Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

Republicans have a two year window when they control Congress

Looks like they are content to celebrate their 2014 victories and do nothing

Meanwhile, Obama has no political pressure on him and is the only one in town who is actually accomplishing things
Democrats and Republicans are both whistling past the graveyard.; registered Independents now out number Democrats and Republicans put together. Eventually all that free floating rage and disgust is going to result in a viable third party.
Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is Obama's nominee to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says 500 American soldiers killed by Iran's IEDs

Iran linked to deaths of 500 U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan
Would he have been happier if they were killed by Irans nuclear weapons?

Exactly!... Why did i Obama agree to allow Iran nuclear weapons over time, and to help protect, and upgrade their nuclear facilities?

C. Research and Development (R&D) Practices 7. To implement other aspects of this JCPOA and in support of a broader opening of scientific engagements between the E3/EU+3 and Iran, the E3/EU+3 and Iran will seek cooperation and scientific exchange in the field of nuclear science and technology

10.Nuclear Security E3/EU+3 parties, and possibly other states, as appropriate, are prepared to cooperate with Iran on the implementation of nuclear security guidelines and best practices. Co-operation in the following areas can be envisaged: 10.1. Co-operation in the form of training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran's ability to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems; 10.2. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.
The goal is to realise international collaborative projects within a few years. The transitioning to stable isotope production of two cascades will be conducted in a joint partnership between the Russian Federation and Iran on the basis of arrangements to be mutually agreed upon. 7.2. Plasma physics and nuclear fusion; 7.3. Research reactor applications at the TRR, modernized Arak reactor, or at other future research reactors in Iran, such as: 7.3.1. Training 7.3.2. Radio-isotope production and utilization 7.3.3. Nuclear desalination 7.3.4. Neutron transmutation doping 7.3.5. Neutron activation analysis 7.3.6. Neutron capture therapy 7.3.7. Neutron imaging and materials characterization studies using neutron beams 7.4. E3/EU+3 parties and Iran could also explore co-operation in the following additional areas: 7.4.1. Design, manufacture and/or assembly of in-core measuring instrumentation and technologies; 7.4.2. Nuclear instrumentation and control, systems and electronics design, manufacture and/or assembly; 7.4.3. Fusion technology and plasma physics and related infrastructure and facilitating contribution of Iran to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project and/or similar projects, including relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.4. Neutrino astronomy; 7.4.5. Design and manufacturing, and supply, of different types of accelerators and supply of related equipment including through relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.6. Data acquisition and processing software and interface equipment;
He didn't.

Iran has reached 80% of its nuclear goals with sanctions in place, there is nothing in the sanctions that will prevent them reaching the goal.

Obamas agreement brings them to zero for the next 15 years

:eusa_doh:"Zero"...LOL... you're a funny guy. The Iran regime was on it's knees. Now Obama is kissing Mullah ass...Please Mr mullah, can we be friends now. We'll help you modernize and protect your nuclear program and release 100s of billions of dollars for you to continue to spread your terrorist actives ,Don't worry about our citizens you're torturing, or the "death to America" stuff .."Please can we be friends" . What a pathetic American president we have

Don't look at me

You are the one who wants Iran to continue on its current path to developing a weapon. Iran "on its knees" os 80% there
Obama want to stop them
Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is Obama's nominee to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says 500 American soldiers killed by Iran's IEDs

Iran linked to deaths of 500 U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan
Would he have been happier if they were killed by Irans nuclear weapons?

Exactly!... Why did i Obama agree to allow Iran nuclear weapons over time, and to help protect, and upgrade their nuclear facilities?

C. Research and Development (R&D) Practices 7. To implement other aspects of this JCPOA and in support of a broader opening of scientific engagements between the E3/EU+3 and Iran, the E3/EU+3 and Iran will seek cooperation and scientific exchange in the field of nuclear science and technology

10.Nuclear Security E3/EU+3 parties, and possibly other states, as appropriate, are prepared to cooperate with Iran on the implementation of nuclear security guidelines and best practices. Co-operation in the following areas can be envisaged: 10.1. Co-operation in the form of training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran's ability to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems; 10.2. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.
The goal is to realise international collaborative projects within a few years. The transitioning to stable isotope production of two cascades will be conducted in a joint partnership between the Russian Federation and Iran on the basis of arrangements to be mutually agreed upon. 7.2. Plasma physics and nuclear fusion; 7.3. Research reactor applications at the TRR, modernized Arak reactor, or at other future research reactors in Iran, such as: 7.3.1. Training 7.3.2. Radio-isotope production and utilization 7.3.3. Nuclear desalination 7.3.4. Neutron transmutation doping 7.3.5. Neutron activation analysis 7.3.6. Neutron capture therapy 7.3.7. Neutron imaging and materials characterization studies using neutron beams 7.4. E3/EU+3 parties and Iran could also explore co-operation in the following additional areas: 7.4.1. Design, manufacture and/or assembly of in-core measuring instrumentation and technologies; 7.4.2. Nuclear instrumentation and control, systems and electronics design, manufacture and/or assembly; 7.4.3. Fusion technology and plasma physics and related infrastructure and facilitating contribution of Iran to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project and/or similar projects, including relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.4. Neutrino astronomy; 7.4.5. Design and manufacturing, and supply, of different types of accelerators and supply of related equipment including through relevant IAEA technical cooperation projects; 7.4.6. Data acquisition and processing software and interface equipment;
He didn't.

Iran has reached 80% of its nuclear goals with sanctions in place, there is nothing in the sanctions that will prevent them reaching the goal.

Obamas agreement brings them to zero for the next 15 years

:eusa_doh:"Zero"...LOL... you're a funny guy. The Iran regime was on it's knees. Now Obama is kissing Mullah ass...Please Mr mullah, can we be friends now. We'll help you modernize and protect your nuclear program and release 100s of billions of dollars for you to continue to spread your terrorist actives ,Don't worry about our citizens you're torturing, or the "death to America" stuff .."Please can we be friends" . What a pathetic American president we have

Don't look at me

You are the one who wants Iran to continue on its current path to developing a weapon. Iran "on its knees" os 80% there
Obama want to stop them

Their economy was collapsing, but they have their friend Obama to the rescue:eusa_doh:
Their economy was collapsing, but they have their friend Obama to the rescue

Guy, we've been hearing that song since the 1980's.

almost 40 years of sanctions, war, and isolation, and you are no closer to getting rid of the Mullahs as you were in 1980.

Maybe if we try engagement and treating them with respect, that might work.
Their economy was collapsing, but they have their friend Obama to the rescue

Guy, we've been hearing that song since the 1980's.

almost 40 years of sanctions, war, and isolation, and you are no closer to getting rid of the Mullahs as you were in 1980.

Maybe if we try engagement and treating them with respect, that might work.

Treat the mullahs with respect and kill the Jews in Israel. You're a friken genius sickly boy :uhoh3:

UN Agency: Iran's Role in Nuclear Probe Meets Standards


The chief of the U.N. nuclear agency acknowledged Monday that samples used to determine whether Iran tried to develop a nuclear weapon were collected by the Iranians instead of agency experts, but insisted the probe stands up to strict agency standards.

Such sampling of soil, air or dust from equipment is usually done by the International Atomic Energy Agency's own experts. But IAEA chief Yukiya Amano confirmed that Iranians carried out that part of the probe at Parchin, where the agency suspects that explosive triggers for nuclear weapons might have been tested in the past.

Diplomats say Iran insisted on the compromise as a condition for any probe of Parchin.

Deputy IAEA Director General Tero Varjoranta said that there have been more than 40 instances of letting a country being inspected use their own nationals to do the sampling and that the process is only a small part of a rigid regimen established by the agency to make sure there is no cheating.

UN Agency: Iran's Role in Nuclear Probe Meets Standards
Treat the mullahs with respect and kill the Jews in Israel. You're a friken genius sickly boy

The Jews aren't in "Israel" , they are in Palestine. And for some reason, the Palestinians want to kill them.

Can't you people go anywhere without pissing people off?
Treat the mullahs with respect and kill the Jews in Israel. You're a friken genius sickly boy

The Jews aren't in "Israel" , they are in Palestine. And for some reason, the Palestinians want to kill them.

Can't you people go anywhere without pissing people off?
They piss you off no matter where they are right joey? Maybe you should look at a map again sickly boy:lol:
They piss you off no matter where they are right joey? Maybe you should look at a map again sickly bo

There wasn't an Israel on it before 1948.

There won't be when the Zionists are driven into the sea.

But the whole world will rejoice.
They piss you off no matter where they are right joey? Maybe you should look at a map again sickly bo

There wasn't an Israel on it before 1948.

There won't be when the Zionists are driven into the sea.

But the whole world will rejoice.
Ok ...We know you get excited at the thought of dead Jews sickly boy. Try to stay on topic. Your neuroses is getting the better of you.:cuckoo:
Ok ...We know you get excited at the thought of dead Jews sickly boy. Try to stay on topic. Your neuroses is getting the better of you.

You're the one pissing himself at the thought the Muslims might be able to level the playing field.

But it won't be the bomb that ends Zionism, it will be the fact Muslims are reproducing faster than Jews.
Ok ...We know you get excited at the thought of dead Jews sickly boy. Try to stay on topic. Your neuroses is getting the better of you.

You're the one pissing himself at the thought the Muslims might be able to level the playing field.

But it won't be the bomb that ends Zionism, it will be the fact Muslims are reproducing faster than Jews.


How the Jewish State has matured into a resourceful developed nation.


According to Reuter-Maydan Investment House in 2013, for every 10 Jewish children born, there were 2.4 Arab children born, a decline from the year 2000, when the ratio was 10/3 Jewish to Arab children. Since 2000, the Arab population growth in Israel stabilized at around 40,000 births a year. Jewish births at the same time increased from 95,000 to 125,000 a year. Significantly, the Jewish-Israeli growth has come mostly from secular Jews, especially among immigrants from the former Soviet Union. There has also been a significant decline of birthrates in the Arab sector as a result of better education among Arab women, and Westernization in the Arab sector. Also noted was a dramatic decline in birthrates among Bedouin women, due to the lowering of national insurance paid to families with children.

Israel's Bright Future

Mitch McConnell Has Funded the Abortion Industry For Years

Senator McConnell isn't 100% pro-life. He has repeatedly voted to force American taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood, its pro-abortion counseling, and research on the babies it aborts.

If you've seen the chilling undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials and wonder how this could happen, Senator McConnell's support for these policies has a lot to do with it.

He wants you to think he's surrendering because his hands are tied, but it's really because he supports funding for the abortion industry

Mitch McConnell Has Funded the Abortion Industry For Years

Senator McConnell isn't 100% pro-life. He has repeatedly voted to force American taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood, its pro-abortion counseling, and research on the babies it aborts.

If you've seen the chilling undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials and wonder how this could happen, Senator McConnell's support for these policies has a lot to do with it.

He wants you to think he's surrendering because his hands are tied, but it's really because he supports funding for the abortion industry

Doesn't sound like he is funding abortion
Mitch McConnell Has Funded the Abortion Industry For Years

Senator McConnell isn't 100% pro-life. He has repeatedly voted to force American taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood, its pro-abortion counseling, and research on the babies it aborts.

If you've seen the chilling undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials and wonder how this could happen, Senator McConnell's support for these policies has a lot to do with it.

He wants you to think he's surrendering because his hands are tied, but it's really because he supports funding for the abortion industry

Doesn't sound like he is funding abortion

Funding Planned Parenthood is funding abortion
Mitch McConnell Has Funded the Abortion Industry For Years

Senator McConnell isn't 100% pro-life. He has repeatedly voted to force American taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood, its pro-abortion counseling, and research on the babies it aborts.

If you've seen the chilling undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials and wonder how this could happen, Senator McConnell's support for these policies has a lot to do with it.

He wants you to think he's surrendering because his hands are tied, but it's really because he supports funding for the abortion industry

Doesn't sound like he is funding abortion

Funding Planned Parenthood is funding abortion
No public funding goes for abortion.....irrespective of how many times you repeat the lie
Mitch McConnell Has Funded the Abortion Industry For Years

Senator McConnell isn't 100% pro-life. He has repeatedly voted to force American taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood, its pro-abortion counseling, and research on the babies it aborts.

If you've seen the chilling undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials and wonder how this could happen, Senator McConnell's support for these policies has a lot to do with it.

He wants you to think he's surrendering because his hands are tied, but it's really because he supports funding for the abortion industry

Doesn't sound like he is funding abortion

Funding Planned Parenthood is funding abortion
No public funding goes for abortion.....irrespective of how many times you repeat the lie
100s of million dollars do. if we send them money, they use other funds for abortion. Is that a hard concept for you? shell game.
We will get to see just how inept the Republican Congress is in the next week as they whine...

Somebody stop us from shutting down the government....we can't help ourselves
How the Jewish State has matured into a resourceful developed nation.

Hey, Jewboy, there are a lot more Palestinians than just hte ones that live within Israel's 1967 borders.
Why do you left wing scum think Trump, Carson and Fiorina are winning for?.... Come on assholes WE are fed up with Republicans RUBBER STAMPING the Manchurian muslims bills!


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