Is this conclusive evidence that Trump is unfit for the Presidency?

In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Trump would possibly end America's war against Russia, and nothing else matters.

However, it's now looking pretty certain that Russia is going to end it first and China will step in to oversee the peace treatyl.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

huh? no, that actually is what makes him very's one of the main jobs of the US President to defend the USA and it's allies....and totally destroy any Govt, including NK, if it decides to attack.

Thank you for highlighting one of positives of Trump. Frankly, it is very concerning that you would say that disqualifies him....are you a NKbot?
Trump would possibly end America's war against Russia, and nothing else matters.

However, it's now looking pretty certain that Russia is going to end it first and China will step in to oversee the peace treatyl.
Trump would possibly end America's war against Russia, and nothing else matters.
We're at war with Russia?
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

No, you are wrong, per usual.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

We had that when he made fun of a guy with birth defects
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Proxy, yes….see Ukraine…
Of course. I can't say a lot more until the thread deviates more off-topic. Some people are looking for a serious discussion but we havd to abide by at least some of the rules of the forum.

At least until a moderator cuts it all loose and allows discussions to flow naturally.
Trump's fitness for the presidency is evidenced by the job he did last time as president. He was the best since Reagan.
LMAO poor Dems can't keep their flip flops straight. First they claimed Trump was going to start a nuclear war with North Korea, ALARM! Later when Trump extended an olive branch to North Korea Dems FLIP FLOPPED 180 degrees and condemned Trump for talking peace with North Korea. Dems are the most dishonest lying scum that's ever lived.
Trump's fitness for the presidency is evidenced by the job he did last time as president. He was the best since Reagan.
Strictly from a standard that would be set by the rest of the world.

The same standard that makes Biden the worst. Gambling on nuclear world war.
In my view, it is inescapable, incontrovertible, unassailable, 100% positive proof that Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency:

Behold his statements made before the United Nations.

What he said no competent leader would ever say. It is totally irresponsible and dangerous.

That is my heartfelt opinion, now see if you don't agree

"...we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea" --Donald Trump

,It's as if Trump has been watching too many John Wayne movies, he's a mad man drunk on power.


Am I right?

Wait, I thought President Trump loved Little Rocket Man and praised him all the time.

Y’all need to make up your mind about which lies to push.

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