Is there such thing as "universal morality"?

C). Universal Morality is an absolute, which measures people, not the other way around.
Oh. Can you say what Universal Morality consists of?

If you have to ask, you won't understand the answer. We already know you can't read much less reason, about basic history. Who is going to bother with your idiot memes?

He's legendary for pointless sniping, that one.
But you have no idea what those are and what is necessary for them to work. As a commie parrot, you're all about destroying all that.
If you have nothing to contribute you might as well piss off.
"Nothing to contribute."

That's rich.

What has Picaro contributed to this discussion? A bland assertion he won't back up because he can't back it up.

Everything is over your head here. We know that already. Your dumbass spin re Romans is also a big clue you know squat about even basic history, and will repeatedly lie about the facts. You can't contribute anything.
Well, so much for universal morality.

THERE IT IS: the epitome of ANTI-universal morality. The ultimate SELFISH, egoistic morality, the morality of the ONE who sees HIMSELF as the center of the universe and therefore, in his view, final arbiter of what is "moral," therefore, that person FARTHEST from true morality, much less even understanding it! The Moralistic Buffoon!

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