Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

No matter what happened in the longrun ... Doesn't look like she ever gave him his nuts back ... :confused:


So you are suggesting that had I beat her senseless I would be more of a man. By taking her abuse I "lost my nuts" and then you women attack men for defending ourselves. So if we defend ourselves we are abusers and if we don't we have no nuts. Fucking women
So you are suggesting that had I beat her senseless I would be more of a man. By taking her abuse I "lost my nuts" and then you women attack men for defending ourselves. So if we defend ourselves we are abusers and if we don't we have no nuts. Fucking women

Her fingerprints were on the knife ... There was a hole in the bed ... Four slugs in her chest, two in the head would have solved the problem.

No matter what happened in the longrun ... Doesn't look like she ever gave him his nuts back ... :confused:


So you are suggesting that had I beat her senseless I would be more of a man. By taking her abuse I "lost my nuts" and then you women attack men for defending ourselves. So if we defend ourselves we are abusers and if we don't we have no nuts. Fucking women
You had no nuts to leave with bruises on your arms and take your daughter out of a situation of living with a fucking psychopath cuz you were scared you might lose a court case

Yea......your balls were ->. <- yay big from the perspective of a fucking parent that woukd do anything to protect their child

Plus if shes literally murderous shed fail a psyche eval faster than the gator ate the black dudes arm in happy gilmore

Sometimes "use your fuckin head" is sage sage advice
Okay, whatever. Obviously you were looking for validation and justification and not the TRUTH. :) Nightie night.

You always say that when someone has nailed you to the wall, Chris. Once you get cornered it's "oh you are just looking for blah, blah, blah...goodnight". and then you run and hide. When the shit hit the fan with my child and I had to fight and take abuse to save my child, I took what I had to to get myself into a position to win to save my child. But for you it's so easy...just take the kid and run. You seem to run a LOT. It must be so nice to be you and have all the laws work in your favor and never be at the disadvantaged side of anything.
No matter what happened in the longrun ... Doesn't look like she ever gave him his nuts back ... :confused:


So you are suggesting that had I beat her senseless I would be more of a man. By taking her abuse I "lost my nuts" and then you women attack men for defending ourselves. So if we defend ourselves we are abusers and if we don't we have no nuts. Fucking women
You had no nuts to leave with bruises on your arms and take your daughter out of a situation of living with a fucking psychopath cuz you were scared you might lose a court case

Yea......your balls were ->. <- yay big from the perspective of a fucking parent that woukd do anything to protect their child

Plus if shes literally murderous shed fail a psyche eval faster than the gator ate the black dudes arm in happy gilmore

Sometimes "use your fuckin head" is sage sage advice

Well I think that's all I need to hear. Welcome to being a part of the problem instead of the solution
Well I think that's all I need to hear. Welcome to being a part of the problem instead of the solution

How is that not a solution ... :dunno: ... Unless you don't have the stones to do it?
It's what I would do to you if you came at me with a knife.

Here is part of your OP. :) I am telling you that you should have made arrangements to leave this woman before the incident with the knife. Apparently, you realized she was crazy and that you needed to get rid of her long before the actual incident in question.

Knowing it and being able to do something about it in a court of law in 1993 are two different things Chris. My God...Trinity is right. You are about as obtuse as someone with tennis elbow. What strikes me is your naivety. You think it's so easy for a man to do this and keep his child. It must be nice being a woman where you don't have to go to such measures to protect your children.

If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.

So you get arrested and then you have a record against you as an abuser and then you have no standing in a custody hearing. Jesus Chris! THINK! That's not good strategy. That's asking to lose your kid. What the hell are you thinking?

Why not, after she beat you, take pictures of your bodily injuries (you did say you were black and blue), and call the police? If you have bruises and she does not, then SHE would be the one arrested. Just because it was 1993 doesn't mean everyone was retarded.

And how do I prove they came from her? She would say I went to a bar and got drunk and got into a bar fight. How old are you? You do even know what 1993 was like? I needed someone who saw her attack me and could stand as a witness. Men needed a witness. Women only need to make the claim. I KNOW you are not this stupid Chris. You have had good things to say on other threads. I know you are not this obtuse on the way things worked back then
She was 15 in 1993. She told me so on a Patriots thread to prove she has watched them since they changed their logo
I am prompted to open this topic because of a different thread. It's been discussed before buy with all the recent media about it I am wondering if opinions have changed. I am going to share something personal with you. I was in an abusive relationship but I was not the abuser. Yes men can be the victims of domestic abuse just like women can. It doesn't get reported as often because men don't want to admit a woman is beating them up but it's not as uncommon as you might believe.

In my case my ex-girlfriend and I had a baby and I took my new family to Pittsburgh so I could go to college. She was young , from a small town, and had never experienced a big city before. She had been yanked 2,000 miles across the country and was suddenly in the position of being a wife and a mother in a setting where she knew no one, she had no friends, and no support. She didn't do well. Actually she flipped out and within months she was attacking me on a regular basis. Usually it was just hitting but as time went on it got more and more dangerous. She started using pans and statuettes to attack me. I took it for many reasons. One, I didn't want to lose my daughter. Two, I hoped it was just something she was just going through as an adjustment to her new circumstances. It didn't get better.

After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came. I don't know why I woke up but for whatever reason I awoke to find her over me with a 12" chef's knife in her hand. She thrust it down at me and I rolled out of the way and it stuck in the bed. She wasn't kidding around. She pulled it out of the bed and lunged at me stabbing and slashing at me and then I did it. I clocked her dead in the face. She stumbled back and gathered herself and screamed "how dare you hit me" and charged me again with the knife above her head screaming like a banshee. I deflected her stab, kicked her in the crotch, and punched her in the throat. She went down and I took the knife from her and called the police.

The police told me that since there were only marks on her they would have to arrest me for domestic violence and of course she screamed that I attacked her for no reason. It never came to that, but I had to endure three more months of her abuse until she was stupid enough to attack me in front of a witness. Then I was able to get rid of her and keep my child.

I have no doubt in my mind that she would have killed me had I not clocked her. I have no doubt in my mind that had I not endured it until I had a witness that allowed me to keep my daughter that my daughter would be dead now. She would have killed her.

So that's my "why I stayed" story. I look back on it often given the recent "it's NEVER ok to hit a woman" stuff and think to myself "people who say that have never experienced what I have experienced or the thousands of men who have abusive wives/girlfriends". Sometimes it IS ok I think. I am completely convinced that had I not clocked that girl I would be dead now and my daughter may be as well.

I think there IS a time to hit a woman. I think the circumstances are very select and a man should show restraint to only use violence to stop the threat, but in certain's justified. My experience with that girl has taught me that I don't care who it is. If someone (man or woman) is attacking me and I feel I am in danger of real harm I am going to take that person out to the best of my abilities and gender doesn't matter to me at all.

I welcome your thoughts.
I only hit a girl once and this is how it went down...

We were partying one night at my apartment doing lots of dope and alcohol. When it got to the part of the night where I thought we were going to fuck, she started fucking with me! Acting like she wanted it (on the one hand) and slapping my hand away (with the other). This went on for almost an hour.

Finally, as we were sitting on the floor next to my water bed, I got up, rolled over on the bed and said, "When you think it's time to fuck, let me know!"

Now, I had a pretty big water bed and she flew from a lotus position, up over the side rail, clear across the bed to the far side (where I was laying on my back) and lands with her knees on my shoulders. Then she starts slapping down the clock radio I had on the headboard, until she could grab it with her hand, then grabs the back of it, turns it around, jambs it in my face while saying, "Oh yeah, what time is it now?"

I roll her off me, got up and for the next 10 minutes, she's like Joe Frazier in my face. She's rolling her shoulders into her punches, knocking me around the room and just tee-ing off on me! After about 10 minutes of this, I told myself, "Wait a second, I don't take this kind of shit from anyone!" So I clocked her.

She dropped like a sack of potatoes. Grabbed her jaw and started whimpering. Then that whimper started turning into the sound that the Tasmanian Devil makes when doing that angry spin of his, then she flies up and knocks me right threw an accordion door I had to my bedroom. I come flying out of my bedroom stark naked and right into my roommates girlfriend. She goes, "WTF is going on?"

By that time, I had had enough. I thought if she wanted to act like a guy, then I'll treat her like one. So I told my roommate, "Get her the fuck out of here, or I'm going to do her some real harm!"

He drove her home and that was the end of that.
I am prompted to open this topic because of a different thread. It's been discussed before buy with all the recent media about it I am wondering if opinions have changed. I am going to share something personal with you. I was in an abusive relationship but I was not the abuser. Yes men can be the victims of domestic abuse just like women can. It doesn't get reported as often because men don't want to admit a woman is beating them up but it's not as uncommon as you might believe.

In my case my ex-girlfriend and I had a baby and I took my new family to Pittsburgh so I could go to college. She was young , from a small town, and had never experienced a big city before. She had been yanked 2,000 miles across the country and was suddenly in the position of being a wife and a mother in a setting where she knew no one, she had no friends, and no support. She didn't do well. Actually she flipped out and within months she was attacking me on a regular basis. Usually it was just hitting but as time went on it got more and more dangerous. She started using pans and statuettes to attack me. I took it for many reasons. One, I didn't want to lose my daughter. Two, I hoped it was just something she was just going through as an adjustment to her new circumstances. It didn't get better.

After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came. I don't know why I woke up but for whatever reason I awoke to find her over me with a 12" chef's knife in her hand. She thrust it down at me and I rolled out of the way and it stuck in the bed. She wasn't kidding around. She pulled it out of the bed and lunged at me stabbing and slashing at me and then I did it. I clocked her dead in the face. She stumbled back and gathered herself and screamed "how dare you hit me" and charged me again with the knife above her head screaming like a banshee. I deflected her stab, kicked her in the crotch, and punched her in the throat. She went down and I took the knife from her and called the police.

The police told me that since there were only marks on her they would have to arrest me for domestic violence and of course she screamed that I attacked her for no reason. It never came to that, but I had to endure three more months of her abuse until she was stupid enough to attack me in front of a witness. Then I was able to get rid of her and keep my child.

I have no doubt in my mind that she would have killed me had I not clocked her. I have no doubt in my mind that had I not endured it until I had a witness that allowed me to keep my daughter that my daughter would be dead now. She would have killed her.

So that's my "why I stayed" story. I look back on it often given the recent "it's NEVER ok to hit a woman" stuff and think to myself "people who say that have never experienced what I have experienced or the thousands of men who have abusive wives/girlfriends". Sometimes it IS ok I think. I am completely convinced that had I not clocked that girl I would be dead now and my daughter may be as well.

I think there IS a time to hit a woman. I think the circumstances are very select and a man should show restraint to only use violence to stop the threat, but in certain's justified. My experience with that girl has taught me that I don't care who it is. If someone (man or woman) is attacking me and I feel I am in danger of real harm I am going to take that person out to the best of my abilities and gender doesn't matter to me at all.

I welcome your thoughts.
I only hit a girl once and this is how it went down...

We were partying one night at my apartment doing lots of dope and alcohol. When it got to the part of the night where I thought we were going to fuck, she started fucking with me! Acting like she wanted it (on the one hand) and slapping my hand away (with the other). This went on for almost an hour.

Finally, as we were sitting on the floor next to my water bed, I got up, rolled over on the bed and said, "When you think it's time to fuck, let me know!"

Now, I had a pretty big water bed and she flew from a lotus position, up over the side rail, clear across the bed to the far side (where I was laying on my back) and lands with her knees on my shoulders. Then she starts slapping down the clock radio I had on the headboard, until she could grab it with her hand, then grabs the back of it, turns it around, jambs it in my face while saying, "Oh yeah, what time is it now?"

I roll her off me, got up and for the next 10 minutes, she's like Joe Frazier in my face. She's rolling her shoulders into her punches, knocking me around the room and just tee-ing off on me! After about 10 minutes of this, I told myself, "Wait a second, I don't take this kind of shit from anyone!" So I clocked her.

She dropped like a sack of potatoes. Grabbed her jaw and started whimpering. Then that whimper started turning into the sound that the Tasmanian Devil makes when doing that angry spin of his, then she flies up and knocks me right threw an accordion door I had to my bedroom. I come flying out of my bedroom stark naked and right into my roommates girlfriend. She goes, "WTF is going on?"

By that time, I had had enough. I thought if she wanted to act like a guy, then I'll treat her like one. So I told my roommate, "Get her the fuck out of here, or I'm going to do her some real harm!"

He drove her home and that was the end of that.

As I said in my OP my experience is quite different. If someone hits me, I really don't care of they are a man or a woman. I will hit a man first but I won't hit a woman first. There's strategy to that. Man to man the first landed punch will usually win so I will hit a man first. I won't hit a woman first...but you know...sorry...I have been through getting my ass kicked and taking it for my honor of not hitting a woman and know what it got me? It got the shit kicked out of me. I could have done a lot to defend myself but I had this ideal of "NEVER hit a woman".

Well you know what..that ideal stopped when I realized I was a punching bag for her insecurities and it almost cost me my life. I don't know id my feelings are right or wrong but because of what I went through if I am attacked I am going to defend myself with all the power I have in me and I really dont care if it is a man or a woman. If I am attacked I will do everything in my power to take my attacker out. I will never go through that again
As I said in my OP my experience is quite different. If someone hits me, I really don't care of they are a man or a woman. I will hit a man first but I won't hit a woman first. There's strategy to that. Man to man the first landed punch will usually win so I will hit a man first. I won't hit a woman first...but you know...sorry...I have been through getting my ass kicked and taking it for my honor of not hitting a woman and know what it got me? It got the shit kicked out of me. I could have done a lot to defend myself but I had this ideal of "NEVER hit a woman".

Well you know what..that ideal stopped when I realized I was a punching bag for her insecurities and it almost cost me my life. I don't know id my feelings are right or wrong but because of what I went through if I am attacked I am going to defend myself with all the power I have in me and I really dont care if it is a man or a woman. If I am attacked I will do everything in my power to take my attacker out. I will never go through that again
Have you ever dealt with a woman, who fights like a guy?
I believe you. Anyone ever watch the tv show SNAPPED? Maybe they should.

Short story about me:
I was abused myself. And I never cowered either. I hit back. He usually won the fight because he was bigger and stronger but when he smacked me, I smacked back. I was so used to that, I carried it over into my second marriage...but I was hitting first this time with Mr Gracie. He took it twice. Then he grabbed me by the throat and shoved me against the wall and said "you don't hurt the people you love. No more". It was like cold water in my face. He didn't hurt me. He just held me there against the wall staring at me with love.
I never hit him again. That was..oh...30 years ago?

So yeah. I believe you BP. And your Trinity is one amazing woman. Amazing. I adore her.
I am prompted to open this topic because of a different thread. It's been discussed before buy with all the recent media about it I am wondering if opinions have changed. I am going to share something personal with you. I was in an abusive relationship but I was not the abuser. Yes men can be the victims of domestic abuse just like women can. It doesn't get reported as often because men don't want to admit a woman is beating them up but it's not as uncommon as you might believe.

In my case my ex-girlfriend and I had a baby and I took my new family to Pittsburgh so I could go to college. She was young , from a small town, and had never experienced a big city before. She had been yanked 2,000 miles across the country and was suddenly in the position of being a wife and a mother in a setting where she knew no one, she had no friends, and no support. She didn't do well. Actually she flipped out and within months she was attacking me on a regular basis. Usually it was just hitting but as time went on it got more and more dangerous. She started using pans and statuettes to attack me. I took it for many reasons. One, I didn't want to lose my daughter. Two, I hoped it was just something she was just going through as an adjustment to her new circumstances. It didn't get better.

After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came. I don't know why I woke up but for whatever reason I awoke to find her over me with a 12" chef's knife in her hand. She thrust it down at me and I rolled out of the way and it stuck in the bed. She wasn't kidding around. She pulled it out of the bed and lunged at me stabbing and slashing at me and then I did it. I clocked her dead in the face. She stumbled back and gathered herself and screamed "how dare you hit me" and charged me again with the knife above her head screaming like a banshee. I deflected her stab, kicked her in the crotch, and punched her in the throat. She went down and I took the knife from her and called the police.

The police told me that since there were only marks on her they would have to arrest me for domestic violence and of course she screamed that I attacked her for no reason. It never came to that, but I had to endure three more months of her abuse until she was stupid enough to attack me in front of a witness. Then I was able to get rid of her and keep my child.

I have no doubt in my mind that she would have killed me had I not clocked her. I have no doubt in my mind that had I not endured it until I had a witness that allowed me to keep my daughter that my daughter would be dead now. She would have killed her.

So that's my "why I stayed" story. I look back on it often given the recent "it's NEVER ok to hit a woman" stuff and think to myself "people who say that have never experienced what I have experienced or the thousands of men who have abusive wives/girlfriends". Sometimes it IS ok I think. I am completely convinced that had I not clocked that girl I would be dead now and my daughter may be as well.

I think there IS a time to hit a woman. I think the circumstances are very select and a man should show restraint to only use violence to stop the threat, but in certain's justified. My experience with that girl has taught me that I don't care who it is. If someone (man or woman) is attacking me and I feel I am in danger of real harm I am going to take that person out to the best of my abilities and gender doesn't matter to me at all.

I welcome your thoughts.

Domestic abuse is never excusable- regardless of the gender which is being physically abusive. There is nothing wrong with defending oneself regardless of the gender of who is the gender.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are telling the truth. Your situation was not that different from women are who are abused- except that you are probably larger than your ex-partner, and probably stronger- which is not usually the case with abused women. You were being abused- and you should have probably reported it to the police earlier- but lots of women don't do that either- and also as a man, I would not be surprised if you had some problems with reporting getting beaten to the police.

I guess I wonder why you even feel like you have to explain or ask the question?

I think most people- myself included- would realize that there is nothing wrong with defending yourself.
i dont hit but be warned ....i throw things...esp if you try to shut me down and then turn and walk away....and i am a pretty good shot with a glass ashtray
I would hope that I would have left a person long before it escalated into a situation like that. Geesh! :ack-1: Thankfully nobody has ever tried to kill me before is all I can say.
^ has probably already killed several men who tried to leave her.

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