Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it

Why do you have an avatar of yourself in your bra and panties anyway? A MARRIED and allegedly CHRISTIAN woman? Advertising your body in such a manner to strange men on the internet?
Go to Health and Lifestyle. The thread about RA. In it I explain why and I even show a picture. You can ridicule me all you wish but it is a compliment to me. My husband has no problem with the avatar...he knows my reasons and supports my decision for the avatar. it is a celebration

No thank you and okaaaay.
I am not trying to make you feel sorry or anything else for me but you make a judgement that married women are limited to what they can and can't do and judging me holding me on a pedestal for being Christian and display a picture as such I do. People judged Jesus from what they could see and they should have been looking inward not only toward him but others as well. You do not like spiritual things but isn't that just respect? Did it occur to you or anyone else that one of the reasons for the avatar is to illustrate the idea not to judge a book by its cover? That must be way too deep for you to comprehend. People listen to me because I have something to say. The picture is the invite to the party. I do not show my face because this forum is anonymous and I would like it to stay that way
Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it

Why do you have an avatar of yourself in your bra and panties anyway? A MARRIED and allegedly CHRISTIAN woman? Advertising your body in such a manner to strange men on the internet?
Go to Health and Lifestyle. The thread about RA. In it I explain why and I even show a picture. You can ridicule me all you wish but it is a compliment to me. My husband has no problem with the avatar...he knows my reasons and supports my decision for the avatar. it is a celebration

No thank you and okaaaay.
Ok but quit bitching about the picture, you wanted to know so I told you
Hitting her would reduce you to her level, and escalate the violence or her trying to hurt you even more, imo leaving would be the right thing to do, which you eventually did.

Also, getting her help....she is obviously not stable, something is wrong upstairs and she needs or needed, professional help....
Agree. Leave her and take the child. Report the domestic abuse. Have pictures taken of your injuries to prove it. Call the hotlines for women, if there aren't any for men in your area, that help deal with domestic abuse and getting out: they will help you. Contact an attorney to get support for taking the child out of her custody. Etc. Use your brain and look into all the possibilities instead of staying in that situation and being a victim of domestic abuse.

The fact is that nowadays everyone knows men are also victims of domestic abuse, so this subuject is not new or shocking: we know it happens and men as well as women need to get out of the situation, not put up with it.

Don't fight back with your hands: fight back with your brain.
I think that if women don't want to be punched, they shouldn't punch people. I understand that men are stronger, in many cases a lot stronger, but I am familiar with many women who have been violent towards men or who initiate hitting or punching the guy while expecting him not to hit back.

I think that's bullshit.

But I have to agree with GT that something is off about BP's story. I smell a strong smell of bullshit.
If anyone raised a hand to me, I would leave the relationship immediately. No question. It doesn't matter whether the agressor is male or female. Leave the relationship immediately; take the children and/or pet with you. Period.
I would hope that I would have left a person long before it escalated into a situation like that. Geesh! :ack-1: Thankfully nobody has ever tried to kill me before is all I can say.
I was in a domestic violence relationship in my very early 20s. Over a 3 year period he hit me or tried to hit me 3 times. I left the relationship. At only about 22 years old I knew enough to know I wasn't going to live like that. How is it that much older adults can't figure it out?

We lived together. I went and stayed with friends for a while. One day when he was at work, they went to my house and collected all my stuff. I found another place to live and never had any further contact with him, though he tried to call me and wrote me letters wanting me to come back.

Just leave the situation. Get legal help if necessary. My situation was nearly 40 years ago. Nowadays there are lots organizations that help victims of domestic abuse. At that time there was none, and, in fact, one time when I reported him to the police they told me he was a 'nice guy' and that I was over reacting, though I had a fat lip from being hit. They discouraged me from making an issue of it and making a formal complaint. It is very different nowadays.

But even back then I had the sense to walk away.
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I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.

No actually I wasn't trying to be deceptive. :lol: That's actually just the way I and a lot of people talk. I call LOTS of people "brother" and "sister". I refer to Derideo_Te and sealybobo as "brother" all the time because I have respect for them. It just means "someone whose corner I am in and if push comes to shove I am going to defend them". .One of the problems with the written word is that you can't hear a person's tone of voice which can change the entire meaning of a statement. When I said "Go easy on Bonzi, she's my sister" my tone of voice was a playful alert that "you are messing with someone I think of as a friend and I don't want to have to get into it with you". You follow?

How can you consider people that you barely know "friends?" And especially a "sister" or a "brother?" How many times have you even spoken to Bonzi? Why do you feel a need to "defend" Bonzi against Gracie? Is this high school or something? I don't get this mindset that I see around here? Are people really this lonely?
I or we truly enjoy this site and after awhile we get to know each other and consider some friends. Not get together friends but I can tell who I like and don't like.

Does hulk Hogan really consider people he calls brother relatives? How many black guys has he called brother? Lol
I am prompted to open this topic because of a different thread. It's been discussed before buy with all the recent media about it I am wondering if opinions have changed. I am going to share something personal with you. I was in an abusive relationship but I was not the abuser. Yes men can be the victims of domestic abuse just like women can. It doesn't get reported as often because men don't want to admit a woman is beating them up but it's not as uncommon as you might believe.

In my case my ex-girlfriend and I had a baby and I took my new family to Pittsburgh so I could go to college. She was young , from a small town, and had never experienced a big city before. She had been yanked 2,000 miles across the country and was suddenly in the position of being a wife and a mother in a setting where she knew no one, she had no friends, and no support. She didn't do well. Actually she flipped out and within months she was attacking me on a regular basis. Usually it was just hitting but as time went on it got more and more dangerous. She started using pans and statuettes to attack me. I took it for many reasons. One, I didn't want to lose my daughter. Two, I hoped it was just something she was just going through as an adjustment to her new circumstances. It didn't get better.

After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came. I don't know why I woke up but for whatever reason I awoke to find her over me with a 12" chef's knife in her hand. She thrust it down at me and I rolled out of the way and it stuck in the bed. She wasn't kidding around. She pulled it out of the bed and lunged at me stabbing and slashing at me and then I did it. I clocked her dead in the face. She stumbled back and gathered herself and screamed "how dare you hit me" and charged me again with the knife above her head screaming like a banshee. I deflected her stab, kicked her in the crotch, and punched her in the throat. She went down and I took the knife from her and called the police.

The police told me that since there were only marks on her they would have to arrest me for domestic violence and of course she screamed that I attacked her for no reason. It never came to that, but I had to endure three more months of her abuse until she was stupid enough to attack me in front of a witness. Then I was able to get rid of her and keep my child.

I have no doubt in my mind that she would have killed me had I not clocked her. I have no doubt in my mind that had I not endured it until I had a witness that allowed me to keep my daughter that my daughter would be dead now. She would have killed her.

So that's my "why I stayed" story. I look back on it often given the recent "it's NEVER ok to hit a woman" stuff and think to myself "people who say that have never experienced what I have experienced or the thousands of men who have abusive wives/girlfriends". Sometimes it IS ok I think. I am completely convinced that had I not clocked that girl I would be dead now and my daughter may be as well.

I think there IS a time to hit a woman. I think the circumstances are very select and a man should show restraint to only use violence to stop the threat, but in certain's justified. My experience with that girl has taught me that I don't care who it is. If someone (man or woman) is attacking me and I feel I am in danger of real harm I am going to take that person out to the best of my abilities and gender doesn't matter to me at all.

I welcome your thoughts.
I had a girlfriend drunk and insisting she should drive. We were arguing. She insisted! So I gave her a smack in the face. She didn't drive that night but the next week I had to hear about how I should never hit a woman.

Do fathers spank or smack their daughters? TThat's all I did. I wasn't abusive in fact never hit a woman before or after.
I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.
Shut up or I'll punch your face. Oops. Sorry baby. I love you it'll never happen again. And when I say never I mean not again this week.
There are too many variables here. If you are a guy and you wife is beating you, you should leave or seek counseling. No one should be a punching bag in a relationship.
if there ever comes a time

when this question is seriously raised in a relationship

it is time to end the relationship
People are fucked up, man. Really fucked up, that's all I can say.
Good of you to admit such things now go tell it to your reflection while you pose for another picture of yourself to post up for hopeful admiration. Psst...a message board doesn't have windows where someone can see you bat your eyes and flip your hair like a singles bar has so you have to use WORDS and intellect to attract men here. Just sayin' Oh and please choose a different angle to come back at me this time the one about being in underwear you have worn out
Even though chrisl is pretty and a liberal I can tell she's probably a bitch. There's a big difference between wanting to screw someone and wanting to spend time with them.

On family guy after having sex the woman in quagmires bed asked him a question and he asked her what she was doing still there.

The problem with pretty women is guys put up with their bullshit so they think it's OK but then they wonder why they only date losers. And why do they even ultimately leave too. Show me a hot married girl I'll show you a guy sick of fucking her. Lol

I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.
Shut up or I'll punch your face. Oops. Sorry baby. I love you it'll never happen again. And when I say never I mean not again this week.
if there ever comes a time

when this question is seriously raised in a relationship

it is time to end the relationship
There are cases you have to stay, because some people will NEVER let go

that is all the more reason to end the relationship

even if that means abruptly leaving the state

those types of situations are very dangerous

a powder keg waiting to be lit
I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.
Shut up or I'll punch your face. Oops. Sorry baby. I love you it'll never happen again. And when I say never I mean not again this week.
if there ever comes a time

when this question is seriously raised in a relationship

it is time to end the relationship
There are cases you have to stay, because some people will NEVER let go

that is all the more reason to end the relationship

even if that means abruptly leaving the state

those types of situations are very dangerous

a powder keg waiting to be lit
It's a scary thing either way and some people just don't have the courage, but, fortunately they are rare cases (I hope...)
I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.
Shut up or I'll punch your face. Oops. Sorry baby. I love you it'll never happen again. And when I say never I mean not again this week.
if there ever comes a time

when this question is seriously raised in a relationship

it is time to end the relationship
There are cases you have to stay, because some people will NEVER let go

that is all the more reason to end the relationship

even if that means abruptly leaving the state

those types of situations are very dangerous

a powder keg waiting to be lit
It's a scary thing either way and some people just don't have the courage, but, fortunately they are rare cases (I hope...)

hopefully they have a support network family and friends
I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.
Shut up or I'll punch your face. Oops. Sorry baby. I love you it'll never happen again. And when I say never I mean not again this week.
if there ever comes a time

when this question is seriously raised in a relationship

it is time to end the relationship
There are cases you have to stay, because some people will NEVER let go

that is all the more reason to end the relationship

even if that means abruptly leaving the state

those types of situations are very dangerous

a powder keg waiting to be lit
I remember in highschool guys and gals would lose it if they were dumped or cheated on. Talk about killing themselves type crazy.

Most of us grew up. If we are or were in a bad relationship we left it. Anyone in a dysfunctional relationship must be mentally immature. I know it can happen to anyone but to stay in it?
I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.
Shut up or I'll punch your face. Oops. Sorry baby. I love you it'll never happen again. And when I say never I mean not again this week.
if there ever comes a time

when this question is seriously raised in a relationship

it is time to end the relationship
There are cases you have to stay, because some people will NEVER let go

that is all the more reason to end the relationship

even if that means abruptly leaving the state

those types of situations are very dangerous

a powder keg waiting to be lit
It's a scary thing either way and some people just don't have the courage, but, fortunately they are rare cases (I hope...)

hopefully they have a support network family and friends
I would never put my family or friends in the middle of that, sometimes the only answer is to disappear

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