Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
Unlike you I am not baited to show my pictures to strangers. Everyone seems to be crazy and babbling according to you when you are cornered and have no come back. You are very simple to predict
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
Unlike you I am not baited to show my pictures to strangers. Everyone seems to be crazy and babbling according to you when you are cornered and have no come back. You are very simple to predict

Hmm. What would geebus do? :D
Okay, but he isn't saying it was because of a postpartum depression. He says it is because she was young and they moved away from her home. Anyways, I'm just saying, the way to avoid coming to blows would be to leave before it escalates to that level. I think I would rather take my chances with being arrested than being killed, or my child being killed.

We're hearing his side of the story only. Why do these people need to find people who can reinforce their pathologies?

Everyone brings their own side to everything on any given forum. You are bringing your own side to this by disputing the validity of this. Last I looked this board isn't a courtroom and you are by no means a jury
I never said Bonzi was my real life sister. :lol: I said she was my "sister" as in a "sister from another Mister"..."a sister in Christ". Christians tend to talk like that about other Christians and call them "brothers" and "sisters". I wasn't lying, I simply wasn't clear what I meant and you took me literally. It was a misunderstanding, not deception.
Of course I took it literally. You said "Go easy on Bonzi. She is my sister". You meant to be deceptive, dude. Otherwise you would have been more clear.
But that's neither here nor there. However, it does tend to make me wary on whatever you say.

No actually I wasn't trying to be deceptive. :lol: That's actually just the way I and a lot of people talk. I call LOTS of people "brother" and "sister". I refer to Derideo_Te and sealybobo as "brother" all the time because I have respect for them. When I greet my staff every morning I shake their hand, give them a man-hug and say "what's up my brother?" It just means "someone whose corner I am in and if push comes to shove I am going to defend them". .One of the problems with the written word is that you can't hear a person's tone of voice which can change the entire meaning of a statement. When I said "Go easy on Bonzi, she's my sister" my tone of voice was a playful alert that "you are messing with someone I think of as a friend and I don't want to have to get into it with you". You follow?
Yeah, I follow, and I don't give a rats ass if you don't like what I have to say to Bonzi or she to me. What is she? Your lemming? Or are you white knighting for her? Good for you, but it means squat to me.
You said "She is my sister". I like I backed off. Until I found out you lied. And it was a lie. Period. Wash it any way you want but it was still a lie. And furthermore, if you want to bag on me in her behalf, knock yourself out. You notice Pillars does not believe you but you don't see me ragging on her abot it even though she is my friend.
Now if you are going to pull the "I like this person so I will battle you if you don't kiss their ass", then I don't need someone like you to chitchat with and I will avoid you in future. Ball is in your court "brother".

And I like you too. Hence the reason why I asked you to back off instead of simply ripping into you. I don't WANT to get into it with you on her behalf because I like you both. Therefore, I asked you to take a step back so I didn't have to get involved.

As far as called her bluff last night and she blinked. I really don't care what she has to say. She tried to catch me lying and I said "oh ok I am willing to prove it" and she backed off faster than someone running from a Dalek.

I don't ask that anyone kisses Bonzi's ass. It's good for her to be challenged. She will learn a lot that way, but at some point I am going to be the Senpai
You're like the internet mutant love child of stabjob, dainty and statist.
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
Unlike you I am not baited to show my pictures to strangers. Everyone seems to be crazy and babbling according to you when you are cornered and have no come back. You are very simple to predict

Hmm. What would geebus do? :D
Did you mean to be funny and say Jeebus? because you even got the spelling wrong on that. Good Grief Charlie Brown! When you try to make a slam on someone at least spell it correctly.
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
Unlike you I am not baited to show my pictures to strangers. Everyone seems to be crazy and babbling according to you when you are cornered and have no come back. You are very simple to predict

Hmm. What would geebus do? :D
Did you mean to be funny and say Jeebus? because you even got the spelling wrong on that. Good Grief Charlie Brown! When you try to make a slam on someone at least spell it correctly.

That's a term I made up with a friend of mine, and I liked it. It's the GEE bus. Gee, that's interesting. :D
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
Unlike you I am not baited to show my pictures to strangers. Everyone seems to be crazy and babbling according to you when you are cornered and have no come back. You are very simple to predict

Hmm. What would geebus do? :D
Did you mean to be funny and say Jeebus? because you even got the spelling wrong on that. Good Grief Charlie Brown! When you try to make a slam on someone at least spell it correctly.

That's a term I made up with a friend of mine, and I liked it. It's the GEE bus. Gee, that's interesting. :D
Well you are not very original given the saying Jeebus crust has already been coined. Good luck next time
Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
Unlike you I am not baited to show my pictures to strangers. Everyone seems to be crazy and babbling according to you when you are cornered and have no come back. You are very simple to predict

Hmm. What would geebus do? :D
Did you mean to be funny and say Jeebus? because you even got the spelling wrong on that. Good Grief Charlie Brown! When you try to make a slam on someone at least spell it correctly.

That's a term I made up with a friend of mine, and I liked it. It's the GEE bus. Gee, that's interesting. :D
Well you are not very original given the saying Jeebus crust has already been coined. Good luck next time

Oh well, can't please all the people all the time. :D
And you do not know the reasons why I have the picture and that's fine. Other people do know and what I say is respected and considered because they listen to my words and ideas. You bring a countenance and a head full of air. That works for bars to get your drinks paid for (so I have heard, I can count on one hand how many times I have set foot in a bar) but it doesn't work in a discussion board forum. If all you can bring to the party is that my avatar is in underwear then congratulations! Everyone else has figured that out too.

Good God, you're an idiot. After re-reading this post, that much is clear. Poor thing. No wonder you run around in your bra and panties, not showing your face. Lol.
Unlike you I am not baited to show my pictures to strangers. Everyone seems to be crazy and babbling according to you when you are cornered and have no come back. You are very simple to predict

Hmm. What would geebus do? :D
Did you mean to be funny and say Jeebus? because you even got the spelling wrong on that. Good Grief Charlie Brown! When you try to make a slam on someone at least spell it correctly.
B..b..but they say it to look smort! How embarrassing it must be to get it wrong
Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it
Knowing it and being able to do something about it in a court of law in 1993 are two different things Chris. My God...Trinity is right. You are about as obtuse as someone with tennis elbow. What strikes me is your naivety. You think it's so easy for a man to do this and keep his child. It must be nice being a woman where you don't have to go to such measures to protect your children.

If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.

So you get arrested and then you have a record against you as an abuser and then you have no standing in a custody hearing. Jesus Chris! THINK! That's not good strategy. That's asking to lose your kid. What the hell are you thinking?

Why not, after she beat you, take pictures of your bodily injuries (you did say you were black and blue), and call the police? If you have bruises and she does not, then SHE would be the one arrested. Just because it was 1993 doesn't mean everyone was retarded.

And how do I prove they came from her? She would say I went to a bar and got drunk and got into a bar fight. How old are you? You do even know what 1993 was like? I needed someone who saw her attack me and could stand as a witness. Men needed a witness. Women only need to make the claim. I KNOW you are not this stupid Chris. You have had good things to say on other threads. I know you are not this obtuse on the way things worked back then
She was 15 in 1993. She told me so on a Patriots thread to prove she has watched them since they changed their logo

Wait, so you're saying that BP was getting beat up by a 15 year old girl?
Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it

What in the hell? "Run around" is a figure of speech. Lol.
If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.

So you get arrested and then you have a record against you as an abuser and then you have no standing in a custody hearing. Jesus Chris! THINK! That's not good strategy. That's asking to lose your kid. What the hell are you thinking?

Why not, after she beat you, take pictures of your bodily injuries (you did say you were black and blue), and call the police? If you have bruises and she does not, then SHE would be the one arrested. Just because it was 1993 doesn't mean everyone was retarded.

And how do I prove they came from her? She would say I went to a bar and got drunk and got into a bar fight. How old are you? You do even know what 1993 was like? I needed someone who saw her attack me and could stand as a witness. Men needed a witness. Women only need to make the claim. I KNOW you are not this stupid Chris. You have had good things to say on other threads. I know you are not this obtuse on the way things worked back then
She was 15 in 1993. She told me so on a Patriots thread to prove she has watched them since they changed their logo

Wait, so you're saying that BP was getting beat up by a 15 year old girl?

No, she means that I was 15 in 1993. Why she is so interested in my pictures and my life, I have no clue. I think she's a stalker or something. ;)
Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it

Why do you have an avatar of yourself in your bra and panties anyway? A MARRIED and allegedly CHRISTIAN woman? Advertising your body in such a manner to strange men on the internet?
Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it

What in the hell? "Run around" is a figure of speech. Lol.
Not for me. I pray for the day I can run again and bend my knees to the point of getting on the ground and back up, to get in and out of a bathtub and many other things. I pray for the day I can make a fist again, wear dress shoes, you name it. Glad for the wishes that I can run around. Going to go streaking lol
Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it

What in the hell? "Run around" is a figure of speech. Lol.
Not for me. I pray for the day I can run again and bend my knees to the point of getting on the ground and back up, to get in and out of a bathtub and many other things. I pray for the day I can make a fist again, wear dress shoes, you name it. Glad for the wishes that I can run around. Going to go streaking lol

Look, I'm sorry for your problems, but still, if you start dissing me, a SINGLE woman for having pictures of myself fully clothed, then you are going to get it right back, hon. :)
Imagine, being so desperate to get attention that you have to run around in front of a bunch of strangers in your bra and panties? Wow! I showed some of my friends. :D
Well Thank Ya! Much obliged...but I do not need anymore advertisement. many times must I insist that I can't run but again thanks for the confidence. If you did see me running that would be something to record and show MY friends they would be praising God for it

Why do you have an avatar of yourself in your bra and panties anyway? A MARRIED and allegedly CHRISTIAN woman? Advertising your body in such a manner to strange men on the internet?
Go to Health and Lifestyle. The thread about RA. In it I explain why and I even show a picture. You can ridicule me all you wish but it is a compliment to me. My husband has no problem with the avatar...he knows my reasons and supports my decision for the avatar. it is a celebration

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