Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

Even if it were true, why would someone want to post something so personal on a message forum? Weird.

Because I am sick of people thinking this only happens to women. You know how people respond to the "Black Lives Matter" crowd by saying "hey don't ALL lives matter?" It's similar. Men can be abused just as easily. Yes women are almost certainly more abused than men, but women can be every bit as violent and many of those who are know that usually the courts will side with them. That gives them a degree of security to pound on their man and blame it on him later.

You make it sound as if it's common for women to beat up their men. :rolleyes-41: In most instances, the man can easily restrain the woman. That is not the case when a man is beating on a woman. You are talking about outliers and trying to make light of domestic violence against women?

Sometimes the woman can be restrained yes. If she can be, she should be. When they are using weapons...sorry....that's a totally different matter. You know what happens when you try to restrain someone swinging a knife at you? You get stabbed.
Not commenting on whether or not the story is true or not. I don't know enough about this person to say one way or another. I did quote a section of his post where he says this woman was threatening his life and becoming violent for some time before the incident with the attempted murder. He asked HOW he could avoided hitting the woman?

Answer? He could have left earlier instead of sticking around a person who hit and abused him and actually THREATENED his baby daughter's life.

End thread. :D

You guys don't get it do you? I couldn't "just leave". If I left alone then I was leaving my daughter with someone who was unstable. If I took my daughter and vanished, that's called "kidnapping". Today cops are a lot more open to arresting the woman if they think she was the aggressor. Back then, they simply assumed the man was in the wrong. My uncle, who lives in Pittsburgh, is an attorney. I consulted him on my options and he was very clear...unless I had a witness it would be blamed on me and I would lose my daughter.

"just leave". It's easy to say when you are free to ignore the circumstances and consequences.

You act as if the police would not understand. They have to deal with MANY more crazy ladies every day than you ever have in your entire life. They KNOW.

Knowing is one thing. Proving is something totally different, Chris. Usually the cops just want to diffuse the situation so they take one of them away to spend the night in the tank. Usually that's the guy.
i dunn believe you bro

nuttin personal tho

Because women are so so angelic that they are incapable of attacking men? Your response is exactly why men don't report it when they have been abused.
cuz thats attempted murder and most leo's arent that incompetent to not address it as such.

Yeah...prove it. Like to cops said. She had marks and I didn't. They threatened to arrest ME dude.

Well, it's kind of interesting that you say you were beaten by her with pots and pans and other objects until you were black and blue, and then you turn around and say she is the one who had marks on her body, but you did not?

Well she didn't do it every single day. Bruises do heal you know.
Not commenting on whether or not the story is true or not. I don't know enough about this person to say one way or another. I did quote a section of his post where he says this woman was threatening his life and becoming violent for some time before the incident with the attempted murder. He asked HOW he could avoided hitting the woman?

Answer? He could have left earlier instead of sticking around a person who hit and abused him and actually THREATENED his baby daughter's life.

End thread. :D

You guys don't get it do you? I couldn't "just leave". If I left alone then I was leaving my daughter with someone who was unstable. If I took my daughter and vanished, that's called "kidnapping". Today cops are a lot more open to arresting the woman if they think she was the aggressor. Back then, they simply assumed the man was in the wrong. My uncle, who lives in Pittsburgh, is an attorney. I consulted him on my options and he was very clear...unless I had a witness it would be blamed on me and I would lose my daughter.

"just leave". It's easy to say when you are free to ignore the circumstances and consequences.

You act as if the police would not understand. They have to deal with MANY more crazy ladies every day than you ever have in your entire life. They KNOW.

Knowing is one thing. Proving is something totally different, Chris. Usually the cops just want to diffuse the situation so they take one of them away to spend the night in the tank. Usually that's the guy.

Not if you have bruises and she doesn't. Not if she has a record of doing these things because you called the police on her for it in the past. Usually if YOU call the police, you are the complainant unless she had marks and you did not.
i dunn believe you bro

nuttin personal tho

Because women are so so angelic that they are incapable of attacking men? Your response is exactly why men don't report it when they have been abused.
cuz thats attempted murder and most leo's arent that incompetent to not address it as such.

Yeah...prove it. Like to cops said. She had marks and I didn't. They threatened to arrest ME dude.

Well, it's kind of interesting that you say you were beaten by her with pots and pans and other objects until you were black and blue, and then you turn around and say she is the one who had marks on her body, but you did not?

Well she didn't do it every single day. Bruises do heal you know.

It seems like you don't want to take any responsibility for anything in this relationship.
Not commenting on whether or not the story is true or not. I don't know enough about this person to say one way or another. I did quote a section of his post where he says this woman was threatening his life and becoming violent for some time before the incident with the attempted murder. He asked HOW he could avoided hitting the woman?

Answer? He could have left earlier instead of sticking around a person who hit and abused him and actually THREATENED his baby daughter's life.

End thread. :D

You guys don't get it do you? I couldn't "just leave". If I left alone then I was leaving my daughter with someone who was unstable. If I took my daughter and vanished, that's called "kidnapping". Today cops are a lot more open to arresting the woman if they think she was the aggressor. Back then, they simply assumed the man was in the wrong. My uncle, who lives in Pittsburgh, is an attorney. I consulted him on my options and he was very clear...unless I had a witness it would be blamed on me and I would lose my daughter.

"just leave". It's easy to say when you are free to ignore the circumstances and consequences.

You act as if the police would not understand. They have to deal with MANY more crazy ladies every day than you ever have in your entire life. They KNOW.

Knowing is one thing. Proving is something totally different, Chris. Usually the cops just want to diffuse the situation so they take one of them away to spend the night in the tank. Usually that's the guy.

Not if you have bruises and she doesn't. Not if she has a record of doing these things because you called the police on her for it in the past. Usually if YOU call the police, you are the complainant unless she had marks and you did not.

You are REALLY missing the time frame and the location here aren't you? Pittsburgh back then was a really blue collar, "man's man" city. I haven't been back since so I don't know it's it's changed but that is not a champagne and caviar city. It's beer and steak. That was just the mentality back then. Open mindedness was in short supply.

You are also overlooking the circumstances. I wanted to do right by this girl. I wanted to raise a family with her. I hoped this was just a phase and she would adjust to her new surroundings and it would go back to normal as it was in Lewiston. I don't give up on relationships easily and I stuck with it until I could not avoid what had to be done anymore. I spoke with my uncle, the attorney, and he said I needed a witness of she would keep my daughter. It was worth it to me to continue taking her abuse until I had a witness so I could protect my child and get her out of that situation. Why is that so hard to understand?
Because women are so so angelic that they are incapable of attacking men? Your response is exactly why men don't report it when they have been abused.
cuz thats attempted murder and most leo's arent that incompetent to not address it as such.

Yeah...prove it. Like to cops said. She had marks and I didn't. They threatened to arrest ME dude.

Well, it's kind of interesting that you say you were beaten by her with pots and pans and other objects until you were black and blue, and then you turn around and say she is the one who had marks on her body, but you did not?

Well she didn't do it every single day. Bruises do heal you know.

It seems like you don't want to take any responsibility for anything in this relationship.

Didn't I say earlier that I got her pregnant and dragged her out of her comfortable life in Lewiston, Idaho and hauled her 2,000 miles across the country and put her in an impossible situation?
Even if it were true, why would someone want to post something so personal on a message forum? Weird.
Because its a message board full of anon people. And it might help someone else. And because it is a topic not discussed by most men because hitting a woman is taboo and makes the man "unmanly" which is why most ment don't report it and because sometimes things just need to be talked about. The FZ is for venting out rage. Other forums are for discussing things one has nobody to talk to about it and being anon is a great way to do that. Kinda like my health RA thread. Lots of info in there too, with some using it as some sort of weapon or a "need" to be "noticed" instead of what it truly is.....learning about the disease, sharing experiences with others, getting to know someones "other side" that isn't just chatting about grandkids or cookies or recipes.

He made the thread to express himself and discover who HE is. Maybe he is looking for empathy for what he went thru. I have no clue, nor care. I believe him. If he was this horrible lying abuser about what went down, then Trinity would have nothing to do with him because she has shared some gawdawful stories in the health thread and I think she is one tough cookie considering her circumstances. Sometimes...unpleasant things need to be discussed. Its as simple as that.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying, and I also agree that this is a real thing. A long time ago, I knew of a couple where the woman was the abuser, and her husband couldn't speak a lick of English, except for "call 9-11." That came out loud and clear.

I don't care what other posters know of other posters around here. I don't know any of them. I just know that this particular poster, IMO, is not truthful about his tall tales.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why anyone would want to air their dirty laundry on a message board, especially one as hateful as this particular forum. Why not start a generic conversation about the subject? You can discuss the topic, and get everything you need without making it about you.

In fact, if BP needs to discuss such a personal issue on a forum, I would suggest seeking professional help instead. I would suggest the same thing to any woman who has been the victim of abuse.
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As a matter of fact, Bp is the one that started that awful thread..."when is it ok to hit koshergrl"....what a fucking abusive dick.
Even if it were true, why would someone want to post something so personal on a message forum? Weird.

A lot of times when a victim that goes through this kind of experience makes them feel better when sharing. There's also a discussion group where you can tell your story.

To each his own I guess. I won't be airing my dirty laundry on this dysfunctional forum. :p
Not commenting on whether or not the story is true or not. I don't know enough about this person to say one way or another. I did quote a section of his post where he says this woman was threatening his life and becoming violent for some time before the incident with the attempted murder. He asked HOW he could avoided hitting the woman?

Answer? He could have left earlier instead of sticking around a person who hit and abused him and actually THREATENED his baby daughter's life.

End thread. :D

You guys don't get it do you? I couldn't "just leave". If I left alone then I was leaving my daughter with someone who was unstable. If I took my daughter and vanished, that's called "kidnapping". Today cops are a lot more open to arresting the woman if they think she was the aggressor. Back then, they simply assumed the man was in the wrong. My uncle, who lives in Pittsburgh, is an attorney. I consulted him on my options and he was very clear...unless I had a witness it would be blamed on me and I would lose my daughter.

"just leave". It's easy to say when you are free to ignore the circumstances and consequences.

You act as if the police would not understand. They have to deal with MANY more crazy ladies every day than you ever have in your entire life. They KNOW.

Knowing is one thing. Proving is something totally different, Chris. Usually the cops just want to diffuse the situation so they take one of them away to spend the night in the tank. Usually that's the guy.

Not if you have bruises and she doesn't. Not if she has a record of doing these things because you called the police on her for it in the past. Usually if YOU call the police, you are the complainant unless she had marks and you did not.

You are REALLY missing the time frame and the location here aren't you? Pittsburgh back then was a really blue collar, "man's man" city. I haven't been back since so I don't know it's it's changed but that is not a champagne and caviar city. It's beer and steak. That was just the mentality back then. Open mindedness was in short supply.

You are also overlooking the circumstances. I wanted to do right by this girl. I wanted to raise a family with her. I hoped this was just a phase and she would adjust to her new surroundings and it would go back to normal as it was in Lewiston. I don't give up on relationships easily and I stuck with it until I could not avoid what had to be done anymore. I spoke with my uncle, the attorney, and he said I needed a witness of she would keep my daughter. It was worth it to me to continue taking her abuse until I had a witness so I could protect my child and get her out of that situation. Why is that so hard to understand?

What if she really had killed you? Did you ever consider that possibility? What if she had beaten your baby or hurt your baby?
Abortion makes rape go away. And general unhappiness. I think it's also a cure for obesity, blindness and least that's what the acolytes say.

Never heard anyone claim that except lunatics like the anti-abortion nuts.
Yes, well you're a liar who gets a commission for dead baby parts, so the only way we'll hear the truth out of you is to wheel and deal with you for carcasses.

Really seem obsessed with baby bits...even in a thread that has nothing to do with it. Makes me wonder what's in your freezer.
No I'm not moving dead babies for you, I already made that clear. Nor am I recruiting abused girls into your clinic.

I don't have a clinic (apologies for destroying that delusion) and, frankly - don't want whatever is in your freezer. Seek help.
Not commenting on whether or not the story is true or not. I don't know enough about this person to say one way or another. I did quote a section of his post where he says this woman was threatening his life and becoming violent for some time before the incident with the attempted murder. He asked HOW he could avoided hitting the woman?

Answer? He could have left earlier instead of sticking around a person who hit and abused him and actually THREATENED his baby daughter's life.

End thread. :D

You guys don't get it do you? I couldn't "just leave". If I left alone then I was leaving my daughter with someone who was unstable. If I took my daughter and vanished, that's called "kidnapping". Today cops are a lot more open to arresting the woman if they think she was the aggressor. Back then, they simply assumed the man was in the wrong. My uncle, who lives in Pittsburgh, is an attorney. I consulted him on my options and he was very clear...unless I had a witness it would be blamed on me and I would lose my daughter.

"just leave". It's easy to say when you are free to ignore the circumstances and consequences.

I have to agree. It was, and still is a lot tougher for a man to get custody of the kids. It's not an uncommon tactic in particularly vitriolic divorces for the mother to accuse the father of sexual abuse too.
Abortion makes rape go away. And general unhappiness. I think it's also a cure for obesity, blindness and least that's what the acolytes say.

Never heard anyone claim that except lunatics like the anti-abortion nuts.
Yes, well you're a liar who gets a commission for dead baby parts, so the only way we'll hear the truth out of you is to wheel and deal with you for carcasses.

Really seem obsessed with baby bits...even in a thread that has nothing to do with it. Makes me wonder what's in your freezer.
No I'm not moving dead babies for you, I already made that clear. Nor am I recruiting abused girls into your clinic.

I don't have a clinic (apologies for destroying that delusion) and, frankly - don't want whatever is in your freezer. Seek help.
Let's talk over salad. I'm sure you want a Lamborghini.
Not commenting on whether or not the story is true or not. I don't know enough about this person to say one way or another. I did quote a section of his post where he says this woman was threatening his life and becoming violent for some time before the incident with the attempted murder. He asked HOW he could avoided hitting the woman?

Answer? He could have left earlier instead of sticking around a person who hit and abused him and actually THREATENED his baby daughter's life.

End thread. :D

You guys don't get it do you? I couldn't "just leave". If I left alone then I was leaving my daughter with someone who was unstable. If I took my daughter and vanished, that's called "kidnapping". Today cops are a lot more open to arresting the woman if they think she was the aggressor. Back then, they simply assumed the man was in the wrong. My uncle, who lives in Pittsburgh, is an attorney. I consulted him on my options and he was very clear...unless I had a witness it would be blamed on me and I would lose my daughter.

"just leave". It's easy to say when you are free to ignore the circumstances and consequences.

I have to agree. It was, and still is a lot tougher for a man to get custody of the kids. It's not an uncommon tactic in particularly vitriolic divorces for the mother to accuse the father of sexual abuse too.

Not uncommon? I think it is relatively uncommon tactic.
Never heard anyone claim that except lunatics like the anti-abortion nuts.
Yes, well you're a liar who gets a commission for dead baby parts, so the only way we'll hear the truth out of you is to wheel and deal with you for carcasses.

Really seem obsessed with baby bits...even in a thread that has nothing to do with it. Makes me wonder what's in your freezer.
No I'm not moving dead babies for you, I already made that clear. Nor am I recruiting abused girls into your clinic.

I don't have a clinic (apologies for destroying that delusion) and, frankly - don't want whatever is in your freezer. Seek help.
Let's talk over salad. I'm sure you want a Lamborghini.

I prefer perogies.
Yes, well you're a liar who gets a commission for dead baby parts, so the only way we'll hear the truth out of you is to wheel and deal with you for carcasses.

Really seem obsessed with baby bits...even in a thread that has nothing to do with it. Makes me wonder what's in your freezer.
No I'm not moving dead babies for you, I already made that clear. Nor am I recruiting abused girls into your clinic.

I don't have a clinic (apologies for destroying that delusion) and, frankly - don't want whatever is in your freezer. Seek help.
Let's talk over salad. I'm sure you want a Lamborghini.

I prefer perogies.

You must be from up North. :p

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