Is this email fake?


How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?
As fake as Tramp's bone spurs!!!

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?
Hunter had to give up half of “his paychecks” to Big Daddy Joe. And he seemed quite upset about that in his letter to his daughter. I don’t know, if I was a loser crack addict I’d be pretty grateful for getting half of Quid Pro Joe’s bribes/kickbacks.

From the article, down at the bottom:

The email is contained in a trove of data that the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware said was recovered from a MacBook Pro laptop that was dropped off in April 2019 and never retrieved.
The computer was seized by the FBI, and a copy of its contents made by the shop owner shared with The Post this week by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani."""""

Uh-huh, it's been faked up. Rudy helping out his con man friend, Donald Trump.
So, Blaine believes this is all faked up, despite the NY Post being on the hook for SERIOUS defamation of a non-public figure's character (Hunter).

Anybody else?

When will the defamation suit get filed?

The NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch will say or do anything to get Trump re-elected, and then send Bill Barr out to sue Hunter Biden for speaking out about their lies.

As the son of the VP, Hunter is a public figure and can be smeared at will. For now.

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

It's fake email. Part of the Russian disinformation campaign that was feeding Russian propaganda to Rudy Guiliani which the FBI exposed and is currently investigating.
So, that is all fake and the Post is defaming Hunter Biden.

I didn't see the news story about the FBI investigating the disinformation to Rudy. Who reported that?
Hunter Biden looks 20 years older than he is and given his past?

Pops is in deep shit
The left is in full panic mode about it. All the big tech and social media are literally censoring everything they can about it. The thing is, that just pisses Americans off even more. Only the most radical leftwing commies approve of censoring free speech, normies are appalled by it.
Wrong. We are not in the panic mode except we are enjoying the lead and laughing ALL these desperation.

Who give a fuck about Hunter? He is not running for election. These BS about Hunter has been going on since last year. And so far they have not bought Hunter for questioning, investigation or any indictments.

Also Joe Biden tax returns are available . Trump is hiding his tax his son Eric Trump is being investigated for fraud. Talking about corrupt.

Apparently Biden's corruption goes so deep it makes America's Mafia families look like Jesuit priests. Biden is probably finished on this one. Nobody can fake a naked picture of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth.
Ya' gotta ask yourself why they chopped it up into sections and created a graphic instead of doing the right thing and posting it un-retouched.
Very suspect.
Yeah, right, because everything that incriminates Biden is "suspect," but Biden himself is a angel!
From the article, down at the bottom:

The email is contained in a trove of data that the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware said was recovered from a MacBook Pro laptop that was dropped off in April 2019 and never retrieved.
The computer was seized by the FBI, and a copy of its contents made by the shop owner shared with The Post this week by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani."""""

Uh-huh, it's been faked up. Rudy helping out his con man friend, Donald Trump.
So, Blaine believes this is all faked up, despite the NY Post being on the hook for SERIOUS defamation of a non-public figure's character (Hunter).

Anybody else?

When will the defamation suit get filed?

The NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch will say or do anything to get Trump re-elected, and then send Bill Barr out to sue Hunter Biden for speaking out about their lies.

As the son of the VP, Hunter is a public figure and can be smeared at will. For now.
In that case, all Hunter has to do is prove that the Post knew it was reporting false information and proceeded anyway with actual malice (proved to be true by what you said about Murdoch) or a willful disregard for the truth.

So, as a public figure, Hunter can STILL prevail on a defamation suit, if this is all fake.

I would have already filed the's FUCKING TRUE!!! (it is)


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