Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

I think the message is clear: If you are an actual victim of racial discrimination, do what needs to be done. Otherwise, stop complaining about stupid shit like cotton displays and white people with dreadlocks.
What if you just like pointing out racism? Why do you have to be a victim in order to talk about it?

Who said you were a victim to talk about it?
Reading comprehension on the fritz again huh?

No, you probably just worded it wrong once again. The way it is written, you apparently think that I said or implied that to point out or talk about racism amounts to playing victim. Did I get that wrong?

The thing is, Candace Owen has no message. Naturally you like her because she says what whites say and we all know that we blacks cannot know our reality better than you whites can tell us what you say our reality is. So anyone black who repeats what you believe is trotted out before us and we are told that's who we need to listen to.

Naturally you like Tim Wise because he says what blacks say. And the irony is that he doesn't know black reality any better than any other white person. Because he's white.

Whites can't know of black reality and yet whites who say what you agree with somehow magically know black reality.

Candace Owen is 28 years old. When she was born I was older than she is now. When she was born I was an assistant director at a community center in a black community. I've seen things this child has only read about. That means I've seen trends she has never seen. So she's not one for me to listen to. Her attitude is wrong at every level.

So what about 28 year old blacks that agree with you? They never shared or saw the kinds of thing you experienced either. So if Owens' viewpoint or opinions are invalid due to her age then so are the viewpoints and opinions of those who agree with you.

She should not be allowed to stand before blacks speaking. She is no leader, a leader doesn't stand by repeating the words of others. A leader has you repeating what they say.

Those who agree with her repeat what she says and those who don't, do not. Funny how that works isn't it?

There is no victimhood there is no victim mentality in blacks. That has never existed in the black community. Anywhere Because if it did, we would still be slaves.

Blaming whites for a black person hacking a child to death with a machete of his own freewill is a result of victim mentality.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..

Not necessarily. They do not appear to believe that whites as a race of people are superior to other races, nor do they hate the race as a whole.

What they have stated is that whites have constructed a system based on them being the majority that benefits them the most. JMO.
HYow does our system benefit one race over the other?

It is a documted fact that up until the civil rights movement and subsequent legislative action from it, that minorities and women were not considered to be equal.

Obviously things did not just change overnight.

Some suffered generational poverty because of it and some of those who were considered by law to be superior acquired generational wealth.

That's common the minds of most.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..

Not necessarily. They do not appear to believe that whites as a race of people are superior to other races, nor do they hate the race as a whole.

What they have stated is that whites have constructed a system based on them being the majority that benefits them the most. JMO.
HYow does our system benefit one race over the other?

It is a documted fact that up until the civil rights movement and subsequent legislative action from it, that minorities and women were not considered to be equal.

Obviously things did not just change overnight.

Some suffered generational poverty because of it and some of those who were considered by law to be superior acquired generational wealth.

That's common the minds of most.
How does our CURRENT system benefit one race over the other?
I don't know, ask her.
I thought you already knew since you claimed to know her main talking point.

Don't be an idiot.

But that's exactly what you've been by mentioning some dumb shit whites found here to whine about like cotton displays and whites with dreadlocks

So who is the real whiner, the one who actually whines about cotton displays being racist or the person who points out how asinine that is? Besides, I don't know about anyone here whining about those things anyway.

when your ass denies all of the real and serious issues we talk about pertaining to white racism.

I've never denied white racism, I've only disagreed with you on certain aspects of it and pointed out that blacks can be racist too. When I do that and give you an example, you flat out deny that blacks can be racist. When it's all said and done, your entire argument on that subject boils down to: the black guy who spit on me because I'm white was not racist because he didn't oppress me or deny me a job.

Actually I used the standard you would have had to pass to prove racism on the job. You do not show any documented racism by this man. His comment saying this is what I think about you done before he spit on you doesn't show racism.

You accused me of racism for much less than spitting on someone. And you do not have any documented racism by me.

Now these are the things we as blacks must show to prove racism. We just don't get to shut out this is racist and expect to be believed. If a white man spit on me on a job, I could not cry about racism unless I had absolute proof that he had a documented record of racist acts on the job or if he had stated this is what I think about you blacks before he spit on me.

In order to have a documented record of racism there has to be a first act of racism before any documentation, correct? Did that even occur to you? While employed with our company, his spitting on me was his first act of racism and thus he was fired because of it.

I challenged your claim of black racism because it's the usual diversion tactic whites like you love using. Blacks nor any other race but whites codified their racism and enforced it by law, nor is any other race still trying to continue doing it.

You did much more than challenge my claim of racism, you denied the incident even happened and accused me of concocting the story out of whole cloth. Furthermore, you did so without any documentation of racism on my part or even any documentation or evidence that I lied. You made these determinations based on the fact that I'm white and nothing else.

So the comment that blacks can be racist too like its all the same is just not so. You can say getting bit by an ant is the same as being bit by a bear because they both can bite you , but really whose bite does the most damage? A black person calling you a name is not the same as a unarmed black kid getting shot the back and killed because a white cop believed racist bullshit about black violence.

And that's what you deny.

If an ant bites a white person and a bear bites a black person, does this mean the ant actually did not bite the white person? A bite is a bite and racism is racism. The amount of damage done is not what defines an act as racist.
Don't be an idiot.
I would never try to be like you. I promise.


I know you and IM2 enjoy your schoolyard tit-for-tats but you won't get that kind of lowbrow childish nonsense out of me. I reckon that's why the both of you bail on every discussion we have; it's just easier to call someone racist and insult their intelligence.

Nobody bails out but you. You avoid and divert every time you enter a conversation.

You've avoided the fact that blacks can be racist and divert with "But look what whites did!"

So you going to tell us about rwanda again?

I'll stop telling you about Rwanda when you stop pretending that blacks are not capable of atrocity and that they are not responsible for their own actions.

OBTW my names not lumpy and that is lowbrow childish nonsense that you pulled. You get called a racist because you are a racist.

You get called Lumpy because of things like: "Whitebread", "whitey", "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool" and probably a few more I can't remember.

Sorry but I've not diverted from anything. You are the one who cannot show any racism by blacks
that comes close to what whites have done.

So then you admit some racism by blacks?

I will not stop saying that whites are responsible for problems they created.

Fine. But do you say blacks are responsible for problems they created or perpetuated or do you stop there?

I said all those things after reading pages of racist crap from you and the other whites here.

You said all those things out of anger and resentment because anger and resentment is all you have.
Good luck proving that.
Its common knowledge. No need for proof.
Blacks have been around like 200K+(could be a lot longer) years longer than whites.
We have had recorded history for only around 5K years.
Again, you make no sense. Its completely illogical to call something that cant be proven, "common knowledge."
Try again.
In your recorded history you have killed more people than any other race on the planet. Youre a savage, violent, race and its common knowledge.
How many slaves in Africa?
How many murders in africa?
How many murders by blacks in america?
What about the asians?
Im not a race, you retarded dumbfuck.
Try again.
I think youre just angry your founding fathers had to legislate centuries of white AA for you to be successful and Blacks are gaining on you in only 50 years. :laugh:

Can you provide factual statements of how blacks are gaining on "whites"(White president, mostly white congress, mostly white senate, mostly white SCJ). I can go on and on, most CEOs of fortune 500 companies in the United States are white. So both the public and private sector are led by majority white. Again for the record, I don't know if that is a good thing or bad but am certainly struggling to see how you feel blacks are gaining on whites?

Personally, I don't feel that it is a race or a competition. The betterment of every race can only benefit our country. If it weren't for a majority of white people agreeing and standing up for African American rights in the US we would still have slavery and major oppression. A white man and majority white army freed the slaves in the US, a white congress, senate and President passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Without those two pieces of legislation passed by white people black rights would still be in limbo.

Generally in nature the biggest smartest superior animal rules. Again you are stating superiority over whites but that goes against everything we have learned about nature. I don't believe one race is superior over another as you do and think all races bring a unique set of skills to the table that when used in unison can create amazing things. But, if you believe in race superiority then how can you explain blacks being superior? When literally in every other ecosystem the superior animal is at the top and dominates its peers. It would seem that if Blacks were superior they would be in control of everything.

You speak of violence, is that not a sign of superiority? Everything at the top of the food chain in the world is violent. Lions, tigers, sharks, gators, every single animal that is at the top is violent. They all do what is necessary to stay at the top.
I thought you already knew since you claimed to know her main talking point.

Don't be an idiot.
I would never try to be like you. I promise.


I know you and IM2 enjoy your schoolyard tit-for-tats but you won't get that kind of lowbrow childish nonsense out of me. I reckon that's why the both of you bail on every discussion we have; it's just easier to call someone racist and insult their intelligence.
Says the guy that claimed I wanted to be an idiot like you.

I didn't say you wanted to be an idiot, I said not to be one.

Sounds like you been confusing your dreams with reality. You arent smart enough to have a discussion with me.

And yet another insult.

I'm at least smart enough to stay in the discussion. You bailed on the last one.
You dont have to worry about me. Worry about yourself being and idiot.

You asked for an insult I obliged. Now when you want to have a descent discussion you better adjust your attitude.
  • Thanks
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Its common knowledge. No need for proof.
Blacks have been around like 200K+(could be a lot longer) years longer than whites.
We have had recorded history for only around 5K years.
Again, you make no sense. Its completely illogical to call something that cant be proven, "common knowledge."
Try again.
In your recorded history you have killed more people than any other race on the planet. Youre a savage, violent, race and its common knowledge.
How many slaves in Africa?
How many murders in africa?
How many murders by blacks in america?
What about the asians?
Im not a race, you retarded dumbfuck.
Try again.
I think youre just angry your founding fathers had to legislate centuries of white AA for you to be successful and Blacks are gaining on you in only 50 years. :laugh:

You speak of violence, is that not a sign of superiority? Everything at the top of the food chain in the world is violent. Lions, tigers, sharks, gators, every single animal that is at the top is violent. They all do what is necessary to stay at the top.

No. Violence as you pointed out very well is the province of savage animals. I guess there was a reason whites ate each other. No wonder it took whites so long to become civilized. Your philosophy is all fucked up. You think being animal like is a virtue.
No. Violence as you pointed out very well is the province of savage animals. I guess there was a reason whites ate each other. No wonder it took whites so long to become civilized. Your philosophy is all fucked up. You think being animal like is a virtue.
We like white meat. What can I say?

And, what's for dinner, mom?

Tonight, we're having Phil.

Yay. I want Phil.

Ummmm....pass the Phil.

Can I have some more Phil?
Blacks have been around like 200K+(could be a lot longer) years longer than whites.
We have had recorded history for only around 5K years.
Again, you make no sense. Its completely illogical to call something that cant be proven, "common knowledge."
Try again.
In your recorded history you have killed more people than any other race on the planet. Youre a savage, violent, race and its common knowledge.
How many slaves in Africa?
How many murders in africa?
How many murders by blacks in america?
What about the asians?
Im not a race, you retarded dumbfuck.
Try again.
I think youre just angry your founding fathers had to legislate centuries of white AA for you to be successful and Blacks are gaining on you in only 50 years. :laugh:

You speak of violence, is that not a sign of superiority? Everything at the top of the food chain in the world is violent. Lions, tigers, sharks, gators, every single animal that is at the top is violent. They all do what is necessary to stay at the top.

No. Violence as you pointed out very well is the province of savage animals. I guess there was a reason whites ate each other. No wonder it took whites so long to become civilized. Your philosophy is all fucked up. You think being animal like is a virtue.

No I clearly stated that those are not my beliefs. They are yours, the whole superiority thing. Way to deflect though. I don't believe in race superiority. You failed to answer my question as to why you believe blacks are superior to whites? What are your set of standards that decide which race is superior?
In your recorded history you have killed more people than any other race on the planet. Youre a savage, violent, race and its common knowledge.
How many slaves in Africa?
How many murders in africa?
How many murders by blacks in america?
What about the asians?
Im not a race, you retarded dumbfuck.
Try again.
I think youre just angry your founding fathers had to legislate centuries of white AA for you to be successful and Blacks are gaining on you in only 50 years. :laugh:

You speak of violence, is that not a sign of superiority? Everything at the top of the food chain in the world is violent. Lions, tigers, sharks, gators, every single animal that is at the top is violent. They all do what is necessary to stay at the top.

No. Violence as you pointed out very well is the province of savage animals. I guess there was a reason whites ate each other. No wonder it took whites so long to become civilized. Your philosophy is all fucked up. You think being animal like is a virtue.

No I clearly stated that those are not my beliefs. They are yours, the whole superiority thing. Way to deflect though. I don't believe in race superiority. You failed to answer my question as to why you believe blacks are superior to whites? What are your set of standards that decide which race is superior?
Arent you the guy that wrote this? I mean it has your name on it so how am I deflecting and how is that not your belief? It cant be my beliefs because I dont think violence makes you superior. Only white boys seem to think thats true.

"You speak of violence, is that not a sign of superiority? "
The OP. I mean you really don't want to explore this on any international level.
Im down!

No you aren't. You're down to be shown the facts that you will instantly deny. For example whites are responsible for killing over 1 billion in India alone.
So you know what i will deny before it is even brought up?
Wow, thats some awesome super human power bro.
You are superior!!! :yes_text12:

Well, he DID already predict that you hate and oppress black people just off of your skin color, so yeah. He's got some impressive psychic abilities over there.

Apparently the old lady has dementia.

Uh huh. That's why you're backing away from a debate to talk shit at a safe distance.
there are like 40 times more slaves in africa RIGHT NOW than ever touched foot on American soil
Nobody gives 2 shits
I find it extremely disingenuous
If you want to talk about slaves instead of deaths thats your issue. Right now we are discussing your white propensity for violence and savagery.
ahhh yes because slavery isnt savagery and violent :rofl:
Only when whites implemented chattel slavery. So if you really want to go there.....
Ahh yes, ignore thousands of years of slavery so we can bash whites because individuals owned them instead of a state :rolleyes:
Try again.

Slavery in the US was made legal by the state.

Try again.

And then it was made ILLEGAL by the state.

Try to live in THIS century.
The OP has got to be trolling. Why in the world would Black people think a race that had to be educated twice, was unable to come up with their own alphabet, unable to be the first to invent carbon steel, unable to be the first to write, etc etc etc was superior? :laughing0301:
Then stop implying. Stop being a victim to the horrible white people.
Obviously not you, because you are a badass. But blacks in general :abgg2q.jpg:

Who is being a victim to whites? That's some shit whites made up.
You do it everyday on here
Try again

No, he's correct. He's not a victim to whites. He's a victim to himself.
Ahh yes, ignore thousands of years of slavery so we can bash whites because individuals owned them instead of a state :rolleyes:
Try again.

Slavery in the US was made legal by the state.

Try again.
And slaves were owned by individuals.
Holy fucking fuck!

Not good enough. If the state makes slavery illegal no one owns anyone else.

Do you understand how that works?
You obviously didnt follow along good enough.
Try again


Not good enough. If the state makes slavery illegal no one owns anyone else.

Do you understand how that works?

Do YOU? Because you incessantly talk as though that never happened, and we're all supposed to run our lives based on shit that happened over a century ago and has since been corrected.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..
I have never said that white people are superior to black people. Nor do I believe that white people are superior to black people.

What I have said is that white people are in a superior position

The difference is subtle but essential

That means because the white man went into the lands of black people, robbed, enslaved them, dominated them and put them under their foot, that has meant that white people are in a superior position no matter that the social or economic order because of the actions of the white man the world over.

Uh huh. "Absolutely nothing has changed in the past century, because that's the only way I can be a lazy victim with no personal responsibility!"
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..

Not necessarily. They do not appear to believe that whites as a race of people are superior to other races, nor do they hate the race as a whole.

What they have stated is that whites have constructed a system based on them being the majority that benefits them the most. JMO.
HYow does our system benefit one race over the other?

Well, there's receiving government-subsidized mortgages with bad credit in order to rectify past racial imbalances. There's having any criticism of oneself, no matter how valid, summarily dismissed as "covert racism". There's getting into colleges and getting hired for jobs with lower qualifications than other applicants, simply because of race.

Of course, those are all ways that our system benefits minorities over white people, rather than the reverse. What fucking advantage the system is giving white people, I have no idea.

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