Is this a parody???

Do you consider this thread news or perpetuating a hoax/trolling?

  • Yeah, this is news. I hadn't heard it before. Very important with the election going.

  • No, because this is Donald Trump, it's a hoax, not news.

  • It would be news if it was Ted Cruz or John Kasich, but because it's Trump, no way.

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It was Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express.

This case is a hoax.
RedState hints that Trump may have had a thing with his daughter when she was 15 or younger.

I would like to see Hillary run on that. She should just come out and say he molested his daughter. Have the balls to say it out loud instead of whispering behind someone's back. I will say that Bill has probably already fucked Chelsea at least once in her life. It is just a possibility since the man likes to fuck everything else so why would he stop at his daughter? We should just interview her directly and ask her something like "are you denying that your father has had relations with you"? She then saysn "yes I'm denying it" which means she just denied the truth of the matter which is Bill Clinton should be in jail.
Breitbart: Donald Trump Pans 'Categorically False' Lawsuit Alleging Underage Rape at Jeffrey Epstein 'Sex Parties' - Breitbart
Donald Trump is furiously denying a lawsuit’s allegations that he raped a teenage girl at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
Donald Trump’s attorney told on Friday that a lawsuit claiming Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘sex parties’ appears to be a hoax.....Trump had already ‘categorically’ denied the claims but attorney Alan Garten’s statement signals that the Trump campaign is eager to swat down the allegation before it gains any more traction....

‘This was written on legal paper with margins and line numbers. It’s properly captioned. It has no typos. It has footers. It cites statutes.’

‘This has all the hallmarks of being drafted by someone with some level of legal background,’ he said, ‘and ‘this was filed to not leave fingerprints.’

‘I mean, there’s a section titled “material witnesses!” This is not someone with $278 to her name.’

He suggested that the lawsuit filer pleaded poverty ‘because unless you pay in cash, the filing fee traces back to someone.’

To be fair, most intake clerks accept cash or personal checks. But yes, it does read like a case that had been prepared for the in pro per applicant by someone with legal expertise. So?...

The Trump I've seen in the news would be hiring a private investigator and wouldn't be saying "may be a hoax". He would be saying "absolutely is a hoax and I'm going to sue the person who filed that lawsuit when I find them".

Certainly federal court clerk offices would have video surveillance cameras mounted near the glass intake windows?
No one has picked this story up. It's being ignored. Even the most anti Trump network isn't touching this stinky pile.

One of the women making the most graphic complaints against Bill Cosby picked a date when he and his wife was in Paris.

People lie, a lot.

If no one has picked this story up, what are all the links to in the OP? Another poster said Breitbart and Redstate confirmed it so ?

Confirmed what?

NBC, CBS, ABC and everyone else all have Los Angeles offices. There must have been a caravan up to Riverside, an hour away, to look in that court file. Maybe they car pooled. If there was a complaint in that court file, it would be plastered around the world by now. After all reporters converged on the address enough to know it's been vacant for over a year.

What point would there be made in filing a 100 million dollar lawsuit and not serving it?
RedState hints that Trump may have had a thing with his daughter when she was 15 or younger.
A hint. From a liberal blog. You can't get better definitive proof than that.
Red State New is not a liberal blog. It is a long-standing conservative news source. That is why I used them for a link. I also linked Breitbart, another right wing source. RW'ers here at USMB use both of those sources all the time, especially Breitbart.
Breitbart: Donald Trump Pans 'Categorically False' Lawsuit Alleging Underage Rape at Jeffrey Epstein 'Sex Parties' - Breitbart
Donald Trump is furiously denying a lawsuit’s allegations that he raped a teenage girl at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
Donald Trump’s attorney told on Friday that a lawsuit claiming Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘sex parties’ appears to be a hoax.....Trump had already ‘categorically’ denied the claims but attorney Alan Garten’s statement signals that the Trump campaign is eager to swat down the allegation before it gains any more traction....

‘This was written on legal paper with margins and line numbers. It’s properly captioned. It has no typos. It has footers. It cites statutes.’

‘This has all the hallmarks of being drafted by someone with some level of legal background,’ he said, ‘and ‘this was filed to not leave fingerprints.’

‘I mean, there’s a section titled “material witnesses!” This is not someone with $278 to her name.’

He suggested that the lawsuit filer pleaded poverty ‘because unless you pay in cash, the filing fee traces back to someone.’

To be fair, most intake clerks accept cash or personal checks. But yes, it does read like a case that had been prepared for the in pro per applicant by someone with legal expertise. So?...

The Trump I've seen in the news would be hiring a private investigator and wouldn't be saying "may be a hoax". He would be saying "absolutely is a hoax and I'm going to sue the person who filed that lawsuit when I find them".

Certainly federal court clerk offices would have video surveillance cameras mounted near the glass intake windows?
To my knowledge there are no surveillance cameras at intake windows. Many many filings are done by services, they put their stack of papers to be filed in a box then come back the next day and pick them up. Anyone could slip a filing in and come back to get it. What Trump said was that the complaint is a hoax and the plaintiff may not exist.
No one has picked this story up. It's being ignored. Even the most anti Trump network isn't touching this stinky pile.

One of the women making the most graphic complaints against Bill Cosby picked a date when he and his wife was in Paris.

People lie, a lot.

If no one has picked this story up, what are all the links to in the OP? Another poster said Breitbart and Redstate confirmed it so ?

Confirmed what?

NBC, CBS, ABC and everyone else all have Los Angeles offices. There must have been a caravan up to Riverside, an hour away, to look in that court file. Maybe they car pooled. If there was a complaint in that court file, it would be plastered around the world by now. After all reporters converged on the address enough to know it's been vacant for over a year.

What point would there be made in filing a 100 million dollar lawsuit and not serving it?

Agreed. You'd think that NBC, CBS, ABC and the Trump campaign itself would've found the proof "it isn't real" and had it on the 6 O'Clock news the next day. But they haven't. It hasn't been served? Odd. Do you have a link for that claim?
No one has picked this story up. It's being ignored. Even the most anti Trump network isn't touching this stinky pile.

One of the women making the most graphic complaints against Bill Cosby picked a date when he and his wife was in Paris.

People lie, a lot.

If no one has picked this story up, what are all the links to in the OP? Another poster said Breitbart and Redstate confirmed it so ?

Confirmed what?

NBC, CBS, ABC and everyone else all have Los Angeles offices. There must have been a caravan up to Riverside, an hour away, to look in that court file. Maybe they car pooled. If there was a complaint in that court file, it would be plastered around the world by now. After all reporters converged on the address enough to know it's been vacant for over a year.

What point would there be made in filing a 100 million dollar lawsuit and not serving it?

Agreed. You'd think that NBC, CBS, ABC and the Trump campaign itself would've found the proof "it isn't real" and had it on the 6 O'Clock news the next day. But they haven't. It hasn't been served? Odd. Do you have a link for that claim?

I'm sure the pro-commie pro-Obama network will have that evidence up on the 6 o'clock news.
Not engaging in a flame war with you SuperDemocrat. Though that would suit you to get the thread disappeared. Yes, if there was evidence this was a hoax, it would be all over the evening news with Donald Trump excoriating the perpetrator(s) and milking public sympathy (and press exposure) for himself.

But I've not seen that yet. So far. We'll see.
Here's the reason for the complaint.

Exclusive - CLINTON CRASH: Hillary Has Received Hundreds of Thousands Fewer Votes in 2016 vs. 2008 - Breitbart

Hillary's voters are running from her as fast as they can. She is desperate for some war on women red mest.
Why would Hillary do such a thing before the GOP candidate was chosen officially? She would wait until after if that was her game. Why file a suit against Trump if Cruz or Kasich got the nod on a technicality?

It doesn't match up, your theory...
Not engaging in a flame war with you SuperDemocrat. Though that would suit you to get the thread disappeared. Yes, if there was evidence this was a hoax, it would be all over the evening news with Donald Trump excoriating the perpetrator(s) and milking public sympathy (and press exposure) for himself.

But I've not seen that yet. So far. We'll see.

Is this an example of maturity?
Breitbart wouldn't put the story out if it were not true. Those other news sources are just chickenshit and afraid to publish a story that might be fake. They don't have the lack of character and balls like Breitbart.
Here's the reason for the complaint.

Exclusive - CLINTON CRASH: Hillary Has Received Hundreds of Thousands Fewer Votes in 2016 vs. 2008 - Breitbart

Hillary's voters are running from her as fast as they can. She is desperate for some war on women red mest.
Why would Hillary do such a thing before the GOP candidate was chosen officially? She would wait until after if that was her game. Why file a suit against Trump if Cruz or Kasich got the nod on a technicality?

It doesn't match up, your theory...
She is scared shit less of Trump.

This has every indication and earmark of hoax.

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