Is This Good News Or Bad News? Trump Trial Postponed

Actually, I do believe that he's right.
He isn’t.
nah senator briben actually stole said docs that he had no authority to take . while Trump had authority to take docs ..
It’s far more likely that they were taken in error. What exactly is the point of stealing documents, hiding them in your garage to then turn them over years later? What’s the payoff exactly?
Trump would be better off having it in March, then using all the months before November to propagandize it like he did January 6.

If the trial ends up being in September that's not good for him at all. It's a criminal trial and he must be in the courtroom, off the campaign trail. If he tries to manage both, at his old age he's going to look and sound like shit, making even more mental and speech gaffes, looking demented. plus, his hair and makeup can't take that much each day. Don't even get me started on his girdle.

He's the most unmanly president we've ever had, and that includes James Buchanan.
No judge, no matter how loony, is going to schedule a trial of a Presidential candidate 60 days before the election. DOJ's rule is 90 days.
It’s far more likely that they were taken in error. What exactly is the point of stealing documents, hiding them in your garage to then turn them over years later? What’s the payoff exactly?

With all due respect I believe that we currently have far more greater things to worry about in this country right now than whether or not classified documents were stolen.
That won't apply to state cases, so he could be sitting in a NY courtroom or a Georgia courtroom.
Highly unlikely. Again, even the most hyperpartisan in the justice system would find that unseemly.
Ahh, when you walk out the door on the final day as an ordinary Citizen, sure the Gestapo guard is following you, in your car, in a line of cars to protect your lying ass but you still are just a normal Citizen, subject to the same laws as each and
every other Citizen is entitled to. Except for delay, constant, incessant delay until no one cares any more. You are forever
outside normal citizenship laws. You are special and as such you deserve to be entitled to complete forgiveness. Sure, thas what you think anyway. Government employees are garbage. Uh Huh. The thing with courts is that they think they are special too. Why should a god that you think you are be punished for lil guy stuff. An yea an elect official is a Citizen, and is not above any law. He is governed by law. He is a commander until he isn't. He can retire in honor or dishonor. WTF cares.
It clears the way for Alvin Bragg's trial. Which could easily now flip from a civil trial to a criminal trial with yesterday's news about Allen Weisselberg, who has been caught lying under oath and is frantically negotiating for a plea deal, as he's now looking at a 7 year prison sentence for perjury.
If it is perjury, it is so minor a matter that any person not caught up in a political persecution of Donald Trump would have been admonished to tell the truth and that would be that. I have sat in on many trials and sooner or later many witnesses get caught in a lie. but the lie is generally so inconsequential that the opposing attorney uses it to discredit the witness but no charges of perjury are ever brought.
It's all going to go on and on. Sometime around 2026 /2030 it will just be what it is. A Fiasco of falseness nothing but a pack of liars. Call it all Narcissisms. That's where we are, its where we are going forever. How many times over the last 60 years have you had a political Canidate be asked a question, didn't answer it but went off to the tangent of his or her personal ideas. Every time.
If it is perjury, it is so minor a matter that any person not caught up in a political persecution of Donald Trump would have been admonished to tell the truth and that would be that. I have sat in on many trials and sooner or later many witnesses get caught in a lie. but the lie is generally so inconsequential that the opposing attorney uses it to discredit the witness but no charges of perjury are ever brought.
Read the news for once.

Why do you think that's a good thing? Trump will go into November under a cloud of indictments, looking guiltier than shit.

But if he somehow wins the presidency with Putin's help then he will no longer be prosecuted because he's now the president.

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