CDZ Is This "Hate"..... ?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?
It's called personal choice. Actually, personal choice is quite common.
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?

I'd say that is an issue between them and no one else's business. They can decide for themselves what it means.
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?
It's called personal choice. Actually, personal choice is quite common.

so not hateful to not be the best-man? your opinion?
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?

I'd say that is an issue between them and no one else's business. They can decide for themselves what it means.

so you see no "hate" in not being the best-man? Or you just feel that you are not in a position to call it hate, or not to....?
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?
It's called personal choice. Actually, personal choice is quite common.

so not hateful to not be the best-man? your opinion?
Not at all. I certainly wouldn't call it anything other than "personal choice".
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?

I'd say that is an issue between them and no one else's business. They can decide for themselves what it means.

so you see no "hate" in not being the best-man? Or you just feel that you are not in a position to call it hate, or not to....?
There's no indication of hate anywhere in your example. It's "personal choice", plain and simple.
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?

Not every Christian, Jew, or Muslim is a theology scholar. How religiously devout they actually are is always an open question. Avoiding such things is theologically sensible. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for the actions of some which wound up punishing all afterall. So the arguement a devout religious person might wish to avoid such an event makes sense not wanting to be 'sinful by association' as it were.

With so many sin-crimes, it's literally impossible not to break one or some of them. But people try to mitigate their sins not doing ones they obviously know about while giving themselves a pass on ones they didn't know about. While homosexual marriage isn't explicitly mentioned or forbidden, as with other sins it's inferred to be forbidden. If such behaviours are 'abominations' so too then is a marriage of such persons.

The gay person can ask the religious person if they'd like to attend. May not be as religious as others, may be a member of a more liberal branch or tradition, etc. If they're friends despite the reliigous difference, the gay friend shouldn't be offended by their religious friend not wanting to attend. If they were offended, they'd be the hypocrite. Why are you friends with them in the first place?
Since there is no "Christian principle" concerning this issue and since the friend pretty much made that up, I'd say he's not much of a friend.

This whole non-issue of wedding cakes, flowers, the wedding itself, all of it falls apart when you ask if the homophobes also refuse to associate with real "sinners".

Does the "christian" baker refuse to serve adulterers? thieves? How about the florist? Does he refuse flowers to actual sinners?
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?

I'd say that is an issue between them and no one else's business. They can decide for themselves what it means.

so you see no "hate" in not being the best-man? Or you just feel that you are not in a position to call it hate, or not to....?

Not knowing either individual, I am in no position to pass any judgment on them.
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?

I'd say that is an issue between them and no one else's business. They can decide for themselves what it means.

so you see no "hate" in not being the best-man? Or you just feel that you are not in a position to call it hate, or not to....?

Not knowing either individual, I am in no position to pass any judgment on them.

May people would consider putting your religious convictions over the request of a friend "hate".
I'm not asking you to make a judgment on the PERSON but rather, the action (or in-action).
This whole non-issue of wedding cakes, flowers, the wedding itself, all of it falls apart when you ask if the homophobes also refuse to associate with real "sinners".

Does the "christian" baker refuse to serve adulterers? thieves? How about the florist? Does he refuse flowers to actual sinners?

Actually not, because the Christian isn't refusing to be part of a wedding because the couple are sinners.
It's because the ceremony is against God's principles.
So it's the ceremony, not the people
A marriage is a serious covenant made before God, and, in a Christian's eyes, to be only made between a man and a woman, and, to participate in such an event would be disrespectful and displeasing to God.

Jesus associated and ate with sinners. Christian's are to do so - so that the lost can see Christ in them.
Hypothetical Situation: Straight Christian and Gay Christian are close friends. Straight friend will do anything for Gay Friend, but, won't be the best man/maid of honor at his/her wedding because they believe Gay marriage is against their Christian principles.
"Hate" and "Intolerance" ... or something else?
Or is he/she just being true to their faith and being non-hypocritical?
Should the Gay person have even asking knowing the close friend is a Christian?
Should the Gay person be offended or understanding? Thoughts?

I'd say that is an issue between them and no one else's business. They can decide for themselves what it means.

so you see no "hate" in not being the best-man? Or you just feel that you are not in a position to call it hate, or not to....?

Not knowing either individual, I am in no position to pass any judgment on them.

May people would consider putting your religious convictions over the request of a friend "hate".
I'm not asking you to make a judgment on the PERSON but rather, the action (or in-action).

I don't. Nor would I consider someone a friend who expected me to.
This whole non-issue of wedding cakes, flowers, the wedding itself, all of it falls apart when you ask if the homophobes also refuse to associate with real "sinners".

Does the "christian" baker refuse to serve adulterers? thieves? How about the florist? Does he refuse flowers to actual sinners?

Actually not, because the Christian isn't refusing to be part of a wedding because the couple are sinners.
It's because the ceremony is against God's principles.
So it's the ceremony, not the people
A marriage is a serious covenant made before God, and, in a Christian's eyes, to be only made between a man and a woman, and, to participate in such an event would be disrespectful and displeasing to God.

Jesus associated and ate with sinners. Christian's are to do so - so that the lost can see Christ in them.


The part of my post that you conveniently forgot to include, which is the cruz of both my post and your reply ...

"Since there is no "Christian principle" concerning this issue and since the friend pretty much made that up, I'd say he's not much of a friend."

I'm sure you know the bible much better than I do. I have little trust in those who say they know what their god thinks but I would appreciate it if you would post where god said this "ceremony is against God's principles".

So called "christians" don't refuse service to actual "sinners". This is nothing but a phony "principle", made up by people looking to get their hate on.
The part of my post that you conveniently forgot to include, which is the cruz of both my post and your reply ...

"Since there is no "Christian principle" concerning this issue and since the friend pretty much made that up, I'd say he's not much of a friend."

The friend didn't "make it up" - it's his belief based on what he understands the scriptures to say and what has been taught. Since God created Adam and Eve, it can be assumed that God intended for Men and Women to marry only. Otherwise, God would have created Eve and another Man and said, take your pick. Wouldn't you agree?

There are also Biblical references through out the Bible stating that "men with men" is an abomination in God's sight.
The part of my post that you conveniently forgot to include, which is the cruz of both my post and your reply ...

"Since there is no "Christian principle" concerning this issue and since the friend pretty much made that up, I'd say he's not much of a friend."

The friend didn't "make it up" - it's his belief based on what he understands the scriptures to say and what has been taught. Since God created Adam and Eve, it can be assumed that God intended for Men and Women to marry only. Otherwise, God would have created Eve and another Man and said, take your pick. Wouldn't you agree?

There are also Biblical references through out the Bible stating that "men with men" is an abomination in God's sight.

"The friend didn't "make it up" - it's his belief based on what he understands the scriptures to say ..."

That statement is contradictory. I did not say the friend made it up but it is what people have made up to support their hate agenda. And they made it up out of a book that was written by other people.

Again, you have very conveniently ignored what I really wrote.

The rest of my post:

"I'm sure you know the bible much better than I do. I have little trust in those who say they know what their god thinks but I would appreciate it if you would post where god said this "ceremony is against God's principles".

So called "christians" don't refuse service to actual "sinners". This is nothing but a phony "principle", made up by people looking to get their hate on."

This subject has been done to death on this board but I still don't understand why some are so angry about the personal and private lives of less than 5% of our population. If you don't agree with same-sex marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex. Beyond that, what consenting adults do is none of your business.
The part of my post that you conveniently forgot to include, which is the cruz of both my post and your reply ...

"Since there is no "Christian principle" concerning this issue and since the friend pretty much made that up, I'd say he's not much of a friend."

The friend didn't "make it up" - it's his belief based on what he understands the scriptures to say and what has been taught. Since God created Adam and Eve, it can be assumed that God intended for Men and Women to marry only. Otherwise, God would have created Eve and another Man and said, take your pick. Wouldn't you agree?

There are also Biblical references through out the Bible stating that "men with men" is an abomination in God's sight.

"The friend didn't "make it up" - it's his belief based on what he understands the scriptures to say ..."

That statement is contradictory. I did not say the friend made it up but it is what people have made up to support their hate agenda. And they made it up out of a book that was written by other people.

Again, you have very conveniently ignored what I really wrote.

The rest of my post:

"I'm sure you know the bible much better than I do. I have little trust in those who say they know what their god thinks but I would appreciate it if you would post where god said this "ceremony is against God's principles".

So called "christians" don't refuse service to actual "sinners". This is nothing but a phony "principle", made up by people looking to get their hate on."

This subject has been done to death on this board but I still don't understand why some are so angry about the personal and private lives of less than 5% of our population. If you don't agree with same-sex marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex. Beyond that, what consenting adults do is none of your business.

Understood just don't call me a hater or intolerant because of my religious beliefs
Gay friend has enjoyed a wonderful friendship with someone who would do just about anything for them. And vice-versa, I assume.
I bet gay friend knew how straight friend felt about the gay marriage issue before there were plans to marry, so I think it was a bit disrespectful to even ask straight friend to be the best man.
Was it hate for straight friend to turn down the request? NO! Would it be hateful to not attend? NO! It would just be putting his personal beliefs above his friend's desires.

Not agreeing to be a best man is not the face of hate. Hate is far uglier.
There are also Biblical references through out the Bible stating that "men with men" is an abomination in God's sight.[/QUOTE]

Then why did he invent homosexuals? To give straights someone to judge or hate or change?

If it wasn't one of the ten commandments, I don't think we should really attribute it to God. He didn't really write the bible, men did.

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