Is there such thing as "universal morality"?

This would only be true in a closed system. Is the universe closed or open? How do you know?

Same difference. Look it up. Don’t take my word.
Our universe may or may not be closed (we don't know what Dark Energy is) and we don't even know if this universe is not one of an infinite number of universes.
It doesn’t matter if there are multiple universes. In fact the theory of multiverses are based upon closed/isolated systems. The theory literally requires a closed universe.
An infinite number of closed multiverses is in really an open universe of closed universes. An endless recycling of closed universes is also an open universe.
This would only be true in a closed system. Is the universe closed or open? How do you know?

Same difference. Look it up. Don’t take my word.
Our universe may or may not be closed (we don't know what Dark Energy is) and we don't even know if this universe is not one of an infinite number of universes.
It doesn’t matter if there are multiple universes. In fact the theory of multiverses are based upon closed/isolated systems. The theory literally requires a closed universe.
An infinite number of closed multiverses is in really an open universe of closed universes. An endless recycling of closed universes is also an open universe.
First of all there is no recycling of universes in inflation theory that I am aware of.

Secondly each multiverse is a separate and distinct universe. Being open or closed has nothing to do with any system outside of any other system.
Where does dark energy come from? Inside or outside this universe? If outside the universe is obviously not closed.
Inside. Why do you believe it exists outside of the universe?
If you don't know what it is how do you know where it comes from? If inside, doesn't it violate thermodynamics?
Because space time is warped. You can’t reach a boundary. Anything outside of our space and time has no effect on our universe.
Science has proven the universe had a beginning from nothing

That nothing is the creator

The creator pre wired into all humans to go find him and a weaker immune system if one does not believe and correction pains to make one believe

Humans advancement to becomes gods of the universe with no other similar advancements by any of the trillions other life forms

So the whole universe and all of life was made for this plan for humans

Which is being gods of the universe and more and more knowing GOD and his plan
I'm certainly not going to take your word for something when history tells me the opposite.

Hitler killed millions and died by violence. Stalin killed millions and died of natural causes. Doesn't seem to any conneciton here.

Germany started WWII and ended up reduced to rubble. Poland was a victim of WWII and ended up reduced to rubble. Doesn't seem to any conneciton here either.
Maybe you will take Plato’s word or Socrates word or Confucius’s word.

Of course you could always test it for yourself and not need to take anyone’s word.
Brilliant folk yes but none of those people could explain why it rained or had any link to the God of the Bible.

Intriguing, how do I test it for yourself without first accepting it as true? That would be a test of faith, not of truth.
Let’s debate it in the bull ring. You can argue that virtue does not lead to harmony and order and I can argue it does. Fair enough?
I'm not adverse but I've done the bull ring so you'll have to take the lead.
I will make my argument why I believe it does. You can make your argument why you believe it doesn’t. Then I will rebut your argument and you can rebut mine. Fair enough?
So long as there is no time limit for replies, I'm in. Let me know when and where.
Where does dark energy come from? Inside or outside this universe? If outside the universe is obviously not closed.
Inside. Why do you believe it exists outside of the universe?
If you don't know what it is how do you know where it comes from? If inside, doesn't it violate thermodynamics?
How does dark matter or dark energy violate the laws of thermodynamics?
Do the laws of thermodynamics support a closed universe where expansion accelerates forever?
Where does dark energy come from? Inside or outside this universe? If outside the universe is obviously not closed.
Inside. Why do you believe it exists outside of the universe?
If you don't know what it is how do you know where it comes from? If inside, doesn't it violate thermodynamics?
Because space time is warped. You can’t reach a boundary. Anything outside of our space and time has no effect on our universe.
You really do believe you've discovered that.
...morality, by definition, is the code of behaviour of an individual, not a community.

So it would be erroneous to describe a community as acting "immoral" for, as an example, building a wall or legalizing abortion? The correct word would be "unethical"?
How would you describe caging children?
Letting them sleep on cold cement floors without blankets and covered in lice? How do you treat a two-year-old in such a manner and call it merely unethical or immoral? Isn’t there a more appropriate description?
Where does dark energy come from? Inside or outside this universe? If outside the universe is obviously not closed.
Inside. Why do you believe it exists outside of the universe?
If you don't know what it is how do you know where it comes from? If inside, doesn't it violate thermodynamics?
Because space time is warped. You can’t reach a boundary. Anything outside of our space and time has no effect on our universe.
Space time can be locally warped but you don't know if it is completely warped into a closed 4D 'sphere'.
Atheists had to try to recover when science proves all this had a beginning

So they brought out multi universes there never ends or begins

The only real science is this universe which science has proven to have a beginning which proves a creator
Atheists had to try to recover when science proves all this had a beginning

So they brought out multi universes there never ends or begins

The only real science is this universe which science has proven to have a beginning which proves a creator
There is much we don't know about the universe and it may be that it has a creator (on this I'm agnostic)

There is much we don't know about God and it may be that he was created too.
Where does dark energy come from? Inside or outside this universe? If outside the universe is obviously not closed.
Inside. Why do you believe it exists outside of the universe?
If you don't know what it is how do you know where it comes from? If inside, doesn't it violate thermodynamics?
How does dark matter or dark energy violate the laws of thermodynamics?
Do the laws of thermodynamics support a closed universe where expansion accelerates forever?
Why wouldn’t they? What violation do you believe will occur?

Will heat flow from colder objects to warmer objects?

Will useable energy increase?

Will matter to energy exchanges be 100% efficient?

Will entropy decrease?
Where does dark energy come from? Inside or outside this universe? If outside the universe is obviously not closed.
Inside. Why do you believe it exists outside of the universe?
If you don't know what it is how do you know where it comes from? If inside, doesn't it violate thermodynamics?
Because space time is warped. You can’t reach a boundary. Anything outside of our space and time has no effect on our universe.
You really do believe you've discovered that.
How can you not know that space time is warped by mass and energy?
Where does dark energy come from? Inside or outside this universe? If outside the universe is obviously not closed.
Inside. Why do you believe it exists outside of the universe?
If you don't know what it is how do you know where it comes from? If inside, doesn't it violate thermodynamics?
Because space time is warped. You can’t reach a boundary. Anything outside of our space and time has no effect on our universe.
Space time can be locally warped but you don't know if it is completely warped into a closed 4D 'sphere'.
Why wouldn’t it be?

Where did you get the idea it is a sphere?
Atheists had to try to recover when science proves all this had a beginning

So they brought out multi universes there never ends or begins

The only real science is this universe which science has proven to have a beginning which proves a creator
There is much we don't know about the universe and it may be that it has a creator (on this I'm agnostic)

There is much we don't know about God and it may be that he was created too.

The universe had a beginning that's the key science finding

The top atheist scientist of 50 yrs Anthony Flew changed his view simply because of the evidence

He said any modern scientist that's now an atheist is simply dishonest .. As a scientist one must follow the evidence As he did

But the dishonest atheists would not change and brought multi universes with no beginning or ending but without EVIDENCE. As Grest Britains Anthony FLew says

He was upset wit Dawkins who did not change because of the evidence and saw Dawkins as simply dishonest !!

Plus why would atheists cut their own throat with a no hope view point as their immune system brings them misery and pain and death for that view
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Atheists had to try to recover when science proves all this had a beginning

So they brought out multi universes there never ends or begins

The only real science is this universe which science has proven to have a beginning which proves a creator
There is much we don't know about the universe and it may be that it has a creator (on this I'm agnostic)

There is much we don't know about God and it may be that he was created too.

Also we know the creator by his works

Humans to harness the power of the universe. Humans made to be gods of the universe for sure

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