Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.

The ass-clown blows another ignorant thought across the bow.

View attachment 206888
Thats not a white woman or she has African ancestry.

Right, jackass, they painted the white skin on her, right? You've never seen white people with dark tans! YOU REALLY DON"T KNOW that melanin is merely nature's reaction to the sun and that given enough time, anyone exposed to an equatorial sun over time and generations would develop as much as is needed to cope with the UV?! I swear, you are SUCH A JERK, you'd argue that the Sun really rises in the west and white people spin the world backwards to fool us into thinking it was the east.
I've seen plenty of whites with dark tans. Only whites I would mess with. The problem is that its always artificially created
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.

The ass-clown blows another ignorant thought across the bow.

View attachment 206888
Thats not a white woman or she has African ancestry.

Right, jackass, they painted the white skin on her, right? You've never seen white people with dark tans! YOU REALLY DON"T KNOW that melanin is merely nature's reaction to the sun and that given enough time, anyone exposed to an equatorial sun over time and generations would develop as much as is needed to cope with the UV?! I swear, you are SUCH A JERK, you'd argue that the Sun really rises in the west and white people spin the world backwards to fool us into thinking it was the east.
Heres a tip white boy. I dont have to tan. My melanin is permanent not contrived with creams and dyes, tanning beds, and thousands of hours spent in the sun suffering from melanoma..
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I'm not unable to conduct an Internet search. I'm just not fucking doing it, because it's not MY assertion that systemic racism is currently in effect; it's YOURS. That makes proving and substantiating it YOUR fucking homework, Chuckles, not mine. You know how I verify YOUR statement? I look at your post, and say, "Well, she didn't offer any proof, so she's obviously bullshitting." End of story.

Don't YOU ever get tired of sounding like a hysterical whiner? How about feeling ashamed about the inability to conduct a simple conversation about your positions?
A simple "I was mistaken" will do.

No, it really won't, since that is neither what I said, nor what happened.

Perhaps if you spent some of the energy you use feeling victimized to actually get educated, you wouldn't find reading for comprehension so difficult.

I repeat: Your statement. YOUR job to prove it. If you don't do so, the proper response from me is, "No evidence? She's full of shit to her hairline."

How it is, how it always has been, how it ever shall be. Deal with it, whiner.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..

Don't think "hate" enters into it. That's a whole separate issue.
Every thread is about white racism to you. Hell, you probably think the Teletubbies are about white racism.
Lemme see if I can get this palooka to think a little...

Tim Wise, by your own wording, uses facts he can cite. His argument is that there's a white supremacy system that by DEFAULT is oppressive to blacks.

Candace Owens, by your own wording, is using nothing more than opinion, aka literally talking out of her ass, and she says to stop being a victim.

What facts are required to express the opinion that blacks should stop being victims?

Tim Wise, et all, is saying there's a SYSTEM of RACISM/OPPRESSION

Owens, et al, is saying "stop being a victim"

I should stop there, but to make it crystal clear to you I'll add, victim of what?

Racism, what else?

You see, here is where you and IM2 go off the rails: Owens does not claim there is no white racism nor does she claim there are no victims.

In my humble opinion, what she is saying is that by playing victim all the time, you will remain a victim no matter what anyone does. It is a mental attitude that informs everything you do. Also, this victim mentality has resulted in a bunch of frivolous and meaningless charges of racism such as cotton plants and whites wearing dreadlocks.
Whites are being accused of racism at every turn for the stupidest fucking reasons and all this does is hamper any progress on race relations. We're being told even by people of our own race that we are wretched creatures that should be ashamed of our race and that we should kill ourselves (notice that the ones advocating racial suicide never follow their own advice). Lastly (this is just me talking), if you are a victim of racism then it is what it is. But stop playing victim when you are not.

Owens may be on track with this thinking or she may not be. But it is merely an opinion or outlook that does not contradict what Wise says in any way.
The first fact should be that you have majority African ancestry.

Unless you expect her to spend her life being pissed off, how is that relevant?

The second fact should be you know what youre talking about I. E. being specific in pointing out examples of victim hood.

How do you know she hasn't?

The third is not being a hypocrite. Anything else is intellectual laziness designed to win you points with white people.

Among other things, intellectual laziness is not acknowledging that Rwandans were responsible for their own actions.
Every thread is about white racism to you. Hell, you probably think the Teletubbies are about white racism.
Lemme see if I can get this palooka to think a little...

Tim Wise, by your own wording, uses facts he can cite. His argument is that there's a white supremacy system that by DEFAULT is oppressive to blacks.

Candace Owens, by your own wording, is using nothing more than opinion, aka literally talking out of her ass, and she says to stop being a victim.

What facts are required to express the opinion that blacks should stop being victims?

Tim Wise, et all, is saying there's a SYSTEM of RACISM/OPPRESSION

Owens, et al, is saying "stop being a victim"

I should stop there, but to make it crystal clear to you I'll add, victim of what?

Racism, what else?

You see, here is where you and IM2 go off the rails: Owens does not claim there is no white racism nor does she claim there are no victims.

In my humble opinion, what she is saying is that by playing victim all the time, you will remain a victim no matter what anyone does. It is a mental attitude that informs everything you do. Also, this victim mentality has resulted in a bunch of frivolous and meaningless charges of racism such as cotton plants and whites wearing dreadlocks.
Whites are being accused of racism at every turn for the stupidest fucking reasons and all this does is hamper any progress on race relations. We're being told even by people of our own race that we are wretched creatures that should be ashamed of our race and that we should kill ourselves (notice that the ones advocating racial suicide never follow their own advice). Lastly (this is just me talking), if you are a victim of racism then it is what it is. But stop playing victim when you are not.

Owens may be on track with this thinking or she may not be. But it is merely an opinion or outlook that does not contradict what Wise says in any way.
The first fact should be that you have majority African ancestry.

Unless you expect her to spend her life being pissed off, how is that relevant?

The second fact should be you know what youre talking about I. E. being specific in pointing out examples of victim hood.

How do you know she hasn't?

The third is not being a hypocrite. Anything else is intellectual laziness designed to win you points with white people.

Among other things, intellectual laziness is not acknowledging that Rwandans were responsible for their own actions.
Not sure what is so difficult for you to comprehend? You have to be a Black person.

Its cumulative.

Intellectual laziness is pretending whites didnt orchestrate what happened in Rwanda.
No, it really won't, since that is neither what I said, nor what happened.

Perhaps if you spent some of the energy you use feeling victimized to actually get educated, you wouldn't find reading for comprehension so difficult.

I repeat: Your statement. YOUR job to prove it. If you don't do so, the proper response from me is, "No evidence? She's full of shit to her hairline."

How it is, how it always has been, how it ever shall be. Deal with it, whiner.
No matter how you dress this up both you and TNHarley were wrong. You don't like the way I present myself? You'll get over it, one way or another.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.

The ass-clown blows another ignorant thought across the bow.

View attachment 206888
Thats not a white woman or she has African ancestry.

Right, jackass, they painted the white skin on her, right? You've never seen white people with dark tans! YOU REALLY DON"T KNOW that melanin is merely nature's reaction to the sun and that given enough time, anyone exposed to an equatorial sun over time and generations would develop as much as is needed to cope with the UV?! I swear, you are SUCH A JERK, you'd argue that the Sun really rises in the west and white people spin the world backwards to fool us into thinking it was the east.
Heres a tip white boy. I dont have to tan. My melanin is permanent not contrived with creams and dyes, tanning beds, and thousands of hours spent in sun and suffering from melanoma..

Of course not jerkoff. Because you're supposed to be in Ethiopia where you belong and your body thinks its still there under the equatorial sun. Nature doesn't understand boats and planes. If I moved there, eventually my children's children's children would be dark like you naturally and if you stay in America, eventually your children's children's children will be white. BUT YOU SAID whites LACKED THE ABILITY TO PRODUCE MELANIN, which is another clear lie by you, only an albino is that way, but since whites are from northern Europe, they only need to turn the mechanism on by going out in the Sun and getting as tanned as they want. Either way, just another hot air gas bag argument by the racist jerkoff looking for something to hang his racist hat on. GOOD FOR YOU, HOLMES, YOU COME WITH A BUILT IN FREEKIN' TAN!
Every thread is about white racism to you. Hell, you probably think the Teletubbies are about white racism.
Lemme see if I can get this palooka to think a little...

Tim Wise, by your own wording, uses facts he can cite. His argument is that there's a white supremacy system that by DEFAULT is oppressive to blacks.

Candace Owens, by your own wording, is using nothing more than opinion, aka literally talking out of her ass, and she says to stop being a victim.

What facts are required to express the opinion that blacks should stop being victims?

Tim Wise, et all, is saying there's a SYSTEM of RACISM/OPPRESSION

Owens, et al, is saying "stop being a victim"

I should stop there, but to make it crystal clear to you I'll add, victim of what?

Racism, what else?

You see, here is where you and IM2 go off the rails: Owens does not claim there is no white racism nor does she claim there are no victims.

In my humble opinion, what she is saying is that by playing victim all the time, you will remain a victim no matter what anyone does. It is a mental attitude that informs everything you do. Also, this victim mentality has resulted in a bunch of frivolous and meaningless charges of racism such as cotton plants and whites wearing dreadlocks.
Whites are being accused of racism at every turn for the stupidest fucking reasons and all this does is hamper any progress on race relations. We're being told even by people of our own race that we are wretched creatures that should be ashamed of our race and that we should kill ourselves (notice that the ones advocating racial suicide never follow their own advice). Lastly (this is just me talking), if you are a victim of racism then it is what it is. But stop playing victim when you are not.

Owens may be on track with this thinking or she may not be. But it is merely an opinion or outlook that does not contradict what Wise says in any way.
The first fact should be that you have majority African ancestry.

Unless you expect her to spend her life being pissed off, how is that relevant?

The second fact should be you know what youre talking about I. E. being specific in pointing out examples of victim hood.

How do you know she hasn't?

The third is not being a hypocrite. Anything else is intellectual laziness designed to win you points with white people.

Among other things, intellectual laziness is not acknowledging that Rwandans were responsible for their own actions.
Not sure what is so difficult for you to comprehend? You have to be a Black person.

Its cumulative.

Intellectual laziness is pretending whites didnt orchestrate what happened in Rwanda.

Let me ask you this then: Given the actions of the white colonizers, did the Rwandans have no control over future events? Would they have been compelled to commit the genocide even if they hadn't wanted to? Was the genocide of 1994 an assured outcome thirty years that no one could have avoided after the end of colonization?
Lemme see if I can get this palooka to think a little...

Tim Wise, by your own wording, uses facts he can cite. His argument is that there's a white supremacy system that by DEFAULT is oppressive to blacks.

Candace Owens, by your own wording, is using nothing more than opinion, aka literally talking out of her ass, and she says to stop being a victim.

What facts are required to express the opinion that blacks should stop being victims?

Tim Wise, et all, is saying there's a SYSTEM of RACISM/OPPRESSION

Owens, et al, is saying "stop being a victim"

I should stop there, but to make it crystal clear to you I'll add, victim of what?

Racism, what else?

You see, here is where you and IM2 go off the rails: Owens does not claim there is no white racism nor does she claim there are no victims.

In my humble opinion, what she is saying is that by playing victim all the time, you will remain a victim no matter what anyone does. It is a mental attitude that informs everything you do. Also, this victim mentality has resulted in a bunch of frivolous and meaningless charges of racism such as cotton plants and whites wearing dreadlocks.
Whites are being accused of racism at every turn for the stupidest fucking reasons and all this does is hamper any progress on race relations. We're being told even by people of our own race that we are wretched creatures that should be ashamed of our race and that we should kill ourselves (notice that the ones advocating racial suicide never follow their own advice). Lastly (this is just me talking), if you are a victim of racism then it is what it is. But stop playing victim when you are not.

Owens may be on track with this thinking or she may not be. But it is merely an opinion or outlook that does not contradict what Wise says in any way.
The first fact should be that you have majority African ancestry.

Unless you expect her to spend her life being pissed off, how is that relevant?

The second fact should be you know what youre talking about I. E. being specific in pointing out examples of victim hood.

How do you know she hasn't?

The third is not being a hypocrite. Anything else is intellectual laziness designed to win you points with white people.

Among other things, intellectual laziness is not acknowledging that Rwandans were responsible for their own actions.
Not sure what is so difficult for you to comprehend? You have to be a Black person.

Its cumulative.

Intellectual laziness is pretending whites didnt orchestrate what happened in Rwanda.

Let me ask you this then: Given the actions of the white colonizers, did the Rwandans have no control over future events? Would they have been compelled to commit the genocide even if they hadn't wanted to? Was the genocide of 1994 an assured outcome thirty years that no one could have avoided after the end of colonization?

I dont see the value in your question to be honest. However, let me ask you this question which in turn may give some guidance in regards to your question . Given the actions of the Pope. Would europeans have poured forth from the european continent and committed genocide if the Pope had not issued the Papal Bull Dum Diversas?

"“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”."
No, it really won't, since that is neither what I said, nor what happened.

Perhaps if you spent some of the energy you use feeling victimized to actually get educated, you wouldn't find reading for comprehension so difficult.

I repeat: Your statement. YOUR job to prove it. If you don't do so, the proper response from me is, "No evidence? She's full of shit to her hairline."

How it is, how it always has been, how it ever shall be. Deal with it, whiner.
No matter how you dress this up both you and TNHarley were wrong. You don't like the way I present myself? You'll get over it, one way or another.

No matter how you excuse it to yourself, you're a lazy whiner. And I'm already over the "way you present yourself". I was over it from the first time I said, "No proof? Full of shit", and promptly relegated you to "gives everyone else a bad name."

For the record, people don't look down on you because of race; they do it because they actually met you.
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.

The ass-clown blows another ignorant thought across the bow.

View attachment 206888
Thats not a white woman or she has African ancestry.

Right, jackass, they painted the white skin on her, right? You've never seen white people with dark tans! YOU REALLY DON"T KNOW that melanin is merely nature's reaction to the sun and that given enough time, anyone exposed to an equatorial sun over time and generations would develop as much as is needed to cope with the UV?! I swear, you are SUCH A JERK, you'd argue that the Sun really rises in the west and white people spin the world backwards to fool us into thinking it was the east.
Heres a tip white boy. I dont have to tan. My melanin is permanent not contrived with creams and dyes, tanning beds, and thousands of hours spent in sun and suffering from melanoma..

Of course not jerkoff. Because you're supposed to be in Ethiopia where you belong and your body thinks its still there under the equatorial sun. Nature doesn't understand boats and planes. If I moved there, eventually my children's children's children would be dark like you naturally and if you stay in America, eventually your children's children's children will be white. BUT YOU SAID whites LACKED THE ABILITY TO PRODUCE MELANIN, which is another clear lie by you, only an albino is that way, but since whites are from northern Europe, they only need to turn the mechanism on by going out in the Sun and getting as tanned as they want. Either way, just another hot air gas bag argument by the racist jerkoff looking for something to hang his racist hat on. GOOD FOR YOU, HOLMES, YOU COME WITH A BUILT IN FREEKIN' TAN!
No your descendants would remain pale or die off due to melanoma if you moved to ethiopia. The only way they would survive is if they were blessed with the DNA of Blacks. You are the result of a recessive mutation that occurred about 10k years ago and found success in the colder sun deprived regions of the planet.
You're full of shit. I'm white and I don't associate God with being a "white" person. God is above your silly little racial stereotype.

You get nothing on account of your lack of intellect, and your complete misunderstanding of who created your sorry ass.
So why is it so damn important for whites to depict God as white?

It's in their books, their pictures and in their movies.

You tell a random white that God is black, and they'll get offended.

So don't come up in here with this BS.

The BS is all yours, as I already stated that I don't associate God with any color. That's called "idolatry." Don't blame conservatives if God is portrayed as being one race or another in movies. You know damned well that Hollywood is a liberal establishment and you liberals are the ones who so adamantly push the Creator as being "black."
No, it really won't, since that is neither what I said, nor what happened.

Perhaps if you spent some of the energy you use feeling victimized to actually get educated, you wouldn't find reading for comprehension so difficult.

I repeat: Your statement. YOUR job to prove it. If you don't do so, the proper response from me is, "No evidence? She's full of shit to her hairline."

How it is, how it always has been, how it ever shall be. Deal with it, whiner.
No matter how you dress this up both you and TNHarley were wrong. You don't like the way I present myself? You'll get over it, one way or another.

No matter how you excuse it to yourself, you're a lazy whiner. And I'm already over the "way you present yourself". I was over it from the first time I said, "No proof? Full of shit", and promptly relegated you to "gives everyone else a bad name."

For the record, people don't look down on you because of race; they do it because they actually met you.

You are just too dumb to deal with her.

Yeah, the problem is her wily, nuanced "brilliance" at making assertions with no substantiation. That MUST be it.
No, it really won't, since that is neither what I said, nor what happened.

Perhaps if you spent some of the energy you use feeling victimized to actually get educated, you wouldn't find reading for comprehension so difficult.

I repeat: Your statement. YOUR job to prove it. If you don't do so, the proper response from me is, "No evidence? She's full of shit to her hairline."

How it is, how it always has been, how it ever shall be. Deal with it, whiner.
No matter how you dress this up both you and TNHarley were wrong. You don't like the way I present myself? You'll get over it, one way or another.

No matter how you excuse it to yourself, you're a lazy whiner. And I'm already over the "way you present yourself". I was over it from the first time I said, "No proof? Full of shit", and promptly relegated you to "gives everyone else a bad name."

For the record, people don't look down on you because of race; they do it because they actually met you.

You are just too dumb to deal with her.

Yeah, the problem is her wily, nuanced "brilliance" at making assertions with no substantiation. That MUST be it.

No the problem is you make comments with no examples. If she's making assertions with no proof, provide the proof since you're miss bad ass old white woman..
No, it really won't, since that is neither what I said, nor what happened.

Perhaps if you spent some of the energy you use feeling victimized to actually get educated, you wouldn't find reading for comprehension so difficult.

I repeat: Your statement. YOUR job to prove it. If you don't do so, the proper response from me is, "No evidence? She's full of shit to her hairline."

How it is, how it always has been, how it ever shall be. Deal with it, whiner.
No matter how you dress this up both you and TNHarley were wrong. You don't like the way I present myself? You'll get over it, one way or another.

No matter how you excuse it to yourself, you're a lazy whiner. And I'm already over the "way you present yourself". I was over it from the first time I said, "No proof? Full of shit", and promptly relegated you to "gives everyone else a bad name."

For the record, people don't look down on you because of race; they do it because they actually met you.

You are just too dumb to deal with her.

Yeah, the problem is her wily, nuanced "brilliance" at making assertions with no substantiation. That MUST be it.

No the problem is you make comments with no examples. If she's making assertions with no proof, provide the proof since you're miss bad ass old white woman..

Take your lazy, demand-issuing ignorant ass back to the post where I told her to prove it, moron. Intelligent people call that a "clue". I have no idea about spoiled, lazy race hustlers like you.
What facts are required to express the opinion that blacks should stop being victims?

Racism, what else?

You see, here is where you and IM2 go off the rails: Owens does not claim there is no white racism nor does she claim there are no victims.

In my humble opinion, what she is saying is that by playing victim all the time, you will remain a victim no matter what anyone does. It is a mental attitude that informs everything you do. Also, this victim mentality has resulted in a bunch of frivolous and meaningless charges of racism such as cotton plants and whites wearing dreadlocks.
Whites are being accused of racism at every turn for the stupidest fucking reasons and all this does is hamper any progress on race relations. We're being told even by people of our own race that we are wretched creatures that should be ashamed of our race and that we should kill ourselves (notice that the ones advocating racial suicide never follow their own advice). Lastly (this is just me talking), if you are a victim of racism then it is what it is. But stop playing victim when you are not.

Owens may be on track with this thinking or she may not be. But it is merely an opinion or outlook that does not contradict what Wise says in any way.
The first fact should be that you have majority African ancestry.

Unless you expect her to spend her life being pissed off, how is that relevant?

The second fact should be you know what youre talking about I. E. being specific in pointing out examples of victim hood.

How do you know she hasn't?

The third is not being a hypocrite. Anything else is intellectual laziness designed to win you points with white people.

Among other things, intellectual laziness is not acknowledging that Rwandans were responsible for their own actions.
Not sure what is so difficult for you to comprehend? You have to be a Black person.

Its cumulative.

Intellectual laziness is pretending whites didnt orchestrate what happened in Rwanda.

Let me ask you this then: Given the actions of the white colonizers, did the Rwandans have no control over future events? Would they have been compelled to commit the genocide even if they hadn't wanted to? Was the genocide of 1994 an assured outcome thirty years that no one could have avoided after the end of colonization?

I dont see the value in your question to be honest.

Which translates to: "I don't want to answer your question because the right answer will blow a Rwanda-sized hole in my argument."

You know goddamn well what the answers are to these questions and since you're too afraid to answer, I'll answer them for you:

1.) Yes, the Rwandans had control over future events.
2.) No, they would not have been compelled to commit genocide even if they didn't want to.
3.) No, the genocide was not an assured outcome (predestined) that could not be avoided.

However, let me ask you this question which in turn may give some guidance in regards to your question . Given the actions of the Pope. Would europeans have poured forth from the european continent and committed genocide if the Pope had not issued the Papal Bull Dum Diversas?

"“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”."

You refuse to answer mine but you want me to answer yours? Are you fucking kidding me?
Every thread is about white racism to you. Hell, you probably think the Teletubbies are about white racism.
Lemme see if I can get this palooka to think a little...

Tim Wise, by your own wording, uses facts he can cite. His argument is that there's a white supremacy system that by DEFAULT is oppressive to blacks.

Candace Owens, by your own wording, is using nothing more than opinion, aka literally talking out of her ass, and she says to stop being a victim.

What facts are required to express the opinion that blacks should stop being victims?

Tim Wise, et all, is saying there's a SYSTEM of RACISM/OPPRESSION

Owens, et al, is saying "stop being a victim"

I should stop there, but to make it crystal clear to you I'll add, victim of what?

Racism, what else?

You see, here is where you and IM2 go off the rails: Owens does not claim there is no white racism nor does she claim there are no victims.

In my humble opinion, what she is saying is that by playing victim all the time, you will remain a victim no matter what anyone does. It is a mental attitude that informs everything you do. Also, this victim mentality has resulted in a bunch of frivolous and meaningless charges of racism such as cotton plants and whites wearing dreadlocks.
Whites are being accused of racism at every turn for the stupidest fucking reasons and all this does is hamper any progress on race relations. We're being told even by people of our own race that we are wretched creatures that should be ashamed of our race and that we should kill ourselves (notice that the ones advocating racial suicide never follow their own advice). Lastly (this is just me talking), if you are a victim of racism then it is what it is. But stop playing victim when you are not.

Owens may be on track with this thinking or she may not be. But it is merely an opinion or outlook that does not contradict what Wise says in any way.

You don't seem to understand this simple fact. Blacks have never played the victim. When you talk about some victim mentality look at yourself first. Because your post is a prime example. Because whites aren't being taught that you are wretched creatures who should go kill yourselves. You aren't taught to be ashamed. You are taught what your people have done. Whites have used how we dress and our hair to make fun of us forever. So maybe there is a reason why some blacks call racism when this is done. This amnesia you whites here have is just not going to be accepted. You and the others here can't take being called white without crying about racism and how we hate all whites. That's a frivolous and meaningless charge that you guys do in here all the time. So don't lecture us about how we should do things. Whites have been fucking up here in this nation for at least 242 years. You guys seem to live under this delusion that you are perfect and everyone else has the problem. No, whites have been the problem and when you talk about playing the victim, that's all whites have ever done.
No matter how you dress this up both you and TNHarley were wrong. You don't like the way I present myself? You'll get over it, one way or another.

No matter how you excuse it to yourself, you're a lazy whiner. And I'm already over the "way you present yourself". I was over it from the first time I said, "No proof? Full of shit", and promptly relegated you to "gives everyone else a bad name."

For the record, people don't look down on you because of race; they do it because they actually met you.

You are just too dumb to deal with her.

Yeah, the problem is her wily, nuanced "brilliance" at making assertions with no substantiation. That MUST be it.

No the problem is you make comments with no examples. If she's making assertions with no proof, provide the proof since you're miss bad ass old white woman..

Take your lazy, demand-issuing ignorant ass back to the post where I told her to prove it, moron. Intelligent people call that a "clue". I have no idea about spoiled, lazy race hustlers like you.

So you can't provide the proof that there is no systemic racism. She doesn't have to prove that. Everyone knows it exists except you and Harley apparently. So go educate yourself dunce..
The first fact should be that you have majority African ancestry.

Unless you expect her to spend her life being pissed off, how is that relevant?

The second fact should be you know what youre talking about I. E. being specific in pointing out examples of victim hood.

How do you know she hasn't?

The third is not being a hypocrite. Anything else is intellectual laziness designed to win you points with white people.

Among other things, intellectual laziness is not acknowledging that Rwandans were responsible for their own actions.
Not sure what is so difficult for you to comprehend? You have to be a Black person.

Its cumulative.

Intellectual laziness is pretending whites didnt orchestrate what happened in Rwanda.

Let me ask you this then: Given the actions of the white colonizers, did the Rwandans have no control over future events? Would they have been compelled to commit the genocide even if they hadn't wanted to? Was the genocide of 1994 an assured outcome thirty years that no one could have avoided after the end of colonization?

I dont see the value in your question to be honest.

Which translates to: "I don't want to answer your question because the right answer will blow a Rwanda-sized hole in my argument."

You know goddamn well what the answers are to these questions and since you're too afraid to answer, I'll answer them for you:

1.) Yes, the Rwandans had control over future events.
2.) No, they would not have been compelled to commit genocide even if they didn't want to.
3.) No, the genocide was not an assured outcome (predestined) that could not be avoided.

However, let me ask you this question which in turn may give some guidance in regards to your question . Given the actions of the Pope. Would europeans have poured forth from the european continent and committed genocide if the Pope had not issued the Papal Bull Dum Diversas?

"“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”."

You refuse to answer mine but you want me to answer yours? Are you fucking kidding me?
You dont have to answer my question on the thread I just wanted to turn a lightbulb on in your head. Looks like from your emotionally laced tirade I did what I set out to do.

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