Is this conclusive evidence that Trump is unfit for the Presidency?

President Xiden is perfectly capable of stealing our economy. creating a humanitarian crisis on the border, selling out our country by being China’s puppet, and being Putin’s bitch…oh and not to mention surrendering to terrorist and being held in contempt of our allies

Putin's bitch? Now that's funny. Trump was the Putin Puppet sycophant, Helsinki was proof of that. Wake the fuck up.
Your opinion is in your ass.
This only proves that he's the right man for the job....because if he wasn't they wouldn't be trying to destroy him.
They're scared that he might get elected again and destroy all of their nefarious plans.
They're unwilling to take a chance on running against someone that hasn't been hand-picked by the Deep State to lose to a crazy Dementia patient who sold his soul to the Chinese.
Although this is speculative. . .

One does wonder, if he had used this same rhetoric, would Putin have approved the Russian Duma's desire to accept the Donbas application, last February to become part of Russia, thus setting off the SMO?

Trump is on record failing to promote testing, failing on too many things.

Wrong. Fast-tracking a vaccine is a no brainer for any president. That vaccine was in development for a decade before the pandemic hit, all they had to do was tailor to the covid-19 virus. Don't give me that crap about 'groundwork'.

Reread the list I posted on Trump's mishandling of the pandemic. It's thoroughly documented and you are in denial of the facts.

You and other Lefties are entitled to your opinion, foolish and wrong as it may be. But you are not entitled to your own facts, which you seem unable or unwilling to entertain any deviance from. I think we're done here.
I've examined, closely, enough of your claims to know that you are engaging in a sea of strawman arguments, mischaracterizations, misstatements and outright lies, not to mention your soporific, sophomoric cheap shots and juvenile language.
Now, if you do decide, some day, to NOT be disingenuous, to be serious, pick one of those items, maybe two, start a thread on it, and then and ONLY then, shall we have a constructive debate about the topic.
You pick showdown at 20-paces......
Trump pushes his balls around in a wheelbarrow….Leftists are fem pussies, they hate any show of power or strength.
And we're back to dragging MAGAt sexual fantasies into threads that have nothing to do with them.
You pick showdown at 20-paces......

Okay you made this claim:

Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter

Now then, since that is your claim, please provide evidence for it, and we'll debate it from there.

I await your reply.

But, let's do an exchange, we'll debate one or yours, at a time, and one of MINE, at a time:

I offer you this claim:

Trump, unlike any president in history, refused to concede the 2020 US Presidential election,

Evidence provided on request though I believe it is self evident.

And let's follow this protocol:

We debate until we:
1. Agree or at least a meeting of mind on the point in some way, and end the debate (could be a compromise).
2. After exhausting all arguments, we agree to disagree and end the debate.

ANd no cheap shots, snark, rant words, thought-terminating clichés, tired tropes, ad homs, and stuff that really isn't a valid argument.
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Okay you made this claim:
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Now then, since that is your claim, please provide evidence for it, and we'll debate it from there.
I await your reply.
But, let's do an exchange, we'll debate one or yours, at a time, and one of MINE, at a time:
I offer you this claim:
Trump, unlike any president in history, refused to concede the 2020 US Presidential election, while spreading false claims of widespread voter fraud.
Evidence provided on request, though the two are well established facts.
1. If you google Hunter Biden's net worth you get about $290,000,000. So how does a druggie get that kind of cash? How about his dad selling "access"? "The big guy" always gets a cut. Tell me you didn't hear about the banks reporting "suspicious" money transfers?

2. Trump couldn't prove "voter fraud" but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Trump lost, there is no debate. What is debatable are the recent claims of "voter fraud".
a. Look at the number of TOTAL VOTES in the last several elections. Notice that in 2020 there were about 30,000,000 more votes than expected. Two standard deviations unusual.

does that prove voter fraud? No, but it sure as hell looks suspicious, especially with the democrats mass mailing ballots and then "harvesting" them.

b. Look at the late night vote dump in MI. Can they prove voter fraud? No, but it sure looks like it. There are several posters well versed in many of the suspected voter fraud cases. If you want to debate that, start a thread.

You and other Lefties are entitled to your opinion, foolish and wrong as it may be. But you are not entitled to your own facts, which you seem unable or unwilling to entertain any deviance from. I think we're done here.

Eat your heart out, Task0778

How a decade of coronavirus research paved way for COVID-19 vaccines​

1. If you google Hunter Biden's net worth you get about $290,000,000.
That's not how providing evidence works. You provide the evidence, I do not 'google it'.

So how does a druggie get that kind of cash?
Question has an assumed premise. First you prove the premise is true, and then you ask the question.
Moreover, I must ask you to stop using cheap shot labels that are only designed to dehumanize. Hunter Biden wrote a book on his struggle with Drug Addiction, is a human being and until you prove he has committed a crime, you should grant him more courtesy than that. He also has an impressive resume, which will challenge the cheap shot label you are trafficking in. I will not be willing to continue a discourse with you if you cannot behave in a more dignified manner. Is that fair?

How about his dad selling "access"?
"The big guy" always gets a cut.
That is not evidence. Please provide evidence.

Tell me you didn't hear about the banks reporting "suspicious" money transfers?
Not under debate.
Not under debate.
The post did NOT provide evidence. The claim in NYP is from a Republican Senate Judiciary report that has been debunked. There is NO evidence in that report. But your claim is that Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from a moscow mayor's wife. Okay, where is THAT evidence?
Circular non-evidence, the article is based on the same report as the NYP makes.
No evidence of Moscow mayor wife sending money to Hunter Biden.
2. Trump couldn't prove "voter fraud" but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I can't prove that you didn't commit voter fraud, but that doesn't mean you didn't do it.

So you see the logical fallacy?
Trump lost, there is no debate. What is debatable are the recent claims of "voter fraud".
NO evidence has been provided to any court of law, thus far, that there are claims of voter fraud to support Trump's allegation.
a. Look at the number of TOTAL VOTES in the last several elections. Notice that in 2020 there were about 30,000,000 more votes than expected. Two standard deviations unusual.
View attachment 772563
Numbers grow from one national election to the next? What does it prove? It proves more voters entered the electorate, and more people are motivated to vote. That's all it proves. Beyond that?

does that prove voter fraud? No, but it sure as hell looks suspicious, especially with the democrats mass mailing ballots and then "harvesting" them.
It looks suspicous because you want it to look suspicious. But 'suspicious' isn't predication for an investigation.
Why? Because it only looks suspicious to partisans, not to prosecutors, who must look at it with an unbiased point of view.

b. Look at the late night vote dump in MI. Can they prove voter fraud? No, but it sure looks like it. There are several posters well versed in many of the suspected voter fraud cases. If you want to debate that, start a thread.

View attachment 772562

Voter dumps, this is not evidence of squat. That could be for any number of INNOCENT reasons.

The claim that there was a "voter dump" for Joe Biden during the 2020 US presidential election is a baseless conspiracy theory that has been repeatedly debunked by election officials, experts, and fact-checkers.

In many states, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, there were legitimate reasons for the delay in the reporting of vote counts. For example, some states counted mail-in ballots separately and later in the process, which took longer to process and report. Additionally, some states had laws that prohibited the counting of mail-in ballots until Election Day, which also contributed to the delay.

It's important to note that the count of ballots is a complex process that involves multiple steps to ensure accuracy and integrity, and it's not uncommon for there to be fluctuations in vote totals as the count progresses. However, these fluctuations are not evidence of fraud or misconduct, but rather a reflection of the normal process of counting votes.

In summary, there is no evidence to support the claim of a "voter dump" for Joe Biden, and election officials and experts have provided legitimate explanations for the delay in the reporting of vote counts.

Look, either you have hard evidence, or you don't.

You got evidence, please provide it. No more 'suspicious activity'. That is subjective, that is NOT evidence.
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Push them both. That one president both threatened to destroy NK, not once, but twice, and them admired KJU's 'love letters' proves how immensely unhinged, if not bipolar, Donald Trump was, a veritable mental case, and absolutely unfit to be president.
Yea sure. You TDS idiots claimed he would start a war. Yet he was the only President in the last 40+ years to not start a war. His foreign policy was vastly superior to any of the Establishment warmonger idiots before him.
Well I bet there would be no war in Ukraine now had the election not been stolen. Enjoy your consequences.
With Joe Biden running our response we may find ourselves in an all out nuclear war with Russia and China. Nobody wins an all out nuclear war. Nobody.

This fool, Biden, could f**k up a wet dream.
Yea sure. You TDS idiots claimed he would start a war. Yet he was the only President in the last 40+ years to not start a war. His foreign policy was vastly superior to any of the Establishment warmonger idiots before him.

Well, your statement is simplistic, and owing to that particular fact, is not quite right, if you include:

1. Military operations initiated by Presidents
2. Wars started by other Presidents but were not stopped by the President in question.
3. Presidents who did not launch full scale wars..

Trump, like a few other presidents, did all three of the above, so insofar as 'standing out among presidents' as we shall see, below, not by a long shot:

So, with that in mind, who else fits in Trump's category?

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) - Reagan engaged in various military operations, including the invasion of Grenada (1983), but did not start a full-scale war

Bill Clinton (1993-2001) - Clinton did not start any full-scale wars, but he did engage in military interventions, such as in Somalia (1992-1995), Haiti (1994), and Kosovo (1999).

Barack Obama (2009-2017) - Did not start any new full-scale wars, but continued military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and engaged in military intervention in Libya (2011).

But, Trump did engage in a number of military operations and did not start any full-scale wars,, like Clinton, Reagan, and Obama, but like Obama, allowed a war to continue and did not stop it.

So, considering these facts, I see NOTHING special about Trump

During his tenure as President, Donald Trump engaged in several military interventions and operations. Some of these include:

  1. Syria: In April 2017 and April 2018, Trump ordered airstrikes in response to alleged chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government. U.S. forces also continued to fight against ISIS in the region.
  2. Afghanistan: Trump increased the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2017 and continued the ongoing military operations against the Taliban and other militant groups. In 2020, the Trump administration signed a peace deal with the Taliban, which included a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops. However, the withdrawal was not completed during his term.
  3. Iraq: Trump continued military operations against ISIS in Iraq. In January 2020, a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, which led to heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran.
  4. Yemen: The Trump administration continued to support the Saudi-led coalition fighting against the Houthi rebels in Yemen. This included providing intelligence, logistical support, and arms sales.
  5. Somalia: Trump authorized an increase in drone strikes and special forces operations against the Islamist extremist group Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

Now then, a bone to pick about Trump's dealing with the Taliban, to wit:

There were several criticisms and concerns regarding Trump's agreements with the Taliban, the invitation to Camp David, and the sidelining of the Afghan government during negotiations. Some of the main criticisms include:

  1. Exclusion of the Afghan government: Critics argue that excluding the Afghan government from the initial U.S.-Taliban negotiations undermined the legitimacy of the elected government and weakened its bargaining position in subsequent intra-Afghan talks. This may have contributed to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and security forces in the face of the Taliban offensive in 2021.
  2. Invitation to Camp David: Trump's plan to invite the Taliban to Camp David for peace talks around the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. Critics argued that it was inappropriate to host the group on U.S. soil, especially near such a significant date. The invitation was eventually canceled.
  3. Insufficient enforcement mechanisms: The U.S.-Taliban agreement contained provisions related to a reduction in violence, the release of prisoners, and counterterrorism assurances. However, critics argue that the deal lacked strong enforcement mechanisms, allowing the Taliban to violate the terms with few consequences.
  4. Impact on the Biden administration: The agreement signed by the Trump administration set the stage for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. While President Biden could have chosen to renegotiate or delay the withdrawal, doing so would have risked a resurgence in violence and potentially jeopardized the safety of U.S. forces. In that sense, the Trump administration's agreement may have limited Biden's options.
The chaotic withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan in August 2021, which led to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and security forces, resulted in loss of lives and left many Afghan allies and U.S. citizens behind. It is difficult to determine to what extent the Trump administration's actions directly contributed to this outcome. However, critics argue that the U.S.-Taliban agreement and the sidelining of the Afghan government during negotiations played a role in the eventual outcome.

Add to the mix the video of him acting like a lunatic in the video, I'd say he goes from 'not special' to 'substandard'.

Add to that his 4th grade vocabulary, and the vast list of despicable things he's done and said, the epic corruption that rotted the presidency and diminished it greatly, including high crimes and misdemeanors and two impeachments for which his cronies in the senate lacked the courage to indict him, and add on top of that his attempt to overturn the election and his refusal to acknowledge the he lost the last election, and add on top of that his continuing to spread the lie that 'Democrats stole the election without a stitch of proof, that puts Trump not only the worst president in history, but a threat to US National security, and add to that the criminal investigations, indictments of many of his surrogates and staff, and now indictments of himself, it is clear that this man belongs behind bars, and hopefully the 24 women who have yet to sue him for sexual predation, will muster the courage along with E. Jean Carrol, and sue the shit out of the bastard for all he is worth.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Calling a leader of another country "rocket man" is probably even worse.
With Joe Biden running our response we may find ourselves in an all out nuclear war with Russia and China. Nobody wins an all out nuclear war. Nobody.

This fool, Biden, could f**k up a wet dream.

1) You think Biden is running things?
2) What has Biden done to make you think there'd be all out war with anyone?
1) You think Biden is running things?
2) What has Biden done to make you think there'd be all out war with anyone?
Biden is likely a puppet with someone pulling his strings.

But that someone must be incompetent as things in our nation are going straight to hell. Perhaps that is the ultimate goal. Perhaps those in power want a world government and can’t have one if the United States is strong and the leading nation in the world.

I am impressed with how hard the Ukrainians are fighting to preserve their nation but I sense there is a lot of corruption involved and many are getting rich from our aid as we are making little effort to track where the money goes.

Putin has threatened to use nukes a number of times. He may decide to use tactical nukes rather than lose and if he does the last person I want in the Oval Office is Joe Biden. Putin sees him as weak which he is and may push him too hard.

Plus, I am not sure Joe would even order a strike if Russia nukes us. Putin undoubtedly realizes this and may take advantage of that fact.

That's not how providing evidence works. You provide the evidence, I do not 'google it'.

Question has an assumed premise. First you prove the premise is true, and then you ask the question.
Moreover, I must ask you to stop using cheap shot labels that are only designed to dehumanize. Hunter Biden wrote a book on his struggle with Drug Addiction, is a human being and until you prove he has committed a crime, you should grant him more courtesy than that. He also has an impressive resume, which will challenge the cheap shot label you are trafficking in. I will not be willing to continue a discourse with you if you cannot behave in a more dignified manner. Is that fair?


That is not evidence. Please provide evidence.

Not under debate.

Not under debate.

The post did NOT provide evidence. The claim in NYP is from a Republican Senate Judiciary report that has been debunked. There is NO evidence in that report. But your claim is that Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from a moscow mayor's wife. Okay, where is THAT evidence?

Circular non-evidence, the article is based on the same report as the NYP makes.

No evidence of Moscow mayor wife sending money to Hunter Biden.

I can't prove that you didn't commit voter fraud, but that doesn't mean you didn't do it.

So you see the logical fallacy?

NO evidence has been provided to any court of law, thus far, that there are claims of voter fraud to support Trump's allegation.

Numbers grow from one national election to the next? What does it prove? It proves more voters entered the electorate, and more people are motivated to vote. That's all it proves. Beyond that?


It looks suspicous because you want it to look suspicious. But 'suspicious' isn't predication for an investigation.
Why? Because it only looks suspicious to partisans, not to prosecutors, who must look at it with an unbiased point of view.

Voter dumps, this is not evidence of squat. That could be for any number of INNOCENT reasons.

The claim that there was a "voter dump" for Joe Biden during the 2020 US presidential election is a baseless conspiracy theory that has been repeatedly debunked by election officials, experts, and fact-checkers.

In many states, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, there were legitimate reasons for the delay in the reporting of vote counts. For example, some states counted mail-in ballots separately and later in the process, which took longer to process and report. Additionally, some states had laws that prohibited the counting of mail-in ballots until Election Day, which also contributed to the delay.

It's important to note that the count of ballots is a complex process that involves multiple steps to ensure accuracy and integrity, and it's not uncommon for there to be fluctuations in vote totals as the count progresses. However, these fluctuations are not evidence of fraud or misconduct, but rather a reflection of the normal process of counting votes.

In summary, there is no evidence to support the claim of a "voter dump" for Joe Biden, and election officials and experts have provided legitimate explanations for the delay in the reporting of vote counts.

Look, either you have hard evidence, or you don't.

You got evidence, please provide it. No more 'suspicious activity'. That is subjective, that is NOT evidence.
Let me enlighten you on how debating on this forum works.
There is no fucking "evidence".
All there is are "credible sources for information", otherwise known as "facts" or "truth"
Of course if you don't like the facts you can probably find bullshit sites with democrat "facts", what Kelly Ann Conway called "alternate facts"

So my FACTS stand unless you disprove them with credible sources. This is NOT a court of law, and you are NOT the judge.
You are well within your rights to deny the "facts" we link to. Call us liars if you can't refute the facts, then tuck your tail and try another thread.
When you post partisan tripe we'll call you a liar, or we'll post a link disproving your partisan lies, (aka democrat talking points.)

No one ever switches positions/parties. You are generally either red or blue here. You are apparently a blue democrat. Welcome to the party!
Well, your statement is simplistic, and owing to that particular fact, is not quite right, if you include:

1. Military operations initiated by Presidents
2. Wars started by other Presidents but were not stopped by the President in question.
3. Presidents who did not launch full scale wars..

Trump, like a few other presidents, did all three of the above, so insofar as 'standing out among presidents' as we shall see, below, not by a long shot:

So, with that in mind, who else fits in Trump's category?

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) - Reagan engaged in various military operations, including the invasion of Grenada (1983), but did not start a full-scale war

Bill Clinton (1993-2001) - Clinton did not start any full-scale wars, but he did engage in military interventions, such as in Somalia (1992-1995), Haiti (1994), and Kosovo (1999).

Barack Obama (2009-2017) - Did not start any new full-scale wars, but continued military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and engaged in military intervention in Libya (2011).

But, Trump did engage in a number of military operations and did not start any full-scale wars,, like Clinton, Reagan, and Obama, but like Obama, allowed a war to continue and did not stop it.

So, considering these facts, I see NOTHING special about Trump

During his tenure as President, Donald Trump engaged in several military interventions and operations. Some of these include:

  1. Syria: In April 2017 and April 2018, Trump ordered airstrikes in response to alleged chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government. U.S. forces also continued to fight against ISIS in the region.
  2. Afghanistan: Trump increased the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2017 and continued the ongoing military operations against the Taliban and other militant groups. In 2020, the Trump administration signed a peace deal with the Taliban, which included a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops. However, the withdrawal was not completed during his term.
  3. Iraq: Trump continued military operations against ISIS in Iraq. In January 2020, a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, which led to heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran.
  4. Yemen: The Trump administration continued to support the Saudi-led coalition fighting against the Houthi rebels in Yemen. This included providing intelligence, logistical support, and arms sales.
  5. Somalia: Trump authorized an increase in drone strikes and special forces operations against the Islamist extremist group Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

Now then, a bone to pick about Trump's dealing with the Taliban, to wit:

There were several criticisms and concerns regarding Trump's agreements with the Taliban, the invitation to Camp David, and the sidelining of the Afghan government during negotiations. Some of the main criticisms include:

  1. Exclusion of the Afghan government: Critics argue that excluding the Afghan government from the initial U.S.-Taliban negotiations undermined the legitimacy of the elected government and weakened its bargaining position in subsequent intra-Afghan talks. This may have contributed to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and security forces in the face of the Taliban offensive in 2021.
  2. Invitation to Camp David: Trump's plan to invite the Taliban to Camp David for peace talks around the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. Critics argued that it was inappropriate to host the group on U.S. soil, especially near such a significant date. The invitation was eventually canceled.
  3. Insufficient enforcement mechanisms: The U.S.-Taliban agreement contained provisions related to a reduction in violence, the release of prisoners, and counterterrorism assurances. However, critics argue that the deal lacked strong enforcement mechanisms, allowing the Taliban to violate the terms with few consequences.
  4. Impact on the Biden administration: The agreement signed by the Trump administration set the stage for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. While President Biden could have chosen to renegotiate or delay the withdrawal, doing so would have risked a resurgence in violence and potentially jeopardized the safety of U.S. forces. In that sense, the Trump administration's agreement may have limited Biden's options.
The chaotic withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan in August 2021, which led to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and security forces, resulted in loss of lives and left many Afghan allies and U.S. citizens behind. It is difficult to determine to what extent the Trump administration's actions directly contributed to this outcome. However, critics argue that the U.S.-Taliban agreement and the sidelining of the Afghan government during negotiations played a role in the eventual outcome.

Add to the mix the video of him acting like a lunatic in the video, I'd say he goes from 'not special' to 'substandard'.

Add to that his 4th grade vocabulary, and the vast list of despicable things he's done and said, the epic corruption that rotted the presidency and diminished it greatly, including high crimes and misdemeanors and two impeachments for which his cronies in the senate lacked the courage to indict him, and add on top of that his attempt to overturn the election and his refusal to acknowledge the he lost the last election, and add on top of that his continuing to spread the lie that 'Democrats stole the election without a stitch of proof, that puts Trump not only the worst president in history, but a threat to US National security, and add to that the criminal investigations, indictments of many of his surrogates and staff, and now indictments of himself, it is clear that this man belongs behind bars, and hopefully the 24 women who have yet to sue him for sexual predation, will muster the courage along with E. Jean Carrol, and sue the shit out of the bastard for all he is worth.
Nice load of bullshit. Obama did nothing to draw down the wars he inherited. He made them worse, bombed another country’s government out of existence (Libya), and funded terrorists to overthrow another government that never attacked us (Syria)…funny how you left that one out as well as the birth of ISIS under the Hussein.

President Trump on the other hand drastically reduced the Afghan and Iraq wars he inherited, to the point there were barely any fighting or deaths in either theater and he was on the verge of withdrawing troops(less than 2500 troops were there). He also defunded the terrorists Obama was funding, and within a year ISIS was wiped off the map and Syria was stabilized.

His policies were the complete opposite of the Establishment warmongers before him.

They wanted President Trump to start a war in Syria with the fake chemical attack bullshit. Thankfully all he did was bomb a runway. Then they tried to start another one with Iran, but President Trump kept a cool head and did not.
Nice load of bullshit. Obama did nothing to draw down the wars he inherited. He made them worse, bombed another country’s government out of existence (Libya), and funded terrorists to overthrow another government that never attacked us (Syria)…funny how you left that one out as well as the birth of ISIS under the Hussein.

President Trump on the other hand drastically reduced the Afghan and Iraq wars he inherited, to the point there were barely any fighting or deaths in either theater and he was on the verge of withdrawing troops(less than 2500 troops were there). He also defunded the terrorists Obama was funding, and within a year ISIS was wiped off the map and Syria was stabilized.

His policies were the complete opposite of the Establishment warmongers before him.

They wanted President Trump to start a war in Syria with the fake chemical attack bullshit. Thankfully all he did was bomb a runway. Then they tried to start another one with Iran, but President Trump kept a cool head and did not.

You implied he was better than other presidents. I proved to you he wasn't.

Nothing in your post refutes my rebuttal, which proves that on war and military ops, he's average to other presidents. But he is significantly inferior in one key respect--he blames others and never takes responsibility for his failures.

All you are going is revealing your bias towards Democrat Presidents. I covered both Repubs and Dems.

You forgot to mention that Trump got a soldier killed just about the first week he was in office.

In late January 2017, just a few weeks after taking office, Trump ordered a military operation in Yemen. This operation, a counterterrorism mission, was aimed at gathering intelligence on Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and neutralizing key operatives. The operation, which was carried out by the United States Navy's SEAL Team 6, resulted in the death of a U.S. Navy SEAL, Chief Petty Officer William "Ryan" Owens, and several civilians, including children.

The operation, known as the Yakla raid or the Raid on Yakla, faced significant criticism for a number of reasons. Here are some of the main points of contention:

  1. Planning and approval: Critics argued that the operation was hastily planned and approved without sufficient intelligence or groundwork. While planning for the raid began during the Obama administration, it was ultimately greenlit by Trump just days after he took office. Some argued that Trump's inexperience in military affairs may have contributed to his decision to approve the operation despite potential shortcomings in the plan.
  2. Execution: The raid faced complications from the outset, including the loss of the element of surprise due to detection by AQAP militants. This led to an intense firefight, during which the U.S. forces faced heavy resistance. Critics questioned the execution of the operation, particularly the decision to proceed even after the loss of surprise.
  3. Civilian casualties: The raid resulted in the death of several civilians, including an 8-year-old American girl, Nawar al-Awlaki. The high number of civilian casualties drew widespread condemnation and raised questions about the value of the intelligence gathered in relation to the human cost of the operation.
  4. Responsibility: In the aftermath of the raid, Trump received criticism for appearing to deflect responsibility for Owens' death. In an interview, Trump said that the operation was something that his generals "wanted to do" and that "they lost Ryan." Critics argued that as Commander-in-Chief, Trump should have taken responsibility for the outcome of the operation.
In summary, the Yakla raid in Yemen ordered by President Trump in the early days of his administration led to the death of a U.S. Navy SEAL and several civilians, sparking criticism over the planning, approval, execution, and responsibility of the operation.

But, of course, blaming others and his famous 'I take no responsibility' line, his fake bone spurs deferments, and his dissing soldiers and military folks in general for their service and courage doesn't mean shit to a guy like you, eh?

I didn't think so.
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You implied he was better than other presidents. I proved to you he wasn't.

Nothing in your post refutes my rebuttal, which proves that on war and military ops, he's average to other presidents. But he is significantly inferior in one key respect--he blames others and never takes responsibility for his failures.

All you are going is revealing your bias towards Democrat Presidents. I covered both Repubs and Dems.

You forgot to mention that Trump got a soldier killed just about the first week he was in office.

In late January 2017, just a few weeks after taking office, Trump ordered a military operation in Yemen. This operation, a counterterrorism mission, was aimed at gathering intelligence on Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and neutralizing key operatives. The operation, which was carried out by the United States Navy's SEAL Team 6, resulted in the death of a U.S. Navy SEAL, Chief Petty Officer William "Ryan" Owens, and several civilians, including children.

The operation, known as the Yakla raid or the Raid on Yakla, faced significant criticism for a number of reasons. Here are some of the main points of contention:

  1. Planning and approval: Critics argued that the operation was hastily planned and approved without sufficient intelligence or groundwork. While planning for the raid began during the Obama administration, it was ultimately greenlit by Trump just days after he took office. Some argued that Trump's inexperience in military affairs may have contributed to his decision to approve the operation despite potential shortcomings in the plan.
  2. Execution: The raid faced complications from the outset, including the loss of the element of surprise due to detection by AQAP militants. This led to an intense firefight, during which the U.S. forces faced heavy resistance. Critics questioned the execution of the operation, particularly the decision to proceed even after the loss of surprise.
  3. Civilian casualties: The raid resulted in the death of several civilians, including an 8-year-old American girl, Nawar al-Awlaki. The high number of civilian casualties drew widespread condemnation and raised questions about the value of the intelligence gathered in relation to the human cost of the operation.
  4. Responsibility: In the aftermath of the raid, Trump received criticism for appearing to deflect responsibility for Owens' death. In an interview, Trump said that the operation was something that his generals "wanted to do" and that "they lost Ryan." Critics argued that as Commander-in-Chief, Trump should have taken responsibility for the outcome of the operation.
In summary, the Yakla raid in Yemen ordered by President Trump in the early days of his administration led to the death of a U.S. Navy SEAL and several civilians, sparking criticism over the planning, approval, execution, and responsibility of the operation.

But, of course, blaming others and his famous 'I take no responsibility' line, his fake bone spurs deferments, and his dissing soldiers and military folks in general for their service and courage doesn't mean shit to a guy like you, eh?

I didn't think so.
You didn’t prove anything. All you did was lie. Bombing a few terrorists in Yemen isn’t starting a new war. He did not start any new wars and he drastically reduced the ones he inherited. That is a fact. President Trump had a plan to withdraw from Afghanistan. There was less than 2500 troops in Iraq.
NEITHER is good. Can we not do better than this? We have to pick between these two losers?
What is amazing, is that you and all your leftist cronies will show up and again vote for a man (Biden) who has a combined approval rating constantly in the mid 30;s. Who and the hell are these people anyway and what is wrong with them? Biden's democrat-based approval rating for a myriad of this country's problems is mostly 70 to 80 percent against, and again you would still vote for dimwit Joe. If the DEMONRATS take the Whitehouse, senate, and house for another 2 to 8 years we can kiss our democracy goodbye. We would all be hounded and attacked just like Trump.

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