Is this a parody???

Do you consider this thread news or perpetuating a hoax/trolling?

  • Yeah, this is news. I hadn't heard it before. Very important with the election going.

  • No, because this is Donald Trump, it's a hoax, not news.

  • It would be news if it was Ted Cruz or John Kasich, but because it's Trump, no way.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Statute of limitations for a criminal case could be different than a civil case. DA would not be involved in a civil case.

As for why federally are the alleging human trafficking as a sex slave? That might be justification for a federal filling. Course it could simply be diversity jurisdiction as well.

The complaint actually cited diversity jurisdiction. Plus yeah, the trafficking or the MANN Act if Trump and company ferried the girls between say NY and NJ and back while they were using them as sex slaves...allegedly..
I had posted a similar thread last night to which the night-watch moderator simply disappeared. But not without first telling me I was trolling and perpetuating a hoax. And before this thread is disappeared again (I've saved it and will repost BECAUSE IT'S NEWS AND POLITICAL), ponder this: What if this lawsuit was filed against Ted Cruz three days ago? Or John Kasich? Or Paul Ryan? Or Marco Rubio?

Would it disappear then?

Since a case was actually filed and bears the initials of a clerk in Riverside County, CA, we have to assume that the claimant 1. exists and 2. is hard to find because she says in her complaint that Trump made threats to harm her and her family if she ever told anyone.

So, you be the judge. First brought to my attention by Tyrone here #156: Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

Donald Trump Accused of Rape and "Depraved Sex Acts" in Civil Lawsuit

In a lawsuit filed in the federal court in the Central District of California, a plaintiff filing under the name Katie Johnson accuses Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein of having forced her to "engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts" and threatening to harm her and her family. The complaint states that the defendants committed "forcible rape" against her in 1994, when she was 13. The lawsuit describes four incidents with Trump: On the first, Johnson claims, she had to "manually stimulate" Trump with her hand until he ejaculated. On the second, she had to "orally copulate" him until orgasm. On the third, she allegedly had to "engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe." The suit claims both girls "orally copulated" Trump at once, after which he pushed them away and berated their "poor" performance.

On a fourth incident described in the suit, Johnson claims Trump tied her to a bed and raped her in a "savage sexual attack" during which she pleaded for him to wear a condom but he refused. The suit alleges he struck her in the face, and when she asked through tears what would happen if she were pregnant, he allegedly threw money at her and told her to "get a fucking abortion." Epstein is a disgraced Palm Beach money manager who was accused of engaging in sexual acts with underage girls. Following his criminal case, in which he took a plea deal and served 13 months of an 18-month sentence, alleged victims filed civil suits that accused Prince Andrew.

The suit says that Epstein and Trump also got full body massages from the underage girls, and that they argued over who would take Johnson's virginity, with Trump yelling at Epstein that he was a "fucking Jew." It says that Epstein tried to sodomize her and became enraged upon learning Trump had taken her virginity. The lawsuit says that Johnson was told she and her family would face "certain death" if details of the incidents were revealed. It says that a woman named Tiffany Doe worked for Epstein as a "party planner" and arranged the sex parties, and that she would testify as a witness.


Here's the link to the actual complaint filed in Riverside County CA with the clerk's initials and signature of the complainant:

And, like I said in the other OP and will say here, for any reporters heading to the area to check out whether or not the complaint has veracity, or who the girl is, or who the clerk is who signed off on the complaint, stop in Twentynine Palms because the dates they sell there and in Indio are delicious! Buy a crate or ten.

And tell us what you find out when you get the facts gathered.

For other reference:

Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit Claims Trump Forced 12- And 13-Year-Old Girls To Peform Oral Sex On Him
Trump lawyer: Rape lawsuit is a HOAX, plaintiff may not actually exist
Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit Alleging Rape of Teen Girl | RedState
Possibly Hoax Lawsuit Claims Donald Trump Molested Teen Girl
New details released on the $100 million lawsuit claiming Donald Trump molested teen girl
Donald Trump has denied allegations he raped a 13-year-old girl

Your thread didn't disappear, it was merged into this thread: Is this a parody???

...and if it had "disappeared", restarting the thread would be a violation of the rules.

So this is what I'm going to do - I'm going to merge this thread in with the others too - and if you restart it again, you'll be infracted. How's that sound to you?
Your thread didn't disappear, it was merged into this thread: Is this a parody???

...and if it had "disappeared", restarting the thread would be a violation of the rules.

So this is what I'm going to do - I'm going to merge this thread in with the others too - and if you restart it again, you'll be infracted. How's that sound to you?

Their thread came AFTER mine. I want the title back and the OP. I'm contacting the administrator on this attempt to bury the title and my OP.
Last edited:
No, you're joking, right? Since when are people operating under the assumption that a New York hotel tycoon has not engaged in a single sexual impropriety in his entire life? Are you saying Trump's as pure as the driven snow? Just the allegations surrounding fraud in his university sort of upsets that apple cart, wouldn't you say; as far as cred goes?
Are we talking about Bill Clinton not the beast, right? Until this bit of useless smear, there has been zilch about the Donald. Clinton, on the other hand is certified.

Are you an idiot?
Your thread didn't disappear, it was merged into this thread: Is this a parody???

...and if it had "disappeared", restarting the thread would be a violation of the rules.

So this is what I'm going to do - I'm going to merge this thread in with the others too - and if you restart it again, you'll be infracted. How's that sound to you?

Their thread came AFTER mine. I want the title back and the OP.

No, and no.

Avatar started this thread at 8:00PM. You started yours at 8:20. You are welcome to examine the timestamps if you like:

Avatar's OP: Is this a parody???
Your OP: Is this a parody???
No, and no.

Avatar started this thread at 8:00PM. You started yours at 8:20. You are welcome to examine the timestamps if you like:

Avatar's OP: Is this a parody???
Your OP: Is this a parody???
I want my title and OP back. And I'm going above you.

Go for it.

It's not going to happen.
Then I'll repost it in another forum until I hear back from the administrator.

I wouldn't suggest doing that, if I were you. Unless you want to be put on slowdown.
The timing is to put it nicely *suspect*.
Well the timing for a SCOTUS *emergency hearing* for exposing Cruz as a Canadian-born citizenuntil 2014 when he renounced, if he gets the nomination..and around September or October...would also be nicely *suspect*, no?

Yet that's precisely what's going to happen if Cruz gets the nod.

Well the case against Cruz's citizenship has some validity but this? Come on. Re: the citizenship issue. Did you know that Canada did not recognize dual citizenship from after the war until 1977?

I'm dual so I am aware of the laws. AND both his mother and his father were on a 1974 election list. In Canada. Eligible to vote. This pre dates Canada's recognition of dual citizenship.

It looks like a civil suit against Trump for rape. This can't be real, but the complaint looks like a real complaint.

It's a real lawsuit, so "parody" isn't the word you're looking for. It is probably "bullshit", though. Trump has already publicly denied it.

It seems the address and phone number of the accuser are fake.

Trump lawyer: Rape lawsuit is a HOAX, plaintiff may not actually exist
She already knows that. I may not like Trump but at least I don't stoop to liberal slanderous bullshit.

Pathetic op

yeah, I bet you fought like hell for Obama when the birthers were hammering the birth certificate lie didn't you ?


If he was a Dem, the RWNJs would be looking for a rope.

If true and if she wants to stay alive, she needs to stay hidden.

Anyone wanna bet there's more where this came from?
RedState hints that Trump may have had a thing with his daughter when she was 15 or younger.

Trumpery himself hinted the same thing and old photos are damned creepy.

On top of everything else, he's just plain slimed.
If he was a Dem, the RWNJs would be looking for a rope.

If true and if she wants to stay alive, she needs to stay hidden.

Anyone wanna bet there's more where this came from?

Yep, like folks actively trying to bury the topic by changing the thread title and hiding my OP. There is a concerted effort to bury this story...and probably the girl too.

What I find interesting is that Trump says the suit "may be a hoax", not "definitely is a hoax". He may have changed that tune but at first it was what he was saying. And if he's proved it out to be a hoax, as any candidate must do if such charges are leveled, where's that press release? I haven't seen it. Have you?
I had posted a similar thread last night to which the night-watch moderator simply disappeared. But not without first telling me I was trolling and perpetuating a hoax. And before this thread is disappeared again (I've saved it and will repost BECAUSE IT'S NEWS AND POLITICAL), ponder this: What if this lawsuit was filed against Ted Cruz three days ago? Or John Kasich? Or Paul Ryan? Or Marco Rubio?

Would it disappear then?

Since a case was actually filed and bears the initials of a clerk in Riverside County, CA, we have to assume that the claimant 1. exists and 2. is hard to find because she says in her complaint that Trump made threats to harm her and her family if she ever told anyone.

So, you be the judge. First brought to my attention by Tyrone here #156: Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

Donald Trump Accused of Rape and "Depraved Sex Acts" in Civil Lawsuit

In a lawsuit filed in the federal court in the Central District of California, a plaintiff filing under the name Katie Johnson accuses Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein of having forced her to "engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts" and threatening to harm her and her family. The complaint states that the defendants committed "forcible rape" against her in 1994, when she was 13. The lawsuit describes four incidents with Trump: On the first, Johnson claims, she had to "manually stimulate" Trump with her hand until he ejaculated. On the second, she had to "orally copulate" him until orgasm. On the third, she allegedly had to "engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe." The suit claims both girls "orally copulated" Trump at once, after which he pushed them away and berated their "poor" performance.

On a fourth incident described in the suit, Johnson claims Trump tied her to a bed and raped her in a "savage sexual attack" during which she pleaded for him to wear a condom but he refused. The suit alleges he struck her in the face, and when she asked through tears what would happen if she were pregnant, he allegedly threw money at her and told her to "get a fucking abortion." Epstein is a disgraced Palm Beach money manager who was accused of engaging in sexual acts with underage girls. Following his criminal case, in which he took a plea deal and served 13 months of an 18-month sentence, alleged victims filed civil suits that accused Prince Andrew.

The suit says that Epstein and Trump also got full body massages from the underage girls, and that they argued over who would take Johnson's virginity, with Trump yelling at Epstein that he was a "fucking Jew." It says that Epstein tried to sodomize her and became enraged upon learning Trump had taken her virginity. The lawsuit says that Johnson was told she and her family would face "certain death" if details of the incidents were revealed. It says that a woman named Tiffany Doe worked for Epstein as a "party planner" and arranged the sex parties, and that she would testify as a witness.


Here's the link to the actual complaint filed in Riverside County CA with the clerk's initials and signature of the complainant:

And, like I said in the other OP and will say here, for any reporters heading to the area to check out whether or not the complaint has veracity, or who the girl is, or who the clerk is who signed off on the complaint, stop in Twentynine Palms because the dates they sell there and in Indio are delicious! Buy a crate or ten.

And tell us what you find out when you get the facts gathered.

For other reference:

Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit Claims Trump Forced 12- And 13-Year-Old Girls To Peform Oral Sex On Him
Trump lawyer: Rape lawsuit is a HOAX, plaintiff may not actually exist
Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit Alleging Rape of Teen Girl | RedState
Possibly Hoax Lawsuit Claims Donald Trump Molested Teen Girl
New details released on the $100 million lawsuit claiming Donald Trump molested teen girl
Donald Trump has denied allegations he raped a 13-year-old girl

Trump is innocent until proven guilty

Let's spend the next seven months investigating this and then let Trump testify in a televised hearing to clear his name

It is the fair thing to do

Never happen.

If proven to be true, she will quietly disappear.
Unless the court protects her identity. Still find it strange he's made no formal denouncement from "proof it's a hoax".
If this were true, it would have been tossed out by the court by now. There's no federal cause of action and it's filed, if it was ever filed in a California court for something alleged to have occurred in New York.
Statute of limitations for a criminal case could be different than a civil case. DA would not be involved in a civil case.

As for why federally are the alleging human trafficking as a sex slave? That might be justification for a federal filling. Course it could simply be diversity jurisdiction as well.

The complaint actually cited diversity jurisdiction. Plus yeah, the trafficking or the MANN Act if Trump and company ferried the girls between say NY and NJ and back while they were using them as sex slaves...allegedly..
No California jurisdiction. Violations of the MANN Act are crimes. They cannot be the subject of a civil suit.
The court does not protect the identity of civil plaintiffs. Come on. How gullible can you be. There isn't a single claim here that's the subject of a civil suit. It's foolishness.
Statute of limitations for a criminal case could be different than a civil case. DA would not be involved in a civil case.

As for why federally are the alleging human trafficking as a sex slave? That might be justification for a federal filling. Course it could simply be diversity jurisdiction as well.

The complaint actually cited diversity jurisdiction. Plus yeah, the trafficking or the MANN Act if Trump and company ferried the girls between say NY and NJ and back while they were using them as sex slaves...allegedly..
No California jurisdiction. Violations of the MANN Act are crimes. They cannot be the subject of a civil suit.

If she is a California resident she might be able to find some jurisdiction but yeah its likely to be tossed for jurisdiction issues. Not surprising since its a pro se complaint.

That doesn't mean the allegations are false though, even though I suspect they are.

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