Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

The only thing that I was getting at is that the ony difference are our laws. Our laws say that one person can shoot and kill someone and suffer no repercussions while another person can shoot and kill someone and they will in the worse case scenario lose their life.

The major difference between the white race and the black race "in America" is that there were laws, written by white people, mostly men, which allowed white people to commit horrendous offenses against black people with no repercussions. The damage that this system inflicted is long term and enduring and isn't even close to being repaired.

So when a system allows white people to kill black people, you think they'd have any qualms about violating someone's civil rights to housing or employment or equal protections, religious belief, etc.?

This is the system that we're dealing with and even if you can't see it I assure you it's very real.

Police are the govt. Its not the same, unfortunately
Big brother believes it deserves more rights than us
Before I go any further...are you OK with that?
Hell no
So why are you, and your ilk, always on the side of police whenever there's unjust police killings?
Im not always on their side. There are some shitty cops killing people unnecessarily. I also believe cops have a right to life and most are justified.
You're full of shit. I'm white and I don't associate God with being a "white" person. God is above your silly little racial stereotype.

You get nothing on account of your lack of intellect, and your complete misunderstanding of who created your sorry ass.
So why is it so damn important for whites to depict God as white?

It's in their books, their pictures and in their movies.

You tell a random white that God is black, and they'll get offended.

So don't come up in here with this BS.
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Im not always on their side. There are some shitty cops killing people unnecessarily. I also believe cops have a right to life and most are justified.
You, and your ilk, by default are always on the police side. You make up slogans like "Blue Lives Matter" and "Police Lives Matter", in your mind, to counteract Black Lives Matter.

Why fight this fact?

That said, why are you now calling them "the government" in that usual tone that rightwingers and Republicans use to disparage the concept of government?
Im not always on their side. There are some shitty cops killing people unnecessarily. I also believe cops have a right to life and most are justified.
You, and your ilk, by default are always on the police side. You make up slogans like "Blue Lives Matter" and "Police Lives Matter", in your mind, to counteract Black Lives Matter.

Why fight this fact?

That said, why are you now calling them "the government" in that usual tone that rightwingers and Republicans use to disparage the concept of government?
Why are you grouping me in with people that i dont even know or what their arguments are? There is no default with me.
You will have to try harder than this..
Police lives DO matter. All lives matter. Whats the beef with that?
I would have more respect for BLM is they didnt protest over stupid shit like a black trying to kill a cop and the black got killed first.
Or them burning innocent peoples shit down.
But i digress.
Would you like to show the scripture of that white God riding in a high rise pick up truck mouth full of chew, selling meth to his relatives, shot gun on a rack with his daughter who he married after getting her pregnant waiting for her welfare check and food stamps?

Why are you grouping me in with people that i dont even know or what their arguments are? There is no default with me.
You will have to try harder than this..
Police lives DO matter. All lives matter. Whats the beef with that?
I would have more respect for BLM is they didnt protest over stupid shit like a black trying to kill a cop and the black got killed first.
Or them burning innocent peoples shit down.
But i digress.
It's always "I'm not one of those/why lump in with them?", with you people, but yet, you all have the same beliefs. So you'll have to forgive me if I'm not prone to buy that shtick.

Anyway, Black Lives Matter came about after Trayvon Martin, who was killed by an overzealous kindergarten cop who was told by the authorities to stand down, but didn't, when following a teenager he didn't recognize in his neighborhood.

The reason you don't respect Black Lives Matter, is because you disagree with their premise, lives matter.
Why are you grouping me in with people that i dont even know or what their arguments are? There is no default with me.
You will have to try harder than this..
Police lives DO matter. All lives matter. Whats the beef with that?
I would have more respect for BLM is they didnt protest over stupid shit like a black trying to kill a cop and the black got killed first.
Or them burning innocent peoples shit down.
But i digress.
It's always "I'm not one of those/why lump in with them?", with you people, but yet, you all have the same beliefs. So you'll have to forgive me if I'm not prone to buy that shtick.

Anyway, Black Lives Matter came about after Trayvon Martin, who was killed by an overzealous kindergarten cop who was told by the authorities to stand down, but didn't, when following a teenager he didn't recognize in his neighborhood.

The reason you don't respect Black Lives Matter, is because you disagree with their premise, lives matter.
Who do i share views with, specifically?
I bet you share some view of some sort with adolf hitler. Does that make you a NAZI? That type of thinking is not only a fallacy, it is also lazy as hell.
As for the rest of that bullshit? Fuck you
You mean using logic? Considering that you think whites are to blame for Rwandans slaughtering each other, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's not working.

Logic considers the root cause of a condition. You do understand what that means?

Logic also includes that if you are talking to a white person about what whites have done in America that Rwanda has nothing to do with the conversation.

This is where your logic fails. First of all, not every discussion on race relations begins and ends with what whites have done in America.
Secondly, when you or Paul or Asclepias say or imply that whites are inherently morally inferior or more prone to violence, (which you do in just about every discussion on racism), that's when I bring up Rwanda.
Thirdly, while the actions of the white colonizers was wrong, it was not the root cause of the genocide. The root cause of the genocide is that the Rwandans did not have the wherewithal to think for themselves and allowed and even encouraged the class system imposed on them by a foreign power. They then exacerbated the division long after the foreign power left and had no more influence. Then, with no mandate or influence from any outside entity, they chose to take up arms of their own freewill and kill each other.

The actions of the white colonizers did not fate the Rwandans to a future of hate, tribalism and war, their own choices did. There were literally a million choices the Rwandans could have made to ease tensions between the tribes and prevent the genocide and they made none of them. So unless you're telling me that the Rwandans were robots or otherwise had no choice in the matter, the genocide is on them. Is this what you're telling us?

According to Asclepias, whites are the weakest race. Let's assume that's true for a moment and do a little logic exercise: How is it that the stronger race allowed the weaker race to dictate racism and tribalism to them? Were the Rwandans not aware that whites were weaker? If they were aware, why did they allow themselves to be manipulated in this manner by a weaker people? If they were not aware, being the stronger race, why did their superior intellect and superior racial maturity not discern this? And finally, being the stronger race, why did they not just rebel and oust the weaker white usurpers?

A question: If the U.S. was taken over tomorrow by a foreign power and they fostered class division between whites and blacks and at some point whites committed genocide on blacks, who would you say is responsible?
Racism is alive and well, obviously.
But there is no systematic racism. There are racist individuals.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The systemic racism that was cemented into place by our laws has not been completely dismantled.

To help you wrap your mind around it imagine the following - someone does something to you that causes you harm be it financial, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, your home, etc. Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.

Changing the law was only the first step.

How about instead of saying, "I'm right because imagine I'm right", you cite some ACTUAL evidence of systemic racism currently in effect? I don't know about anyone else here, but I have no intention of dignifying your imagination by defending against it, let alone feeling shamed by it.
Actually I used the standard you would have had to pass to prove racism on the job. You do not show any documented racism by this man. His comment saying this is what I think about you done before he spit on you doesn't show racism. Now these are the things we as blacks must show to prove racism. We just don't get to shut out this is racist and expect to be believed. If a white man spit on me on a job, I could not cry about racism unless I had absolute proof that he had a documented record of racist acts on the job or if he had stated this is what I think about you blacks before he spit on me.

I challenged your claim of black racism because it's the usual diversion tactic whites like you love using. Blacks nor any other race but whites codified their racism and enforced it by law, nor is any other race still trying to continue doing it. So the comment that blacks can be racist too like its all the same is just not so. You can say getting bit by an ant is the same as being bit by a bear because they both can bite you , but really whose bite does the most damage? A black person calling you a name is not the same as a unarmed black kid getting shot the back and killed because a white cop believed racist bullshit about black violence.

And that's what you deny.
Your post was fucking pointless. No one said anything about race making something illegal today.
Now imagine that you have no recourse whatsoever because due to your race, none of those things are considered unlawful or wrong even though they're unlaw or wrong when committed against people of a race to which you don't belong.
TODAY not 75 years ago you idiot.
I am asking for examples from TODAY. Not 5 fucking decades ago.
You assholes keep whining about systematic oppression and cant post ANYTHING
Why are you asking about examples today you fucking moron?. The example used was about something that started in the past and still effects us today.
Systematic oppression that doesnt exist anymore oppresses black folk? :lol:

They're terribly traumatized by the knowledge that ancestors whose names they don't even know were unhappy. God knows, I'm kept up nights by the oppression I feel over my ancestors being raided by Vikings back in the day.
I bet Jesus was dark as shit.

One assumes. The Middle East is not a haven for albinos.
Oh yea. Cant know for sure. I just doubt he looked like the european interpretation lol

If He did, that would have lasted about five minutes until the sunburn hit.

Seriously, I've never understood what's supposed to be shocking and outrageous about artistic license, as though it hasn't been common since forever.

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