Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.

Your post is pure ignorant stupidity. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it. "the Zionist are coming" ..."The Zionist are coming" :uhoh3:


Explosively formed penetrators — a particularly deadly form of roadside bomb — killed 196 American soldiers in Iraq troops and injured 861.over a five-and-a-half-year period, according to recently declassified Pentagon documents.

How Many US Troops Were Killed by Iranian IED's?

Guy, they weren't killed by Iranians, they were killed by Iraqis who didn't want us there.

After the JEWS manipulated us into a war over a LIE.

You do get this, right? Those Americans would be alive today of the Jews hadn't lied about Iraq having WMD's to start with.

"The Jews "..."The Jews" ...Not "the Jews "Joey? if only we could exterminate those Jews everything would be better..Damn those Jews!!:cuckoo:

Your post is pure ignorant stupidity. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it. "the Zionist are coming" ..."The Zionist are coming" :uhoh3:


Explosively formed penetrators — a particularly deadly form of roadside bomb — killed 196 American soldiers in Iraq troops and injured 861.over a five-and-a-half-year period, according to recently declassified Pentagon documents.

How Many US Troops Were Killed by Iranian IED's?

Guy, they weren't killed by Iranians, they were killed by Iraqis who didn't want us there.

After the JEWS manipulated us into a war over a LIE.

You do get this, right? Those Americans would be alive today of the Jews hadn't lied about Iraq having WMD's to start with.

"The Jews "..."The Jews" ...Not "the Jews "Joey? if only we could exterminate those Jews everything would be better..Damn those Jews!!:cuckoo:

What are your claims of what she paid in and got out based on?

What about liberal politicians who advocate others pay taxes then cheat on their own taxes (e.g., Rangle, Daschle), evade taxes (gates, buffett) and give squat to charity (Obama, Biden), what ratio is acceptable to you?


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

more than you do. For example, you keep claiming Rand collected more in government than she paid. I asked for evidence of that. The owman probably paid millions with all the books etc she paid. where is you evidence she collected more? Apparently you know you pulled that out of your ass since this deflection was your response

Bubba, YOU claimed she was "principled" how is it she collected Medicare YET was taxed ONLY on wages (not income) at a MAX of 1% (most years less) from 1965 to her death in 1979?


Social Security and Medicare Tax Rates, Calendar Years 1937 - 2009


you don't know who ayn rand is, do you? She made a shit load of money, and all that was taxed. Earth, calling dud2all, anyone in there?

And tell us how you hate Obama for saying he should pay more taxes, then he didn't pay them. you said that's your standard, right? people following up and doing what they advocate? What an asswipe Obama is. you voted for Romney, right?


Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG


Now you're quoting yourself and going off on that? Let me know if you want to have a conversation other than with the voices in your head, dudley
"The Jews "..."The Jews" ...Not "the Jews "Joey? if only we could exterminate those Jews everything would be better..Damn those Jews!!

Hey, no need to exterminate them. Just stop listening to them and pandering to them, things will be fine.
Thank G-d the Jews destroyed Iraq's nuke program

You mean the peaceful reactor that the French were building that wasn't capable of making weapon's grade material?

So if the Jews destroyed Iraq's nuclear program, why did they have to manipulate in the US into unnecessary wars in 1991 and 2003?
Let's dispense with this Jew lie that they did the world a favor attacking Iraq in 1981.

An Israeli attack against Iran would backfire — just like Israel’s 1981 strike on Iraq

To begin with, Hussein was not on the brink of a bomb in 1981. By the late 1970s, he thought Iraq should develop nuclear weapons at some point, and he hoped to use the Osirak reactor to further that goal. But new evidence suggests that Hussein had not decided to launch a full-fledged weapons program prior to the Israeli strike. According to Norwegian scholar Målfrid Braut-Hegghammer, a leading authority on the Iraqi program, “on the eve of the attack on Osirak . . . Iraq’s pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability was both directionless and disorganized.”

Moreover, as Emory University political scientist Dan Reiter details in a 2005 study, the Osirak reactor was not well designed to efficiently produce weapons-grade plutonium. If Hussein had decided to use Osirak to develop nuclear weapons and Iraqi scientists somehow evaded detection, it would still have taken several years — perhaps well into the 1990s — to produce enough plutonium for a single bomb. And even with sufficient fissile material, Iraq would have had to design and construct the weapon itself, a process that hadn’t started before Israel attacked.

By demonstrating Iraq’s vulnerability, the attack on Osirak actually increased Hussein’s determination to develop a nuclear deterrent and provided Iraq’s scientists an opportunity to better organize the program. The Iraqi leader devoted significantly more resources toward pursuing nuclear weapons after the Israeli assault. As Reiter notes, “the Iraqi nuclear program increased from a program of 400 scientists and $400 million to one of 7,000 scientists and $10 billion.”

No doubt, Jew-Roids will claim that the Washington Post is part of the Jew-hating conspiracy. Yup, they are practically singing the Horst Wessel Leid over there.

Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

more than you do. For example, you keep claiming Rand collected more in government than she paid. I asked for evidence of that. The owman probably paid millions with all the books etc she paid. where is you evidence she collected more? Apparently you know you pulled that out of your ass since this deflection was your response

Bubba, YOU claimed she was "principled" how is it she collected Medicare YET was taxed ONLY on wages (not income) at a MAX of 1% (most years less) from 1965 to her death in 1979?


Social Security and Medicare Tax Rates, Calendar Years 1937 - 2009


you don't know who ayn rand is, do you? She made a shit load of money, and all that was taxed. Earth, calling dud2all, anyone in there?

And tell us how you hate Obama for saying he should pay more taxes, then he didn't pay them. you said that's your standard, right? people following up and doing what they advocate? What an asswipe Obama is. you voted for Romney, right?


Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG


Now you're quoting yourself and going off on that? Let me know if you want to have a conversation other than with the voices in your head, dudley
The voices are being spoon fed to him by his liberal masters
Let's dispense with this Jew lie that they did the world a favor attacking Iraq in 1981.

An Israeli attack against Iran would backfire — just like Israel’s 1981 strike on Iraq

To begin with, Hussein was not on the brink of a bomb in 1981. By the late 1970s, he thought Iraq should develop nuclear weapons at some point, and he hoped to use the Osirak reactor to further that goal. But new evidence suggests that Hussein had not decided to launch a full-fledged weapons program prior to the Israeli strike. According to Norwegian scholar Målfrid Braut-Hegghammer, a leading authority on the Iraqi program, “on the eve of the attack on Osirak . . . Iraq’s pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability was both directionless and disorganized.”

Moreover, as Emory University political scientist Dan Reiter details in a 2005 study, the Osirak reactor was not well designed to efficiently produce weapons-grade plutonium. If Hussein had decided to use Osirak to develop nuclear weapons and Iraqi scientists somehow evaded detection, it would still have taken several years — perhaps well into the 1990s — to produce enough plutonium for a single bomb. And even with sufficient fissile material, Iraq would have had to design and construct the weapon itself, a process that hadn’t started before Israel attacked.

By demonstrating Iraq’s vulnerability, the attack on Osirak actually increased Hussein’s determination to develop a nuclear deterrent and provided Iraq’s scientists an opportunity to better organize the program. The Iraqi leader devoted significantly more resources toward pursuing nuclear weapons after the Israeli assault. As Reiter notes, “the Iraqi nuclear program increased from a program of 400 scientists and $400 million to one of 7,000 scientists and $10 billion.”

No doubt, Jew-Roids will claim that the Washington Post is part of the Jew-hating conspiracy. Yup, they are practically singing the Horst Wessel Leid over there.

Sadaam was developing Nukes?:wtf:
Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is Obama's nominee to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says 500 American soldiers killed by Iran's IEDs

Iran linked to deaths of 500 U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan
Would he have been happier if they were killed by Irans nuclear weapons?

Exactly!... Why did i Obama agree to allow Iran nuclear weapons over time, and to help protect, and upgrade their nuclear facilities?

C. Research and Development (R&D) Practices 7. To implement other aspects of this JCPOA and in support of a broader opening of scientific engagements between the E3/EU+3 and Iran, the E3/EU+3 and Iran will seek cooperation and scientific exchange in the field of nuclear science and technology

10.Nuclear Security E3/EU+3 parties, and possibly other states, as appropriate, are prepared to cooperate with Iran on the implementation of nuclear security guidelines and best practices. Co-operation in the following areas can be envisaged: 10.1. Co-operation in the form of training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran's ability to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems; 10.2. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.
The goal is to realise international collaborative projects within a few years. The transitioning to stable isotope production of two cascades will be conducted in a joint partnership between the Russian Federation and Iran on the basis of arrangements to be mutually agreed upon. 7.2. Plasma physics and nuclear fusion; 7.3. Research reactor applications at the TRR, modernized Arak reactor, or at other future research reactors in Iran, such as: 7.3.1. Training 7.3.2. Radio-isotope production and utilization 7.3.3. Nuclear desalination 7.3.4. Neutron transmutation doping 7.3.5. Neutron activation analysis 7.3.6. Neutron capture therapy 7.3.7. Neutron imaging and materials characterization studies using neutron beams 7.4. E3/EU+3 parties and Iran could also explore co-operation in the following additional areas: 7.4.1. Design, manufacture and/or assembly of in-core measuring instrumentation and technologies; 7.4.2. Nuclear instrumentation and control, systems and electronics design, manufacture and/or assembly; 7.4.3. Fusion technology and plasma physics and related infrastructure and facilitating contribution of Iran to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project and/or similar projects, including relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.4. Neutrino astronomy; 7.4.5. Design and manufacturing, and supply, of different types of accelerators and supply of related equipment including through relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.6. Data acquisition and processing software and interface equipment;
Nah, you just blame Republicans no matter what the issue is. Even when your guys do wrong, it's somehow the Republican's fault. That's very flawed thinking. It lacks reason.

And although the Dems Prez (best conservative since Ike) signed it, you let the GOP off the hook, even though without the GOP, voting 3-1 in favor of NAFTA, NAFTA was dead. Go figure!

No different with TPP, GOP will be the ONLY way it gets through the GOP Congress, lol

Uh huh, even when your guys do wrong, it's still the Republican's fault. Maybe one day you'll realize how deranged you sound. No one forced your guys to negotiate and sign these deals. Hold them accountable and take it up with them.

Got it, BUT I bet you believe the GOP Congress was responsible for Clinton's surplus too? lol

I don't let either Party off the hook when they do wrong. I've always criticized both Parties for these awful deals. They're so bad they frantically try to keep them secret. But your thinking is very illogical. When your Party does wrong, you still blame the other side. You don't hold your own accountable.

The fact is, your Democrat Presidents have supported and signed the worst trade deals in history. They've hurt American Workers immensely. So what does that say about your leaders? Think about that for a bit.

Right I'm sorry in YOUR world when 3-1 margin, the GOPers in Congress vote to pass a bill, it's the Dem's Prez fault for signing it, NO BLAME FOR THE GOP? That's holding the GOP "accountable" Bubba


Your President negotiated and signed the deal. But yes, most Republicans did support it. How bout that Bipartisanship? I think they're both shameful. There's the difference between you and me. No matter what wrongs your guys do, you desperately try to rationalize it by blaming the other side. You've basically become a loyal duped cult member. Try the Independent route. Don't be a slave to either Party.

LOL, You dishonest POS

1) Poppy negotiated the deal Reagan gave US from the Heritage Foundation the day he ran for Prez in 1979

2) I said, BJ Bill, WAS the best conservative Prez since Ike


4) Registered Independent. . I vote for the most liberal on the ballot. Local generally Green, BUT will support ANY Dem over ANY current GOPer!

5) ONE POLICY CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history ? EVER?


Calm down, you're losin it. Bottom line is, your guy just negotiated and signed an awful deal for American Workers. But yes, the Republicans did support it. Bipartisanship is awesome, huh? Shame on em both.
Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is Obama's nominee to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says 500 American soldiers killed by Iran's IEDs

Iran linked to deaths of 500 U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan
Would he have been happier if they were killed by Irans nuclear weapons?

Exactly!... Why did i Obama agree to allow Iran nuclear weapons over time, and to help protect, and upgrade their nuclear facilities?

C. Research and Development (R&D) Practices 7. To implement other aspects of this JCPOA and in support of a broader opening of scientific engagements between the E3/EU+3 and Iran, the E3/EU+3 and Iran will seek cooperation and scientific exchange in the field of nuclear science and technology

10.Nuclear Security E3/EU+3 parties, and possibly other states, as appropriate, are prepared to cooperate with Iran on the implementation of nuclear security guidelines and best practices. Co-operation in the following areas can be envisaged: 10.1. Co-operation in the form of training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran's ability to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems; 10.2. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.
The goal is to realise international collaborative projects within a few years. The transitioning to stable isotope production of two cascades will be conducted in a joint partnership between the Russian Federation and Iran on the basis of arrangements to be mutually agreed upon. 7.2. Plasma physics and nuclear fusion; 7.3. Research reactor applications at the TRR, modernized Arak reactor, or at other future research reactors in Iran, such as: 7.3.1. Training 7.3.2. Radio-isotope production and utilization 7.3.3. Nuclear desalination 7.3.4. Neutron transmutation doping 7.3.5. Neutron activation analysis 7.3.6. Neutron capture therapy 7.3.7. Neutron imaging and materials characterization studies using neutron beams 7.4. E3/EU+3 parties and Iran could also explore co-operation in the following additional areas: 7.4.1. Design, manufacture and/or assembly of in-core measuring instrumentation and technologies; 7.4.2. Nuclear instrumentation and control, systems and electronics design, manufacture and/or assembly; 7.4.3. Fusion technology and plasma physics and related infrastructure and facilitating contribution of Iran to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project and/or similar projects, including relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.4. Neutrino astronomy; 7.4.5. Design and manufacturing, and supply, of different types of accelerators and supply of related equipment including through relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.6. Data acquisition and processing software and interface equipment;
He didn't.

Iran has reached 80% of its nuclear goals with sanctions in place, there is nothing in the sanctions that will prevent them reaching the goal.

Obamas agreement brings them to zero for the next 15 years
The only thing the sanctions succeeded in doing was to keep radicals and extremists in control of the Iranian government, who retained power by telling the Iranian people the West was 'the enemy.' With the sanctions gone hardliners won't be able to make that claim.
Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is Obama's nominee to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says 500 American soldiers killed by Iran's IEDs

Iran linked to deaths of 500 U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan
Would he have been happier if they were killed by Irans nuclear weapons?

Exactly!... Why did i Obama agree to allow Iran nuclear weapons over time, and to help protect, and upgrade their nuclear facilities?

C. Research and Development (R&D) Practices 7. To implement other aspects of this JCPOA and in support of a broader opening of scientific engagements between the E3/EU+3 and Iran, the E3/EU+3 and Iran will seek cooperation and scientific exchange in the field of nuclear science and technology

10.Nuclear Security E3/EU+3 parties, and possibly other states, as appropriate, are prepared to cooperate with Iran on the implementation of nuclear security guidelines and best practices. Co-operation in the following areas can be envisaged: 10.1. Co-operation in the form of training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran's ability to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems; 10.2. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.
The goal is to realise international collaborative projects within a few years. The transitioning to stable isotope production of two cascades will be conducted in a joint partnership between the Russian Federation and Iran on the basis of arrangements to be mutually agreed upon. 7.2. Plasma physics and nuclear fusion; 7.3. Research reactor applications at the TRR, modernized Arak reactor, or at other future research reactors in Iran, such as: 7.3.1. Training 7.3.2. Radio-isotope production and utilization 7.3.3. Nuclear desalination 7.3.4. Neutron transmutation doping 7.3.5. Neutron activation analysis 7.3.6. Neutron capture therapy 7.3.7. Neutron imaging and materials characterization studies using neutron beams 7.4. E3/EU+3 parties and Iran could also explore co-operation in the following additional areas: 7.4.1. Design, manufacture and/or assembly of in-core measuring instrumentation and technologies; 7.4.2. Nuclear instrumentation and control, systems and electronics design, manufacture and/or assembly; 7.4.3. Fusion technology and plasma physics and related infrastructure and facilitating contribution of Iran to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project and/or similar projects, including relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.4. Neutrino astronomy; 7.4.5. Design and manufacturing, and supply, of different types of accelerators and supply of related equipment including through relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.6. Data acquisition and processing software and interface equipment;
He didn't.

Iran has reached 80% of its nuclear goals with sanctions in place, there is nothing in the sanctions that will prevent them reaching the goal.

Obamas agreement brings them to zero for the next 15 years

:eusa_doh:"Zero"...LOL... you're a funny guy. The Iran regime was on it's knees. Now Obama is kissing Mullah ass...Please Mr mullah, can we be friends now. We'll help you modernize and protect your nuclear program and release 100s of billions of dollars for you to continue to spread your terrorist actives ,Don't worry about our citizens you're torturing, or the "death to America" stuff .."Please can we be friends" . What a pathetic American president we have
Sadaam was developing Nukes?

Do steroids make you stupid?
Make up your mind sickly boy. Either Saddam was developing weapons, or he wasn't. You're the one that's confused...Did you take your medication today


By demonstrating Iraq’s vulnerability, the attack on Osirak actually increased Hussein’s determination to develop a nuclear deterrent and provided Iraq’s scientists an opportunity to better organize the program. The Iraqi leader devoted significantly more resources toward pursuing nuclear weapons after the Israeli assault. As Reiter notes, “the Iraqi nuclear program increased from a program of 400 scientists and $400 million to one of 7,000 scientists and $10 billion.”
Make up your mind sickly boy. Either Saddam was developing weapons, or he wasn't. You're the one that's confused.Did you take your medication today

Not confused at all.

Saddam was developing nukes in the 1980's, AFTER the Zionists attacked him. He stopped after the Gulf War, but that wasn't good enough for the Zionists, they got America to go to war with him, anyway.

Now we hear the same Jews who thought that was good idea telling us not to do this treaty.
Make up your mind sickly boy. Either Saddam was developing weapons, or he wasn't. You're the one that's confused.Did you take your medication today

Not confused at all.

Saddam was developing nukes in the 1980's, AFTER the Zionists attacked him. He stopped after the Gulf War, but that wasn't good enough for the Zionists, they got America to go to war with him, anyway.

Now we hear the same Jews who thought that was good idea telling us not to do this treaty.

Only the Jews? the Jews run the world Joey?:slap:


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