Is This A Tad......Crass?

Pro-tip, you worthless twat: If you're going to call someone a "dope", you'd damn well better make sure you're not putting your own stupidity on display for all to see.

Idiot bitch...

Never fails.

I put some dunce in his place.....a default to the vulgarity they were brought up with.

I guarantee it won't be the last time I make you jump through that hoop.
Joe has proven to be no prize on darn near anything but the Ukraine policies, but Donny proved a danger to the US and got impeached for it again, deserving again. I do not regret my vote. I do feel bad, he ran as a moderate, but if he is a moderate, it is one with no backbone to stand against the excesses of the Democrats in Congress. I don’t think him senile, but in many instances, a tool, and I wonder whose. This too shall pass, and we can vote for somebody else if they present themself worthy. We get to keep making these decisions and them counting, only because Donny's attempts to overthrow the election we completely thwarted.

You can't stop lying.

No he didn't...he was impeached for not being a Democrat.


I notice you fear answering the question.

See if this helps:

Let's remind all the Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.

And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.


Now answer the question: given a do-over today.....which party would you vote for?

(It's a one-question IQ test)
Never fails.

I put some dunce in his place.....a default to the vulgarity they were brought up with.

Again, you calling anyone a dunce, when it's clear you face your own challenges in that arena, is funny. You're too chickenshit to even acknowledge it, though...

I guarantee it won't be the last time I make you jump through that hoop.

Sweetheart, you can't make me do anything. You're not that good.

It's pretty clear that you're incapable of handling differing opinions. All I did was say I didn't see where Clinton was using it as some sort of launching point for a Presidential run, and you lost your shit and started insulting me. So, yeah, fuck you, you worthless bag. I only use vulgarities when they're earned.

You know, you're usually not this irritable, kitten. Heavy flow day?
You can't stop lying.

No he didn't...he was impeached for not being a Democrat.

View attachment 637974

I notice you fear answering the question.

See if this helps:

Let's remind all the Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.

And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.

View attachment 637972

Now answer the question: given a do-over today.....which party would you vote for?

(It's a one-question IQ test)
Have it your way. It's your thread. Enjoy!
Again, you calling anyone a dunce, when it's clear you face your own challenges in that arena, is funny. You're too chickenshit to even acknowledge it, though...

Sweetheart, you can't make me do anything. You're not that good.

It's pretty clear that you're incapable of handling differing opinions. All I did was say I didn't see where Clinton was using it as some sort of launching point for a Presidential run, and you lost your shit and started insulting me. So, yeah, fuck you, you worthless bag. I only use vulgarities when they're earned.

You know, you're usually not this irritable, kitten. Heavy flow day?

Here's a plan......get lost....dunce. fear answering the question.

As Marshall McLuan famously said, the medium is the message.

You know you made a huggggggge mistake.

Interesting, but not relevant as I have never heard of McLuan. Guess I was busing having a life.
Interesting, but not relevant as I have never heard of McLuan. Guess I was busing having a life.

"Guess I was busing having a life."

Amazing what Democrats will come up with as excused for never reading.

Maybe you've heard of Coulter, whose dozen best-sellers you've never read, either:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

I am magnanimous.....(better look that up)....and I'd be happy to offer a reading curriculum that might make you a tiny bit less ignorant......
Say the word!
Of course, for Democrats, funerals are simply political events......who can forget the Wellstone Debacle?

In 2002, Rick Kahn turned Wellstone memorial into political rally › story › 2017/10/17 › histor...
....anniversary of the plane crash that killed Senator Paul Wellstone. His close friend Rick Kahn repeated a specific ...

But did you catch this self-promotion by Hillary for a potential run in 2024 when the, Democrats toss Biden under the bus:

Albright was a war criminal, responsible for the violent deaths of thousands of men, women, and children, and who is very likely in hell now.

Hillary will be the Democrats' 2024 presidential nominee, and she will lose again. When she dies, she will also very likely go to hell for her many, many crimes against humanity.
Democrats voted for a world leader

You voted for the guy who cheered Putin and called him a genius
I do admire your loyalty. I really do.
But the guy you see as a "world leader" is seen by everyone one else with eyes and an open mind as a doddering old man, who can't string 10 words together without losing his train of thought.
Still, I pray every night for his well being - the thought of Kamala "the giggling maniac" Harris in charge is absolutely terrifying.
Albright was a war criminal, responsible for the violent deaths of thousands of men, women, and children, and who is very likely in hell now.

Hillary will be the Democrats' 2024 presidential nominee, and she will lose again. When she dies, she will also very likely go to hell for her many, many crimes against humanity.

Don't hold back!!

Say what you really feel!!!!
I do admire your loyalty. I really do.
But the guy you see as a "world leader" is seen by everyone one else with eyes and an open mind as a doddering old man, who can't string 10 words together without losing his train of thought.
Still, I pray every night for his well being - the thought of Kamala "the giggling maniac" Harris in charge is absolutely terrifying.
Only to Crybaby Losers

The rest of the world welcomes a stable, mature leader of the US who is willing to work with our allies to contain Putin

The man child you voted for cheered Putin and called him a Genius for invading Ukraine
They are appalled a former US leader would side with Putin
I read View attachment 637962

It had examples so horrifying and horrific from those Balkan wars, that I try not to repeat or even recall them.
I have to go to my archives, boxes that have not been emptied, and get the copy of Foreign Affairs with an article on Kosovo written before the war. Best to have the magazine and quote from it. But that said, it is very sad what happened. A lot of bad people on both sides but over all I honestly know that the Serbian people got screwed.
I have to go to my archives, boxes that have not been emptied, and get the copy of Foreign Affairs with an article on Kosovo written before the war. Best to have the magazine and quote from it. But that said, it is very sad what happened. A lot of bad people on both sides but over all I honestly know that the Serbian people got screwed.

I always make up memory games for myself....naming the countries formed when Broz died.....but I hope to forget the horrors inflicted on each other by the participants in those wars.

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