Is this email fake?


How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?
The e-mails have been validated, verified as real. One of Hunter's ex-partners is now helping with this investigation. Joe's crimes and treason and those of his his crackhead son have been confirmed.

Joe is China's bought-&-paid-for birch, & his crackhead son turns out to be his pimp.

Joe needs to spend the rest of his dementia-plagued days in Gitmo with drug-addicted son drying out in a cell next to him.


How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

Oh for chrissake. ANYTHING can be faked up on the internet.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
So, I take it you know for a fact that this is a fake email.

So, one person deems it fake.

Who else?

Yeah, somebody may be able to get a hold of an email, but you can make a screenshot of it, toss it into Photoshop and alter it.
Well the FBI has the hard drive, so they are welcomed to refute it.
The FBI refuted it by not going after Biden for what would have been a crime had it been authentic.
Yea, the same FBI that knew Russia Collusion was a Hoax and went along with it anyway.
Liar, the Inspector General spent some two years investigating that matter and determined the investigation was warranted.

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

Oh for chrissake. ANYTHING can be faked up on the internet.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
So, I take it you know for a fact that this is a fake email.

So, one person deems it fake.

Who else?

Yeah, somebody may be able to get a hold of an email, but you can make a screenshot of it, toss it into Photoshop and alter it.
Well the FBI has the hard drive, so they are welcomed to refute it.
The FBI refuted it by not going after Biden for what would have been a crime had it been authentic.
The FBI was running interference for Biden just like it did for Clinton but no one else had Hillary's emails. The FBI probably did not realize that a copy of that hard drive existed. The computer repair guy had the presence of mind not to trust the FBI with the evidence. Purportedly there is material on that hard drive fatal to Biden's campaign. I can't wait.
The FBI is now headed by Impeached Trump's people. Your lame excuses don't fly.

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

Oh for chrissake. ANYTHING can be faked up on the internet.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
So, I take it you know for a fact that this is a fake email.

So, one person deems it fake.

Who else?

Yeah, somebody may be able to get a hold of an email, but you can make a screenshot of it, toss it into Photoshop and alter it.
Well the FBI has the hard drive, so they are welcomed to refute it.
The FBI refuted it by not going after Biden for what would have been a crime had it been authentic.
The FBI was running interference for Biden just like it did for Clinton but no one else had Hillary's emails. The FBI probably did not realize that a copy of that hard drive existed. The computer repair guy had the presence of mind not to trust the FBI with the evidence. Purportedly there is material on that hard drive fatal to Biden's campaign. I can't wait.
The FBI is now headed by Impeached Trump's people. Your lame excuses don't fly.
There are no “Trump people” in the FBI. They are all career government workers. President Trump can appoint a director, but not all the lifelong deep state employees that have been there forever.

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