Is this "News"?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Some Ukrainian guy claims to have recordings ("tapes") of telephone conversations between him and Hunter Biden (15), and between him and Our Beloved President - while he was VP(2). The conversations, it is said, incriminate the two Biden's, tending to prove that the then-VP solicited and accepted bribes in exchange for (at the very least) pushing for removal of an irritating prosecutor in Ukraine. One might also note that the appointment of H. Biden to the board of Burisma is also very likely a bribe to the then-VP, as there is no rational justification for that appointment and the millions of dollars that flowed from it.

Is this reportable "news"? People are accused of nefarious and/or illegal behavior all the time. To report such allegations as "news" implies that they are credible. But in this case, very few people know whether the tapes actually exist, or even if they do exist, they make the case that the accuser claims they make.

But these allegations are serious enough that the FBI had/has an obligation to pursue them to ascertain if they are real, and if copies are obtainable. The fact that they appear not to have taken that minimal step may be the real newsworthy aspect of this story. To sit on these allegations for YEARS without pursuing them is evidence of a de facto cover-up, just as the FBI's inaction w/r/t the "Hunter Biden laptop" has all the earmarks of a coverup, if you don't mind my phrasing.

Even Lefties should be disturbed about what appears to be a badly compromised Department of Justice. But they just yawn and go about their business.
I will take it seriously once I hear the actual tapes

Till then, it is more…I know a guy stuff
I expect the tapes to be edited, taken out of context and subject to bizarre Conservative interpretations of what they mean.
I will take it seriously once I hear the actual tapes

Till then, it is more…I know a guy stuff
I expect the tapes to be edited, taken out of context and subject to bizarre Conservative interpretations of what they mean.

Why shouldn't it be taken seriously NOW. If it is what the whistleblower says it is, it could be a hindrance to Sleepy Joe's Reelection after all.

Even if Biden admitted it all on TV, the libs in the Senate would never vote to throw him out ever. But the American people might have a different view.
Might want to be skeptical concerning anything originating from the Russian sphere of influence. AI deepfakes have become eerily good lately.

Being skeptical is fine. The question is whether this is "news" or not, and it clearly is.
Why shouldn't it be taken seriously NOW. If it is what the whistleblower says it is, it could be a hindrance to Sleepy Joe's Reelection after all.

Even if Biden admitted it all on TV, the libs in the Senate would never vote to throw him out ever. But the American people might have a different view.

Show me what I have to be outraged over

Some Ukrainian guy claims to have recordings ("tapes") of telephone conversations between him and Hunter Biden (15), and between him and Our Beloved President - while he was VP(2). The conversations, it is said, incriminate the two Biden's, tending to prove that the then-VP solicited and accepted bribes in exchange for (at the very least) pushing for removal of an irritating prosecutor in Ukraine. One might also note that the appointment of H. Biden to the board of Burisma is also very likely a bribe to the then-VP, as there is no rational justification for that appointment and the millions of dollars that flowed from it.

Is this reportable "news"? People are accused of nefarious and/or illegal behavior all the time. To report such allegations as "news" implies that they are credible. But in this case, very few people know whether the tapes actually exist, or even if they do exist, they make the case that the accuser claims they make.

But these allegations are serious enough that the FBI had/has an obligation to pursue them to ascertain if they are real, and if copies are obtainable. The fact that they appear not to have taken that minimal step may be the real newsworthy aspect of this story. To sit on these allegations for YEARS without pursuing them is evidence of a de facto cover-up, just as the FBI's inaction w/r/t the "Hunter Biden laptop" has all the earmarks of a coverup, if you don't mind my phrasing.

Even Lefties should be disturbed about what appears to be a badly compromised Department of Justice. But they just yawn and go about their business.

EVERYBODY has "something" to get their names in the news.
I don't believe it until after I hear it.......once the Democrats have cut, rerecorded, and edited it for their lies, deciet, and propaganda.
Might want to be skeptical concerning anything originating from the Russian sphere of influence. AI deepfakes have become eerily good lately.
Oh, look, I see "Russian collusion" has reared it's fake news head again. :laughing0301:

Sure it's reportable news.....In fact if the MSM was worth their salt it would have been uncovered some time ago but instead you have both the DOJ and the MSM stonewalling in the forlorn hope that the alleged tapes are bogus.
Oh, look, I see "Russian collusion" has reared it's fake news head again. :laughing0301:

Sure it's reportable news.....In fact if the MSM was worth their salt it would have been uncovered some time ago but instead you have both the DOJ and the MSM stonewalling in the forlorn hope that the alleged tapes are bogus.
They very likely are bogus or at least unverifiable. Don't expect too much.
Perhaps, but digging into such a allegation is what the press used to do.....Now, like you, they look for some fake news "Russian collusion" connection to tar the allegation with because that is what their leftist masters require.
It is right to not report things until they are verified. Doesn't mean no one is looking into the matter.
Even Lefties should be disturbed about what appears to be a badly compromised Department of Justice.
That is like saying that criminals should be disturbed about breaking the law. Lefties are interested in power, not procedure.

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