Is this really your president? Cause he isn't mine.

Nope, he was talking about all Trump voters, and we knew it. Just like Hillary meant ALLLLLL of us when she called us a "basket of deplorables." And we all went out and bought hats and T-shirts with that printed on it! We knew she was insulting us all and were proud to be part of the insulted faction.

Hats and T-shirts aren't in it now: Biden is talking about getting rid of internal enemies, all of the 74 million Trump voters. How is he going to do that?
By attrition this will occur. It has been a process for many years. They are confident and protected to promote their agendas. There has been no line of demarcation that has stopped this. Trump made some advances the other way but no stoppage in a general sense. If Repubs win in November, the bull crap will show up fast if they are the same and they will put up with the blowback from their voters and end up leaving to be rewarded jobs as lobbyists and other inducements. Somehow people believe we can get ten dollars of benefits out of one dollar. With the fiat currency they can do these things, but we see what we are going through now and something for nothing runs out in all nations eventually.
Keep up. The GOP is running on Biden and the Democrats failed policies that are destroying America. That is why Democrats have lost much of their voter base, hispanics, Blacks, and independents. Biden and the Democrats want to keep talking about Trump, maybe because they think it might gin up whoever that is left that would be willing to vote for them.
The GOP giveaway to the rich with pure lies policies have been running the country for 40 years. Time to tax the rich again...
By attrition this will occur. It has been a process for many years. They are confident and protected to promote their agendas. There has been no line of demarcation that has stopped this. Trump made some advances the other way but no stoppage in a general sense. If Repubs win in November, the bull crap will show up fast if they are the same and they will put up with the blowback from their voters and end up leaving to be rewarded jobs as lobbyists and other inducements. Somehow people believe we can get ten dollars of benefits out of one dollar. With the fiat currency they can do these things, but we see what we are going through now and something for nothing runs out in all nations eventually.
Time to tax the rich again...And not let the GOP run another corrupt bubble and bust like 1929 1989 2008
Like all fascist thugs in history have done, Biden was trying to scare and intimidate those who are planning to vote republican in this coming election into not doing so. He basically labeled anybody who won't be voting D and rightly so, as enemies of the state that will be facing retribution somehow. In Saul Alinsky fashion, he used Nazi turnspeak, accusing the other side of things you are most guilty of, such as "a threat to democracy..." when it's you and your party that have exhibited it the most.

Two years into a failed catastrophic presidency, and having nothing to show for, with disastrous poll and approval numbers looming, all they have left is a desperate attempt (which completely backfired) to change the discussion to the previous president as a last ditch attempt to resuscitate a party and presidency on it's deathbed.
Very nice! Gradually, I'm seeing some analysis about what just HAPPENED there. So it's projection first, I like, and second, you agree with another poster (citygator, I think) who said the speech was an effort to focus the election on Trump. I don't agree, since instead of Trump, he focused the speech on how he needs to destroy all the Trump voters, which is a very different kettle of fish!! I like your point that it was so dramatic because he needed a "last ditch attempt" to recover from real party disaster. Though in that case probably the red lighting was a mistake ------

I am very impressed, Roudy, at how many people here have had exactly my reaction: I've just been personally threatened, just like Hitler threatened the Jews and Communists, and finally so many others in Germany who weren't active Nazis. I pulled out for awhile, aghast, and thought I was the only one who saw this, but in fact all of you saw it. I am much reassured. He won't be able to hang us individually if we all hang together.
He very clearly said anybody who is a "MAGA republican" is an enemy of the state and a threat to Democracy. Half this country voted twice in 2016, and 2020 for Trump's MAGA republican aka Make American Great Again philosophy, and will do so in 2022 and 2024. Now that it's been labeled as the most anti American divisive message a president should never give, he's trying to backtrack.
Too bad your propaganda didn't show the speech, super dupe....ELECTION FRAUD LIES duhhhh....
The GOP giveaway to the rich with pure lies policies have been running the country for 40 years. Time to tax the rich again...
Yeah, they claim to want to "tax the rich" while being in bed with them, but taxing the middle class and poor. Do they really think Americans actually believe those 87,000 IRS agents are going to go after the rich? People know what's about to happen, the IRS is coming to suck their blood. The Democrats have a habit of underestimating and insulting the American people's intelligence. Always saying one thing and doing another.
Too bad your propaganda didn't show the speech, super dupe....ELECTION FRAUD LIES duhhhh....
He clearly said "MAGA republicans" many times, go listen to the speech again duhhhhhh... A MAGA republican is someone who believes in putting America first. I guess that isn't where Biden and his voters like you are today.
Yeah, they claim to want to "tax the rich" while being in bed with them, but taxing the middle class and poor. Do they really think Americans actually believe those 87,000 IRS agents are going to go after the rich? People know what's about to happen, the IRS is coming to suck their blood. The Democrats have a habit of underestimating and insulting the American people's intelligence. Always saying one thing and doing another.
like when lol? Here comes more total bs....
He clearly said "MAGA republicans" many times, go listen to the speech again duhhhhhh... A MAGA republican is someone who believes in putting America first. I guess that isn't where Biden and his voters like you are today.
election deniers, dupe. try watching the speech lol...
He clearly said "MAGA republicans" many times, go listen to the speech again duhhhhhh... A MAGA republican is someone who believes in putting America first. I guess that isn't where Biden and his voters like you are today.
exreme maga republicans= election deniers.
Resisting the GOP is not treason LOL, brainwashed functional moron...Thanks for 35 years of giveaway to the rich and garbage propaganda....What a load anyway. You're the horror party that lies nonstop and the extreme election liars who are treasonous semi-fascists...oops the brainwashed functional liars/semi-fascists. GET IT? THE ELECTION LIARS!!!!!...
Oh, that's right. You're the <insert favorite insult here> who keeps voting for democrats and complaining about Republicans even though the democrats never give you what you want. Didn't you notice that the democrats are in charge right now and playing you for a sucker?
I figure cancelling us, throwing us out of jobs, maybe cutting off our Social Security, and eventually concentration camps. We can be sheep and go along with this, or maybe something else will happen.

I'm on the side of Something Else.
One does have to remember who has the guns.
Oh, that's right. You're the <insert favorite insult here> who keeps voting for democrats and complaining about Republicans even though the democrats never give you what you want. Didn't you notice that the democrats are in charge right now and playing you for a sucker?
they just did. finally decided to use crap GOP reconciliation to beat the crap new GOP filibuster rule....barely. So many brainwashed GOP voters while they run the country into the ground the last 35 years..
One does have to remember who has the guns.
the police? Change the gd channel, you're election poison along with the orange con man...and your ridiculous conspiracy nutjob propaganda party...try reality
Oh, that's right. You're the <insert favorite insult here> who keeps voting for democrats and complaining about Republicans even though the democrats never give you what you want. Didn't you notice that the democrats are in charge right now and playing you for a sucker?
so resisting the gop is still not treason? quite a relief

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