Is this really your president? Cause he isn't mine.

Current "leader" my eye.
Yeah, Biden is just the leader of his Dems faction. Like Trump is the leader of his MAGA Republicans, but not the whole nation.

There used to be a certain mystique about being president; I think that's what Confederate Soldier is really talking about. And they tried very hard, a lot of them (not all!! Look at Andrew Jackson, whom Trump most resembles.) to be neutral and indeed to "lead" all the people, or some from both parties at once, anyway. JFK, for instance, although his party certainly stole that election in Chicago as is well known; it DOES happen and we have to keep election stealing from happening as a regular thing.
Not even close. The Trumptards he was speaking towards are only a small but loud faction
Nope, he was talking about all Trump voters, and we knew it. Just like Hillary meant ALLLLLL of us when she called us a "basket of deplorables." And we all went out and bought hats and T-shirts with that printed on it! We knew she was insulting us all and were proud to be part of the insulted faction.

Hats and T-shirts aren't in it now: Biden is talking about getting rid of internal enemies, all of the 74 million Trump voters. How is he going to do that?
What do I think? I think this nation is a moral and ethical cesspool on the level of Somalia. This country is a shit hole that should be burned to the ground, have the foundation demolished and be salted to ensure noting regrows here for three or four generations.

THEN maybe we can consider rebuilding a proper nation in its place.
Carthago delenda est. But that's also what the Dems want: to totally destroy everything decent about this country: to sexualize children, to persuade children to pretend they can change sex and thus make themselves forever sterile and distrusted, to have constant fear of black riots and black thieves in every store, and to make our great cities public toilets and tent cities on the sidewalks.

I think we should protect what remains. The good about America becomes less and less every day.
He stood up there drenched in red lighting and told us he’s not our president.
Like all fascist thugs in history have done, Biden was trying to scare and intimidate those who are planning to vote republican in this coming election into not doing so. He basically labeled anybody who won't be voting D and rightly so, as enemies of the state that will be facing retribution somehow. In Saul Alinsky fashion, he used Nazi turnspeak, accusing the other side of things the Democrats are most guilty of, such as "a threat to democracy..." when it's the Democrat party that have exhibited it the most.

Two years into a failed catastrophic presidency, and having nothing to show for, with disastrous poll and approval numbers looming, all they have left is a desperate attempt (which completely backfired) to change the discussion to the previous president as a last ditch attempt to resuscitate a party and presidency on it's deathbed.
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He stood up there drenched in red lighting and told us he’s not our president.
Actually, this is a very good point. He's saying he's only a faction leader. He doesn't want to be our president, to be president for Trump voters would mean he has to compromise --- he wants to put us into concentration camps instead.
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Okay. It's a point. And I can see what you mean.

I suppose the whole president thing has become devalued, is what is actually happening. The prez of the moment is just the leader of his faction, and has no overarching appeal to the general populace. I think that's what *I* mean by Nope, he's not my president.
A huge majority wants negotiations on Med prices, work on infrastructure, cheaper health care, daycare, cheap college and training, ban on ARs, abortion right...etc etc. But you fools vote against it because IMAGINARY BS....
As I just said. No. We're post-America now. It's all over but the shouting.
I certainly know how you feel. What a catastrophe, and I hope we all live through it! Without being put in prison.

I think it's not QUITE gone that far as post-America, if only because there isn't yet movement of organized troops. Or a huge symbolic change, as when South Carolina and the six other Southern states seceded immediately after the election of 1860 and all their congressmen packed and left Washington. I think when America splits up it will be clear, like when the Berlin Wall went down and the Germanies reunited, and when Russia dissolved with Yeltsin on the tank, it was real clear, at least within the week.

I think we'll know. I don't think it will be doubtful. Like when Charles I had his head cut off: that was ---- clear.

A polity may continue a long time past when a terrible deterioration of society may have happened, like all the public burnings alive of so many Catholics and Protestants both in England for nearly a century. And they changed churches twice or three times and they had many, many wars, and there was seriously fascist interference with people, and torture galore and executions and people were very afraid and unhappy, BUT --- the body politic of England, the reign of their monarchs, never broke up. On the other hand, July 14, 1989 Paris: kablooie. And everyone knew their whole system had just blown up. Same with July 4, 1776. When it goes, I think we'll know. Not with a whimper, but a bang.
Like all fascist thugs in history have done, Biden was trying to scare and intimidate those who are planning to vote republican in this coming election into not doing so. He basically labeled anybody who won't be voting D and rightly so, as enemies of the state that will be facing retribution somehow. In Saul Alinsky fashion, he used Nazi turnspeak, accusing the other side of things you are most guilty of, such as "a threat to democracy..." when it's you and your party that have exhibited it the most.

Two years into a failed catastrophic presidency, and having nothing to show for, with disastrous poll and approval numbers looming, all they have left is a desperate attempt (which completely backfired) to change the discussion to the previous president as a last ditch attempt to resuscitate a party and presidency on it's deathbed.
He and nondupes are only talking about anti-American semi-fascist LIARS about election fraud, dupe...
Oh so now we’re just stuck with him. The senile fuck isn’t doing anything good for anyone but we’re just stuck with him so…

Deal with it I guess?
We are stuck with him. Unless there is a military coup, unlikely, or worse, yeah, we're stuck with him. You got an alternative?

Never mind, do not answer that. Please.

Of course no one "has" to think of him as "our" president! The whole concept has changed in the last twenty years. Now I see president just means the leader or at least the talking head of his faction. It used to mean the representative of the whole country, but no such person would get up and talk like Biden did in front of that Hitler set.
I certainly know how you feel. What a catastrophe, and I hope we all live through it! Without being put in prison.

I think it's not QUITE gone that far as post-America, if only because there isn't yet movement of organized troops. Or a huge symbolic change, as when South Carolina and the six other Southern states seceded immediately after the election of 1860 and all their congressmen packed and left Washington. I think when America splits up it will be clear, like when the Berlin Wall went down and the Germanies reunited, and when Russia dissolved with Yeltsin on the tank, it was real clear, at least within the week.

I think we'll know. I don't think it will be doubtful. Like when Charles I had his head cut off: that was ---- clear.

A polity may continue a long time past when a terrible deterioration of society may have happened, like all the public burnings alive of so many Catholics and Protestants both in England for nearly a century. And they changed churches twice or three times and they had many, many wars, and there was seriously fascist interference with people, and torture galore and executions and people were very afraid and unhappy, BUT --- the body politic of England, the reign of their monarchs, never broke up. On the other hand, July 14, 1989 Paris: kablooie. And everyone knew their whole system had just blown up. Same with July 4, 1776. When it goes, I think we'll know. Not with a whimper, but a bang.
STFU, brainwashed twit. No election fraud PROVEN duhh- and cheaper meds, training and college, health care, infrastucture investment is not communism, shyttehead....zzzzzzz
STFU, brainwashed twit. No election fraud PROVEN duhh- and cheaper meds, training and college, health care, infrastucture investment is not communism, shyttehead....zzzzzzz
I have no idea what you were trying to say. You're a really BAD writer, aren't you? Incoherent. Stop talking to me, please; I was definitely not talking to you.
What does that have to do with Quid Pro's screech? In case you haven't noticed, he's in office right now and it's up to him to lead the whole country, not just part of it.
As if. I'd say as of Tuesday night, that ship has sailed. He wants to lead his faction only, and I guess put the rest of us into concentration camps.
He and nondupes are only talking about anti-American semi-fascist LIARS about election fraud, dupe...
He very clearly said anybody who is a "MAGA republican" is an enemy of the state and a threat to Democracy. Half this country voted twice in 2016, and 2020 for Trump's MAGA republican aka Make American Great Again philosophy, and will do so in 2022 and 2024. Now that it's been labeled as the most anti American divisive message a president should never give, he's trying to backtrack.
We are stuck with him. Unless there is a military coup, unlikely, or worse, yeah, we're stuck with him. You got an alternative?

Never mind, do not answer that. Please.

Of course no one "has" to think of him as "our" president! The whole concept has changed in the last twenty years. Now I see president just means the leader or at least the talking head of his faction. It used to mean the representative of the whole country, but no such person would get up and talk like Biden did in front of that Hitler set.
the gop should try updating policies to what people want lol....election fraud bs and abortion overreach has made Trumps and the GOP base into election POISON. Keep up the scary stupid bs lol....
Very banana republic. What's next, firing squads for political opponents?
I figure cancelling us, throwing us out of jobs, maybe cutting off our Social Security, and eventually concentration camps. We can be sheep and go along with this, or maybe something else will happen.

I'm on the side of Something Else.
I figure cancelling us, throwing us out of jobs, maybe cutting off our Social Security, and eventually concentration camps. We can be sheep and go along with this, or maybe something else will happen.

I'm on the side of Something Else.
You're a total fool/ignoramus brainwashee...Try reality....Go Bills!!
the gop should try updating policies to what people want lol....election fraud bs and abortion overreach has made Trumps and the GOP base into election POISON. Keep up the scary stupid bs lol....
Keep up. The GOP is running on Biden and the Democrats failed policies that are destroying America. That is why Democrats have lost much of their voter base; such as hispanics, Blacks, and independents. Biden and the Democrats want to keep talking about Trump, maybe because they think it might gin up whoever that is left that would be willing to vote for them.

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