't. I quoted your entire post. I just wanted to address that one point in particular.

Mean instead of the entire chain of replies to replie to replies which can amount to so many it scrunches up and they're all unreadable. I usually wind up just replying in an empty field due to overlong replie chains. Or manually type or cut n paste who/what I'm replying to.

:dunno: Beats me. (Inappropriate? Lol) I didn't do anything. I just replied to the post.
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.

Nobody becomes violent simply from relocating. The OP is mental.
In the "old days", when some of us were growing up, we were taught it was NEVER appropriate to hit a woman.

Today it depends whether the woman is a liberal or a conservative.
I knew a case similar in Spain.

A guy (cousin of a girlfriend from a village in a poor part of Spain) met a woman on the internet from Peru. Went on "holiday" to Peru and married the woman without anyone knowing. He brought her back and her "one child". This "one child" turned into various children and a grandchild.
She beat up her husband and the kids got a free ride. The big problem was that the house they were in had been in the family so long that there was no documented legality to it. If he left her, the house was hers. So he moved them all to Madrid. And there I don't know what happened next as I didn't speak as much to anyone in the know after this.

Personally, if a woman attacked me, I'd attack back. My mother came after me with a knife, and she had a big scar on her forehead where I smacked her with a cup. But I wouldn't tolerate being hit. I wouldn't hit back in a manner to be bad, but to make sure I wasn't beaten up. Then I'd kick her out.
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.

Nobody becomes violent simply from relocating. The OP is mental.

Well, I can see how stress, being a new young mom, suddenly finding yourself far away from your support system and security of your family and friends, could MAYBE cause someone to be miserable.
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.

Nobody becomes violent simply from relocating. The OP is mental.

Well, I can see how stress, being a new young mom, suddenly finding yourself far away from your support system and security of your family and friends, could MAYBE cause someone to be miserable.

Yes, but it does not cause one to suddenly want to murder. lol
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.

Nobody becomes violent simply from relocating. The OP is mental.

Well, I can see how stress, being a new young mom, suddenly finding yourself far away from your support system and security of your family and friends, could MAYBE cause someone to be miserable.

Yes, but it does not cause one to suddenly want to murder. lol

True. :D Another question I would like to ask BluePhantom is if he ever left the child in her care? I can't see him bringing a baby to school and work every day. There must have been some times when he trusted this woman to care for his baby alone.
People who make physical force justifiable don't always give you a choice to flee. Unless you're under the impression a woman can never do wrong nor present a credible physical threat against any man, you must conceed sometimes violence is not only justified, but also deserved. That's all I'm saying.

Women were never sugar and spice and everything nice. That's a myth.

If she does make a threat or assault you, then you should leave. Hitting on her is not going to solve the problem. Nobody has said that a woman can do no wrong.

Nobody becomes violent simply from relocating. The OP is mental.

Well, I can see how stress, being a new young mom, suddenly finding yourself far away from your support system and security of your family and friends, could MAYBE cause someone to be miserable.

Yes, but it does not cause one to suddenly want to murder. lol

True. :D Another question I would like to ask BluePhantom is if he ever left the child in her care? I can't see him bringing a baby to school and work every day. There must have been some times when he trusted this woman to care for his baby alone.

I don't think I want to hear anymore about BP's dysfunctional life, unless it's from the ex. I wouldn't mind hearing her version. I'd also like to talk to Fred and find out why he refused to take his Namby Pamby friend to see Earth, Wind, and Fire. lol
I knew a case similar in Spain.

A guy (cousin of a girlfriend from a village in a poor part of Spain) met a woman on the internet from Peru. Went on "holiday" to Peru and married the woman without anyone knowing. He brought her back and her "one child". This "one child" turned into various children and a grandchild.
She beat up her husband and the kids got a free ride. The big problem was that the house they were in had been in the family so long that there was no documented legality to it. If he left her, the house was hers. So he moved them all to Madrid. And there I don't know what happened next as I didn't speak as much to anyone in the know after this.

Personally, if a woman attacked me, I'd attack back. My mother came after me with a knife, and she had a big scar on her forehead where I smacked her with a cup. But I wouldn't tolerate being hit. I wouldn't hit back in a manner to be bad, but to make sure I wasn't beaten up. Then I'd kick her out.
This explains so much about you.
I am prompted to open this topic because of a different thread. It's been discussed before buy with all the recent media about it I am wondering if opinions have changed. I am going to share something personal with you. I was in an abusive relationship but I was not the abuser. Yes men can be the victims of domestic abuse just like women can. It doesn't get reported as often because men don't want to admit a woman is beating them up but it's not as uncommon as you might believe.

In my case my ex-girlfriend and I had a baby and I took my new family to Pittsburgh so I could go to college. She was young , from a small town, and had never experienced a big city before. She had been yanked 2,000 miles across the country and was suddenly in the position of being a wife and a mother in a setting where she knew no one, she had no friends, and no support. She didn't do well. Actually she flipped out and within months she was attacking me on a regular basis. Usually it was just hitting but as time went on it got more and more dangerous. She started using pans and statuettes to attack me. I took it for many reasons. One, I didn't want to lose my daughter. Two, I hoped it was just something she was just going through as an adjustment to her new circumstances. It didn't get better.

After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came. I don't know why I woke up but for whatever reason I awoke to find her over me with a 12" chef's knife in her hand. She thrust it down at me and I rolled out of the way and it stuck in the bed. She wasn't kidding around. She pulled it out of the bed and lunged at me stabbing and slashing at me and then I did it. I clocked her dead in the face. She stumbled back and gathered herself and screamed "how dare you hit me" and charged me again with the knife above her head screaming like a banshee. I deflected her stab, kicked her in the crotch, and punched her in the throat. She went down and I took the knife from her and called the police.

The police told me that since there were only marks on her they would have to arrest me for domestic violence and of course she screamed that I attacked her for no reason. It never came to that, but I had to endure three more months of her abuse until she was stupid enough to attack me in front of a witness. Then I was able to get rid of her and keep my child.

I have no doubt in my mind that she would have killed me had I not clocked her. I have no doubt in my mind that had I not endured it until I had a witness that allowed me to keep my daughter that my daughter would be dead now. She would have killed her.

So that's my "why I stayed" story. I look back on it often given the recent "it's NEVER ok to hit a woman" stuff and think to myself "people who say that have never experienced what I have experienced or the thousands of men who have abusive wives/girlfriends". Sometimes it IS ok I think. I am completely convinced that had I not clocked that girl I would be dead now and my daughter may be as well.

I think there IS a time to hit a woman. I think the circumstances are very select and a man should show restraint to only use violence to stop the threat, but in certain's justified. My experience with that girl has taught me that I don't care who it is. If someone (man or woman) is attacking me and I feel I am in danger of real harm I am going to take that person out to the best of my abilities and gender doesn't matter to me at all.

I welcome your thoughts.

I never hit my ex-wife, or any of my three ex girlfriends. I never hit - punched - threw - pushed any one of them. The ex wife is the only one I got into any verbal arguments with, only two serious ones that I recall.

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