Is This A Tad......Crass?

I honored that bet, left the board and came back over a year later, after stating that I was coming back early because the evidence clearly shows that Biden did not win a legal election.


Lying moron, a year is NOT "forever."

Your [ignorant & unfounded] beliefs don't matter. Trump lost the election. He's not president because he lost the election. He said so himself. And per YOUR bet, you agreed to leave the forum forever if he lost. You don't get to make excuses for why you should welch unless you have no character and are not a man of your word -- which is what you proved to be.

On top of being a lying low-life scum who doesn't keep his word, you're a hypocrite too. You challenged others to "put up OR shut up" while you flat out refuse to do either.

But you do serve as a prime example for why no one should ever make a bet with a conservative. They never pay up when they lose.
when you provide real proof, I will acknowledge it. Until then, keep lying, you are quite good at it.

you claimed to have a Trump quote, but cannot provide it in full context, all you have is propaganda talking points from left wing liars. We all know what you are here, you are fooling no one.

Real proof has been provided. Like rightwinger said, you're just a mindless denier who's gonna dig his welshing heels in and deny it no matter what evidence you're presented with.

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