Is There NEVER a Time to Hit a Woman? NEVER?

After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came.

Here is part of your OP. :) I am telling you that you should have made arrangements to leave this woman before the incident with the knife. Apparently, you realized she was crazy and that you needed to get rid of her long before the actual incident in question.

Knowing it and being able to do something about it in a court of law in 1993 are two different things Chris. My God...Trinity is right. You are about as obtuse as someone with tennis elbow. What strikes me is your naivety. You think it's so easy for a man to do this and keep his child. It must be nice being a woman where you don't have to go to such measures to protect your children.

If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.
You shoulda pulled the bear mace outta the sock droor and the sprayed her and then ducked and then said "who0p, Iverson!"
After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came.

Here is part of your OP. :) I am telling you that you should have made arrangements to leave this woman before the incident with the knife. Apparently, you realized she was crazy and that you needed to get rid of her long before the actual incident in question.

Knowing it and being able to do something about it in a court of law in 1993 are two different things Chris. My God...Trinity is right. You are about as obtuse as someone with tennis elbow. What strikes me is your naivety. You think it's so easy for a man to do this and keep his child. It must be nice being a woman where you don't have to go to such measures to protect your children.

If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.

So you get arrested and then you have a record against you as an abuser and then you have no standing in a custody hearing. Jesus Chris! THINK! That's not good strategy. That's asking to lose your kid. What the hell are you thinking?
You should slipped the jab, smacked her with a hard pillow, wrapped your arms around and front wedgie

After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came.

Here is part of your OP. :) I am telling you that you should have made arrangements to leave this woman before the incident with the knife. Apparently, you realized she was crazy and that you needed to get rid of her long before the actual incident in question.

Knowing it and being able to do something about it in a court of law in 1993 are two different things Chris. My God...Trinity is right. You are about as obtuse as someone with tennis elbow. What strikes me is your naivety. You think it's so easy for a man to do this and keep his child. It must be nice being a woman where you don't have to go to such measures to protect your children.

If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.

So you get arrested and then you have a record against you as an abuser and then you have no standing in a custody hearing. Jesus Chris! THINK! That's not good strategy. That's asking to lose your kid. What the hell are you thinking?

Why not, after she beat you, take pictures of your bodily injuries (you did say you were black and blue), and call the police? If you have bruises and she does not, then SHE would be the one arrested. Just because it was 1993 doesn't mean everyone was retarded.
I think prolly the only reason i didnt see this on the news in 93 is cuz jordan was winning a ring and nintendo
After a few months I realized I had to get rid of her . She had started threatening my life and the life of our daughter if I ever left her. I had not hit her because I refused to hit a woman but she beat me black and blue a few times a week. All I did was try to fend off her attacks. One week she kept saying that she was going to kill me. I tried my best to calm her down but the night came.

Here is part of your OP. :) I am telling you that you should have made arrangements to leave this woman before the incident with the knife. Apparently, you realized she was crazy and that you needed to get rid of her long before the actual incident in question.

Knowing it and being able to do something about it in a court of law in 1993 are two different things Chris. My God...Trinity is right. You are about as obtuse as someone with tennis elbow. What strikes me is your naivety. You think it's so easy for a man to do this and keep his child. It must be nice being a woman where you don't have to go to such measures to protect your children.

If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.

So you get arrested and then you have a record against you as an abuser and then you have no standing in a custody hearing. Jesus Chris! THINK! That's not good strategy. That's asking to lose your kid. What the hell are you thinking?

Why not, after she beat you, take pictures of your bodily injuries (you did say you were black and blue), and call the police? If you have bruises and she does not, then SHE would be the one arrested. Just because it was 1993 doesn't mean everyone was retarded.

And how do I prove they came from her? She would say I went to a bar and got drunk and got into a bar fight. How old are you? You do even know what 1993 was like? I needed someone who saw her attack me and could stand as a witness. Men needed a witness. Women only need to make the claim. I KNOW you are not this stupid Chris. You have had good things to say on other threads. I know you are not this obtuse on the way things worked back then
No matter what happened in the longrun ... Doesn't look like she ever gave him his nuts back ... :confused:

Good thing your morning wood wasnt sprouted yet cuz she mighta thought to lop that shit off wit the jackie chan quickness
Here is part of your OP. :) I am telling you that you should have made arrangements to leave this woman before the incident with the knife. Apparently, you realized she was crazy and that you needed to get rid of her long before the actual incident in question.

Knowing it and being able to do something about it in a court of law in 1993 are two different things Chris. My God...Trinity is right. You are about as obtuse as someone with tennis elbow. What strikes me is your naivety. You think it's so easy for a man to do this and keep his child. It must be nice being a woman where you don't have to go to such measures to protect your children.

If it was me, I would have taken my chances with being arrested. Seriously. I would be SO pissed off for one thing. Lol.

So you get arrested and then you have a record against you as an abuser and then you have no standing in a custody hearing. Jesus Chris! THINK! That's not good strategy. That's asking to lose your kid. What the hell are you thinking?

Why not, after she beat you, take pictures of your bodily injuries (you did say you were black and blue), and call the police? If you have bruises and she does not, then SHE would be the one arrested. Just because it was 1993 doesn't mean everyone was retarded.

And how do I prove they came from her? She would say I went to a bar and got drunk and got into a bar fight. How old are you? You do even know what 1993 was like? I needed someone who saw her attack me and could stand as a witness. Men needed a witness. Women only need to make the claim. I KNOW you are not this stupid Chris. You have had good things to say on other threads. I know you are not this obtuse on the way things worked back then

I know that 1993 was not the 1950s!
I think prolly the only reason i didnt see this on the news in 93 is cuz jordan was winning a ring and nintendo

Uh huh. Only women can be victims. That's a pretty misogynistic viewpoint
No fool.

Its for exact situations like these that i keep an acme anvil over head in the bed and the drop lever right next to my nose in case my hands are restrained

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