Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

There was a mention of usually men are bigger and taller than the woman. Not this case. This woman is on the taller side and stout, much taller than Blue. When I met her she wasn't obese but she isn't twiggy. She is capable of damage. The daughter doesn't look strong either but she is and she doesn't lift weights or anything she it is just in her DNA. If the mom wanted to she could clock someone pretty handily
I actually do not think that people should hit each other. Men should not hit men, women should not hit women, men and women should not hit each other.

I agree, a lot of domestic abuse involves women hitting men. But, I think there is a lot of fishy stuff in this particular story.

There aren't statistically a lot of men being systematically abused by women. It happens, but primarily that's a myth generated to minimize the huge issue of the abuse of women. Not just by their significant others but by the abortion industry, the sex industry, and progressives in general...who see fertile women and their children as less important than fags, and a threat to humanity by way of their ability to reproduce.

I'm sure the group is much smaller than women abused but I bet it is also underreported.
It's all underreported. And even when it's reported, ppl think up excuses for the abusers. The one thing everybody knows is that abortion fixes things right up!
Abortion makes rape go away. And general unhappiness. I think it's also a cure for obesity, blindness and least that's what the acolytes say.
Some women need to be hit back. It's stupid to NOT ever hit any woman
I actually do not think that people should hit each other. Men should not hit men, women should not hit women, men and women should not hit each other.

I agree, a lot of domestic abuse involves women hitting men. But, I think there is a lot of fishy stuff in this particular story.

It takes two to tango.
I think that if women don't want to be punched, they shouldn't punch people. I understand that men are stronger, in many cases a lot stronger, but I am familiar with many women who have been violent towards men or who initiate hitting or punching the guy while expecting him not to hit back.

I think that's bullshit.

But I have to agree with GT that something is off about BP's story. I smell a strong smell of bullshit.

Feel free to ask TrinityPower. She knows the entire story and even met the girl I am referring to several years later.

BTW...reactions like that really annoy me. Steve McNair...killed by a psycho girlfriend. Fred lane...killed by a psycho wife. It happens more than you think. Your reaction is a contributing factor to why men are reluctant to admit they have been abused. People either call them pussies or say they don't believe it. If a woman claimed to be abused everyone would go out of their way to display compassion and anger toward her abuser. If a man claims it, he is a liar. Reactions like that are part of the problem

Did you also seek help for your participation in this dysfunctional relationship?
i dunn believe you bro

nuttin personal tho

Because women are so so angelic that they are incapable of attacking men? Your response is exactly why men don't report it when they have been abused.
cuz thats attempted murder and most leo's arent that incompetent to not address it as such.
Agreed...they would have seen the cut marks on the bed etc. And he was black and blue as he claimed...surely some would have still been there.
i dunn believe you bro

nuttin personal tho

Because women are so so angelic that they are incapable of attacking men? Your response is exactly why men don't report it when they have been abused.
cuz thats attempted murder and most leo's arent that incompetent to not address it as such.
Agreed...they would have seen the cut marks on the bed etc. And he was black and blue as he claimed...surely some would have still been there.
And fingerprints on the weapon. BP has his good points but this isn't the first tall tale he's posted.
Even if it were true, why would someone want to post something so personal on a message forum? Weird.
Because its a message board full of anon people. And it might help someone else. And because it is a topic not discussed by most men because hitting a woman is taboo and makes the man "unmanly" which is why most ment don't report it and because sometimes things just need to be talked about. The FZ is for venting out rage. Other forums are for discussing things one has nobody to talk to about it and being anon is a great way to do that. Kinda like my health RA thread. Lots of info in there too, with some using it as some sort of weapon or a "need" to be "noticed" instead of what it truly is.....learning about the disease, sharing experiences with others, getting to know someones "other side" that isn't just chatting about grandkids or cookies or recipes.

He made the thread to express himself and discover who HE is. Maybe he is looking for empathy for what he went thru. I have no clue, nor care. I believe him. If he was this horrible lying abuser about what went down, then Trinity would have nothing to do with him because she has shared some gawdawful stories in the health thread and I think she is one tough cookie considering her circumstances. Sometimes...unpleasant things need to be discussed. Its as simple as that.
I believe Blue Phantom story. How many times have you heard a wife or a girlfriend put up with physical and psychological abused for many years? And never reported to the authorities or left but stayed in the relationship until it's too late. That happened all the time. That goes the same with abused husband or a boyfriend. It's easy to say.... Well why didn't you leave or call the cop?
I watched the ID channel on cable TV regularly a station dedicated about real crime story here in U.S. They tell you the real name of the victims, relatives story, suspects name, city and date. Several times they show a story which the wife or the girlfriend is the abuser end up killing the husband or boyfriend. You may want to watch this station.
Thank you for sharing Blue Phantom.
SNAPPED. Happens a lot. Try Jody Arias for example. And he had to make sure he got his daughter out of there too. Courts usually give custody to the mother. He took that shit for his kid until it came to where he had to defend himself. And now both are safe. is Trinity because she finally got out too.
Abortion makes rape go away. And general unhappiness. I think it's also a cure for obesity, blindness and least that's what the acolytes say.

Never heard anyone claim that except lunatics like the anti-abortion nuts.
Not commenting on whether or not the story is true or not. I don't know enough about this person to say one way or another. I did quote a section of his post where he says this woman was threatening his life and becoming violent for some time before the incident with the attempted murder. He asked HOW he could avoided hitting the woman?

Answer? He could have left earlier instead of sticking around a person who hit and abused him and actually THREATENED his baby daughter's life.

End thread. :D

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