Is this conclusive evidence that Trump is unfit for the Presidency?

Trump would possibly end America's war against Russia, and nothing else matters.

However, it's now looking pretty certain that Russia is going to end it first and China will step in to oversee the peace treatyl.

Speculation, not a rebuttal to the OP.

huh? no, that actually is what makes him very's one of the main jobs of the US President to defend the USA and it's allies....and totally destroy any Govt, including NK, if it decides to attack.

Thank you for highlighting one of positives of Trump. Frankly, it is very concerning that you would say that disqualifies him....are you a NKbot?

Clearly you have no clue what constitutes the qualities of leadership in a President.

Frat boy level threats before the UN just proves Trump isn't fit to be leader of even a Fraternity, let alone President of the United States. To put nuclear powered nations and the rest of the world on edge like that, well, 'irresponsible' is an understatement.

As any Zen master has proclaimed: 'Speak softly and carry a big stick'.

America has a big stick, four branches of the armed forces fortified by a nuclear arsenal. He doesn't need to act like John Wayne in a cowboy movie.

No, you are wrong, per usual.
Clearly you have no clue what constitutes the qualities of leadership in a President.

Frat boy level threats before the UN just proves Trump isn't fit to be leader of even a Fraternity, let alone President of the United States.

To put nuclear powered nations and the rest of the world on edge like that, well, 'irresponsible' is an understatement.

As any Zen master has proclaimed: 'Speak softly and carry a big stick'.

America has a big stick, four branches of the armed forces fortified by a nuclear arsenal.

The President doesn't need to act like John Wayne in a cowboy movie.
Trump's fitness for the presidency is evidenced by the job he did last time as president. He was the best since Reagan.

That's funny, my own eyes saw a nation on the brink of chaos the direct result of one Donald Trump, and the man's presence still has the nation on edge. Hate crimes spiked when he took office, in Trump the ignorant found their champion and he emboldened them all, and now KKKers are taking off their hoods

Clearly not. Two years later, this happened...

Just the opposite. In that flagrantly ill advised photo op, Trump is the first president in history to give the leader of the murderous regime of North Korea the prestige of being seen with a US President, a photo op they have long craved, but no other President but one super incompetent and monumentally ignorant and stupid Donald Trump would do it.
Just the opposite. In that flagrantly ill advised photo op, Trump is the first president in history to give the leader of the murderous regime of North Korea the prestige of being seen with a US President, a photo op they have long craved, but no other President but one super incompetent and monumentally ignorant and stupid Donald Trump would do it.

July 26, 2018

North Korea returns potential remains of 55 U.S. Korean War troops​


Wait, I thought President Trump loved Little Rocket Man and praised him all the time.

Y’all need to make up your mind about which lies to push.

Push them both. That one president both threatened to destroy NK, not once, but twice, and them admired KJU's 'love letters' proves how immensely unhinged, if not bipolar, Donald Trump was, a veritable mental case, and absolutely unfit to be president.
Sorry, his verbiage was beyond-the-pale-over-the-top irresponsible and dangerous.
So you ignore what happened next?

Sorry, you're what we call a political hack.

Enjoy voting for Joe Biden in 2024.
incompetent rebuttal; comment does not refute, nor cure, the premise of the OP.
Yes it does. Look what happened between Trump and Kim Jung Un.
Results matter.
Trump played what we call "hardball'

Look at Biden's many "gaffes". Does senility or gross incompetence matter?
The stupid fuck can't even do a real "press conference"...."they won't let him.
Oh yes, on such a scant speculation, inclusive of a claim for which no evidence has been provided, we should vote for Trump. Sorry, I'll pass.
Pass then, and fuck-off while you are about it.....Your pecker-head leftist tripe is already old and nobody likes you.

It appears, poster Rumpole, that you have drawn blood. Landed a blow. Given a comeuppance.

Well played!

Our questionably-educated MAGA's are not without resources though. They still have vulgarisms, crass obscenity, profanity, and their oft-used f-bombs.
It is what it is. So be it.

But is often more amusing than threatening.
In fact, it is always amusing.
And never threatening.

The change between the Obama malaise and the Trump boom cannot be denied.

Biden inherited a pandemic riddled economy. Hardly a 'boom' by Trump., Trump's incompetence exacerbated the pandemic, so that doesn't let him off the hook.
Yes it does. Look what happened between Trump and Kim Jung Un.
Results matter.
Trump played what we call "hardball'

Look at Biden's many "gaffes". Does senility or gross incompetence matter?
The stupid fuck can't even do a real "press conference"...."they won't let him.

Biden got passed the infrastructure bill, which puts him in company with Eisenhower's interstate highway program.

Trump tried for four years, and couldn't get a 'deal' through both houses both of which he controlled.

Moreover, Trump's WH was most corrupt in history:

Under Trump, we experienced a nation on the brink of chaos, and the man's presence still has the nation on edge. Hate crimes spiked when he took office, in Trump the ignorant found their champion and he emboldened them all, and now KKKers are taking off their hoods

So, I can't agree.

as for 'gaffs', Biden bumbles a little too often, but Trump says really stupid things way too often


It appears, poster Rumpole, that you have drawn blood. Landed a blow. Given a comeuppance.

Well played!

Our questionably-educated MAGA's are not without resources though. They still have vulgarisms, crass obscenity, profanity, and their oft-used f-bombs.
It is what it is. So be it.

But is often more amusing than threatening.
In fact, it is always amusing.
And never threatening.

Glad I could entertain. :)
Yes it does. Look what happened between Trump and Kim Jung Un.
Results matter.
Trump played what we call "hardball'
No, Trump played the opposite of hardball.

And he was on a road to success that he didn't accomplish.

But he came closer to accomplishing than any other US president ever has.

Only a biased uninformed American fool would say that Trump accomplished results, at the same time that N.K. is firing ballistic missiles in Japan's or S.K.,s direction.

It appears, poster Rumpole, that you have drawn blood. Landed a blow. Given a comeuppance.

Well played!

Our questionably-educated MAGA's are not without resources though. They still have vulgarisms, crass obscenity, profanity, and their oft-used f-bombs.
It is what it is. So be it.

But is often more amusing than threatening.
In fact, it is always amusing.
And never threatening.


Your humble opinion is always welcome, Chillicothe.

You're careless once again by not stipulating which of my two statements.

Hmmm, although you made some fair speculations, but that's all they are, and both of them didn't refute the OP

So, I meant both, I thought it obvious, but sometimes what one thinks is obvious, isn't.

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