Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.

No actually I wasn't trying to be deceptive. :lol: That's actually just the way I and a lot of people talk. I call LOTS of people "brother" and "sister". I refer to Derideo_Te and sealybobo as "brother" all the time because I have respect for them. When I greet my staff every morning I shake their hand, give them a man-hug and say "what's up my brother?" It just means "someone whose corner I am in and if push comes to shove I am going to defend them". .One of the problems with the written word is that you can't hear a person's tone of voice which can change the entire meaning of a statement. When I said "Go easy on Bonzi, she's my sister" my tone of voice was a playful alert that "you are messing with someone I think of as a friend and I don't want to have to get into it with you". You follow?


Yes, I have my bro-by-another-mo's back because I consider him to be a friend too.

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I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.

No actually I wasn't trying to be deceptive. :lol: That's actually just the way I and a lot of people talk. I call LOTS of people "brother" and "sister". I refer to Derideo_Te and sealybobo as "brother" all the time because I have respect for them. It just means "someone whose corner I am in and if push comes to shove I am going to defend them". .One of the problems with the written word is that you can't hear a person's tone of voice which can change the entire meaning of a statement. When I said "Go easy on Bonzi, she's my sister" my tone of voice was a playful alert that "you are messing with someone I think of as a friend and I don't want to have to get into it with you". You follow?

How can you consider people that you barely know "friends?" And especially a "sister" or a "brother?" How many times have you even spoken to Bonzi? Why do you feel a need to "defend" Bonzi against Gracie? Is this high school or something? I don't get this mindset that I see around here? Are people really this lonely?

Sometimes you perceive something in a poster and you reach out and find a kindred spirit. There are couple of posters here who I consider to be friends and BP is one of them.
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of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.
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of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Thank you, Deri. :)
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Thank you, Deri. :)

Got your back, Sis! ;)

And yes, for those who don't get it that means that Carla and I are friends here at USMB just like I am friends with BP.
A friend of mine was dating a bi-polar woman. Then he said they were going to move in together. I warned him what would happen. She would hit him and he would hit her back, hard. And he would go to jail.

And that's exactly how it panned out.
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Thank you, Deri. :)

Got your back, Sis! ;)

And yes, for those who don't get it that means that Carla and I are friends here at USMB just like I am friends with BP.

Hugs, right back at ya! It doesn't surprise me that you and BP are online buddies, you're one of the most likable posters here at USMB.
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Thank you, Deri. :)

Got your back, Sis! ;)

And yes, for those who don't get it that means that Carla and I are friends here at USMB just like I am friends with BP.

Hugs, right back at ya! It doesn't surprise me that you and BP are online buddies, you're one of the most likable posters here at USMB.

While I feel the same about you I suspect that there might be some at USMB who would disagree with you when it comes to my "likability" here at USMB. :D
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Thank you, Deri. :)

Got your back, Sis! ;)

And yes, for those who don't get it that means that Carla and I are friends here at USMB just like I am friends with BP.

Hugs, right back at ya! It doesn't surprise me that you and BP are online buddies, you're one of the most likable posters here at USMB.

While I feel the same about you I suspect that there might be some at USMB who would disagree with you when it comes to my "likability" here at USMB. :D

I say to hell with those screwballs! lol
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Thank you, Deri. :)

Got your back, Sis! ;)

And yes, for those who don't get it that means that Carla and I are friends here at USMB just like I am friends with BP.

Lies. :cool: All lies.
The negative reaction has been pretty much what I experienced 20 years ago. People like Chris, Koshergrl, Carla etc insisting that women couldn't possibly abuse men and if the man was truly abused there must be something wrong with him to allow himself to be abused. We have a VERY long way to go in regard to understanding domestic violence with such attitudes.

Obviously, you were looking for a negative reaction or you wouldn't have posted something so personal on an anonymous forum.

I never said that a woman couldn't possibly abuse a man. You are a dishonest person. I'm betting your ex has a completely different version to this story...a version we'll never hear.

Carla...I hate to say this, but you are a total idiot. What danger is there in posting personal information on a website where you are anonymous? No one knows who I am and no one will find out unless I let them. It's the perfect venue for posting personal information that you might not reveal to anyone else. of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

That's calling me a racist because I called you out on your pretend black friend who could not protect you at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. LOL!!!

Go ahead and air your dirty laundry. We can hear your version and guess the rest. called me out and you were totally wrong. You are making assumptions just like Chris is but you really don't know and frankly you don't care. In your mind a white man and a black man can't have that kind of a relationship. If that is not racist I don't know what is

That's very far from the truth. I just don't believe your ridiculous story. Let's recap your story of Fred, the friend who could not protect you from scary racist black people at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert.

but racism is not a white institution. Sorry...these guys were assholes and fuck them. But it goes both ways. My best man at my wedding was a black man named Fred (I am white). Fred and I are still close. He always said when it came to music I had far too much soul for a white boy. LOL. We both love Earth, Wind and Fire. We would drive to school and sing. We had worked out the harmonies and sang together incredibly. I saw that EWF was playing in our city and I went to Fred all excited and said "we have to go". Fred looked at the venue and said "you can't go".

I was confused and didn't understand. I said "this is our band. We have to go" and he said. "I am sorry you can't go. I can't protect you if you go" Racism goes both ways

Now lets look at the scary people who attend Earth, Wind, and Fire concerts.

You're full of shit.

It wasn't the band that was the problem, genius; it was where they were playing. I am guessing you haven't spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh or you would be aware that Homewood and the Hill District are two of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the United States. Think it would be a good idea for a 24 year old, upper middle class white boy to go strolling through Compton after dark? PROBABLY, not the wisest course of action. Those neighborhoods re every bit as bad (and probably worse).

If my black friend who had lived in Pittsburgh all his life says I can't go there for an event taking place after dark, I think it's probably wise to take his advice don't you?
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Oh I don't think I am misunderstanding anything, brother. :lol: Your experience has clearly been different than mine and I will leave it at that so as to avoid drawing you in the middle, but based on past exchanges between the two of us, I have very little doubt that she is BOTH a racist and a mysandrist. But as you said...that's our issue and not yours.
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Oh I don't think I am misunderstanding anything, brother. :lol: Your experience has clearly been different than mine and I will leave it at that so as to avoid drawing you in the middle, but based on past exchanges between the two of us, I have very little doubt that she is BOTH a racist and a mysandrist. But as you said...that's our issue and not yours.

Oh come on now. You're just a big baby. You couldn't handle two women giving you a piece of their mind, so you accused me and Esmeralda of being socks.
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Obviously, you were looking for a negative reaction or you wouldn't have posted something so personal on an anonymous forum.

I never said that a woman couldn't possibly abuse a man. You are a dishonest person. I'm betting your ex has a completely different version to this story...a version we'll never hear.

Carla...I hate to say this, but you are a total idiot. What danger is there in posting personal information on a website where you are anonymous? No one knows who I am and no one will find out unless I let them. It's the perfect venue for posting personal information that you might not reveal to anyone else. of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

That's calling me a racist because I called you out on your pretend black friend who could not protect you at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. LOL!!!

Go ahead and air your dirty laundry. We can hear your version and guess the rest. called me out and you were totally wrong. You are making assumptions just like Chris is but you really don't know and frankly you don't care. In your mind a white man and a black man can't have that kind of a relationship. If that is not racist I don't know what is

That's very far from the truth. I just don't believe your ridiculous story. Let's recap your story of Fred, the friend who could not protect you from scary racist black people at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert.

but racism is not a white institution. Sorry...these guys were assholes and fuck them. But it goes both ways. My best man at my wedding was a black man named Fred (I am white). Fred and I are still close. He always said when it came to music I had far too much soul for a white boy. LOL. We both love Earth, Wind and Fire. We would drive to school and sing. We had worked out the harmonies and sang together incredibly. I saw that EWF was playing in our city and I went to Fred all excited and said "we have to go". Fred looked at the venue and said "you can't go".

I was confused and didn't understand. I said "this is our band. We have to go" and he said. "I am sorry you can't go. I can't protect you if you go" Racism goes both ways

Now lets look at the scary people who attend Earth, Wind, and Fire concerts.

You're full of shit.

It wasn't the band that was the problem, genius; it was where they were playing. I am guessing you haven't spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh or you would be aware that Homewood and the Hill District are two of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the United States. Think it would be a good idea for a 24 year old, upper middle class white boy to go strolling through Compton after dark? PROBABLY, not the wisest course of action. Those neighborhoods re every bit as bad (and probably worse).

If my black friend who had lived in Pittsburgh all his life says I can't go there for an event taking place after dark, I think it's probably wise to take his advice don't you?

OMG, that's laughable. EWF has no scary venue, with scary racist people attending. Is it possible that "Fred" just doesn't want to be seen with you?
Carla...I hate to say this, but you are a total idiot. What danger is there in posting personal information on a website where you are anonymous? No one knows who I am and no one will find out unless I let them. It's the perfect venue for posting personal information that you might not reveal to anyone else. of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

That's calling me a racist because I called you out on your pretend black friend who could not protect you at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. LOL!!!

Go ahead and air your dirty laundry. We can hear your version and guess the rest. called me out and you were totally wrong. You are making assumptions just like Chris is but you really don't know and frankly you don't care. In your mind a white man and a black man can't have that kind of a relationship. If that is not racist I don't know what is

That's very far from the truth. I just don't believe your ridiculous story. Let's recap your story of Fred, the friend who could not protect you from scary racist black people at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert.

but racism is not a white institution. Sorry...these guys were assholes and fuck them. But it goes both ways. My best man at my wedding was a black man named Fred (I am white). Fred and I are still close. He always said when it came to music I had far too much soul for a white boy. LOL. We both love Earth, Wind and Fire. We would drive to school and sing. We had worked out the harmonies and sang together incredibly. I saw that EWF was playing in our city and I went to Fred all excited and said "we have to go". Fred looked at the venue and said "you can't go".

I was confused and didn't understand. I said "this is our band. We have to go" and he said. "I am sorry you can't go. I can't protect you if you go" Racism goes both ways

Now lets look at the scary people who attend Earth, Wind, and Fire concerts.

You're full of shit.

It wasn't the band that was the problem, genius; it was where they were playing. I am guessing you haven't spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh or you would be aware that Homewood and the Hill District are two of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the United States. Think it would be a good idea for a 24 year old, upper middle class white boy to go strolling through Compton after dark? PROBABLY, not the wisest course of action. Those neighborhoods re every bit as bad (and probably worse).

If my black friend who had lived in Pittsburgh all his life says I can't go there for an event taking place after dark, I think it's probably wise to take his advice don't you?

OMG, that's laughable. EWF has no scary venue, with scary racist people attending. Is it possible that "Fred" just doesn't want to be seen with you?

OMG you CAN'T be this dense. A band does not create the venue and they don't book the venue. Their manager arranges it and the band shows up and plays there. You know EWF doesn't exactly sell out Heinz Field anymore. By 1993, when this went down, they were not selling out much of anything. Their sound had changed, their records were not selling well, and they had just come back from a three year hiatus. They were in the middle stages of their history where their glory days were over and it was too soon for them to sell out major arenas as a classic band. When they played that show in Pittsburgh it was a very low point for them and getting a booking at a huge venue that was in a better part of town wasn't going to happen. They took what they could get at the time which happened to be a very small venue in a part of town wasn't safe for 24 year old upper middle class white boys to go walking around in. .How hard is that to understand?
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Oh I don't think I am misunderstanding anything, brother. :lol: Your experience has clearly been different than mine and I will leave it at that so as to avoid drawing you in the middle, but based on past exchanges between the two of us, I have very little doubt that she is BOTH a racist and a mysandrist. But as you said...that's our issue and not yours.

Oh come on now. You're just a big baby. You couldn't handle two women giving you a piece of their mind, so you accused me and Esmeralda of being socks.

No it was very simple. You believe women should have superior rights to men. That makes you a mysandrist. Only you can try to spin it some other way.
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Oh I don't think I am misunderstanding anything, brother. :lol: Your experience has clearly been different than mine and I will leave it at that so as to avoid drawing you in the middle, but based on past exchanges between the two of us, I have very little doubt that she is BOTH a racist and a mysandrist. But as you said...that's our issue and not yours.

Oh come on now. You're just a big baby. You couldn't handle two women giving you a piece of their mind, so you accused me and Esmeralda of being socks.

No it was very simple. You believe women should have superior rights to men. That makes you a mysandrist. Only you can try to spin it some other way.

You're a big baby and a control freak, upset that you can't have any control over the decisions women make concerning their bodies.
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That's calling me a racist because I called you out on your pretend black friend who could not protect you at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. LOL!!!

Go ahead and air your dirty laundry. We can hear your version and guess the rest. called me out and you were totally wrong. You are making assumptions just like Chris is but you really don't know and frankly you don't care. In your mind a white man and a black man can't have that kind of a relationship. If that is not racist I don't know what is

That's very far from the truth. I just don't believe your ridiculous story. Let's recap your story of Fred, the friend who could not protect you from scary racist black people at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert.

but racism is not a white institution. Sorry...these guys were assholes and fuck them. But it goes both ways. My best man at my wedding was a black man named Fred (I am white). Fred and I are still close. He always said when it came to music I had far too much soul for a white boy. LOL. We both love Earth, Wind and Fire. We would drive to school and sing. We had worked out the harmonies and sang together incredibly. I saw that EWF was playing in our city and I went to Fred all excited and said "we have to go". Fred looked at the venue and said "you can't go".

I was confused and didn't understand. I said "this is our band. We have to go" and he said. "I am sorry you can't go. I can't protect you if you go" Racism goes both ways

Now lets look at the scary people who attend Earth, Wind, and Fire concerts.

You're full of shit.

It wasn't the band that was the problem, genius; it was where they were playing. I am guessing you haven't spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh or you would be aware that Homewood and the Hill District are two of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the United States. Think it would be a good idea for a 24 year old, upper middle class white boy to go strolling through Compton after dark? PROBABLY, not the wisest course of action. Those neighborhoods re every bit as bad (and probably worse).

If my black friend who had lived in Pittsburgh all his life says I can't go there for an event taking place after dark, I think it's probably wise to take his advice don't you?

OMG, that's laughable. EWF has no scary venue, with scary racist people attending. Is it possible that "Fred" just doesn't want to be seen with you?

OMG you CAN'T be this dense. A band does not create the venue and they don't book the venue. Their manager arranges it and the band shows up and plays there. You know EWF doesn't exactly sell out Heinz Field anymore. By 1993, when this went down, they were not selling out much of anything. Their sound had changed, their records were not selling well, and they had just come back from a three year hiatus. They were in the middle stages of their history where their glory days were over and it was too soon for them to sell out major arenas as a classic band. When they played that show in Pittsburgh it was a very low point for them and getting a booking at a huge venue that was in a better part of town wasn't going to happen. They took what they could get at the time which happened to be a very small venue in a part of town wasn't safe for 24 year old upper middle class white boys to go walking around in. .How hard is that to understand?

No one is talking about who creates the venue. That's not the point.
You used Fred, your pretend friend, to validate your racist views on scary black people, when you were trying to prove that racism goes both ways.

In the past and in the present, EWF crowds are mostly middle age white folks, and they don't play in areas where you would need protection from scary black people. Stop being such a wuss.
of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

Carla is neither racist nor mysandrist, BP, and I have never seen her post anything that even verges on either of those positions.

As you posted yourself it is possible to misunderstand what someone is saying because the written word lacks ability to convey, tone, expression, etc.

Carla is witty and outspoken and could very well have been sarcastic in what you misperceived as racism and mysandry.

But I will leave it up to the both of you to sort that out between yourselves.

Oh I don't think I am misunderstanding anything, brother. :lol: Your experience has clearly been different than mine and I will leave it at that so as to avoid drawing you in the middle, but based on past exchanges between the two of us, I have very little doubt that she is BOTH a racist and a mysandrist. But as you said...that's our issue and not yours.

Oh come on now. You're just a big baby. You couldn't handle two women giving you a piece of their mind, so you accused me and Esmeralda of being socks.

No it was very simple. You believe women should have superior rights to men. That makes you a mysandrist. Only you can try to spin it some other way.

You're a big baby and a control freak, upset that you can't have any control over the decisions women make concerning their bodies.

And here we go with the "men are just trying to control women's bodies" bullshit. The typical mysandrist rhetoric when you can't debate the merits of the argument. No wonder DT described you as "witty" instead of "intelligent".

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