Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

Speak for yourself, you seem to be here an AWFUL lot

Why can't Bonzi fight her own battles? Why does Blue Phantom call a woman he hardly knows his "sister?" That's weird.

For an atheist it would be very strange. For a Christian not so much.

Yes . . . it is strange to pretend you have a "close" relationship with a person that you really don't know anything about.

Also, I know all kinds of people. Christians, atheists, etc. Duh.

How do you know what I know and what I don't? I have personal contact (i.e. telephone) with several posters at USMB as does Trinity. How do you know Bonzi isn't one of them? You assume a lot. I gotta tell you, are a good looking woman, but I wouldn't waste my time filling out a Mensa application if I were you.

Oh, so now you are insinuating that you have a relationship with Bonzi outside of this forum? Stop lying.

That's not what i said. Stop putting words into my mouth and twisting what I said. I said I DO have relationships with posters outside these boards and you don't know if Bonzi is one of them or not. You are assuming I don't. You may be right. You may also be wrong. I am not going to say who I chat with on the phone from USMB...but I chat with several.
People are fucked up, man. Really fucked up, that's all I can say.
Good of you to admit such things now go tell it to your reflection while you pose for another picture of yourself to post up for hopeful admiration. Psst...a message board doesn't have windows where someone can see you bat your eyes and flip your hair like a singles bar has so you have to use WORDS and intellect to attract men here. Just sayin' Oh and please choose a different angle to come back at me this time the one about being in underwear you have worn out
Because its a message board full of anon people. And it might help someone else. And because it is a topic not discussed by most men because hitting a woman is taboo and makes the man "unmanly" which is why most ment don't report it and because sometimes things just need to be talked about. The FZ is for venting out rage. Other forums are for discussing things one has nobody to talk to about it and being anon is a great way to do that. Kinda like my health RA thread. Lots of info in there too, with some using it as some sort of weapon or a "need" to be "noticed" instead of what it truly is.....learning about the disease, sharing experiences with others, getting to know someones "other side" that isn't just chatting about grandkids or cookies or recipes.

He made the thread to express himself and discover who HE is. Maybe he is looking for empathy for what he went thru. I have no clue, nor care. I believe him. If he was this horrible lying abuser about what went down, then Trinity would have nothing to do with him because she has shared some gawdawful stories in the health thread and I think she is one tough cookie considering her circumstances. Sometimes...unpleasant things need to be discussed. Its as simple as that.
Thank you for your nice comments. My reason for sharing was to help other people like yourself in any way I can and to share my own knowledge gained over the years. This thread is meant for the same bring awareness through a personal story to an issue that for years has stayed hidden for fear of ridicule which is pretty much what I have been seeing from some people.

The negative reaction has been pretty much what I experienced 20 years ago. People like Chris, Koshergrl, Carla etc insisting that women couldn't possibly abuse men and if the man was truly abused there must be something wrong with him to allow himself to be abused. We have a VERY long way to go in regard to understanding domestic violence with such attitudes.

Obviously, you were looking for a negative reaction or you wouldn't have posted something so personal on an anonymous forum.

I never said that a woman couldn't possibly abuse a man. You are a dishonest person. I'm betting your ex has a completely different version to this story...a version we'll never hear.

Carla...I hate to say this, but you are a total idiot. What danger is there in posting personal information on a website where you are anonymous? No one knows who I am and no one will find out unless I let them. It's the perfect venue for posting personal information that you might not reveal to anyone else. of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

That's calling me a racist because I called you out on your pretend black friend who could not protect you at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. LOL!!!

Go ahead and air your dirty laundry. We can hear your version and guess the rest. called me out and you were totally wrong. You are making assumptions just like Chris is but you really don't know and frankly you don't care. In your mind a white man and a black man can't have that kind of a relationship. If that is not racist I don't know what is. Just because you scream I am a liar doesn't mean you are right. It only means you are screaming I am a liar
People are fucked up, man. Really fucked up, that's all I can say.
Good of you to admit such things now go tell it to your reflection while you pose for another picture of yourself to post up for hopeful admiration. Psst...a message board doesn't have windows where someone can see you bat your eyes and flip your hair like a singles bar has so you have to use WORDS and intellect to attract men here. Just sayin' Oh and please choose a different angle to come back at me this time the one about being in underwear you have worn out

I'm sorry, but all I can do is laugh whenever you post this kind of nonsense. :lol: It's hilarious!
People are fucked up, man. Really fucked up, that's all I can say.
Good of you to admit such things now go tell it to your reflection while you pose for another picture of yourself to post up for hopeful admiration. Psst...a message board doesn't have windows where someone can see you bat your eyes and flip your hair like a singles bar has so you have to use WORDS and intellect to attract men here. Just sayin' Oh and please choose a different angle to come back at me this time the one about being in underwear you have worn out

You ARE in your underwear. Lol. You are running around on an internet forum in front of a bunch of strangers in your underwear. :D
Thank you for your nice comments. My reason for sharing was to help other people like yourself in any way I can and to share my own knowledge gained over the years. This thread is meant for the same bring awareness through a personal story to an issue that for years has stayed hidden for fear of ridicule which is pretty much what I have been seeing from some people.

The negative reaction has been pretty much what I experienced 20 years ago. People like Chris, Koshergrl, Carla etc insisting that women couldn't possibly abuse men and if the man was truly abused there must be something wrong with him to allow himself to be abused. We have a VERY long way to go in regard to understanding domestic violence with such attitudes.

Obviously, you were looking for a negative reaction or you wouldn't have posted something so personal on an anonymous forum.

I never said that a woman couldn't possibly abuse a man. You are a dishonest person. I'm betting your ex has a completely different version to this story...a version we'll never hear.

Carla...I hate to say this, but you are a total idiot. What danger is there in posting personal information on a website where you are anonymous? No one knows who I am and no one will find out unless I let them. It's the perfect venue for posting personal information that you might not reveal to anyone else. of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

That's calling me a racist because I called you out on your pretend black friend who could not protect you at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. LOL!!!

Go ahead and air your dirty laundry. We can hear your version and guess the rest. called me out and you were totally wrong. You are making assumptions just like Chris is but you really don't know and frankly you don't care. In your mind a white man and a black man can't have that kind of a relationship. If that is not racist I don't know what is

That's very far from the truth. I just don't believe your ridiculous story. Let's recap your story of Fred, the friend who could not protect you from scary racist black people at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert.

but racism is not a white institution. Sorry...these guys were assholes and fuck them. But it goes both ways. My best man at my wedding was a black man named Fred (I am white). Fred and I are still close. He always said when it came to music I had far too much soul for a white boy. LOL. We both love Earth, Wind and Fire. We would drive to school and sing. We had worked out the harmonies and sang together incredibly. I saw that EWF was playing in our city and I went to Fred all excited and said "we have to go". Fred looked at the venue and said "you can't go".

I was confused and didn't understand. I said "this is our band. We have to go" and he said. "I am sorry you can't go. I can't protect you if you go" Racism goes both ways

Now lets look at the scary people who attend Earth, Wind, and Fire concerts.

You're full of shit.
Thank you for your nice comments. My reason for sharing was to help other people like yourself in any way I can and to share my own knowledge gained over the years. This thread is meant for the same bring awareness through a personal story to an issue that for years has stayed hidden for fear of ridicule which is pretty much what I have been seeing from some people.

The negative reaction has been pretty much what I experienced 20 years ago. People like Chris, Koshergrl, Carla etc insisting that women couldn't possibly abuse men and if the man was truly abused there must be something wrong with him to allow himself to be abused. We have a VERY long way to go in regard to understanding domestic violence with such attitudes.

Obviously, you were looking for a negative reaction or you wouldn't have posted something so personal on an anonymous forum.

I never said that a woman couldn't possibly abuse a man. You are a dishonest person. I'm betting your ex has a completely different version to this story...a version we'll never hear.

Carla...I hate to say this, but you are a total idiot. What danger is there in posting personal information on a website where you are anonymous? No one knows who I am and no one will find out unless I let them. It's the perfect venue for posting personal information that you might not reveal to anyone else. of course you have already established yourself as a racist, mysandrist time and time again so I really am not surprised by your point of view.

That's calling me a racist because I called you out on your pretend black friend who could not protect you at an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. LOL!!!

Go ahead and air your dirty laundry. We can hear your version and guess the rest. called me out and you were totally wrong. You are making assumptions just like Chris is but you really don't know and frankly you don't care. In your mind a white man and a black man can't have that kind of a relationship. If that is not racist I don't know what is. Just because you scream I am a liar doesn't mean you are right. It only means you are screaming I am a liar

Nobody is making ANY assumptions. I have asked why you didn't leave sooner. All of the things that I've asked you were based on your OP. If you didn't want any negative feedback, then you probably should not have started the thread.
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.
It's just kind of strange that a person would start a thread about something so personal to share with not so very kind strangers on the internet, as we are only getting a one-sided story, and it seems ALL the blame lies on this woman while you accept absolutely NO responsibility at all for this relationship. We don't even get to hear the woman's side of this story.

Oh, I think I get it. It's a "pity party" that you wanted. I see.
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

I don't really care, TBH. However, if you are going to talk about my pictures, then expect for it to be pointed out that YOU are running around in your underwear. That is a fact, regardless of your justification. :D
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
People are fucked up, man. Really fucked up, that's all I can say.

You are absolutely right, Peter.

Very "Christian" of you. Lol. :D you will say I know you are but what am I? How is it that atheist or agnostic or whatever you have admitted you know you do not know what you are...the last one is Buddhist...believe themselves to exempt of being judgemental? You didn't like Peter so is James, Phillip or Andrew more appealing? Oh how about Thomas? Yeah I like Thomas. Know why? Oh never mind you only believe or do not believe things you hear so reading about it is beyond you. Go ask someone else who Thomas is and his story. Lord...oops Buddha knows you won't believe me
People are fucked up, man. Really fucked up, that's all I can say.

You are absolutely right, Peter.

Very "Christian" of you. Lol. :D you will say I know you are but what am I? How is it that atheist or agnostic or whatever you have admitted you know you do not know what you are...the last one is Buddhist...believe themselves to exempt of being judgemental? You didn't like Peter so is James, Phillip or Andrew more appealing? Oh how about Thomas? Yeah I like Thomas. Know why? Oh never mind you only believe or do not believe things you hear so reading about it is beyond you. Go ask someone else who Thomas is and his story. Lord...oops Buddha knows you won't believe me

I have no idea what you are babbling on about. :lol:
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

I don't really care, TBH. However, if you are going to talk about my pictures, then expect for it to be pointed out that YOU are running around in your underwear. That is a fact, regardless of your justification. :D
It is a picture, I see no one moving but hey if you do then great let your imagination go because truth is...I can't physically run anywhere. Haven't been afforded that luxury for some years now. I can't crawl, run, or even walk fast and if I fall down I litterally can't get up but thanks so much for the vote of confidence
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

I don't really care, TBH. However, if you are going to talk about my pictures, then expect for it to be pointed out that YOU are running around in your underwear. That is a fact, regardless of your justification. :D
It is a picture, I see no one moving but hey if you do then great let your imagination go because truth is...I can't physically run anywhere. Haven't been afforded that luxury for some years now. I can't crawl, run, or even walk fast and if I fall down I litterally can't get up but thanks so much for the vote of confidence

Whatever. How about you stop babbling about things that I know nothing about. I don't know anything about you. I don't really WANT to know anything about you. I am perfectly content to know nothing more about you. :)
Okay, but he isn't saying it was because of a postpartum depression. He says it is because she was young and they moved away from her home. Anyways, I'm just saying, the way to avoid coming to blows would be to leave before it escalates to that level. I think I would rather take my chances with being arrested than being killed, or my child being killed.

We're hearing his side of the story only. Why do these people need to find people who can reinforce their pathologies?


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