Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

Don't be an idiot.
I would never try to be like you. I promise.


I know you and IM2 enjoy your schoolyard tit-for-tats but you won't get that kind of lowbrow childish nonsense out of me. I reckon that's why the both of you bail on every discussion we have; it's just easier to call someone racist and insult their intelligence.
Says the guy that claimed I wanted to be an idiot like you.

I didn't say you wanted to be an idiot, I said not to be one.

Sounds like you been confusing your dreams with reality. You arent smart enough to have a discussion with me.

And yet another insult.

I'm at least smart enough to stay in the discussion. You bailed on the last one.
You dont have to worry about me. Worry about yourself being and idiot.

You asked for an insult I obliged. Now when you want to have a descent discussion you better adjust your attitude.

"descent discussion" is exactly what talking to you is like: descending the slope of reason to a morass of pettiness.
What if you just like pointing out racism? Why do you have to be a victim in order to talk about it?

Who said you were a victim to talk about it?
Reading comprehension on the fritz again huh?

No, you probably just worded it wrong once again. The way it is written, you apparently think that I said or implied that to point out or talk about racism amounts to playing victim. Did I get that wrong?

The thing is, Candace Owen has no message. Naturally you like her because she says what whites say and we all know that we blacks cannot know our reality better than you whites can tell us what you say our reality is. So anyone black who repeats what you believe is trotted out before us and we are told that's who we need to listen to.

Naturally you like Tim Wise because he says what blacks say. And the irony is that he doesn't know black reality any better than any other white person. Because he's white.

Whites can't know of black reality and yet whites who say what you agree with somehow magically know black reality.

Candace Owen is 28 years old. When she was born I was older than she is now. When she was born I was an assistant director at a community center in a black community. I've seen things this child has only read about. That means I've seen trends she has never seen. So she's not one for me to listen to. Her attitude is wrong at every level.

So what about 28 year old blacks that agree with you? They never shared or saw the kinds of thing you experienced either. So if Owens' viewpoint or opinions are invalid due to her age then so are the viewpoints and opinions of those who agree with you.

She should not be allowed to stand before blacks speaking. She is no leader, a leader doesn't stand by repeating the words of others. A leader has you repeating what they say.

Those who agree with her repeat what she says and those who don't, do not. Funny how that works isn't it?

There is no victimhood there is no victim mentality in blacks. That has never existed in the black community. Anywhere Because if it did, we would still be slaves.

Blaming whites for a black person hacking a child to death with a machete of his own freewill is a result of victim mentality.

Owens views are invalid because they are not based in reality. Tim Wise will be the first to say he doesn't know more than blacks do about their experiences. There is no such thing as victim mentality in blacks. Period.
Talking abut Rwanda when the conversation is about white racism here in America by a white person is a result of the victim mentality of whites.
Personally, I don't feel that it is a race or a competition. The betterment of every race can only benefit our country. If it weren't for a majority of white people agreeing and standing up for African American rights in the US we would still have slavery and major oppression.
Slavery still exists. Racism is slavery.
A white man and majority white army freed the slaves in the US
O right yeah ...and once slavery ended ...racism just stopped ...right ? Saying whites freed the slaves is like a rapist wanting a cookie for not raping anymore. Slavery was just the 1st stage in white supremacy.

You also say this
I don't believe one race is superior over another
But then you say this
in nature the biggest smartest superior animal rules.
And this
in every other ecosystem the superior animal is at the top and dominates its peers.
What you do is present your point of view right up until it is a clearly racist statement.

You will not say "Black people are inferior" but you will say "in nature the biggest smartest superior animal rules"

Or the way same way SOME white people say all the important stuff was invented by white people, but fall short of actually saying white people are naturally better because of it.

You make these statements that lead up to an obvious conclusion (that black folks are inherently dumber than whites) but short of saying whites are better he stops and winks at other.

You don't say whites are better but you will allow others to say it for you.
Who said you were a victim to talk about it?
Reading comprehension on the fritz again huh?

No, you probably just worded it wrong once again. The way it is written, you apparently think that I said or implied that to point out or talk about racism amounts to playing victim. Did I get that wrong?

The thing is, Candace Owen has no message. Naturally you like her because she says what whites say and we all know that we blacks cannot know our reality better than you whites can tell us what you say our reality is. So anyone black who repeats what you believe is trotted out before us and we are told that's who we need to listen to.

Naturally you like Tim Wise because he says what blacks say. And the irony is that he doesn't know black reality any better than any other white person. Because he's white.

Whites can't know of black reality and yet whites who say what you agree with somehow magically know black reality.

Candace Owen is 28 years old. When she was born I was older than she is now. When she was born I was an assistant director at a community center in a black community. I've seen things this child has only read about. That means I've seen trends she has never seen. So she's not one for me to listen to. Her attitude is wrong at every level.

So what about 28 year old blacks that agree with you? They never shared or saw the kinds of thing you experienced either. So if Owens' viewpoint or opinions are invalid due to her age then so are the viewpoints and opinions of those who agree with you.

She should not be allowed to stand before blacks speaking. She is no leader, a leader doesn't stand by repeating the words of others. A leader has you repeating what they say.

Those who agree with her repeat what she says and those who don't, do not. Funny how that works isn't it?

There is no victimhood there is no victim mentality in blacks. That has never existed in the black community. Anywhere Because if it did, we would still be slaves.

Blaming whites for a black person hacking a child to death with a machete of his own freewill is a result of victim mentality.

Owens views are invalid because they are not based in reality.

Her views are invalid because you don't agree with them.

Tim Wise will be the first to say he doesn't know more than blacks do about their experiences. There is no such thing as victim mentality in blacks. Period.

What Wise says about knowing about black experiences is irrelevant. The point is he says what you agree with so obviously you think he knows something. If he was saying what Owens says you would say he don't know shit because he's white.

Talking abut Rwanda when the conversation is about white racism here in America by a white person is a result of the victim mentality of whites.

The OP is not about white racism, it's about whether or not hating a race for being superior to yours constitutes racism on your part.
I would never try to be like you. I promise.


I know you and IM2 enjoy your schoolyard tit-for-tats but you won't get that kind of lowbrow childish nonsense out of me. I reckon that's why the both of you bail on every discussion we have; it's just easier to call someone racist and insult their intelligence.

Nobody bails out but you. You avoid and divert every time you enter a conversation.

You've avoided the fact that blacks can be racist and divert with "But look what whites did!"

So you going to tell us about rwanda again?

I'll stop telling you about Rwanda when you stop pretending that blacks are not capable of atrocity and that they are not responsible for their own actions.

OBTW my names not lumpy and that is lowbrow childish nonsense that you pulled. You get called a racist because you are a racist.

You get called Lumpy because of things like: "Whitebread", "whitey", "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool" and probably a few more I can't remember.

Sorry but I've not diverted from anything. You are the one who cannot show any racism by blacks
that comes close to what whites have done.

So then you admit some racism by blacks?

I will not stop saying that whites are responsible for problems they created.

Fine. But do you say blacks are responsible for problems they created or perpetuated or do you stop there?

I said all those things after reading pages of racist crap from you and the other whites here.

You said all those things out of anger and resentment because anger and resentment is all you have.

I don't admit to anything. What I will say is your use Of the false equivalence to argue with me about this issue is not going to get you anywhere. Blacks have not don what whites have done. So I am not going to admit things being the same when they have not been.

Always trying to turn something around and using false equivalences will not work here. I say policies created by whites are the root cause of the problem. That's what my 30 plus years of work and research show as well as my 57 years living black., What kind of research have you done that can show the opposite? Because what you're trying to do here is not the answer. You are totally clueless to the long term emotional and psychological effects of racism, nor are you prepared to understand that racism is an abusive behavior and just like with every such behavior the people affected struggle with it for their entire lives. Blacks did not put this abuse on ourselves. Now combine this with everything else in life.

This is why don't like trying to talk to dumb whites about this.

Last, I said what I did for the reasons I stated. What reason do I have to resent a bunch of dumb ass ignorant uneducated whites for? You ain't got sense enough to come in out of the rain much less try debating any of us blacks here about the issue of race.

Back work on my project. I'm tired of you idiots.
Her views are invalid because you don't agree with them.

Her views are invalid because they are not so..

What Wise says about knowing about black experiences is irrelevant. The point is he says what you agree with so obviously you think he knows something. If he was saying what Owens says you would say he don't know shit because he's white.

No, Tim Wise bases his comments on facts that be can cite. Not some opinion made up by whites that's coplwtly unsupported.

The OP is not about white racism, it's about whether or not hating a race for being superior to yours constitutes racism on your part.

The thread is about white racism because the OP was racist to begin with.

I know you and IM2 enjoy your schoolyard tit-for-tats but you won't get that kind of lowbrow childish nonsense out of me. I reckon that's why the both of you bail on every discussion we have; it's just easier to call someone racist and insult their intelligence.

Nobody bails out but you. You avoid and divert every time you enter a conversation.

You've avoided the fact that blacks can be racist and divert with "But look what whites did!"

So you going to tell us about rwanda again?

I'll stop telling you about Rwanda when you stop pretending that blacks are not capable of atrocity and that they are not responsible for their own actions.

OBTW my names not lumpy and that is lowbrow childish nonsense that you pulled. You get called a racist because you are a racist.

You get called Lumpy because of things like: "Whitebread", "whitey", "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool" and probably a few more I can't remember.

Sorry but I've not diverted from anything. You are the one who cannot show any racism by blacks
that comes close to what whites have done.

So then you admit some racism by blacks?

I will not stop saying that whites are responsible for problems they created.

Fine. But do you say blacks are responsible for problems they created or perpetuated or do you stop there?

I said all those things after reading pages of racist crap from you and the other whites here.

You said all those things out of anger and resentment because anger and resentment is all you have.

I don't admit to anything. What I will say is your use Of the false equivalence to argue with me about this issue is not going to get you anywhere. Blacks have not don what whites have done. So I am not going to admit things being the same when they have not been.

To compare the history of white racism vs. black racism in terms of numbers of racists, numbers of incidents and number of years is a false equivalence that I have never made. To say a black racist and a white racist are both racist is not a false equivalence and that's all I've ever said. That's it. It is you who keeps making the false equivalences and false comparisons when you keep citing the history of white racism when all I ever said was that some blacks are racist. I've told you multiple times since we first interacted that this was all I was saying but you just keep shoving those numbers in my face every time when it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Do you know what's pathetic about all this? Not once in any of our discussions did I ever deny white racism nor did I ever say black racism is worse nor did I ever make comparisons of any kind. All of your arguments are based on arguments and comments I never made.

Always trying to turn something around and using false equivalences will not work here. I say policies created by whites are the root cause of the problem. That's what my 30 plus years of work and research show as well as my 57 years living black., What kind of research have you done that can show the opposite? Because what you're trying to do here is not the answer. You are totally clueless to the long term emotional and psychological effects of racism, nor are you prepared to understand that racism is an abusive behavior and just like with every such behavior the people affected struggle with it for their entire lives. Blacks did not put this abuse on ourselves. Now combine this with everything else in life.

This is why don't like trying to talk to dumb whites about this.

Do you like talking to dumb blacks about it?

Last, I said what I did for the reasons I stated. What reason do I have to resent a bunch of dumb ass ignorant uneducated whites for?

First ask yourself why you refer to us as a "bunch of dumb ass ignorant uneducated whites" and you just might have your answer.

You ain't got sense enough to come in out of the rain much less try debating any of us blacks here about the issue of race.

I am of a race just as you are; I'm white and you're black. That means I'm just as qualified as you are to talk about the issue of race. Especially considering that whites are being labelled racist for the stupidest fucking reasons these days.

Back work on my project. I'm tired of you idiots.

Of course you are.
Nobody bails out but you. You avoid and divert every time you enter a conversation.

You've avoided the fact that blacks can be racist and divert with "But look what whites did!"

So you going to tell us about rwanda again?

I'll stop telling you about Rwanda when you stop pretending that blacks are not capable of atrocity and that they are not responsible for their own actions.

OBTW my names not lumpy and that is lowbrow childish nonsense that you pulled. You get called a racist because you are a racist.

You get called Lumpy because of things like: "Whitebread", "whitey", "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool" and probably a few more I can't remember.

Sorry but I've not diverted from anything. You are the one who cannot show any racism by blacks
that comes close to what whites have done.

So then you admit some racism by blacks?

I will not stop saying that whites are responsible for problems they created.

Fine. But do you say blacks are responsible for problems they created or perpetuated or do you stop there?

I said all those things after reading pages of racist crap from you and the other whites here.

You said all those things out of anger and resentment because anger and resentment is all you have.

I don't admit to anything. What I will say is your use Of the false equivalence to argue with me about this issue is not going to get you anywhere. Blacks have not don what whites have done. So I am not going to admit things being the same when they have not been.

To compare the history of white racism vs. black racism in terms of numbers of racists, numbers of incidents and number of years is a false equivalence that I have never made. To say a black racist and a white racist are both racist is not a false equivalence and that's all I've ever said. That's it. It is you who keeps making the false equivalences and false comparisons when you keep citing the history of white racism when all I ever said was that some blacks are racist. I've told you multiple times since we first interacted that this was all I was saying but you just keep shoving those numbers in my face every time when it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Do you know what's pathetic about all this? Not once in any of our discussions did I ever deny white racism nor did I ever say black racism is worse nor did I ever make comparisons of any kind. All of your arguments are based on arguments and comments I never made.

Always trying to turn something around and using false equivalences will not work here. I say policies created by whites are the root cause of the problem. That's what my 30 plus years of work and research show as well as my 57 years living black., What kind of research have you done that can show the opposite? Because what you're trying to do here is not the answer. You are totally clueless to the long term emotional and psychological effects of racism, nor are you prepared to understand that racism is an abusive behavior and just like with every such behavior the people affected struggle with it for their entire lives. Blacks did not put this abuse on ourselves. Now combine this with everything else in life.

This is why don't like trying to talk to dumb whites about this.

Do you like talking to dumb blacks about it?

Last, I said what I did for the reasons I stated. What reason do I have to resent a bunch of dumb ass ignorant uneducated whites for?

First ask yourself why you refer to us as a "bunch of dumb ass ignorant uneducated whites" and you just might have your answer.

You ain't got sense enough to come in out of the rain much less try debating any of us blacks here about the issue of race.

I am of a race just as you are; I'm white and you're black. That means I'm just as qualified as you are to talk about the issue of race. Especially considering that whites are being labelled racist for the stupidest fucking reasons these days.

Back work on my project. I'm tired of you idiots.

Of course you are.

There is no comparison to be had. Period. Whites are being called racist for being racists.

You are doing nothing using your tactics. You are dumb relative to this matter. You cannot face the racism whites have put on us here so you try bringing up Africa. The when you are shown what whites did there, you can't face that. Rwanda, your favorite excuse, has been in a state of civil strife basically since whites left and whites created the civil strife by the way they divided the people to maintain power. That's how much you don't know but you keep arguing . So if you aren't educated on a matter you are uneducated. If you are ignorant of things that occurred, you are ignorant. And once you are shown that you don't know but you still keep trying to argue what you don't know, then you are dumb.

So when you can find me a white nation colonized by blacks talk to me about how blacks can be just as cruel. Because the record doesn't show that. You want to talk about responsibility, then talk about the responsibility whites have. Because you don't take any.
Her views are invalid because you don't agree with them.

Her views are invalid because they are not so..

Not because you say so.

Your problem with Owens is the same problem you have with me and that is that you are construing everything she says to mean that there's no white racism. All she says is stop being a victim. She may be on target with this thinking and she may not. But what she is not saying is that there is no white racism.

What Wise says about knowing about black experiences is irrelevant. The point is he says what you agree with so obviously you think he knows something. If he was saying what Owens says you would say he don't know shit because he's white.

No, Tim Wise bases his comments on facts that be can cite. Not some opinion made up by whites that's coplwtly unsupported.[/quote]

Owens' message does not make any claims that require facts to be cited, it's just a call to stop being a victim.

The OP is not about white racism, it's about whether or not hating a race for being superior to yours constitutes racism on your part.

The thread is about white racism because the OP was racist to begin with.[/QUOTE]

Every thread is about white racism to you. Hell, you probably think the Teletubbies are about white racism.
You've avoided the fact that blacks can be racist and divert with "But look what whites did!"

I'll stop telling you about Rwanda when you stop pretending that blacks are not capable of atrocity and that they are not responsible for their own actions.

You get called Lumpy because of things like: "Whitebread", "whitey", "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool" and probably a few more I can't remember.

Sorry but I've not diverted from anything. You are the one who cannot show any racism by blacks
that comes close to what whites have done.

So then you admit some racism by blacks?

I will not stop saying that whites are responsible for problems they created.

Fine. But do you say blacks are responsible for problems they created or perpetuated or do you stop there?

I said all those things after reading pages of racist crap from you and the other whites here.

You said all those things out of anger and resentment because anger and resentment is all you have.

I don't admit to anything. What I will say is your use Of the false equivalence to argue with me about this issue is not going to get you anywhere. Blacks have not don what whites have done. So I am not going to admit things being the same when they have not been.

To compare the history of white racism vs. black racism in terms of numbers of racists, numbers of incidents and number of years is a false equivalence that I have never made. To say a black racist and a white racist are both racist is not a false equivalence and that's all I've ever said. That's it. It is you who keeps making the false equivalences and false comparisons when you keep citing the history of white racism when all I ever said was that some blacks are racist. I've told you multiple times since we first interacted that this was all I was saying but you just keep shoving those numbers in my face every time when it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Do you know what's pathetic about all this? Not once in any of our discussions did I ever deny white racism nor did I ever say black racism is worse nor did I ever make comparisons of any kind. All of your arguments are based on arguments and comments I never made.

Always trying to turn something around and using false equivalences will not work here. I say policies created by whites are the root cause of the problem. That's what my 30 plus years of work and research show as well as my 57 years living black., What kind of research have you done that can show the opposite? Because what you're trying to do here is not the answer. You are totally clueless to the long term emotional and psychological effects of racism, nor are you prepared to understand that racism is an abusive behavior and just like with every such behavior the people affected struggle with it for their entire lives. Blacks did not put this abuse on ourselves. Now combine this with everything else in life.

This is why don't like trying to talk to dumb whites about this.

Do you like talking to dumb blacks about it?

Last, I said what I did for the reasons I stated. What reason do I have to resent a bunch of dumb ass ignorant uneducated whites for?

First ask yourself why you refer to us as a "bunch of dumb ass ignorant uneducated whites" and you just might have your answer.

You ain't got sense enough to come in out of the rain much less try debating any of us blacks here about the issue of race.

I am of a race just as you are; I'm white and you're black. That means I'm just as qualified as you are to talk about the issue of race. Especially considering that whites are being labelled racist for the stupidest fucking reasons these days.

Back work on my project. I'm tired of you idiots.

Of course you are.

There is no comparison to be had. Period. Whites are being called racist for being racists.

You are doing nothing using your tactics.

You mean using logic? Considering that you think whites are to blame for Rwandans slaughtering each other, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's not working.

You are dumb relative to this matter. You cannot face the racism whites have put on us here so you try bringing up Africa.

As I said in another post, I never denied white racism. I brought up Rwanda to illustrate that blacks are also capable of atrocity.

The when you are shown what whites did there, you can't face that. Rwanda, your favorite excuse, has been in a state of civil strife basically since whites left and whites created the civil strife by the way they divided the people to maintain power. That's how much you don't know but you keep arguing . So if you aren't educated on a matter you are uneducated. If you are ignorant of things that occurred, you are ignorant. And once you are shown that you don't know but you still keep trying to argue what you don't know, then you are dumb.

I never argued the facts with you and I never denied what whites did in Rwanda and I even acknowledged it a few times. I read up on the topic and I know what happened and what the Germans and Belgians did. I just don't think you can chalk up the slaughter of children to something whites did a hundred years ago.

Hutu soldier to twelve year old girl:

"The Belgians made me hate your tribe so I'm going to pour acid on your twelve year old genitalia. I'm sorry about this but maybe if the whites come back and tell us we can like each other again, we won't have to do this anymore."

So when you can find me a white nation colonized by blacks talk to me about how blacks can be just as cruel. Because the record doesn't show that. You want to talk about responsibility, then talk about the responsibility whites have. Because you don't take any.

I don't take any responsibility because I'm not guilty of it.
Racism is alive and well, obviously.
But there is no systematic racism. There are racist individuals.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.
You mean using logic? Considering that you think whites are to blame for Rwandans slaughtering each other, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's not working.

Logic considers the root cause of a condition. You do understand what that means?

Logic also includes that if you are talking to a white person about what whites have done in America that Rwanda has nothing to do with the conversation.
Racism is alive and well, obviously.
But there is no systematic racism. There are racist individuals.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.
So you are saying race makes something legal or illegal? Link?
Racism is alive and well, obviously.
But there is no systematic racism. There are racist individuals.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.
So you are saying race makes something legal or illegal? Link?
Racism is alive and well, obviously.
But there is no systematic racism. There are racist individuals.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.
So you are saying race makes something legal or illegal? Link?
Jesus mother fucking Christ
TODAY not 75 years ago
This is fucking pointless!!!
Racism is alive and well, obviously.
But there is no systematic racism. There are racist individuals.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.
So you are saying race makes something legal or illegal? Link?
Jesus mother fucking Christ
TODAY not 75 years ago
This is fucking pointless!!!
Your post was fucking pointless. No one said anything about race making something illegal today.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Racism is alive and well, obviously.
But there is no systematic racism. There are racist individuals.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.
So you are saying race makes something legal or illegal? Link?
Jesus mother fucking Christ
TODAY not 75 years ago
This is fucking pointless!!!
Your post was fucking pointless. No one said anything about race making something illegal today.
Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.
So you are saying race makes something legal or illegal? Link?
Jesus mother fucking Christ
TODAY not 75 years ago
This is fucking pointless!!!
Your post was fucking pointless. No one said anything about race making something illegal today.
Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.
TODAY not 75 years ago you idiot.
So you are saying race makes something legal or illegal? Link?
Jesus mother fucking Christ
TODAY not 75 years ago
This is fucking pointless!!!
Your post was fucking pointless. No one said anything about race making something illegal today.
Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.
TODAY not 75 years ago you idiot.
I am asking for examples from TODAY. Not 5 fucking decades ago.
You assholes keep whining about systematic oppression and cant post ANYTHING relevant

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