Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?


we'll try again to for an answer - sinner.

existence is not generic, multiplicity of living beings et all, what is the derivative of your TAG ?


Stop it. You're as mad as a hatter (Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me!) No one knows what you're talking about.

mdr: There is no need to "modernize" the Bible.

the sinner has no remorse, how special ...

why the duplicity when you then ramble on for christianity ?


we'll try again to for an answer - sinner.

existence is not generic, multiplicity of living beings et all, what is the derivative of your TAG ?


Stop it. You're as mad as a hatter (Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me!) No one knows what you're talking about.

mdr: There is no need to "modernize" the Bible.

the sinner has no remorse, how special ...

why the duplicity when you then ramble on for christianity ?


Dear BreezeWood:
I think we are just failing to communicate.

Same with you, and you do not intend to be duplicitous or false either.

If you believe in the teachings in Buddhism, there is a concept
of INTERCONNECTEDNESS of all things through spiritual energy.

Yet you do not "believe in prayer" because you do not CALL this prayer.

It's basically the same energy level, but you do not call it the same thing.

Am I going to fault you, and say you are FALSE
for denying prayer as a way of EXPRESSING this interconnectedness?


I understand that you call it something else.

And you use the term 'prayer' to mean false ritual pretending to connect or influence that way.

You don't mean to deny the truth, but seek to reinforce the truth.
In fact, you think I am being false, not you.

Same with our friend M.D.

BreezeWood, if you can make the connection with prayer
and the related concept in your system, and see it is expressing the same level of spiritual connection,
then maybe you can see why there is a disconnect
between the Christian God and your concept of the Almighty.

We are talking about the same things,
but just "failing to communicate" because we see and say things differently.

You don't mean to say anything false either,
but come across as missing the whole point,
the same way you can see where M.D. is missing the obvious.

We are all talking past each other, thinking it's the OTHER person who doesn't get it.

BreezeWood, how can we each take the part we get
and help connect it with what everyone else is trying to say?

M.D. feels his point is so OBVIOUS yet it is being missed also!
Do you see that this is happening to all of us?

The more you can see t hat each of us, you me M.D. Boss
are in the same boat together, you see that are process and our plight is common.
The suffering of our neighbor is the same as our own.
You can see the common humanity that we share, even in this situation here that reflects
the process all humanity faces and can't always recognize the commonality either.

BreezeWood with your highest, most humble level of
wisdom and compassion for others, can you see how you me and M.D.
are facing similar situations, and cannot understand how the other person
cannot see what we see?
then maybe you can see why there is a disconnect
between the Christian God and your concept of the Almighty.

to bad for you, your belief christianity is a religion of God ... another remorseless " sinner ".

no, not everyone dies a sinner Emily, wake up.

Traditional Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God's Existence
1. Knowledge (logical, moral, geometric, mathematical and scientific) is not possible if God doesn't exist (major premise of the TAG: MPTAG).
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists.
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist.

Positive Trinities and Negation/Opposite of the Trinity

M.D. Rawlings and Justin Davis:
Please help me align these principles so we can centralize the focus along the same lines

Positive side: Holy Trinity
1. God = love of truth, wisdom, knowledge, universal laws of Nature/Life/Creation (including science and psychology)
2. Jesus Christ = love of justice, divine laws incarnated in man's realm of reality and experience
Embodying the laws by conscience (includes social contracts by civil laws and enforcement by the people as the govt)
3. Holy Spirit = love of humanity, harmony, peace, healing grace, wholeness uniting people on earth as one family/society
spirit of the mother church, the people as the bride receiving and embracing the Law or Lord as the husband or protectorate

Negative side
1. Satan as Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth, selfishness, separation/division instead of unity
2. Antichrist as injustice, corruption/oppression by abuse of authority/law, false government, coercion instead of freedom,
Fear of change or loss of control to conflicting authority, Retribution, Retributive Justice as opposed to Restorative Justice which is Christ Jesus
3. False Prophet = Fear of conflict and confrontation, abusing words to reject and divide by ill will and hate,
instead of Words of Comfort to bring reconciliation and peace, sowing seeds of Unforgiveness and Bitterness
instead of sharing in Grace through Forgiveness which is the Holy Spirit

Commandments on which hang all the laws and prophets
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls
2. To love one another as Jesus Christ loves us
3. To love our neighbor as ourselves, i.e., realization of the church body as one in Christ

In Buddhism Two Promises on which all teachings are based
1. To develop Perfect Wisdom
2. To develop Perfect Compassion
[there is no third promise, so I would recommend adding
3. To develop Perfect Communication or community relations]

1. The Buddha = one who knows
2. The Dharma = spiritual laws and duty
3. The Sangha = peaceful order or community

In Constitutionalism
1. Judicial level of interpreting law
2. Legislative level of laws as contracts by conscience between people and govt
3. Executive level of carrying out the law for peace and justice in society

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Free exercise of religion or free will
4. And combined, the right to due process of laws:
to assemble peaceably and petition to redress grievances to defend equal protection of interests

Justin Davis:

Since M.D. and I tend to get too elaborate,
can you please help us sort through the different sets of 3 concepts
and help align which ones the three points in TAG correspond with?

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists. ==> is this the False Prophet or opposite of the Holy Spirit,
to reject by divisive hate speech that promotes Unforgiveness as the one unforgivable blasphemy
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist ==> is this the level of Satan that manipulates fear of the unknown instead of love of truth?
no, not everyone dies a sinner Emily, wake up.

??? BreezeWood:
^ Why are you calling me and M.D. a sinner
and yet you are denouncing Christianity as teaching this? ^

You sound like the Christians you are preaching against?
By focusing too much on rejecting and denouncing "who's a sinner"

I was talking about how prayer is part of spiritual interconnectedness of the whole.
This restores health and life,
and has literally saved lives: whether people are Atheist, Buddhist, Christian
or Muslim, anyone can receiving forgiveness and healing and be saved from suffering.

Why are you focused on sinners *while claiming you don't believe in that*
and I'm talking about healing and forgiveness that has saved lives?

BreezeWood: I believe in Universal Salvation, where all souls are saved.
Why are you condemning M.D. and me as sinners if you don't believe in that?
Can you PLEASE explain?
MD, I'd seek mental help man in all seriousness.

Honestly, G.T. of all people here
I am most worried about BreezeWood.

Most people here, even M.D. and Boss have some awareness of where they are talking past people.
M.D. and Justin both stopped to try to explain they DO include other aspects of God besides just creator/knowledge.
They may be caught up in the momentum and their calling of what they are focused on,
but they at least respond to points, even if they don't think they are important.

But BreezeWood has no clue that he(?) is rejecting things unfairly and contradicting inclusion
and has no concept about what is meant by "prayer" being natural, spiritual and part of healing outreach and connection.
BreezeWood is speaking in absolutes,
but denies and denounces the same;
criticizes Christianity for "condeming sinners"
while declaring both me and M.D. sinners when I don't even talk that way.

I am more disturbed by that!
Whatever denial rejection and projection BreezeWood is in
is far more buried behind protective walls, where at least M.D. and Justin TRY to respond.

Maybe Boss and them are just as stubborn as BreezeWood
and it's just that Boss and M.D. will at least reply with something to go on,
while BreezeWood won't answer in even that much detail.

Not sure if it's a cultural or language thing, but I'm more worried that BreezeWood
is condemning things like spiritual healing prayer without studying the research first.
Traditional Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God's Existence
1. Knowledge (logical, moral, geometric, mathematical and scientific) is not possible if God doesn't exist (major premise of the TAG: MPTAG).
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists.
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist.

Positive Trinities and Negation/Opposite of the Trinity

M.D. Rawlings and Justin Davis:
Please help me align these principles so we can centralize the focus along the same lines

Positive side: Holy Trinity
1. God = love of truth, wisdom, knowledge, universal laws of Nature/Life/Creation (including science and psychology)
2. Jesus Christ = love of justice, divine laws incarnated in man's realm of reality and experience
Embodying the laws by conscience (includes social contracts by civil laws and enforcement by the people as the govt)
3. Holy Spirit = love of humanity, harmony, peace, healing grace, wholeness uniting people on earth as one family/society
spirit of the mother church, the people as the bride receiving and embracing the Law or Lord as the husband or protectorate

Negative side
1. Satan as Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth, selfishness, separation/division instead of unity
2. Antichrist as injustice, corruption/oppression by abuse of authority/law, false government, coercion instead of freedom,
Fear of change or loss of control to conflicting authority, Retribution, Retributive Justice as opposed to Restorative Justice which is Christ Jesus
3. False Prophet = Fear of conflict and confrontation, abusing words to reject and divide by ill will and hate,
instead of Words of Comfort to bring reconciliation and peace, sowing seeds of Unforgiveness and Bitterness
instead of sharing in Grace through Forgiveness which is the Holy Spirit

Commandments on which hang all the laws and prophets
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls
2. To love one another as Jesus Christ loves us
3. To love our neighbor as ourselves, i.e., realization of the church body as one in Christ

In Buddhism Two Promises on which all teachings are based
1. To develop Perfect Wisdom
2. To develop Perfect Compassion
[there is no third promise, so I would recommend adding
3. To develop Perfect Communication or community relations]

1. The Buddha = one who knows
2. The Dharma = spiritual laws and duty
3. The Sangha = peaceful order or community

In Constitutionalism
1. Judicial level of interpreting law
2. Legislative level of laws as contracts by conscience between people and govt
3. Executive level of carrying out the law for peace and justice in society

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Free exercise of religion or free will
4. And combined, the right to due process of laws:
to assemble peaceably and petition to redress grievances to defend equal protection of interests

Justin Davis:

Since M.D. and I tend to get too elaborate,
can you please help us sort through the different sets of 3 concepts
and help align which ones the three points in TAG correspond with?

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists. ==> is this the False Prophet or opposite of the Holy Spirit,
to reject by divisive hate speech that promotes Unforgiveness as the one unforgivable blasphemy
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist ==> is this the level of Satan that manipulates fear of the unknown instead of love of truth?

I have no interest in your extracurricular musings. Can you refute the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin thereof or not?

Answer: No! You cannot.

These things stand.
Traditional Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God's Existence
1. Knowledge (logical, moral, geometric, mathematical and scientific) is not possible if God doesn't exist (major premise of the TAG: MPTAG).
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists.
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist.

Positive Trinities and Negation/Opposite of the Trinity

M.D. Rawlings and Justin Davis:
Please help me align these principles so we can centralize the focus along the same lines

Positive side: Holy Trinity
1. God = love of truth, wisdom, knowledge, universal laws of Nature/Life/Creation (including science and psychology)
2. Jesus Christ = love of justice, divine laws incarnated in man's realm of reality and experience
Embodying the laws by conscience (includes social contracts by civil laws and enforcement by the people as the govt)
3. Holy Spirit = love of humanity, harmony, peace, healing grace, wholeness uniting people on earth as one family/society
spirit of the mother church, the people as the bride receiving and embracing the Law or Lord as the husband or protectorate

Negative side
1. Satan as Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth, selfishness, separation/division instead of unity
2. Antichrist as injustice, corruption/oppression by abuse of authority/law, false government, coercion instead of freedom,
Fear of change or loss of control to conflicting authority, Retribution, Retributive Justice as opposed to Restorative Justice which is Christ Jesus
3. False Prophet = Fear of conflict and confrontation, abusing words to reject and divide by ill will and hate,
instead of Words of Comfort to bring reconciliation and peace, sowing seeds of Unforgiveness and Bitterness
instead of sharing in Grace through Forgiveness which is the Holy Spirit

Commandments on which hang all the laws and prophets
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls
2. To love one another as Jesus Christ loves us
3. To love our neighbor as ourselves, i.e., realization of the church body as one in Christ

In Buddhism Two Promises on which all teachings are based
1. To develop Perfect Wisdom
2. To develop Perfect Compassion
[there is no third promise, so I would recommend adding
3. To develop Perfect Communication or community relations]

1. The Buddha = one who knows
2. The Dharma = spiritual laws and duty
3. The Sangha = peaceful order or community

In Constitutionalism
1. Judicial level of interpreting law
2. Legislative level of laws as contracts by conscience between people and govt
3. Executive level of carrying out the law for peace and justice in society

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Free exercise of religion or free will
4. And combined, the right to due process of laws:
to assemble peaceably and petition to redress grievances to defend equal protection of interests

Justin Davis:

Since M.D. and I tend to get too elaborate,
can you please help us sort through the different sets of 3 concepts
and help align which ones the three points in TAG correspond with?

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists. ==> is this the False Prophet or opposite of the Holy Spirit,
to reject by divisive hate speech that promotes Unforgiveness as the one unforgivable blasphemy
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist ==> is this the level of Satan that manipulates fear of the unknown instead of love of truth?

I have no interest your musings. Can you refute the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin thereof or not?

Answer: No! You cannot.

These things stand.

Hi M.D.

I can't refute the laws of gravity either,
but that "isn't enough" to explain the meaning of God.

What DOES help is to prove ie DEMONSTRATE that
forgiveness is the key factor in
* Reaching a CONSENSUS on God INCLUDING your TAG points/process
* to spiritual healing so even atheists can see this process being manifested in real life.
* reconciling real world relations to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Not being able to refute things is not enough to explain, demonstrate or change minds.

M.D. when Scott Peck observed two schizophrenic patients, who
returned to normal minds after deliverance and healing prayer,
THAT'S what changed his mind.

And this process is the same as what it takes to
* resolve both political and religious conflicts
* cure physical, mental, and social ills even criminal illness and abusive relations
* bring world peace to prove the ENTIRE process in the Bible is true

Thanks M.D.
I think it will take our friend Justin Davis to explain this to you.
Maybe he will get it first, and then return the favors you've done by helping him to understand,
by helping you to understand these points.

That way we can be equal.
He can be of equal service to you and me where we are failing to communicate.

Thanks in advance!

Justin Davis: can you please help?

I am not against the TAG points, I am TRYING to explain to
M.D. that by using science to demonstrate spiritual healing,
more people will forgive, let go, and understand what MD
and others are trying to say! We all need to learn to forgive first,
before we can receive fuller understanding, and that's what
spiritual healing teaches is how forgiveness is the key step!
Traditional Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God's Existence
1. Knowledge (logical, moral, geometric, mathematical and scientific) is not possible if God doesn't exist (major premise of the TAG: MPTAG).
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists.
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist.

Positive Trinities and Negation/Opposite of the Trinity

M.D. Rawlings and Justin Davis:
Please help me align these principles so we can centralize the focus along the same lines

Positive side: Holy Trinity
1. God = love of truth, wisdom, knowledge, universal laws of Nature/Life/Creation (including science and psychology)
2. Jesus Christ = love of justice, divine laws incarnated in man's realm of reality and experience
Embodying the laws by conscience (includes social contracts by civil laws and enforcement by the people as the govt)
3. Holy Spirit = love of humanity, harmony, peace, healing grace, wholeness uniting people on earth as one family/society
spirit of the mother church, the people as the bride receiving and embracing the Law or Lord as the husband or protectorate

Negative side
1. Satan as Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth, selfishness, separation/division instead of unity
2. Antichrist as injustice, corruption/oppression by abuse of authority/law, false government, coercion instead of freedom,
Fear of change or loss of control to conflicting authority, Retribution, Retributive Justice as opposed to Restorative Justice which is Christ Jesus
3. False Prophet = Fear of conflict and confrontation, abusing words to reject and divide by ill will and hate,
instead of Words of Comfort to bring reconciliation and peace, sowing seeds of Unforgiveness and Bitterness
instead of sharing in Grace through Forgiveness which is the Holy Spirit

Commandments on which hang all the laws and prophets
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls
2. To love one another as Jesus Christ loves us
3. To love our neighbor as ourselves, i.e., realization of the church body as one in Christ

In Buddhism Two Promises on which all teachings are based
1. To develop Perfect Wisdom
2. To develop Perfect Compassion
[there is no third promise, so I would recommend adding
3. To develop Perfect Communication or community relations]

1. The Buddha = one who knows
2. The Dharma = spiritual laws and duty
3. The Sangha = peaceful order or community

In Constitutionalism
1. Judicial level of interpreting law
2. Legislative level of laws as contracts by conscience between people and govt
3. Executive level of carrying out the law for peace and justice in society

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Free exercise of religion or free will
4. And combined, the right to due process of laws:
to assemble peaceably and petition to redress grievances to defend equal protection of interests

Justin Davis:

Since M.D. and I tend to get too elaborate,
can you please help us sort through the different sets of 3 concepts
and help align which ones the three points in TAG correspond with?

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists. ==> is this the False Prophet or opposite of the Holy Spirit,
to reject by divisive hate speech that promotes Unforgiveness as the one unforgivable blasphemy
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist ==> is this the level of Satan that manipulates fear of the unknown instead of love of truth?

I have no interest in your extracurricular musings. Can you refute the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin thereof or not?

Answer: No! You cannot.

These things stand.

BTW M.D. Rawlings
if the ONLY focus you are interested in is the TAG portion

And the WHOLE process involves ALL THREE focus areas I am organizing teams around
A. the TAG points and aligning on definitions of God and the meanings of
the Trinity in various religions that express parallel concepts and principles
B. proving/demonstrating that science can explain the spiritual healing process
so this allows free and equal access to treatment and therapy for physical, mental even criminal illness
C. and the same process of forgiveness/healing can also solve
religious and political conflicts individually, to bring world peace collectively

Then M.D. you are only focused on A.

So you will not be in charge of leading teams around B and C
if you "do not have any interest" in the impact of this knowledge on people and society.

I doubt you really mean that.

I have never met anyone who didn't have some interest in social problems and what it would take to fix them.

But if you insist, you can stay focused on just part A.

That may be a full time job for you, anyway.

I thought you made VERY good points about science and spiritual healing for part B.

Sorry you can't see that B and C are part of the larger process of reaching an understanding about part A.

I guess that's not your job, and other people will be in charge of those parts, not you.

Yours truly,
MD, I'd seek mental help man in all seriousness.

You know, GT, I tried that weird 2 + 2 = 15 thing of yours again (see post #5313), you know, how the God axiom doesn't hold true logically. Well, it's the ding dong dangest thing. That 2 + 2 just keeps adding up to 4! It's the weirdest thing. I think you might be off after all. Got calculator?
Last edited:
MD, I'd seek mental help man in all seriousness.

You know, GT, I tried that weird 2 + 2 = 15 thing you keep going on about, you know, how the God axiom doesn't hold true logically. Well, it's the ding dong dangest thing. That 2 + 2 just keeps adding up to 4! It's the weirdest thing. I think you might be off.
Why would a hyper-religious whack job make appeals to logic when his worldview is a fantasy world of magic and supernaturalism?

Really, Bunky, you're the last one to be lecturing anyone on logic when you're utterly confounded by what the term denotes.
MD, I'd seek mental help man in all seriousness.

You know, GT, I tried that weird 2 + 2 = 15 thing you keep going on about, you know, how the God axiom doesn't hold true logically. Well, it's the ding dong dangest thing. That 2 + 2 just keeps adding up to 4! It's the weirdest thing. I think you might be off.
Why would a hyper-religious whack job make appeals to logic when his worldview is a fantasy world of magic and supernaturalism?

Really, Bunky, you're the last one to be lecturing anyone on logic when you're utterly confounded by what the term denotes.

Okay, I'll try it again. . . .

Yep. Came up 4 again! It's the ding dong dangest thing!

we'll try again to for an answer - sinner.

existence is not generic, multiplicity of living beings et all, what is the derivative of your TAG ?


Stop it. You're as mad as a hatter (Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me!) No one knows what you're talking about.

mdr: There is no need to "modernize" the Bible.

the sinner has no remorse, how special ...

why the duplicity when you then ramble on for christianity ?


Okay, I'll try it again. . . .

Yep. Came up 4 again! No fairies wear boots in sight. It's the ding dong dangest thing!
Traditional Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God's Existence
1. Knowledge (logical, moral, geometric, mathematical and scientific) is not possible if God doesn't exist (major premise of the TAG: MPTAG).
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists.
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist.

Positive Trinities and Negation/Opposite of the Trinity

M.D. Rawlings and Justin Davis:
Please help me align these principles so we can centralize the focus along the same lines

Positive side: Holy Trinity
1. God = love of truth, wisdom, knowledge, universal laws of Nature/Life/Creation (including science and psychology)
2. Jesus Christ = love of justice, divine laws incarnated in man's realm of reality and experience
Embodying the laws by conscience (includes social contracts by civil laws and enforcement by the people as the govt)
3. Holy Spirit = love of humanity, harmony, peace, healing grace, wholeness uniting people on earth as one family/society
spirit of the mother church, the people as the bride receiving and embracing the Law or Lord as the husband or protectorate

Negative side
1. Satan as Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth, selfishness, separation/division instead of unity
2. Antichrist as injustice, corruption/oppression by abuse of authority/law, false government, coercion instead of freedom,
Fear of change or loss of control to conflicting authority, Retribution, Retributive Justice as opposed to Restorative Justice which is Christ Jesus
3. False Prophet = Fear of conflict and confrontation, abusing words to reject and divide by ill will and hate,
instead of Words of Comfort to bring reconciliation and peace, sowing seeds of Unforgiveness and Bitterness
instead of sharing in Grace through Forgiveness which is the Holy Spirit

Commandments on which hang all the laws and prophets
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls
2. To love one another as Jesus Christ loves us
3. To love our neighbor as ourselves, i.e., realization of the church body as one in Christ

In Buddhism Two Promises on which all teachings are based
1. To develop Perfect Wisdom
2. To develop Perfect Compassion
[there is no third promise, so I would recommend adding
3. To develop Perfect Communication or community relations]

1. The Buddha = one who knows
2. The Dharma = spiritual laws and duty
3. The Sangha = peaceful order or community

In Constitutionalism
1. Judicial level of interpreting law
2. Legislative level of laws as contracts by conscience between people and govt
3. Executive level of carrying out the law for peace and justice in society

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Free exercise of religion or free will
4. And combined, the right to due process of laws:
to assemble peaceably and petition to redress grievances to defend equal protection of interests

Justin Davis:

Since M.D. and I tend to get too elaborate,
can you please help us sort through the different sets of 3 concepts
and help align which ones the three points in TAG correspond with?

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists. ==> is this the False Prophet or opposite of the Holy Spirit,
to reject by divisive hate speech that promotes Unforgiveness as the one unforgivable blasphemy
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist ==> is this the level of Satan that manipulates fear of the unknown instead of love of truth?

I have no interest in your extracurricular musings. Can you refute the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin thereof or not?

Answer: No! You cannot.

These things stand.

There is nothing to refute regarding the fraud of some invention of yours you yammer on with regarding the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin.

That is some weird bit of mental lapse you have that you try and pawn off on the weak minded and gullible like yourself.
MD, I'd seek mental help man in all seriousness.

You know, GT, I tried that weird 2 + 2 = 15 thing you keep going on about, you know, how the God axiom doesn't hold true logically. Well, it's the ding dong dangest thing. That 2 + 2 just keeps adding up to 4! It's the weirdest thing. I think you might be off.
Why would a hyper-religious whack job make appeals to logic when his worldview is a fantasy world of magic and supernaturalism?

Really, Bunky, you're the last one to be lecturing anyone on logic when you're utterly confounded by what the term denotes.

Okay, I'll try it again. . . .

Yep. Came up 4 again! It's the ding dong dangest thing!

You already tried.......

and failed. You always fail.

You're a failure.
Traditional Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God's Existence
1. Knowledge (logical, moral, geometric, mathematical and scientific) is not possible if God doesn't exist (major premise of the TAG: MPTAG).
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists.
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist.

Positive Trinities and Negation/Opposite of the Trinity

M.D. Rawlings and Justin Davis:
Please help me align these principles so we can centralize the focus along the same lines

Positive side: Holy Trinity
1. God = love of truth, wisdom, knowledge, universal laws of Nature/Life/Creation (including science and psychology)
2. Jesus Christ = love of justice, divine laws incarnated in man's realm of reality and experience
Embodying the laws by conscience (includes social contracts by civil laws and enforcement by the people as the govt)
3. Holy Spirit = love of humanity, harmony, peace, healing grace, wholeness uniting people on earth as one family/society
spirit of the mother church, the people as the bride receiving and embracing the Law or Lord as the husband or protectorate

Negative side
1. Satan as Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth, selfishness, separation/division instead of unity
2. Antichrist as injustice, corruption/oppression by abuse of authority/law, false government, coercion instead of freedom,
Fear of change or loss of control to conflicting authority, Retribution, Retributive Justice as opposed to Restorative Justice which is Christ Jesus
3. False Prophet = Fear of conflict and confrontation, abusing words to reject and divide by ill will and hate,
instead of Words of Comfort to bring reconciliation and peace, sowing seeds of Unforgiveness and Bitterness
instead of sharing in Grace through Forgiveness which is the Holy Spirit

Commandments on which hang all the laws and prophets
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls
2. To love one another as Jesus Christ loves us
3. To love our neighbor as ourselves, i.e., realization of the church body as one in Christ

In Buddhism Two Promises on which all teachings are based
1. To develop Perfect Wisdom
2. To develop Perfect Compassion
[there is no third promise, so I would recommend adding
3. To develop Perfect Communication or community relations]

1. The Buddha = one who knows
2. The Dharma = spiritual laws and duty
3. The Sangha = peaceful order or community

In Constitutionalism
1. Judicial level of interpreting law
2. Legislative level of laws as contracts by conscience between people and govt
3. Executive level of carrying out the law for peace and justice in society

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Free exercise of religion or free will
4. And combined, the right to due process of laws:
to assemble peaceably and petition to redress grievances to defend equal protection of interests

Justin Davis:

Since M.D. and I tend to get too elaborate,
can you please help us sort through the different sets of 3 concepts
and help align which ones the three points in TAG correspond with?

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists. ==> is this the False Prophet or opposite of the Holy Spirit,
to reject by divisive hate speech that promotes Unforgiveness as the one unforgivable blasphemy
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist ==> is this the level of Satan that manipulates fear of the unknown instead of love of truth?

I have no interest in your extracurricular musings. Can you refute the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin thereof or not?

Answer: No! You cannot.

These things stand.

There is nothing to refute regarding the fraud of some invention of yours you yammer on with regarding the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin.

That is some weird bit of mental lapse you have that you try and pawn off on the weak minded and gullible like yourself.

Sorry, 4 again. I'll let you know if anything changes, mkay?
MD, I'd seek mental help man in all seriousness.

You know, GT, I tried that weird 2 + 2 = 15 thing you keep going on about, you know, how the God axiom doesn't hold true logically. Well, it's the ding dong dangest thing. That 2 + 2 just keeps adding up to 4! It's the weirdest thing. I think you might be off.
Why would a hyper-religious whack job make appeals to logic when his worldview is a fantasy world of magic and supernaturalism?

Really, Bunky, you're the last one to be lecturing anyone on logic when you're utterly confounded by what the term denotes.

Okay, I' try it again. . . .

Yep. Came up 4 again! It's the ding dong dangest thing!

Okay M.D. Rawlings now try this
1. Hollie Inevitable and others made it clear they don't relate to your TAG approach
2. Inevitable asked for more scientific type explanation, demonstration or proof
3. I AGREE, and ask to apply scientific study to verify Spiritual Healing as natural, effective safe and universal
4. You also clarified that Spiritual Healing needed to be studied with science that was not biased by religion

I AGREE with you, to keep the approach based on Science, just like you said!

Now, given the above
Which should we focus on: TAG or Spiritual Healing using Science?

M.D. Rawlings:
Yep! Tried TAG again.
Came up with NO NO NO again! It's the ding dong dangest thing!
Traditional Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God's Existence
1. Knowledge (logical, moral, geometric, mathematical and scientific) is not possible if God doesn't exist (major premise of the TAG: MPTAG).
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists.
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist.

Positive Trinities and Negation/Opposite of the Trinity

M.D. Rawlings and Justin Davis:
Please help me align these principles so we can centralize the focus along the same lines

Positive side: Holy Trinity
1. God = love of truth, wisdom, knowledge, universal laws of Nature/Life/Creation (including science and psychology)
2. Jesus Christ = love of justice, divine laws incarnated in man's realm of reality and experience
Embodying the laws by conscience (includes social contracts by civil laws and enforcement by the people as the govt)
3. Holy Spirit = love of humanity, harmony, peace, healing grace, wholeness uniting people on earth as one family/society
spirit of the mother church, the people as the bride receiving and embracing the Law or Lord as the husband or protectorate

Negative side
1. Satan as Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth, selfishness, separation/division instead of unity
2. Antichrist as injustice, corruption/oppression by abuse of authority/law, false government, coercion instead of freedom,
Fear of change or loss of control to conflicting authority, Retribution, Retributive Justice as opposed to Restorative Justice which is Christ Jesus
3. False Prophet = Fear of conflict and confrontation, abusing words to reject and divide by ill will and hate,
instead of Words of Comfort to bring reconciliation and peace, sowing seeds of Unforgiveness and Bitterness
instead of sharing in Grace through Forgiveness which is the Holy Spirit

Commandments on which hang all the laws and prophets
1. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls
2. To love one another as Jesus Christ loves us
3. To love our neighbor as ourselves, i.e., realization of the church body as one in Christ

In Buddhism Two Promises on which all teachings are based
1. To develop Perfect Wisdom
2. To develop Perfect Compassion
[there is no third promise, so I would recommend adding
3. To develop Perfect Communication or community relations]

1. The Buddha = one who knows
2. The Dharma = spiritual laws and duty
3. The Sangha = peaceful order or community

In Constitutionalism
1. Judicial level of interpreting law
2. Legislative level of laws as contracts by conscience between people and govt
3. Executive level of carrying out the law for peace and justice in society

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Free exercise of religion or free will
4. And combined, the right to due process of laws:
to assemble peaceably and petition to redress grievances to defend equal protection of interests

Justin Davis:

Since M.D. and I tend to get too elaborate,
can you please help us sort through the different sets of 3 concepts
and help align which ones the three points in TAG correspond with?

The Negative Transcendental Argument
1. Knowledge is not possible if God exists. ==> is this the False Prophet or opposite of the Holy Spirit,
to reject by divisive hate speech that promotes Unforgiveness as the one unforgivable blasphemy
2. Knowledge exists.
3. God doesn't exist ==> is this the level of Satan that manipulates fear of the unknown instead of love of truth?

I have no interest in your extracurricular musings. Can you refute the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin thereof or not?

Answer: No! You cannot.

These things stand.

There is nothing to refute regarding the fraud of some invention of yours you yammer on with regarding the laws of thought and the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin.

That is some weird bit of mental lapse you have that you try and pawn off on the weak minded and gullible like yourself.

Sorry, 4 again. I'll let you know if anything changes, mkay?

Sorry, failure loves company. Have your sock: "Justin" chime in.
MD, I'd seek mental help man in all seriousness.

You know, GT, I tried that weird 2 + 2 = 15 thing you keep going on about, you know, how the God axiom doesn't hold true logically. Well, it's the ding dong dangest thing. That 2 + 2 just keeps adding up to 4! It's the weirdest thing. I think you might be off.
Why would a hyper-religious whack job make appeals to logic when his worldview is a fantasy world of magic and supernaturalism?

Really, Bunky, you're the last one to be lecturing anyone on logic when you're utterly confounded by what the term denotes.

He is not a whack job. M.D. is too intelligent for his own good.
He is so excited about TAG, and the implications and impact around it,
he cannot see the rest of the forest, for his favorite tree he just wants to dance around.

I have my favorite things, too. I get excited, and carried away.
When we can all see that each of the trees we focus on
makes up the forest, maybe we'll get the bigger picture. And understand how big it really is.

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