Is this Republican led Senate the most inept in American history?

The American people didn't have a vote on this genius. If we had there would be no deal

Okay, here's the vote I'd like to see.

If you vote "Yes'< then you or your loved one is immediately drafted into the Army to go fight for that "regime change" you think is such a good idea.

Betcha it wouldn't get too many votes if that happened.
That's all the establishment wanted. Other than that, they're cowards. They don't want any responsibility for anything, which is why they refuse to do anything

no, the establishment realized that this really, really was the best deal we were going to get, because the rest of the world and big corporations (which are sadly more important than nation states these days) want to open the Iran market and normalize relations.

They realized that if we didn't go along with this deal, the other five nations would just conclude their own deal that would STILL unfreeze most of Iran's assets and open up trade again.

But they had to put on a show for the dumb-ass Christians (as 70% of Jews vote Democrat, and stil will after this) who think we need Israel so Jesus can come back.

We are all really better off with this deal. Even the Zionists.
The American people didn't have a vote on this genius. If we had there would be no deal

Okay, here's the vote I'd like to see.

If you vote "Yes'< then you or your loved one is immediately drafted into the Army to go fight for that "regime change" you think is such a good idea.

Betcha it wouldn't get too many votes if that happened.

Wrong:slap:..Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars, to build up their military and continue to fund terrorist, kill Americans, and eventually get a nuclear weapon?. Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no.
As the Republicans near the end of their first year controlling Congress....what do they have to show for it?

Well, they all got new titles and chairmanships
They got to brag about their historic victory
Probably got better parking spaces in the Senate Parking Garage

Other than that, it seems like Obama got all the victories

That's all the establishment wanted. Other than that, they're cowards. They don't want any responsibility for anything, which is why they refuse to do anything
Why even bother then?

You take Congress and are content to do nothing?
As the Republicans near the end of their first year controlling Congress....what do they have to show for it?

Well, they all got new titles and chairmanships
They got to brag about their historic victory
Probably got better parking spaces in the Senate Parking Garage

Other than that, it seems like Obama got all the victories

That's all the establishment wanted. Other than that, they're cowards. They don't want any responsibility for anything, which is why they refuse to do anything
Why even bother then?

You take Congress and are content to do nothing?
They are content with letting Obama do what he wants, because they'll have no responsibility for anything. They are also content with pushing the crony capitalist agenda of the Chamber of Commerce which has much the same agenda as Obama. Obamacare, open borders, ect
As the Republicans near the end of their first year controlling Congress....what do they have to show for it?

Well, they all got new titles and chairmanships
They got to brag about their historic victory
Probably got better parking spaces in the Senate Parking Garage

Other than that, it seems like Obama got all the victories

That's all the establishment wanted. Other than that, they're cowards. They don't want any responsibility for anything, which is why they refuse to do anything
Why even bother then?

You take Congress and are content to do nothing?
They are content with letting Obama do what he wants, because they'll have no responsibility for anything. They are also content with pushing the crony capitalist agenda of the Chamber of Commerce which has much the same agenda as Obama. Obamacare, open borders, ect
They control Congress for the first time in eight years and their strategy is to let Obama call the shots?
As the Republicans near the end of their first year controlling Congress....what do they have to show for it?

Well, they all got new titles and chairmanships
They got to brag about their historic victory
Probably got better parking spaces in the Senate Parking Garage

Other than that, it seems like Obama got all the victories

That's all the establishment wanted. Other than that, they're cowards. They don't want any responsibility for anything, which is why they refuse to do anything
Why even bother then?

You take Congress and are content to do nothing?
They are content with letting Obama do what he wants, because they'll have no responsibility for anything. They are also content with pushing the crony capitalist agenda of the Chamber of Commerce which has much the same agenda as Obama. Obamacare, open borders, ect
They control Congress for the first time in eight years and their strategy is to let Obama call the shots?

Seems so doesn't it? what do you see?
You mean the one the anti collectivists hated, but decided to take instead, like Medicare she BARELY paid into? lol

A principled woman that fetishists was...

What are your claims of what she paid in and got out based on?

What about liberal politicians who advocate others pay taxes then cheat on their own taxes (e.g., Rangle, Daschle), evade taxes (gates, buffett) and give squat to charity (Obama, Biden), what ratio is acceptable to you?


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

more than you do. For example, you keep claiming Rand collected more in government than she paid. I asked for evidence of that. The owman probably paid millions with all the books etc she paid. where is you evidence she collected more? Apparently you know you pulled that out of your ass since this deflection was your response

Bubba, YOU claimed she was "principled" how is it she collected Medicare YET was taxed ONLY on wages (not income) at a MAX of 1% (most years less) from 1965 to her death in 1979?


Social Security and Medicare Tax Rates, Calendar Years 1937 - 2009


you don't know who ayn rand is, do you? She made a shit load of money, and all that was taxed. Earth, calling dud2all, anyone in there?

And tell us how you hate Obama for saying he should pay more taxes, then he didn't pay them. you said that's your standard, right? people following up and doing what they advocate? What an asswipe Obama is. you voted for Romney, right?


Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG

"Jewboy".. LOL...Obama gave them what they have, and he would give them more and more until they are a world power, but you like that because you think the'll use that power to kill Jews. I realize you're sickly, so I'll let slide your comment. Chicago isn't far from Detroit sickly boy.

Roid-boy, you realize making threats is against the rules, right.

If the Jews can't live in peace with their neighbors, they should go back to Europe where they came from.


I don't think you people are worth ONE AMERICAN LIFE. Period. And most Americans feel the same way.

Israel's problems with Iran are NOT our problems. If the Iranians wipe their sorry asses out, no skin off my ass.

What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy:cool:

But pray they get wiped out to get to the mythology of the "book" by some superstitious morons!
Just when we think we have enough clowns on the board, you show up ...Another mental patient :cuckoo:

What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy

Really/ Then why did Obama win this vote, then, you dumb-ass.

Americans are sick you dragging us into your fights. Maybe you need to teach your fellows how to swim

The American people didn't have a vote on this genius. If we had there would be no deal:slap:

Forgot 2008 and 2012 huh? We have a REPRESENTATIVE Republic Bubs.. YOU LOST on that part!
As the Republicans near the end of their first year controlling Congress....what do they have to show for it?

Well, they all got new titles and chairmanships
They got to brag about their historic victory
Probably got better parking spaces in the Senate Parking Garage

Other than that, it seems like Obama got all the victories

That's all the establishment wanted. Other than that, they're cowards. They don't want any responsibility for anything, which is why they refuse to do anything

Yes, unlike about 25% of US who "support" the loons of Trump,Palin, Cruz, Ryan, etc, MOST of US don't want Gov't blown up!
Wrong:slap:..Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars, to build up their military and continue to fund terrorist, kill Americans, and eventually get a nuclear weapon?. Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no.

Okay, let's unpack that snively, whiny statement, shall we?

Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars,

That money legally belongs to Iran. I know as a Jew, you have no problem taking other people's stuff, but as a moral and legal matter, those assets legally belong to Iran.

to build up their military

Again, no real evidence that's what they'd use it for. We sell the Saudis and Zionists a lot more than that in weapons sales every year.

and continue to fund terrorist,

And who do you define as "Terrorists". You know, Ronnie Reagan called Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. He only became a "Terrorist" when he started killing Americans.

Now, if you want to talk about them funding Hamas, we don't have a beef with Hamas. Hamas isn't attacking us. they are attacking the Zionists. So not my problem. This is where you keep trying to conflate the Zionists' self-inflicted problems with our concerns.

kill Americans,

And when did they do that? Most Americans who are killed by terrorists are killed by SUNNI terrorists funded by our so-called "Allies" over there. Like ISIS, they were funded entirely by the Turks and Saudis, who were supposedly our "Allies". The last "Terrorist" attack you guys can pin on someone allied to Iran that killed Americans was the Khobar Towers, in 1996. 20 years ago? Really?

and eventually get a nuclear weapon?.

You know, I vaguely remember you shits trying to use this kind of hysteria to justify the war in Iraq. Oh, wait, they didn't have WMD's. Frankly, I'm a lot more worried about Pakistan (a country that regularly overthrows its democratically elected leaders and is beligerent with India) having nukes than I am with Iran, a democracy that really hasn't attacked any of its neighbors.

Yes, Iran is more of a Democracy than the Zionist Entity is.

Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no

My answer would be the same as any person.

Would you want your son or daughter to DIE to keep the Zionists safe?

And the answer of any sane person would be no.
What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy

Really/ Then why did Obama win this vote, then, you dumb-ass.

Americans are sick you dragging us into your fights. Maybe you need to teach your fellows how to swim

The American people didn't have a vote on this genius. If we had there would be no deal:slap:

Forgot 2008 and 2012 huh? We have a REPRESENTATIVE Republic Bubs.. YOU LOST on that part!

Obama!...Obama!...Obama!... Stupid clone:slap:


Support for President Obama’s nuclear deal with the regime in Iran has dwindled to just 21% among the American people, according to a new poll released by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center on Tuesday.

The new poll results display that 49% of Americans disapprove of the nuclear accord, while 30% remain without a well-held opinion on the matter.

As the American people continue to absorb the Iran deal’s specifics and its ramifications, they have become less likely to support the agreement.

Support For Iran Deal Collapses Among Americans

It's a joke, McConnell is an Obama puppet, and idiots like Bob Corker gave us the Iran deal as much as Obama. Harry Reid is a much better leader of the senate than Mitch McConnell. He got things done for the leftist. McConnell should resigned in disgrace:mad:

Yes....It's filled with old guard establishment RINO's who care only about keeping their seats.
What threats?:dunno:.Most Americans support Israel sickly boy

Really/ Then why did Obama win this vote, then, you dumb-ass.

Americans are sick you dragging us into your fights. Maybe you need to teach your fellows how to swim

The American people didn't have a vote on this genius. If we had there would be no deal:slap:

Forgot 2008 and 2012 huh? We have a REPRESENTATIVE Republic Bubs.. YOU LOST on that part!

Obama!...Obama!...Obama!... Stupid clone:slap:


Support for President Obama’s nuclear deal with the regime in Iran has dwindled to just 21% among the American people, according to a new poll released by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center on Tuesday.

The new poll results display that 49% of Americans disapprove of the nuclear accord, while 30% remain without a well-held opinion on the matter.

As the American people continue to absorb the Iran deal’s specifics and its ramifications, they have become less likely to support the agreement.

Support For Iran Deal Collapses Among Americans

And IF we had a direct democracy, THAT would matter. LMAOROG
Wrong:slap:..Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars, to build up their military and continue to fund terrorist, kill Americans, and eventually get a nuclear weapon?. Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no.

Okay, let's unpack that snively, whiny statement, shall we?

Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars,

That money legally belongs to Iran. I know as a Jew, you have no problem taking other people's stuff, but as a moral and legal matter, those assets legally belong to Iran.

to build up their military

Again, no real evidence that's what they'd use it for. We sell the Saudis and Zionists a lot more than that in weapons sales every year.

and continue to fund terrorist,

And who do you define as "Terrorists". You know, Ronnie Reagan called Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. He only became a "Terrorist" when he started killing Americans.

Now, if you want to talk about them funding Hamas, we don't have a beef with Hamas. Hamas isn't attacking us. they are attacking the Zionists. So not my problem. This is where you keep trying to conflate the Zionists' self-inflicted problems with our concerns.

kill Americans,

And when did they do that? Most Americans who are killed by terrorists are killed by SUNNI terrorists funded by our so-called "Allies" over there. Like ISIS, they were funded entirely by the Turks and Saudis, who were supposedly our "Allies". The last "Terrorist" attack you guys can pin on someone allied to Iran that killed Americans was the Khobar Towers, in 1996. 20 years ago? Really?

and eventually get a nuclear weapon?.

You know, I vaguely remember you shits trying to use this kind of hysteria to justify the war in Iraq. Oh, wait, they didn't have WMD's. Frankly, I'm a lot more worried about Pakistan (a country that regularly overthrows its democratically elected leaders and is beligerent with India) having nukes than I am with Iran, a democracy that really hasn't attacked any of its neighbors.

Yes, Iran is more of a Democracy than the Zionist Entity is.

Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no

My answer would be the same as any person.

Would you want your son or daughter to DIE to keep the Zionists safe?

And the answer of any sane person would be no.
Joe, you are an America hating shit eater. You don't count.
Wrong:slap:..Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars, to build up their military and continue to fund terrorist, kill Americans, and eventually get a nuclear weapon?. Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no.

Okay, let's unpack that snively, whiny statement, shall we?

Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars,

That money legally belongs to Iran. I know as a Jew, you have no problem taking other people's stuff, but as a moral and legal matter, those assets legally belong to Iran.

to build up their military

Again, no real evidence that's what they'd use it for. We sell the Saudis and Zionists a lot more than that in weapons sales every year.

and continue to fund terrorist,

And who do you define as "Terrorists". You know, Ronnie Reagan called Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. He only became a "Terrorist" when he started killing Americans.

Now, if you want to talk about them funding Hamas, we don't have a beef with Hamas. Hamas isn't attacking us. they are attacking the Zionists. So not my problem. This is where you keep trying to conflate the Zionists' self-inflicted problems with our concerns.

kill Americans,

And when did they do that? Most Americans who are killed by terrorists are killed by SUNNI terrorists funded by our so-called "Allies" over there. Like ISIS, they were funded entirely by the Turks and Saudis, who were supposedly our "Allies". The last "Terrorist" attack you guys can pin on someone allied to Iran that killed Americans was the Khobar Towers, in 1996. 20 years ago? Really?

and eventually get a nuclear weapon?.

You know, I vaguely remember you shits trying to use this kind of hysteria to justify the war in Iraq. Oh, wait, they didn't have WMD's. Frankly, I'm a lot more worried about Pakistan (a country that regularly overthrows its democratically elected leaders and is beligerent with India) having nukes than I am with Iran, a democracy that really hasn't attacked any of its neighbors.

Yes, Iran is more of a Democracy than the Zionist Entity is.

Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no

My answer would be the same as any person.

Would you want your son or daughter to DIE to keep the Zionists safe?

And the answer of any sane person would be no.
Joe, you are an America hating shit eater. You don't count.

Typical CONservative discounting others views based in reality *shrug*
Wrong:slap:..Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars, to build up their military and continue to fund terrorist, kill Americans, and eventually get a nuclear weapon?. Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no.

Okay, let's unpack that snively, whiny statement, shall we?

Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars,

That money legally belongs to Iran. I know as a Jew, you have no problem taking other people's stuff, but as a moral and legal matter, those assets legally belong to Iran.

to build up their military

Again, no real evidence that's what they'd use it for. We sell the Saudis and Zionists a lot more than that in weapons sales every year.

and continue to fund terrorist,

And who do you define as "Terrorists". You know, Ronnie Reagan called Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. He only became a "Terrorist" when he started killing Americans.

Now, if you want to talk about them funding Hamas, we don't have a beef with Hamas. Hamas isn't attacking us. they are attacking the Zionists. So not my problem. This is where you keep trying to conflate the Zionists' self-inflicted problems with our concerns.

kill Americans,

And when did they do that? Most Americans who are killed by terrorists are killed by SUNNI terrorists funded by our so-called "Allies" over there. Like ISIS, they were funded entirely by the Turks and Saudis, who were supposedly our "Allies". The last "Terrorist" attack you guys can pin on someone allied to Iran that killed Americans was the Khobar Towers, in 1996. 20 years ago? Really?

and eventually get a nuclear weapon?.

You know, I vaguely remember you shits trying to use this kind of hysteria to justify the war in Iraq. Oh, wait, they didn't have WMD's. Frankly, I'm a lot more worried about Pakistan (a country that regularly overthrows its democratically elected leaders and is beligerent with India) having nukes than I am with Iran, a democracy that really hasn't attacked any of its neighbors.

Yes, Iran is more of a Democracy than the Zionist Entity is.

Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no

My answer would be the same as any person.

Would you want your son or daughter to DIE to keep the Zionists safe?

And the answer of any sane person would be no.

Your post is pure ignorant stupidity. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it. "the Zionist are coming" ..."The Zionist are coming" :uhoh3:


Explosively formed penetrators — a particularly deadly form of roadside bomb — killed 196 American soldiers in Iraq troops and injured 861.over a five-and-a-half-year period, according to recently declassified Pentagon documents.

How Many US Troops Were Killed by Iranian IED's?
Wrong:slap:..Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars, to build up their military and continue to fund terrorist, kill Americans, and eventually get a nuclear weapon?. Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no.

Okay, let's unpack that snively, whiny statement, shall we?

Do you want Iran to receive 150 billion dollars,

That money legally belongs to Iran. I know as a Jew, you have no problem taking other people's stuff, but as a moral and legal matter, those assets legally belong to Iran.

to build up their military

Again, no real evidence that's what they'd use it for. We sell the Saudis and Zionists a lot more than that in weapons sales every year.

and continue to fund terrorist,

And who do you define as "Terrorists". You know, Ronnie Reagan called Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians. He only became a "Terrorist" when he started killing Americans.

Now, if you want to talk about them funding Hamas, we don't have a beef with Hamas. Hamas isn't attacking us. they are attacking the Zionists. So not my problem. This is where you keep trying to conflate the Zionists' self-inflicted problems with our concerns.

kill Americans,

And when did they do that? Most Americans who are killed by terrorists are killed by SUNNI terrorists funded by our so-called "Allies" over there. Like ISIS, they were funded entirely by the Turks and Saudis, who were supposedly our "Allies". The last "Terrorist" attack you guys can pin on someone allied to Iran that killed Americans was the Khobar Towers, in 1996. 20 years ago? Really?

and eventually get a nuclear weapon?.

You know, I vaguely remember you shits trying to use this kind of hysteria to justify the war in Iraq. Oh, wait, they didn't have WMD's. Frankly, I'm a lot more worried about Pakistan (a country that regularly overthrows its democratically elected leaders and is beligerent with India) having nukes than I am with Iran, a democracy that really hasn't attacked any of its neighbors.

Yes, Iran is more of a Democracy than the Zionist Entity is.

Your answer would be yes most sane people would say no

My answer would be the same as any person.

Would you want your son or daughter to DIE to keep the Zionists safe?

And the answer of any sane person would be no.
Joe, you are an America hating shit eater. You don't count.

Typical CONservative discounting others views based in reality *shrug*

You don't have your own view. You're a parrot, you repeat what's been fed to you:suck:

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