Is this email fake?

From the article, down at the bottom:

The email is contained in a trove of data that the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware said was recovered from a MacBook Pro laptop that was dropped off in April 2019 and never retrieved.
The computer was seized by the FBI, and a copy of its contents made by the shop owner shared with The Post this week by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani."""""

Uh-huh, it's been faked up. Rudy helping out his con man friend, Donald Trump.
So, Blaine believes this is all faked up, despite the NY Post being on the hook for SERIOUS defamation of a non-public figure's character (Hunter).

Anybody else?

When will the defamation suit get filed?

The NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch will say or do anything to get Trump re-elected, and then send Bill Barr out to sue Hunter Biden for speaking out about their lies.

As the son of the VP, Hunter is a public figure and can be smeared at will. For now.
In that case, all Hunter has to do is prove that the Post knew it was reporting false information and proceeded anyway with actual malice (proved to be true by what you said about Murdoch) or a willful disregard for the truth.

So, as a public figure, Hunter can STILL prevail on a defamation suit, if this is all fake.

I would have already filed the's FUCKING TRUE!!! (it is)

The Biden's aren't even trying to claim the information isn't genuine. That's because they know it is.
Ya' gotta ask yourself why they chopped it up into sections and created a graphic instead of doing the right thing and posting it un-retouched.
Very suspect.

They are releasing pieces at a time to make the Biden camp lie to cover it up, then they drop another piece which smashes that lie. So Biden makes another lie to cover that, they drop another piece and smash that lie.
Repeat and repeat and repeat.

assholes like yourself will scream “it’s not real!!!” As you literally get buried in evidence.

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?
Hunter had to give up half of “his paychecks” to Big Daddy Joe. And he seemed quite upset about that in his letter to his daughter. I don’t know, if I was a loser crack addict I’d be pretty grateful for getting half of Quid Pro Joe’s bribes/kickbacks.

You fuckers just hate it when a reputable news source refuses to reveal THEIR sources, but you blatantly and freely spread your bullshit like it was liquid gold on this site.
The Post has revealed its sources. That's what has all you douchebag Biden apologists so upset. The full email is available online, moron.
So, because the "source" is Rudy, it's fake?
The source is RUSSIA, Rudy is just their useful idiot.
Where did you get that information? I would like to look into it.
From Tramp and Q-Anon, so it is infallible.
I just want to read what you read that tells you that the New York Post is reporting bullshit, and the FBI is investigating this fake story for Russian influence.

Do you have a news report on that? I will gladly read and consider it.

So, because the "source" is Rudy, it's fake?
The source is RUSSIA, Rudy is just their useful idiot.
The source is Hunter Biden, you gullible moron.
PROVE it you worthless lying scum POS!
What do you want to bet Hunter's fingerprints are nowhere to be found on the RUSSIAN laptop???
Okay, so have you read an investigative report that supports your Russian laptop theory? If so, please tell me where you found it so I can read it too.
All this does is show how desperate Trump is, having to circle back to Hunter Biden because he's run out of ammo, money and time.
Rudy to the Rescue! LOL
Well, if it's true (it is) it shows that Joe Biden is a corrupt motherfucker.

But, because you believe it is fake, you should expect a lawsuit against the Post any day now, right?

What I think the Bidens should do is irrelevant.
The source of this story is Rudy Giuliani. Not the FBI.
If you fucking don't understand the difference, you're permanently brain damaged.
So, because the "source" is Rudy, it's fake?

Is that it?

I'll just leave this here......

Hunter Biden laptop mystery hints at a Russian disinformation operation, source tells Insider

  • The appearance of Hunter Biden's laptop — full of juicy emails and embarrassing images — in the hands of President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani and the New York Post is "too perfect," a professional East European spy chaser tells Insider.

  • Rudy Giuliani — Trump's lawyer — has repeatedly met with alleged Russian intelligence assets in his hunt for dirt on the Bidens.

  • Counterintelligence operatives have known since January that emails hacked by the Russians from the Burisma gas company that employed Hunter Biden would surface eventually. It was merely a question of when.

  • "I can't imagine the Russians aren't involved in some way," the source told Insider. "On the small chance they're not, I'm sure they're going to consider it a missed opportunity."

With all of the lies, deceit, corruption coming from biden, I'd say it was true. Especially when all of the tech giants are censoring and not disseminating information that incriminates him.
Are you forgetting something? Trump
LIE like hell non stop, proven corrupted, deceit, shameless, dishonest, disgusting. What part of that are you ignoring? .

Taking about cheating..... The republicans set up a fake ballot mail box here in California. they were ordered to remove it. but Trump that bastard tweeted urged the republicans to fight. They are being removed forcefully yesterday. NO YOU TELL ME WHO ARE CHEATING?
Apparently Biden's corruption goes so deep it makes America's Mafia families look like Jesuit priests. Biden is probably finished on this one. Nobody can fake a naked picture of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth.
Biden will make Harding look like a piker.
Giuliani has the hard drive info not just the FBI. It is going to be very difficult for the Feds to pull a Hillary Clinton coverup. What is likely to come out may cause Biden to withdraw from the election. I am predicting a medical emergency in about a week.

How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

Oh for chrissake. ANYTHING can be faked up on the internet.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
So, it is fake? NY Post is making shit up?
Tramp's RUSSIA made it up for him.
I see another intellectual heavy weight has weighed in.
Everyone stop what they are doing and behold the massive cortex on Ed.
Then there's this:

Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Giuliani

""""Weeks before the Post published its Hunter Biden report, a YouTube channel linked to Steve Bannon-backer Guo Wengui broadcast conspiracies about “hard disks” full of Biden dirt.""""


How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?

Oh for chrissake. ANYTHING can be faked up on the internet.
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
So, it is fake? NY Post is making shit up?
Tramp's RUSSIA made it up for him.
I see another intellectual heavy weight has weighed in.
Everyone stop what they are doing and behold the massive cortex on Ed.

When you can't attack the message, attack the messenger, hmmm????
All this does is show how desperate Trump is, having to circle back to Hunter Biden because he's run out of ammo, money and time.
Rudy to the Rescue! LOL
Well, if it's true (it is) it shows that Joe Biden is a corrupt motherfucker.

But, because you believe it is fake, you should expect a lawsuit against the Post any day now, right?

What I think the Bidens should do is irrelevant.
The source of this story is Rudy Giuliani. Not the FBI.
If you fucking don't understand the difference, you're permanently brain damaged.
So, because the "source" is Rudy, it's fake?

Is that it?

I'll just leave this here......

Hunter Biden laptop mystery hints at a Russian disinformation operation, source tells Insider

  • The appearance of Hunter Biden's laptop — full of juicy emails and embarrassing images — in the hands of President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani and the New York Post is "too perfect," a professional East European spy chaser tells Insider.

  • Rudy Giuliani — Trump's lawyer — has repeatedly met with alleged Russian intelligence assets in his hunt for dirt on the Bidens.

  • Counterintelligence operatives have known since January that emails hacked by the Russians from the Burisma gas company that employed Hunter Biden would surface eventually. It was merely a question of when.

  • "I can't imagine the Russians aren't involved in some way," the source told Insider. "On the small chance they're not, I'm sure they're going to consider it a missed opportunity."

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
This is the first portion of that article, not the headnotes you posted:

"The laptop might be real and contain images and emails embarrassing to White House front runner Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Perhaps the computer once really belonged to Hunter Biden. And maybe the emails published October 15 by Rudy Giuliani and The New York Post include real documents. Even the Biden foundation sticker on the outside of the laptop might be the real thing.

"But no matter how the laptop, and whatever is on the hard drive, came to exist, the situation looks a lot like a classic Russian intelligence operation, according to an Estonian intelligence official with extensive experience in combating Russian spies.

So, it is probably all true and real.....but it sure does LOOK like a classic Russian intelligence operation, complete with embarrassing pictures of Hunter,'s fake.

GOD DAMMIT you people are so fucking clueless.
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Then there's this:

Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Giuliani

""""Weeks before the Post published its Hunter Biden report, a YouTube channel linked to Steve Bannon-backer Guo Wengui broadcast conspiracies about “hard disks” full of Biden dirt.""""

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

A a Chinese source is CONFIRMING the story? What the FUCK???


How much money?

$10 million for Hunter Biden?

Is this bullshit? A fake email?
They are caught Red Handed. We knew they were guilty years ago, but their criminal accomplices have been trying to hide and bury everything.

Hunter Biden is Hillary Clinton's Anthony Weiner. The Evidence is there. It just takes The Will to Prosecute such high profile criminals.

After almost 4 years till today. Why didn’t your fake messiah hasn’t charge Hunter? He even have his lap dog henchmen AG Barr. Why is that?

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