Is this really your president? Cause he isn't mine.

Try Somalia lol...forward to the 18th century!! Grump. I think you need a trip to France and medieval sites....take the QM2
Too many religious zealots in Somalia. Most of the sites I’d want to see no longer exist or are in Scandinavia or the British aisles. Besides, they don’t want me over there.,
Really? Florida man and MAGA man are in a tight competition to see which is dumber. MAGA man stepped into the lead yesterday when that guy stole a plane, and threatened to Kamakazi Walmart.
What does that have to do with Quid Pro's screech? In case you haven't noticed, he's in office right now and it's up to him to lead the whole country, not just part of it.
What does that have to do with Quid Pro's screech? In case you haven't noticed, he's in office right now and it's up to him to lead the whole country, not just part of it.
he is leading the whole country by opposing the crazies.
He doesn't even pretend to be president of the whole country when he demonizes his own citizens.
He doesn't support those whose actions might hurt the country, if that's what you are talking about. His job is to do what's best for the country. not to give in to everything that every person wants. That's where his skills as a leader come in. Sometimes, his job is to say no.
Correct, and even up until the time of the War of Northern Aggression, that was largely the case.

Of course the plan was also to stay out of entanglements with foreign governments and that hasn’t been upheld either.

I guess your worst mistake had been to take part in world war 1. This changed world history completely and the following destructive chaos never anyone was able to bring under control anymore. Everything exploded and still explodes what was a result of world war 1.
I guess your worst mistake had been to take part in world war 1. This changed world history completely and the following destructive chaos never anyone was able to bring under control anymore. Everything exploded and still explodes what was a result of world war 1.
It was the GOP wrecking the Treaty of Versailles and the League, the world economy in 1929, then led isolationism and let Japan militarists and fascists run wild until 12/7/1941...
It was the GOP wrecking the Treaty of Versailles and the League, the world economy in 1929, then led isolationism and let Japan militarists and fascists run wild until 12/7/1941...

Without the USA Russia and the colonial powers England and France and their allies had lost world war 1 while Germany and the multi-national powers Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire and their allies had won world war 1. Nothing of this all what you said had happened. Commies and Nazis never had existed and the Islamistic terror today would also not exist.
He doesn't support those whose actions might hurt the country, if that's what you are talking about. His job is to do what's best for the country. not to give in to everything that every person wants. That's where his skills as a leader come in. Sometimes, his job is to say no.
He literally called fellow citizens, "semi-Nazis", simply because they disagree with him. That's not being a leader of the whole country.
Election fraud is totally BS, treason.
I don't suppose you called it treason when elected officials promised to resist everything TRUMP! tried to do, did you? Did you call it treason when elected democrats told the sycophants (you know who you are) to push Republicans out of the public square? I don't recall you doing so.
Without the USA Russia and the colonial powers England and France and their allies had lost world war 1 while Germany and the multi-national powers Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire and their allies had won world war 1. Nothing of this all what you said had happened. Commies and Nazis never had existed and the Islamistic terror today would also not exist.
bs. Germany was collapsing and actually there very well could have been a negotiated peace without Wilson insisting on unconditional surrender. Also happened in WWII... What DID happen was GOP idiocy 1919-1941...
I don't suppose you called it treason when elected officials promised to resist everything TRUMP! tried to do, did you? Did you call it treason when elected democrats told the sycophants (you know who you are) to push Republicans out of the public square? I don't recall you doing so.
Resisting the GOP is not treason LOL, brainwashed functional moron...Thanks for 35 years of giveaway to the rich and garbage propaganda....What a load anyway. You're the horror party that lies nonstop and the extreme election liars who are treasonous semi-fascists...oops the brainwashed functional liars/semi-fascists. GET IT? THE ELECTION LIARS!!!!!...
I'm just saying we're stuck with him, no matter how you feel about it.

I don't like the whole "He'S nOt My PrEsIdEnT!" bullshit. That's what liberals did in 2016. I don't like that we're doing it now.
Okay. It's a point. And I can see what you mean.

I suppose the whole president thing has become devalued, is what is actually happening. The prez of the moment is just the leader of his faction, and has no overarching appeal to the general populace. I think that's what *I* mean by Nope, he's not my president.

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