Is this email fake?

Then there's this:

Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Giuliani

""""Weeks before the Post published its Hunter Biden report, a YouTube channel linked to Steve Bannon-backer Guo Wengui broadcast conspiracies about “hard disks” full of Biden dirt.""""


How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?
They are caught Red Handed. We knew they were guilty years ago, but their criminal accomplices have been trying to hide and bury everything.

Hunter Biden is Hillary Clinton's Anthony Weiner. The Evidence is there. It just takes The Will to Prosecute such high profile criminals.

After almost 4 years till today. Why didn’t your fake messiah hasn’t charge Hunter? He even have his lap dog henchmen AG Barr. Why is that?
We had to go through 3 1/2 years of "Russia!, Russia!, Russia!" first.
With all of the lies, deceit, corruption coming from biden, I'd say it was true. Especially when all of the tech giants are censoring and not disseminating information that incriminates him.
Are you forgetting something? Trump
LIE like hell non stop, proven corrupted, deceit, shameless, dishonest, disgusting. What part of that are you ignoring? .

Taking about cheating..... The republicans set up a fake ballot mail box here in California. they were ordered to remove it. but Trump that bastard tweeted urged the republicans to fight. They are being removed forcefully yesterday. NO YOU TELL ME WHO ARE CHEATING?

Thats what ukraine joe does. Lie like hell. Not only that, possible human and sex trafficking ties with his son. Biden is filth.
Then there's this:

Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Giuliani

""""Weeks before the Post published its Hunter Biden report, a YouTube channel linked to Steve Bannon-backer Guo Wengui broadcast conspiracies about “hard disks” full of Biden dirt.""""

Looks like confirmation from a second source to me.
So, because the "source" is Rudy, it's fake?
The source is RUSSIA, Rudy is just their useful idiot.
The source is Hunter Biden, you gullible moron.
PROVE it you worthless lying scum POS!
What do you want to bet Hunter's fingerprints are nowhere to be found on the RUSSIAN laptop???
“Prove it!!! Ahhhhhhhhgggssjnjkeksidje!!!!
Prove it!!!! Raaaarrrr!!!”

I picture your sitting by your computer in a dark room, cheese puffs strewn all about your desk, a lava lamp slathered in anal lube dimly lighting your hot pocket box and dirty laundry covered room. Screaming “noooo!!! Prove it!!!! It’s fucking Russia!!!!” With tears streaming down your your fat fucking face into your neck beard, as you type with one hand and furiously masterbate with the other. In the door way, your parents stand silently looking on in horror at the useless blob of whale shit that was once their son, who graduated high school 15+ years ago and still lives in the same room.
Mom wipes a tear off her cheek as dad mutters to himself, cursing God at the useless sack of shit you have become.

Echoes of “ruuusssssiaaaa!!!” Can be heard late at night, echoing down the quiet streets of your neighborhood.

Hey guys, prove it was hunters emails and computer. Prove it!!!!! Go get me the laptop, and show it to me in person. And get me hunter Biden. I need him to come to my house and admit it to me.
And while you are at it, prove to me the sun is mostly hydrogen. Don’t show me science books, or spectral analysis. Or nuclear fusion equations.
I want actual physical proof. Go to the fucking sun and get me a sample of the coronasphere. If you won’t do that, then shut up.
Then there's this:

Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Giuliani

""""Weeks before the Post published its Hunter Biden report, a YouTube channel linked to Steve Bannon-backer Guo Wengui broadcast conspiracies about “hard disks” full of Biden dirt.""""

Looks like confirmation from a second source to me.

Any reputable sources?

Steve Bannon?
Why did the Biden family lawyer try to retrieve the laptop? Why isn't Hunter coming out and saying that the emails are fake? Why isn't anyone from the Biden camp trying to defend the supposed false information. I'll tell you what, if it's fake that is the greatest scam of all time.

I just can't see how it's fake at this point.
All this does is show how desperate Trump is, having to circle back to Hunter Biden because he's run out of ammo, money and time.
Rudy to the Rescue! LOL
Well, if it's true (it is) it shows that Joe Biden is a corrupt motherfucker.

But, because you believe it is fake, you should expect a lawsuit against the Post any day now, right?

What I think the Bidens should do is irrelevant.
The source of this story is Rudy Giuliani. Not the FBI.
If you fucking don't understand the difference, you're permanently brain damaged.
So, because the "source" is Rudy, it's fake?

Is that it?

I'll just leave this here......

Hunter Biden laptop mystery hints at a Russian disinformation operation, source tells Insider

  • The appearance of Hunter Biden's laptop — full of juicy emails and embarrassing images — in the hands of President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani and the New York Post is "too perfect," a professional East European spy chaser tells Insider.

  • Rudy Giuliani — Trump's lawyer — has repeatedly met with alleged Russian intelligence assets in his hunt for dirt on the Bidens.

  • Counterintelligence operatives have known since January that emails hacked by the Russians from the Burisma gas company that employed Hunter Biden would surface eventually. It was merely a question of when.

  • "I can't imagine the Russians aren't involved in some way," the source told Insider. "On the small chance they're not, I'm sure they're going to consider it a missed opportunity."

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
This is the first portion of that article, not the headnotes you posted:

"The laptop might be real and contain images and emails embarrassing to White House front runner Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Perhaps the computer once really belonged to Hunter Biden. And maybe the emails published October 15 by Rudy Giuliani and The New York Post include real documents. Even the Biden foundation sticker on the outside of the laptop might be the real thing.

"But no matter how the laptop, and whatever is on the hard drive, came to exist, the situation looks a lot like a classic Russian intelligence operation, according to an Estonian intelligence official with extensive experience in combating Russian spies.

So, it is probably all true and real.....but it sure does LOOKS like a classic Russian intelligence operation, complete with embarrassing pictures of Hunter,'s fake.

GOD DAMMIT you people are so fucking clueless.

The problem with that is your buddy Rudy are involved from top to bottom of these BULL SHIT about Hunter. Rudy is a Russian assets. His been working with Derkach helped spreading lies for Biden. Then denied he didn’t know he is a Russian agents. He also worked with Telizhenko both are banned from entering US by the State departments.

Washington Post: White House was warned that Giuliani was being used by Russians to 'feed misinformation' to Trump

Faced with a U.S. Treasury Department report linking him to a Russian agent, Rudy Giuliani defended himself Saturday by claiming he had no idea that Ukrainian lawmaker and conspiracy-peddler Andriy Derkach was a foreign operative.

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

Oh for chrissake. ANYTHING can be faked up on the internet.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
So, it is fake? NY Post is making shit up?
Tramp's RUSSIA made it up for him.
I see another intellectual heavy weight has weighed in.
Everyone stop what they are doing and behold the massive cortex on Ed.

When you can't attack the message, attack the messenger, hmmm????
Your “message” is so fucking stupid it attacks itself.
Besides, you are predictable beyond belief. Nothing said to you, nothing shown to you would possibly make you consider you are wrong.
You are completely entrenched to the point Jesus himself could split the heavens open, walk down from the clouds to you and show you Biden is crooked, and you’d call Jesus a Russian agent.

There is nothing left to do but mock you.
If you were here in person, I’d palm your head like a basketball and bare-ass your face as I crank out a fart.
Hunter Biden looks 20 years older than he is and given his past?

Pops is in deep shit
The left is in full panic mode about it. All the big tech and social media are literally censoring everything they can about it. The thing is, that just pisses Americans off even more. Only the most radical leftwing commies approve of censoring free speech, normies are appalled by it.
Wrong. We are not in the panic mode except we are enjoying the lead and laughing ALL these desperation.

Who give a fuck about Hunter? He is not running for election. These BS about Hunter has been going on since last year. And so far they have not bought Hunter for questioning, investigation or any indictments.

Also Joe Biden tax returns are available . Trump is hiding his tax his son Eric Trump is being investigated for fraud. Talking about corrupt.

like 2016? let me take a moment and chuckle at your mere stupidity.

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

Oh for chrissake. ANYTHING can be faked up on the internet.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
So, it is fake? NY Post is making shit up?

NYPost wouldn't have the tools to determine if it was or wasn't. At least I wouldn't think so. And, given their reputation they likely wouldn't care.
So, that would either be done out of malice or a willful disregard for the truth, right?

No "Public Figure" limitation on Hunter taking action against the Post if it is false.....if it is false........

From the article, down at the bottom:

The email is contained in a trove of data that the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware said was recovered from a MacBook Pro laptop that was dropped off in April 2019 and never retrieved.
The computer was seized by the FBI, and a copy of its contents made by the shop owner shared with The Post this week by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani."""""

Uh-huh, it's been faked up. Rudy helping out his con man friend, Donald Trump.
So, Blaine believes this is all faked up, despite the NY Post being on the hook for SERIOUS defamation of a non-public figure's character (Hunter).

Anybody else?

When will the defamation suit get filed?

Look at the source, stupid.
The "source" is the laptop. No one from Biden's camp is saying "nuh-uh - it's fake".
Then there's this:

Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Giuliani

""""Weeks before the Post published its Hunter Biden report, a YouTube channel linked to Steve Bannon-backer Guo Wengui broadcast conspiracies about “hard disks” full of Biden dirt.""""

Looks like confirmation from a second source to me.

Any reputable sources?

Steve Bannon?
You missed the point.

Blaine was posting that story to discredit the Post, but it actually reports the same fucking thing....aka....confirms the story by the Post.
It was on Hunter's laptop.
PROVE it was Hunter's laptop, :asshole:
his lack of response and no lawsuit filed.

Unless you're a Trump you don't file lawsuits over every little thing. It would be wise to wait and see what the FBI determines about it. Even then, I'm not sure a lawsuit would stick - the NYPost can claim it was only reporting what it was told about the laptop and what it was given.
The narrative shift from the left is telling:

Phase 1: It's been debunked
Phase 2: The source is fake
Phase 3: The source shifts to "Rudi" (which he isn't the source)
Phase 4: The email is faked

Slowly whittling the narrative down to:

Phase 10: "Oh shit"

Of course, we'll never get to Phase 10 if Biden wins the election. Hold on tight, it's gonna be a wild and scary ride. The country will never be the same if Biden wins. We'll be forever in the grasp of the swamp and a fully corrupt government.
Why did the Biden family lawyer try to retrieve the laptop? Why isn't Hunter coming out and saying that the emails are fake? Why isn't anyone from the Biden camp trying to defend the supposed false information. I'll tell you what, if it's fake that is the greatest scam of all time.

I just can't see how it's fake at this point.

Because that’s a losing strategy. They don’t have truth in their side.

They will do like they did with hillary’s emails. Just claim they were hacked or stolen by Russians, and keep repeating that lie. Completely ignore the fact that multiple governments had access to her email, the transfer speed on the files show it was copied to a usb device and not downloaded over the web, etc.
Just keep saying it’s Russian hackers.
Somehow that makes everyone over look the fact that they never denied the content of the emails.

Same in this instance. Scream “Russia!!!!” As loud as you can, meanwhile you didn’t bother to deny what’s in the files, because you can’t. And with the media’s help, you don’t have to.

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