Is this one of the reasons why Democracy won't work in countries like Syria?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Syria is a country where tribal, religous and political affiliation matter. If you belong to the Al Assad family you belong to the Shia ruling majority and if you are an al assad you belong to that ruling family and you are more than likely will hold a government position especially the important ones. Tribal and religous affilitation matter in Syria and that us why democracy will not work in Syria.
Religion and tribalism will defeat civil rights for minorities every time, whether in Syria or with our far right. Such cannot tolerate differences.
If JakeStarkey ran for political office in Syria, he'd head up the "We're Full of Shit" party.
Syria is a country where tribal, religous and political affiliation matter. If you belong to the Al Assad family you belong to the Shia ruling majority and if you are an al assad you belong to that ruling family and you are more than likely will hold a government position especially the important ones. Tribal and religous affilitation matter in Syria and that us why democracy will not work in Syria.
Pure nonsense. Assad is an Alawite (minority in Syria) and the rights of any minority are protected. In the US, you cannot become anything if you aren't from Yale or Havard.
Syria is a country where tribal, religous and political affiliation matter. If you belong to the Al Assad family you belong to the Shia ruling majority and if you are an al assad you belong to that ruling family and you are more than likely will hold a government position especially the important ones. Tribal and religous affilitation matter in Syria and that us why democracy will not work in Syria.
Pure nonsense. Assad is an Alawite (minority in Syria) and the rights of any minority are protected. In the US, you cannot become anything if you aren't from Yale or Havard.

Now who in the world told you that? I would suggest that you get either Fortune or Forbes (one of them lists the CEO's of the different corporations each year) and peruse the names of the different colleges and universities they attended. Meanwhile, with the Assad family wanting to carry on a dynasty, there is no chance for democracy in that country nor is there any chance in any country where relative after relative is chosen to rule the country.

At home with the Assads Syria s ruthless ruling family World news The Guardian
Syria is a country where tribal, religous and political affiliation matter. If you belong to the Al Assad family you belong to the Shia ruling majority and if you are an al assad you belong to that ruling family and you are more than likely will hold a government position especially the important ones. Tribal and religous affilitation matter in Syria and that us why democracy will not work in Syria.
Pure nonsense. Assad is an Alawite (minority in Syria) and the rights of any minority are protected. In the US, you cannot become anything if you aren't from Yale or Havard.

Now who in the world told you that? I would suggest that you get either Fortune or Forbes (one of them lists the CEO's of the different corporations each year) and peruse the names of the different colleges and universities they attended. Meanwhile, with the Assad family wanting to carry on a dynasty, there is no chance for democracy in that country nor is there any chance in any country where relative after relative is chosen to rule the country.

At home with the Assads Syria s ruthless ruling family World news The Guardian
There is far more democracy in Syria than in your mind, Al-Qaeda puppet. If people in Syria move up to the gov´t with something, it takes care about it. If people in the West move up to the gov´t with something it is being ignored and stultified.

"Bildungsminister Ghiyath Barakat gab die Entscheidung Anfang der Woche bekannt. In Zukunft sollen Studentinnen, die den Gesichtsschleier tragen, in privaten und staatlichen Universitäten vom Campus verwiesen werden. Auf der Website "All4Syria" erklärt der Minister, sein Ressort reagiere damit auf Bitten von Studenten und Eltern. Der Nikab widerspreche den akademischen Werten und den Traditionen der syrischen Universitäten.

Der syrische Präsident Baschar al-Assad weist darauf hin, dass eine islamistische Unterwanderung der Bildungseinrichtungen verhindert werden müsse.

Es mangelt [...] auch nicht an Kritiker, die das Verbot in Internetforen als diskriminierend bezeichnen und ihre Furcht vor einer Stigmatisierung gläubiger Muslime bekunden. Die meisten syrischen Geistlichen hingegen unterstützen den Beschluss: "Der Nikab wird nicht von der Religion vorgeschrieben, vielmehr handelt es sich um eine regionale Tradition", sagt Mohammad al-Habash, Leiter des Islamischen Studienzentrums in Damaskus. "Wir glauben, dass der Nikab ein Anzeichen für Extremismus ist, der den Zielen des Bildungswesens entgegensteht. Deswegen halten wir die Entscheidung des Ministers für einen notwendigen Schritt."

Kopftuch-Debatte Syrien verbannt den Nikab aus Universit ten - DIE WELT
Syria is a fascist infested hole of a country.

Stay there.
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And we are not afraid of cracking heads of Syrian fascists who are silly enough to come to America.

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